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November 12, 2018
CLIFF KINCAID — Republican National Committee Ronna McDaniel claims the forecasted Democratic Party blue wave tsunami turned into a ripple. In fact, Democrats could win 40 House seats, the most since Watergate. And another Watergate is what House Democrats have promised for President Trump. Democratic Party moneybags Tom Steyer spent more than $100 million promoting impeachment. He wants a return on investment.... (more)

November 12, 2018
TIMOTHY BUCHANAN — There's a question that is difficult to ask except among friends who are committed disciples of Christ. Most people will either be provoked to launch a vicious attack against the interrogator or else attempt to deflect the question by appealing to specious arguments and bogus alternative "values." But at this time in America's history, it demands an answer.... (more)

November 12, 2018
CHUCK NORRIS — I read a great 100-year old true story the other day that testifies to soldiers' and veterans' courageous spirits. Here's an inspiring story to rally our cheer for Veterans Day. Worchester News reported: "Private Leslie Friston signed up to fight in the First World War at the age of 21 and served with the 3/3rd Home Counties Field Ambulance unit in France and Belgium during the war years. His service number was 3621, later changing to 88882."... (more)

November 12, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — I voted by absentee ballot during the 2000 Presidential election. I had to. I was stationed at Fort Hood, Tex., and I sent my ballot via UPS to the office of the Broward County Supervisor of Elections. The reason I used UPS was that I had been away from home for three weeks of temporary duty in Washington before the election. I barely made it back in time in time to vote and send in my ballot.... (more)

November 12, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea says his department has reports of 110 people still missing in a massive Northern California wildfire that has scorched 164 square miles. Honea says he's hopeful that more of those missing people will be located. The department initially had more than 500 calls about citizens who were unable to reach loved ones. But he says they've been able to help locate many.... (more)

November 11, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump on Sunday honored Veterans Day and the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I by paying tribute to America's fallen heroes and the friendship with France that was "sealed in battle." At Suresnes American Cemetery and Memorial in France, Mr. Trump recalled that French and American troops "shed their blood together" to bring a victorious end to World War I.... (more)

November 11, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Florida Gov. Rick Scott declared victory on Sunday as officials in his state announced there will be a recount in his U.S. Senate race against Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson, along with recounts in the races for governor and agriculture commissioner. "Bill Nelson's a sore loser. We've won," Mr. Scott said on "Fox News Sunday." "I've had to win this election twice now. I will be going to Washington as the next U.S. senator from Florida, and I'm going to work hard to change the direction of this country like we did in Florida."... (more)

November 11, 2018
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — As I write on Friday, the restraining order hasn't come down yet. But it's just a matter of time. Some federal district judge, somewhere in the United States, will soon issue an injunction blocking enforcement of the Trump administration's restrictions on asylum applications.... (more)

November 11, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — It has no nudity. No profanity. No sex, no gore, no torture. There's no glamorized violence. Yet "The Reliant," a faith-based movie about life, values and the threat of anarchy in the world, has been given an R rating from the Motion Picture Association of America.... (more)

November 11, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Personal data including immigration status and employment information were compromised in a breach of HealthCare.gov that affected people who applied for coverage under the Affordable Care Act, former President Barack Obama's hallmark healthcare reform law, the Department of Health and Human Services said Friday.... (more)

November 10, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio called what was happening in his state "an outrage" Friday night, as questions continued to swirl around the Senate and gubernatorial vote in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Days after the deadline for early voting and the closing of polls on Election Day, officials in those two counties continued to make sporadic announcements of new vote counts, but the process has been opaque. Neither the number of votes that were ever available to count or that remain to be counted has even been made clear, according to Mr. Rubio and attorneys involved in the process.... (more)

November 10, 2018
NATIONAL REVIEW — A Florida judge has ordered Broward County Board of Elections supervisor Brenda Snipes to turn over all records requested by Republican Senate candidate Rick Scott no later than 7 p.m. Friday. Scott filed suit against Broward County on Thursday, demanding that Snipes comply with public-records law by revealing the number of mail-in absentee ballots her office has received, as well as how many of those have been counted thus far.... (more)

