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November 18, 2018
REV. MARK H. CREECH — After suffering a heart attack and having quadruple bypass surgery, a man awakened to find himself in a Catholic hospital with Nuns taking care of him. As they nursed him back to good health, one of the Nuns asked if he had health insurance. "No, unfortunately not," he replied. "Do you have any money in the bank?" asked the Nun. "No. No money in the bank either," the man said. "Do you have any relatives you could ask for help?" the Nun continued.... (more)

November 18, 2018
REUTERS — Authorities sifted through the charred wreckage of California's deadliest ever wildfire on Sunday, searching for any signs of the 1,276 people now listed as missing after the Camp Fire tore through the mountain town of Paradise.... (more)

November 18, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., called Republican challenger Rick Scott on Sunday to concede their race, ending a protracted dispute between the rivals over the results of their tight election.... (more)

November 16, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a Democrat, refused to concede in her race against Republican Brian Kemp, but has said there is no possibility of her defeating Kemp and has concluded her bid for Georgia governor.... (more)

November 16, 2018
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — Republicans Ron DeSantis and Rick Scott would have seen their margins in the governor and Senate races increase had county officials in two Democratic counties met the recount deadline Thursday. In Hillsborough County, the officials were perfectly clear: They flatly refused to submit the recounted numbers even though they had them on time.... (more)

November 16, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Utah Republican Rep. Mia Love has taken the lead over her Democratic challenger in a race so tight it's within the recount threshold. Results released Friday by Utah and Salt Lake counties show that Love flipped the lead Ben McAdams had held since election night to move ahead of him by 419 votes in a race where a total of about 257,600 ballots have been counted so far.... (more)

November 16, 2018
PATRICK J. BUCHANAN — Last week, the White House revoked the press pass of CNN's chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, and denied him access to the building. CNN responded by filing suit in federal court against the president. Acosta's First and Fifth Amendment rights had been violated, said CNN. The demand: Acosta's press pass must be returned immediately and his White House press privileges restored.... (more)

November 15, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — Republican Senate candidate Rick Scott's lead over Democrat incumbent Bill Nelson increased by roughly 1,000 votes relative to the total reported on Election Night following a machine recount that concluded Thursday afternoon.... (more)

November 15, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Matthew G. Whitaker's appointment to be acting attorney general is not only legal, but it's also similar to moves made by the Obama and Bush administrations, the Justice Department's office of legal counsel said Wednesday, mounting a firm defense of President Trump's pick.... (more)

November 15, 2018
NEWSMAX — The Democrats are up to their same old tricks down in Florida regarding the midterm elections recounts, Bill O'Reilly told Newsmax TV. O'Reilly was on Wednesday's "The Wayne Allyn Root Show" and said Democrats in Florida are trying to use the court system to overturn the results of the Senate and gubernatorial races in the Sunshine State.... (more)

November 15, 2018
JOSEPH FARAH — Jim Acosta has made quite a name for himself covering President Trump's White House. I had my own crazy run-in with the CNN reporter going back about nine years, when his role there in Barack Obama's White House was a little different. It was 2009, Obama's first year in the Oval Office.... (more)

November 15, 2018
BRIETBART — Portions of the migrant caravan consisting of nearly 900 Central Americans in 22 buses arrived in the northern border state of Sonora, escorted by state and federal police on Wednesday.... (more)

November 15, 2018
NEWSMAX — Defense Secretary James Mattis visited the U.S.-Mexico border Wednesday, where more than 5,000 troops are deployed to bolster protection ahead of an expected migrant caravan from Central America. Mattis visited soldiers for about an hour at Camp Donna outside McAllen, Texas, NBC News reported.... (more)

November 15, 2018
THE HILL — Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Tuesday said he would "totally" look into the FBI's handling of its investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails if he becomes chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.... (more)

November 15, 2018
BILL FEDERER — He lost two sons in the Revolution and was the only clergyman to sign the Declaration. His name was John Witherspoon. A delegate from New Jersey, he declared: "Gentlemen, New Jersey is ready to vote for independence. ... The country is not only ripe for independence, but we are in danger of becoming rotten for the want of it!"... (more)

November 15, 2018
NEWSMAX — The remains of eight more victims were found on Wednesday in and around a northern California town overrun by flames last week, raising the death toll to 56 in a wildfire disaster that ranks as the most lethal and destructive in the state's history.... (more)

November 15, 2018
SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE — Researchers with UC San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Princeton University recently walked back scientific findings published last month that showed oceans have been heating up dramatically faster than previously thought as a result of climate change.... (more)

November 15, 2018
MY SAN ANTONIO — San Antonio reached a low of 23 degrees at the airport this morning, which tied for the fourth-coldest November low temperature on record. The only colder temperatures were recorded in 1976 and 1886, and both were later in the month.... (more)

November 15, 2018
NEWSMAX — Florida school shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz faces new charges including use of the officer's electric stun device after attacking a detention officer at the county jail.... (more)

November 14, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — The midterm elections didn't deliver the shellacking Democrats suffered in 2010, but President Trump's "big victory" is looking less impressive as the days wear on, with more House and Senate races slipping from the GOP's grasp. Republican losses swelled to at least 35 House seats, and the total could reach 40 when the last of the too-close-to-call races are settled. Democrats also flipped a second Senate seat from red to blue Tuesday with Kyrsten Sinema named the winner in the Arizona race.... (more)

November 14, 2018
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON — The revolution of 1776 sought to turn a colony of Great Britain into a new independent republic based on constitutionally protected freedom. It succeeded with the creation of the United States. The failed revolution of 1861, by a slave-owning South declaring its independence from the Union, sought to bifurcate the country, More than 600,000 dead later, slavery was abolished, a Confederacy was in in ruins, and the South was forced back into the United States largely on the conditions and terms of the victorious North.... (more)

November 13, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — Another conflict-of-interest charge was leveled against special counsel Robert Mueller's team when a witness pointed out Tuesday the special counsel lawyer questioning her represented Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation only a short time ago. Now, the former Clinton lawyer is questioning witnesses regarding possible links to the Trump campaign that defeated Clinton in the 2016 election.... (more)

November 13, 2018
HOLLYWOOD REPORTER — As the Woolsey Fire raged over the weekend, destroying homes, wildlife and roads, it also tore open a more existential wound, consuming several pieces of Hollywood history and turning a geography of cinematic lore to cinder and ash. "This is an incredible loss that we haven't even begun to put our head around yet," said Cari Beauchamp, a Hollywood historian and resident scholar of Mary Pickford Foundation, which promotes film archival and restoration projects.... (more)

November 13, 2018
WES VERNON — The 100th year anniversary this month of the end of World War I gave us time to reflect on the worldwide disquiet that ensued after that bloody conflict and its long-lasting destructive effect that haunt us to this day. We were thus able to review this hugely pivotal dividing point in history and to see why much of the relative calm that prevailed before then is viewed by many historians as "strange."... (more)

November 13, 2018
LET'S TALK AMERICA — Alan Keyes offers his thoughts on the Nov. 6, midterm election, and emphasizes the need to trust in God and seek His will in the face of destructive designs by those who wish to take control of our country and limit our God-given liberties and rights.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
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Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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Rev. Mark H. Creech
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Fearmongering? I don't think so

Curtis Dahlgren
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