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December 31, 2020
LIFE SITE NEWS — PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP: Today is the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket on December 29, 1170. Thomas Becket was a statesman, a scholar, a chancellor, a priest, an archbishop, and a lion of religious liberty. Before the Magna Carta was drafted, before the right to free exercise of religion was enshrined as America's first freedom in our glorious Constitution, Thomas gave his life so that, as he said, "the Church will attain liberty and peace."... (more)

December 31, 2020
JOHN SOLOMON — President Trump's supporters across the country are escalating efforts to contest the Nov. 3 election results ahead of Wednesday's official certification by Congress, with some Pennsylvania lawmakers making a special appeal to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Georgia Republicans scoring an 11th-hour court hearing.... (more)

December 31, 2020
STEVEN MOSHER — The outcome of the presidential election of 2020 will be finally decided, it appears now, on January 6. That's the day when the House and the Senate meet in joint session, with Vice President Mike Pence presiding, to vote on whether to accept the electoral college votes from each of the fifty states. As the 12th Amendment specifies, this will be done state by state, in alphabetical order.... (more)

December 31, 2020
THE FEDERALIST — Back in the day, when I was managing editor at the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Mont., I enjoyed the end-of-year ritual of voting in the Associated Press's poll of the Top 10 news stories. When I started participating in the year 2000, my list would include many of the same stories that made the final AP list, although often with differences in ranking. But by the time I retired in 2018, my view of the news had sharply diverged from the AP's consensus view. I'd become something of a gadfly by then, questioning what seemed to be an ever more transparent left-leaning bias in mainstream reporting.... (more)

December 31, 2020
BOB UNRUH — At least one senator has announced plans to join members of the U.S. House in objecting to the Electoral College votes that are expected to result in a Joe Biden presidency during a joint assembly of Congress that could be "messy," and ultimately could leave a cloud over the Democrat's administration.... (more)

December 31, 2020
EPOCH TIMES — Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley became the first senator to publicly announce that he'll be challenging the Electoral College results on Jan. 6.... (more)

December 31, 2020
EPOCH TIMES — Arizona's attorney general on Wednesday said the state legislature has the authority to issue subpoenas regarding the administration of elections. Attorney General Mark Brnovich sided with state lawmakers who are trying to compel Maricopa County election officials to produce material from the Nov. 3 election, including scans of mail-in ballots and images from voting machines.... (more)

December 30, 2020
JUST THE NEWS — The state of Pennsylvania is still uncertain just how many residents voted in the 2020 election, a state official revealed this week, amid allegations of discrepancies between ballots and voter rolls in the battleground state.... (more)

December 30, 2020
THE FEDERALIST — On Monday, attorneys for the owner of the Delaware-based computer shop who serviced Hunter Biden's laptop filed suit in a Florida federal district court against Twitter for defamation. John Paul Mac Isaac's lawsuit alleges Twitter defamed him by labeling him a hacker in an attempt to justify its censorship of the New York Post's bombshell story exposing the younger Biden selling access to his father.... (more)

December 30, 2020
NEWSMAX TV — Filling in for Greg Kelly, former Navy Seal psyops specialist Carl Higbie lays out the de facto coup the Democrats and activist media accuse Trump of pursuing in order to cover up their own socialist coup involving destabilizing America through "creeping gradualism."... (more)

December 29, 2020
TAMMY BRUCE — In a year-end vote that wasn't controlled by the Democratic Party machine or reliant on inscrutable mail-in ballots, President Trump has been voted the nation's most admired man for 2020 in Gallup's annual poll. This is the first time Mr. Trump has achieved the top spot in the poll. Last year, he tied with former President Obama who had enjoyed the No. 1 spot for a remarkable 12 years.... (more)

December 29, 2020
WASHINGTON TIMES — Kevin Broughton, a former tea party activist and self-described "right-winger," made personal history by casting his ballot for a Democratic presidential candidate for the first time in his life. But he said there's no way he will back the two Democratic candidates, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, in next week's runoff Senate elections in Georgia.... (more)

