Victor Sharpe
Though they will not expose it in the media, Arab-Muslim anti-Israel activists feel a profound and debilitating sense of humiliation at the inherent failings of their own societies. So, what better way to deflect their dissatisfaction within Araby than to employ the language of the Left – in particular, such phrases as "national liberation" and "anti-apartheid" – with which to level false charges against the embattled Jewish state?
It doesn't matter to these Arab-Muslims, to their Western apologists, or to their leftist and progressive amen chorus that Israel is dwarfed by an enormous Arab landmass, which is 570 times greater than that of Israel which, in comparison, is but a sliver of a country, no larger than Wales or New Jersey. Indeed, the leftists, while ironically turning their venom upon the one state in the Middle East that provides its people, Jews, Christians, Muslims with freedoms no Arab or Muslim country will ever provide, choose to embrace the Arab falsehoods. Why? Because the Left is terrified of being seen as racist. Yet by their very own actions and words, they are just that.
The Left buys the Arab and Muslim lies against Israel because they believe that the Arabs can never change for the better. That is pure racism of the worst kind. The corollary to this put-down of an entire Arab ethnicity is that the Left refuses to admit that it is the Arab-Muslim culture that actively engages in the very evil practices that they falsely claim occurs in Israel. And where do you find apartheid, racism, repression, torture? Not in Israel, but in the very Arab-Muslim world the Left supports and embraces.
Leftists will always invoke liberal values, but if they truly cared about them, they would first address the Arab-Muslim political culture that by its very nature is inimical to liberalism. And when such leftist hypocrisy is exposed, the Left always retreats to the tawdry defense of hurling charges of Islamophobia and racism at all who attempt to correct it.
Indeed, left-wing attempts at silencing critics who question the Left's manic obsession of only attacking Israel merely continue to hurt the millions of Arab-Muslims who suffer within societies still rooted in a 7th century mindset. The leftist and progressive so-called human rights activists and college-age drones, while obsessed with attacking the Jewish state, remain astonishingly silent on the massive human rights abuses endemic in the Arab and Muslim world.
Before the Islamist and Hamas atrocity committed against Israel on October 7, 2023, when over 1,200 Jewish and some Christian Israelis were slaughtered by the Arabs from Gaza, Gaza's shops were full of every commodity; their people were well-fed, despite what the mainstream media wrote. Gaza's Hamas occupier (the same Islamic terror machine that calls in its charter for the slaughter of Jews and the violent destruction of Israel) continued then as now to be the recipient of billions of dollars from the European Union, the United Nations, and even from American taxpayer money, courtesy first of Barack Hussein Obama and now of his puppet, Joe Biden.
Days after Oct. 7, the administration began demanding that Israel provide a constant and ever-growing supply of food, water, medicine as well as other goods to the residents of Gaza. As the Biden regime routinely ratcheted up its demands, it cited wholly unsupported, and now discredited, claims from the U.N. that Gaza was on the verge of famine.
As the hoped for full and final destruction of Hamas by the IDF winds down, it is Gaza that remains the object de jour of the Leftist Democrat Biden regime. Even while the suffering Kurds are grievously denied a homeland, the disinherited Tibetans suffer under Communist China, black victims of Arab tyranny and genocide throughout Africa are conveniently ignored, the Leftists fail to appreciate that it is empirically racist to have lower expectations for non-Westerners.
If the radical Left and progressives (today's communists by another name) are so concerned about "justice and peace" – words which have now become terminally tarnished by their utterances in the mouths of so many hypocrites and charlatans – they should be challenged about how their persistent and obsessive attacks on Israel wound the Jewish survivors of Palestinian Arab terror. Or is Jewish blood of no consequence to the radical Left or of President Biden.
If the Left, radical and otherwise, is for justice, why then do its members ignore the Jews who were persecuted, uprooted, and forced from their homes in Araby into exile simply because they were Jews? The question every leftist should be asked is why does the Left not demand justice for these victims instead of obsessively attacking the ancestral and Biblical Jewish homeland, the very land these Jewish refugees from Muslim hate now live in?
One wonders if American leftists and the mobs of grossly uneducated and manipulated university students truly understand historical and political realities in the Middle East and North Africa from which some 800,000 Jews were brutally expelled – a number greater than those Arabs who needlessly followed in the same year the commands of their corrupt Arab League leaders and who needlessly left their homes during the 1948 Arab-Israel War.
One wonders if such leftists and the indoctrinated students even know that in 1922, Britain tore away almost 80% of Mandatory Palestine – land much of which had been promised earlier to the Jewish people by Great Britain. That land lay east of the Jordan River and Britain arbitrarily created a new Arab state called Jordan in it. Or do they know that, in reality, Jordan is thus Palestine? Do the leftists and progressives know, or even care, that Jews were immediately driven out from four fifths of the territory that became Jordan – parts of the very land they had been promised by the British government in 1917 as a future national Jewish home?
Do the masses of college students in the U.S., who flock to the siren call of the mendacious Arab anti-Israel disinformation machine, realize that the Arab-Muslim land mass has spread over nearly 12 million square kilometers throughout the Mid-East and North Africa? Do these same college-age students ever ask themselves why so many educated, intelligent young Arabs and Muslims become suicide killers and massacre thousands – mostly fellow Muslims – and why so many millions of Muslims yet applaud their atrocities? Why does the Left remain so strangely indifferent in the face of the indoctrination of so many young, susceptible Arab and Muslim minds by hate-filled imams?
These facts should repel Western college and university students who fiercely reject the notion that they too are being indoctrinated. But it seems that by their willing acceptance and espousal of the disinformation they receive from the Left, and from the highly sophisticated and well-financed Arab propaganda machine, they are themselves deeply indoctrinated.
Perhaps the narrative may yet change within Western campuses. The pendulum will swing back. Perhaps the students, the potential leaders of the future, will come to understand that Israeli Jews try to survive on a tiny sliver of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the River Jordan – a mere forty-plus miles at its widest – all that is left to them from the original British controlled Palestine Mandate.
And even the very ancestral and Biblical Jewish heartland of Judea and Samaria (the so-called West Bank) is demanded by the world to be torn away from that narrow strip and given to the Arabs to create yet another Arab state. But such a mini-state will be composed of hate-filled Muslim-Arabs who have undergone decades of anti-Jewish brainwashing and who desire one thing only: the violent destruction of what is left of Israel. This is no peace process. This is future genocide.
Perhaps the Western students will come to realize that despite the torrent of Arab-Muslim lies against Israel, the Left's eager embrace of such lies aided and abetted by the willing connivance of so many extreme leftist tenured professors, Israel's Muslim neighbors will never accept a non-Muslim state on land upon which the Muslim foot once trod triumphal – even though the Jewish inhabitants preceded Islam by millennia.
Perhaps, perhaps, they may even come to realize, before it is too late, that their own Western societies are threatened by Islamic triumphalism and the covert introduction of Islamic sharia law. Or will they and the Left continue to exist as veritable dhimmis under a horrifying veil of self-deception?
© Victor SharpeThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.