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November 7, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Attorney General Jeff Sessions was fired Wednesday, leaving a host of questions about what comes next for the ongoing special counsel probe, criminal justice and immigration enforcement. Formally, Mr. Sessions resigned, but the move came at President Trump's request less than 24 hours after the midterm elections.... (more)

November 7, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — Special Counsel Robert Mueller is expected to soon issue findings of his investigation of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election.... (more)

November 7, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Pollsters on Tuesday avoided their disastrous 2016 election forecasts by correctly predicting that Democrats would regain control of the House, though botching some important statewide races. Unlike 2016, when political gurus at The New York Times, The Washington Post and other media said President Trump had little or no chance of winning, surveyors this time captured voting in blue-state congressional districts where a number of Republican seats flipped.... (more)

November 7, 2018
ART MOORE — Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who won re-election Tuesday, called for an investigation into alleged illegal voting after Project Veritas published a video showing poll workers in Texas saying non-citizens could vote and admitting "tons" already had done so in early voting.... (more)

November 7, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — In the final stretch leading up to Tuesday's midterms elections, former President Obama was called upon in five major competitive races to help put the Democratic candidate over the top, and in all five he lost, points out the American Mirror blog.... (more)

November 5, 2018
ALAN KEYES — I think that every election in the United States ought to be taken as proof that the elitists are wrong who have, for several decades, preached the end of "American exceptionalism." Who knows what most Americans take that to mean? But to their elitist enemies, it has always referred to the existence and success of their self-government and the disruptive effect it has had, from the start, on the self-respecting aspirations of human beings around the world.... (more)

November 4, 2018
WES VERNON — My first memory of Chuck Grassley was when he (along with two of his colleagues) showed up in Billings, Montana, as a young congressman to promote a GOP candidate's (ultimately successful) bid for a congressional seat. Little did I know that decades later, this "young pup" from Iowa would return as a tough old boy (now 85) as a Senate committee chairman who tracks down purveyors of untruths.... (more)

November 4, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — President Trump has declared November National Adoption Month, and his statement from the White House leaves little doubt about his pro-life stance, declaring Americans must recognize "that adoption is a powerful way to show women they are not alone in an unexpected pregnancy."... (more)

November 4, 2018
FR. FRANK PAVONE — It's no secret that some religious denominations support legal abortion. But it's nothing short of grotesque when members of the clergy don their robes and stoles and lead a public blessing of abortion businesses. This happened in 2015, when a group of mostly female clergy blessed the Preterm clinic in Cleveland, where just a year earlier, young mother Lakisha Wilson had a second-trimester abortion that killed her.... (more)

November 4, 2018
MARKET WATCH — Reports about a caravan of migrants coming to the U.S. from Central America have been featured prominently in the news cycle in past weeks, but the group is still far from the U.S. Trump said Wednesday the U.S. was going to send 10,000 to 15,000 troops to the border in anticipation of the caravan's arrival. The U.S. military has already deployed nearly 1,000 troops along the U.S.-Mexican border, in areas where U.S. officials have determined the migrants and asylum seekers may try to enter.... (more)

November 3, 2018
THE HILL — Vice President Pence maintained in an interview with Hill.TV on Friday that Republicans will keep control of the House in next week's midterm elections. "I think we're going to expand our majority in the United States Senate, and I think we're going to hold our Republican majority in the House of Representatives," Pence told Hill.TV's Buck Sexton. "But that being said, there is certainly common ground in areas that we can work that the president has laid out," Pence added when asked about working with Democrats if they win the House, citing issues like trade and infrastructure.... (more)

November 3, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump condemned the legacy of former President Barack Obama Friday night with one withering blast at a campaign rally in Indiana. Campaigning for Republican Senate candidate Mike Braun, Mr. Trump noted that Mr. Obama will be stumping in the state this weekend for incumbent Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly.... (more)

November 3, 2018
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump on Saturday slammed a woman who came forward as the author of a "Jane Doe" letter detailing allegations of sexual misconduct against now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, claiming that she has now admitted her story was false.... (more)