November 10, 2018
SUSAN FERRECHIO — It could be almost two weeks before Florida determines who will serve as the state's next governor and U.S. senator, but the countdown to determining the winners begins Saturday. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican, and Sen. Bill Nelson, a Democrat, are currently separated by just 15,000 votes in the race for U.S. Senate.... (more)

November 10, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — The Justice Department's oversight of the special counsel Russia probe has been the focus of Matthew Whitaker's days-old tenure as acting attorney general, but already his name is attached to a new rule that prevents people who enter the country illegally from claiming asylum.... (more)

November 10, 2018
WESLEY PRUDEN — The snowflake disease is catching. Donald Trump, of all people, tried to teach a couple of White House reporters a little needed manners this week and you might have thought he had repealed the First Amendment with an executive order. Several of the snowflakes, who make their living by posing embarrassing when not rude questions to nearly everyone they talk to in pursuit of a day's work, took to the fainting couches in the White House press lounge after the president returned shot for shell.... (more)

November 10, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Late-night comedian Stephen Colbert slammed the leftist mob that showed up at Fox News host Tucker Carlson's home Wednesday night as displaying "monstrous cowardice" that should not be tolerated. "Fighting Tucker Carlson's ideas is an American right," the CBS host tweeted Thursday. "Targeting his home and terrorizing his family is an act of monstrous cowardice. Obviously don't do this, but also, take no pleasure in it happening.... (more)

November 10, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — When a mob of left-wing antifa activists descended Wednesday night on Fox News personality Tucker Carlson's D.C. home, it signaled a new phase in the political violence and angry confrontations that now are targeting the news media. Political violence has been rising in the U.S. since 2012, according to the Global Terrorism Database. Increasingly aggressive activists have pushed political confrontation to the limit since 2016, accosting Republican lawmakers and Trump administration officials in restaurants and in the halls of Congress. And now they're going after conservative journalists at their homes.... (more)

November 10, 2018
TERENCE P. JEFFREY — The Census Bureau has released new data that strengthens the case for calling the current generation of American children "The Welfare Generation."... (more)

November 10, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The federal government is set to reinstate its borrowing limit, and a new analysis indicates that it will be a record-high $22 trillion -- and then, it won't provide enough money to fund the government past summer. The shocking number, however, is only slightly higher than the current actual debt of some $21 trillion.... (more)

November 10, 2018
DAILY MAIL — Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Calabasas home, Caitlyn Jenner's mansion in Malibu and even the famed Bachelor Mansion have been hit by the devastating wildfires overtaking Southern California. The Woolsey Fire reached the Kardashian-West pad in the Hidden Hills neighborhood on Friday afternoon, according to TMZ.... (more)

November 9, 2018
JOAN SWIRSKY — Well, whaddaya know? In the midterm elections of November 6, 2018, the American people rewarded the president -- for only the third time in almost a hundred years -- with a net gain of three and possibly four Senate seats, lost half the House seats that his predecessor lost, and left the radical left-wing Democrats not rejoicing at their meager gains, but still chomping at the bit to bring down the president who has effectively destroyed everything they believed in, worked for, and thought they achieved over the past 75 years.... (more)

November 8, 2018
CLIFF KINCAID — The election results are hardly the "great victory" claimed by President Trump. Republicans picked up a few seats in the Senate only because unpopular Democrats were up for re-election in conservative states, and lost the House. However, conservative Senator Ted Cruz barely survived in Texas, and the Republican gubernatorial candidate in conservative Georgia, Brian Kemp, only has a narrow lead.... (more)

November 8, 2018
PATRICK J. BUCHANAN — The war in Washington will not end until the presidency of Donald Trump ends. Everyone seems to sense that now. This is a fight to the finish. A post-election truce that began with Trump congratulating House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi -- "I give her a great deal of credit for what she's done and what she's accomplished" -- was ancient history by nightfall.... (more)

November 8, 2018
NEWSMAX — Florida Gov. Rick Scott's Senate campaign and the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) filed a lawsuit against the Broward County elections supervisor as votes continue to be counted -- and even discovered -- in Scott's tight race with incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.... (more)

November 8, 2018
NEWSMAX — Fox News anchor Chris Wallace lamented Thursday that CNN's chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta "makes it awfully hard to have journalistic solidarity" after the White House suspended his credentials.... (more)


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