Timothy Buchanan
The most despised question
By Timothy Buchanan
There's a question that is difficult to ask except among friends who are committed disciples of Christ. Most people will either be provoked to launch a vicious attack against the interrogator or else attempt to deflect the question by appealing to specious arguments and bogus alternative "values." But at this time in America's history, it demands an answer.
The dreaded question is this: "How is it not sin for a professing Christian to vote for a Democrat?" I've posed this question to many people over the past 20 years in different forms and various ways. It always elicits similar reactions, fight or flight.
We live in a dangerous time in which deceitful wordplay, counterfeit truth, and outright lies are widely circulated by a hostile news media. America is inundated with fake news stories, the promotion of phony ideals (called values), and false implications. Undoubtedly, pretend disciples of Christ – often referred to as nominal Christians – have been populating the Church since the resurrection. But since the Church has been entrusted with the Solution to all of man's problems, the first step in reforming American culture must be to reform the Church.
This week, Democrat voters elected the first openly communist member of Congress and two Muslim women. The ideologies of these three women are patently incompatible with the framework of responsible liberty and Judeo-Christian morality upon which the United States rests. (The Democrat party's embrace of radical feminism, abortion, and preferential treatment of LGBTQs is contrary even to Islam.) Years upon years of neglect and ignorance have made this dark day possible. For this, the Church bears the bulk of the blame.
How the Church failed
In their efforts to expand and prove that they are compassionate, open-minded and accommodating, mainline denominations have embraced nearly every destructive liberal ideal that exists in American culture. Socialism is embraced and promoted in many churches under the thinly-veiled moniker of "social-justice." Thus, churches are unwittingly being used as petri dishes in which to nurture anti-American ideologies.
Whole denominations of churches have entered into partnerships with secular political partners that undermine or prohibit the first mission of the Church, to "make disciples of all nations." Instead, they are making disciples of Satan while advancing the agenda and expanding the power and control of the Democrat party over individuals. Feeding programs are the most common ways that people are being put into bondage.
Because we have accepted the lie that love and sex are moral equivalents, homosexuality, lesbianism, and so-called "transgenderism" have invaded what were once vibrant churches of God. Well-meaning but naive folks have believed without question the twisted logic of early LGBTQ activists, "If you don't draw us with love, you won't drive us with fear." As a result, these churches are dead and dying; stagnant lifeless houses – not of the worship of God, but the worship of man.
Revival begins with truth
Whether in the Church or within a nation that has gone astray, revival and restoration begin with a return to basic principles. For the Church, that means truth. The most powerful weapon with which to defeat destructive ideas and tear down strongholds is the truth. America declined primarily because people ignored and denied the word of God and compromised truth by mixing it with the feeble opinions of men.
There is much talk in America's churches about the need for revival, but it will only come when Christians begin to wield the truth with courage and skill. Secular patriots long to see America restored to her rightful place in the world, but that will only be achieved with a large-scale commitment to defeating lies and half-truths that are rampant in our society.
No longer can we agree to disagree with the ignorant and the arrogant. Unconditional surrender to the truth must be the solitary focus of the Christian and Patriot. For what fellowship has light with darkness or truth with falsehood? And how is it not a sin for a Christian to vote for Democrats who are fully devoted to evil?
© Timothy Buchanan
November 8, 2018
There's a question that is difficult to ask except among friends who are committed disciples of Christ. Most people will either be provoked to launch a vicious attack against the interrogator or else attempt to deflect the question by appealing to specious arguments and bogus alternative "values." But at this time in America's history, it demands an answer.
The dreaded question is this: "How is it not sin for a professing Christian to vote for a Democrat?" I've posed this question to many people over the past 20 years in different forms and various ways. It always elicits similar reactions, fight or flight.
We live in a dangerous time in which deceitful wordplay, counterfeit truth, and outright lies are widely circulated by a hostile news media. America is inundated with fake news stories, the promotion of phony ideals (called values), and false implications. Undoubtedly, pretend disciples of Christ – often referred to as nominal Christians – have been populating the Church since the resurrection. But since the Church has been entrusted with the Solution to all of man's problems, the first step in reforming American culture must be to reform the Church.
This week, Democrat voters elected the first openly communist member of Congress and two Muslim women. The ideologies of these three women are patently incompatible with the framework of responsible liberty and Judeo-Christian morality upon which the United States rests. (The Democrat party's embrace of radical feminism, abortion, and preferential treatment of LGBTQs is contrary even to Islam.) Years upon years of neglect and ignorance have made this dark day possible. For this, the Church bears the bulk of the blame.
How the Church failed
In their efforts to expand and prove that they are compassionate, open-minded and accommodating, mainline denominations have embraced nearly every destructive liberal ideal that exists in American culture. Socialism is embraced and promoted in many churches under the thinly-veiled moniker of "social-justice." Thus, churches are unwittingly being used as petri dishes in which to nurture anti-American ideologies.
Whole denominations of churches have entered into partnerships with secular political partners that undermine or prohibit the first mission of the Church, to "make disciples of all nations." Instead, they are making disciples of Satan while advancing the agenda and expanding the power and control of the Democrat party over individuals. Feeding programs are the most common ways that people are being put into bondage.
Because we have accepted the lie that love and sex are moral equivalents, homosexuality, lesbianism, and so-called "transgenderism" have invaded what were once vibrant churches of God. Well-meaning but naive folks have believed without question the twisted logic of early LGBTQ activists, "If you don't draw us with love, you won't drive us with fear." As a result, these churches are dead and dying; stagnant lifeless houses – not of the worship of God, but the worship of man.
Revival begins with truth
Whether in the Church or within a nation that has gone astray, revival and restoration begin with a return to basic principles. For the Church, that means truth. The most powerful weapon with which to defeat destructive ideas and tear down strongholds is the truth. America declined primarily because people ignored and denied the word of God and compromised truth by mixing it with the feeble opinions of men.
There is much talk in America's churches about the need for revival, but it will only come when Christians begin to wield the truth with courage and skill. Secular patriots long to see America restored to her rightful place in the world, but that will only be achieved with a large-scale commitment to defeating lies and half-truths that are rampant in our society.
No longer can we agree to disagree with the ignorant and the arrogant. Unconditional surrender to the truth must be the solitary focus of the Christian and Patriot. For what fellowship has light with darkness or truth with falsehood? And how is it not a sin for a Christian to vote for Democrats who are fully devoted to evil?
© Timothy Buchanan
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