December 29, 2020
NEW YORK POST — A Delaware computer repairman who went public with the sordid contents of Hunter Biden's hard drive is now suing Twitter for defamation -- claiming its content moderation unfairly branded him a "hacker."... (more)

December 29, 2020
EPOCH TIMES — Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), who is vying for re-election in the Jan. 5 Senate runoff race, suggested that she might join the effort to challenge key states' Electoral College votes when they are read during the Jan. 6 Joint Session of Congress.... (more)

December 27, 2020
AMERICAN GREATNESS — A group of Republican Pennsylvania state lawmakers announced Monday that the certified results of the 2020 election for president in the Keystone State were off by more than 200,000 votes--more than twice the margin of Biden's alleged victory.... (more)

December 27, 2020
EPOCH TIMES — One of President Donald Trump's attorneys on Monday said the Department of Justice (DOJ) should have done more in investigating election fraud during the Nov. 3 contest. Jesse Binnall, a Trump attorney who filed lawsuits on behalf of the campaign in Nevada, told Just The News that the DOJ dragged its heels and didn't look into evidence that was brought forward.... (more)

December 27, 2020
NEWSMAX — The divide in America is not left versus right, but insiders against the outsider, President Donald Trump, according to former Republican strategist Roger Stone. "Things in Washington – things in the country – cannot be viewed through the prism of Republican versus Democrat," Stone told Sunday's "The Cats Roundtable" on WABC 770 AM-N.Y. "That's not the divide in America.... (more)

December 27, 2020
JUST THE NEWS — "Starting after Christmas," the challenge to the validity of the Nov. 3 presidential election results "is really going to blow up," Rudy Giuliani told listeners in a portentous Christmas Day episode of his podcast Common Sense.... (more)

December 27, 2020
JOE KOVACS — More than seven weeks after Election Day on Nov. 3, President Trump remains defiant against forces he says are stealing away his re-election, proclaiming that "When it is all over...WE WILL WIN!' In a Saturday night tweet storm, Trump began by issuing a call to senators in his own party to step up to the plate and go to war for him.... (more)

December 27, 2020
AMERICAN GREATNESS — I have admired Andrew McCarthy since I was a diplomat in the Middle East, and he filed the indictment against Sheikh Omar for the 1994 bombing of the World Trade Center. He has been right, and courageous, about many things in the years since then. But he is wrong about the massive election fraud in November, and especially about the Allied Security Operations Group report signed by Russ Ramsland that focuses on the role of the Dominion Voting Systems machines in Antrim County, Michigan.... (more)

December 27, 2020
AMERICAN GREATNESS — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) took to the floor of the United States Senate last week to officially recognize Joe Biden as president-elect. McConnell was sending a message to his Republican colleagues: stand down, it is time to move on.... (more)

December 27, 2020
OAN — As details continue to come to light about Hunter Biden's suspicious dealings with China, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has also been coming under fire for conflicts of interest with the communist country. One America's Richard Pollock spoke with Peter Schweizer and has more from Washington.... (more)

December 25, 2020
STEPHEN STONE — In a two-minute tweet, Joe and Jill Biden gave a Christmas-day message that called for acts of charity without acknowledging the biblical principles that enable them – namely, that true charity comes freely from the kindness of those who love God, not from coercion or intimidation from those in power (methods that are inevitably doomed to fail, since they ignore human nature).... (more)

December 24, 2020
OAN — President Trump recently shared a video on his Twitter account, which sheds light on mass voter fraud. On Sunday, he retweeted the video titled "The Plot to Steal America." The video's creator, Seth Holehouse, said he works to expose the "communist agenda that threatens our freedom and to bring hope to patriots."... (more)

December 24, 2020
BITCHUTE — Tuesday night, President Trump addressed the nation from the White House and said, "My fellow Americans, today I want to explain to you why I am so determined to pursue every legal and constitutional option available to stop the theft of the presidential election." He then laid out compelling evidence that the 2020 election was "the most corrupt election in the history of our country" and concluded, "We cannot allow [such] a completely fraudulent election to stand" if Americans are to have faith in future elections.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
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Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Curtis Dahlgren
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Socialism never works

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