November 3, 2018
BOB UNRUH — Lawyers with First Liberty Institute, one of the nation's premiere defenders of religious liberty, have confronted a Texas high school principal's decision to "quarantine" students who wanted to pray together during non-class time.... (more)

November 3, 2018
SALT LAKE TRIBUNE — After he got his orders in January to deploy to Afghanistan, North Ogden Mayor Brent Taylor went live on Facebook to tell his constituents he'd be gone and what to expect. It was an easy choice for him, one that was months in the making, rooted in decisions he'd made years ago to serve God, his family and his country.... (more)

November 3, 2018
NEWSMAX — U.S. President Donald Trump said on Friday that he will likely make a deal with China on trade, adding that a lot of progress had been made to resolve the two countries' differences but warning that he still may impose more tariffs on Chinese goods.... (more)

November 3, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — A new book by shooting survivor Rep. Steve Scalise is hitting bookstores in mid-November. In "Back in the Game: One Gunman, Countless Heroes, and the Fight for My Life," the Louisiana Republican -- who was gravely wounded by a lone gunman during a baseball practice last year -- talks about his journey to recovery.... (more)

November 3, 2018
DAILY CALLER — The suspect in the vandalism of a New York synagogue was a Democratic activist and former City Hall intern who worked on anti-hate crime issues, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. He is a "queer" black man informally adopted by a Jewish couple, and the New York Times' charity, the Neediest Cases, helped pay for him to go to college where his focus was African American studies, according to a 2017 New York Times profile.... (more)

November 2, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump and Republicans are heading into the final weekend of the midterm campaign buoyed by another strong economic report Friday, showing that employers created 250,000 jobs in October. "These are incredible numbers. Keep it going, Vote Republican!" Mr. Trump said on Twitter Friday. The president noted that the strong performance came despite a hurricane that devastated the Florida panhandle and caused damage in Georgia and the Carolinas.... (more)

November 2, 2018
NEWSMAX — The Trump administration on Friday announced the reimposition of all U.S. sanctions on Iran that had been lifted under the 2015 nuclear deal. The sanctions will take effect Monday and cover Iran's shipping, financial and energy sectors. It's the second batch of penalties that the administration has reimposed since President Donald Trump withdrew from the landmark deal in May.... (more)

November 2, 2018
NBC NEW YORK — Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested Friday after allegedly assaulting a man in the West Village. Law enforcement sources told News 4 the dispute was over a parking spot. The NYPD said the actor will be charged with third-degree assault, a misdemeanor, and harassment. The assault charge is punishable by up to a year in jail.... (more)

November 2, 2018
NEWSMAX — Call me old-fashioned, or call me simple, but from my chair down here in Louisiana, America looks like a mess. Families are broken. Kindness is in short supply. Turn on the TV for 10 minutes, and the hate and lawlessness on the screen would make you think you're watching a country that's lost all sense of civility.... (more)

November 2, 2018
BRYAN FISCHER — According to a column written by leftists Peter Leyden and Ruy Texeira, America is hopelessly divided into two opposite camps, camps which have become so polarized that there is no common ground or possibility of compromise between them. I agree with their thesis.... (more)

November 2, 2018
JERRY NEWCOMBE — It sounds like a cliche, but this may well be the most important mid-term election in our lifetime. On the ballot, at least indirectly, will be socialism. Will Americans choose so-called "free stuff" or freedom?... (more)

November 2, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Rabbi Jeffrey Myers of the Pittsburgh synagogue targeted in an anti-Semitic attack that left 11 people dead told CNN Thursday morning that he was "pleasantly surprised" by President Trump's visit Tuesday because he was able to witness the "warm and personal side" of the president that the rest of America often misses out on. "The president was very warm, very consoling," Rabbi Myers told "New Day" anchor Alisyn Camerota.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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CHAPTER 37: Euphemisms, Propaganda, and "Losing Reality Bit by Bit"

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