Jim Simpson column
Jim Simpson is an economist and former university instructor, who from 1987 to 1993 worked at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) analyzing and reporting on various economic and budgetary issues for high-level policy makers, including the President.

Mr. Simpson left government service in 1993 to develop a business idea. His business story was featured in numerous prominent TV and print news media.

Since 1995, he has also written non-fiction articles for various periodicals based both on his experiences in government and business, and a longstanding avocation in military history and policy. His work has been published in the Washington Times, American Thinker, FrontPage Magazine, DefenseWatch, Military, Soldier of Fortune, Small Business Opportunities magazine, Home Business magazine, and others. He left the business world in 2005 to develop his writing career full time.

You may read more of his articles on his blog, Truth and Consequences.

Black criminals, white victims, and white guilt
Jim Simpson
February 11, 2015

The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts . . .

November 1: the sum of our fears
Jim Simpson
October 19, 2013

Dragon Day, a tense thriller set to release November 1st, depicts a Chinese takeover of the U.S. after our government defaults on its debt. Unlike other films . . .

Finally, a Christian film both you and your teens will like
Jim Simpson
October 2, 2013

This is a film with a powerful Christian message you can share with your teenagers without them thinking you're square. Okay maybe they think you're square . . .

GOP immigration plan devised by Communist Party
Jim Simpson
July 9, 2013

The U.S. Senate's "Gang of Eight" immigration-reform plan, as well as a strikingly similar plan now being backed by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and a bi-partisan . . .

Passage of the amnesty bill will spell the end of our republic
Jim Simpson
June 28, 2013

On Monday, June 24, 2013, the U.S. Senate passed a cloture motion (which ends debate) on the Schumer-Corker-Hoeven Amendment to the Gang of Eight's horrifying . . .

Copperhead: A movie worth the price of admission
Jim Simpson
June 27, 2013

Wednesday, June 25, 2013 – Orthodox mythology of the Civil War holds that the Northern states rallied in unity behind the messianic President Lincoln on . . .

Needless, senseless, tragedy: why is this happening?
Jim Simpson
December 17, 2012

Losing a child is the worst possible thing that can happen. Losing 20, as occurred today in Newtown, Connecticut is a monstrous, indescribable tragedy. My heart . . .

The worldwide consequences of Obama's manufactured crisis strategy
Jim Simpson
September 21, 2012

With the world swirling in Obama-induced chaos I thought it fitting to dust off an article first published in 2008 that forewarns of the world he and his . . .

New video: the Frank Marshall Davis story you haven't heard -- until now
Jim Simpson
August 29, 2012

Original Article at RightSideNews.com AB Independent Productions, in collaboration with Veteran investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid of America's Survival, . . .

Encouraging signs in Maryland
Jim Simpson
March 16, 2012

Notice: I had initially written that 8th District Congressional Candidate Dave Wallace received the endorsement of former Governor Bob Ehrlich. This is not . . .

Scott Walker needs our help now in Wisconsin recall
Jim Simpson
February 25, 2012

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker successfully passed legislation last year that put a few restraints on out-of-control public sector unions, despite their . . .

No sex, many lies, one video tape, and a soldier's unnecessary death
Jim Simpson
February 9, 2012

It is not a movie. It could be labeled a comedy, a farce, even a Greek tragedy, except that people really are dying. It is in fact, an absolutely abhorrent, . . .

Incomprehensibly stupid Army regulation killing Americans in Afghanistan
Jim Simpson
January 10, 2012

The U.S. military has developed the best system in the world for dealing with combat casualties. As medical technology has advanced over the last century, new . . .

What do we really know about Obama?
Jim Simpson
December 8, 2011

An email that has been floating around the internet asks, "Where are Obama's girlfriends?" It continues: Now look at the rest of what we know... no . . .

Looming government shutdown anarchy?
Jim Simpson
February 19, 2011

Originally posted at examiner.com As the battle of the budget wages on, and the March 4th D-Day moves inexorably closer, and with the Continuing Resolution . . .

Speaker Boehner: honor your pledge or resign, NOW!
Jim Simpson
February 16, 2011

It is almost impossible to believe that a mere month into the new Congress, old guard Republicans led by House Speaker John Boehner are stampeding to violate . . .

What is to be done? Congressman Steve King responds
Jim Simpson
December 7, 2010

For years we have heard the common refrain that "the people don't get it," or we're "stupid," or we "really don't care." Ignoring the Americans who serially . . .

Maryland miracle: upstart House candidate Frank Mirabile gives Elijah Cummings a run for his money
Jim Simpson
October 26, 2010

Maryland has long been considered one of the bluest of blue states. But with anti-Democrat fever running red hot, that is rapidly changing. There are . . .

A candid talk with Allen West
Jim Simpson
September 8, 2010

Originally posted at American Thinker Freelance writing doesn't pay much, but a compensating benefit is the opportunity one finds to meet and speak with . . .

New documentary on leftist destruction
Jim Simpson
August 3, 2010

Below is a trailer for a must see new video by Curtis Bowers, Agenda: Grinding America Down. It includes the perspective of many well-known policy experts, . . .

Rand Paul's inadvertent warning to tea partiers and conservatives
Jim Simpson
May 27, 2010

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media and America's Survival has a post at News With Views about Rand Paul's now infamous gaffes on the Rachel Maddow Show. In it . . .

Is Lindsey Graham compromised?
Jim Simpson
April 22, 2010

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is perhaps the most irritating personification of the RINO label in the U.S. Senate. Despite the overwhelming evidence . . .

Blatant media dishonesty from AP about Saturday's rally
Jim Simpson
March 21, 2010

The Associated Press headline screams: Lawmaker Won't Press Charges in Spitting Incident," and the headline is being reprinted everywhere on the Leftist . . .

Democrats hide behind Slaughter Rule to pass healthcare bill without voting
Jim Simpson
March 19, 2010

Never in the field of American politics has so much cowardice, hypocrisy and criminal fraud existed among the entire Congressional delegation of one Party. . . .

Veterans for Congress
Jim Simpson
March 2, 2010

"I will go to Washington to do battle against Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Steny Hoyer and the rest of them. They have never seen anything like the Southern . . .

What Governor McDonnell needs to say tomorrow night
Jim Simpson
January 26, 2010

Newly minted Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell will be presenting the "Republican Response" to President Obama's State of the Union address this coming Wednesday . . .

Game changer: Massachusetts earthquake puts everything in play
Jim Simpson
January 21, 2010

Scott Brown's stunning electoral victory in Massachusetts yesterday confirms to the world what we have known all along: patriotism and common sense are alive . . .

More of what the Dems know: we might have guessed
Jim Simpson
January 9, 2010

In a recent article we discussed the possibility that Democrats will introduce universal voter registration (UVR) legislation this year, and offered that as an . . .

Radical Islam and America's future
Jim Simpson
January 2, 2010

Political Islam, i.e. radical Islam, is actually a cutout for continued communist aggession against the West. This is perhaps the most justifiable explanation . . .

Democrats' suicide strategy -- do they know something we don't?
Jim Simpson
December 22, 2009

Much has been made about how Democrats are committing political suicide with the healthcare bill and all the other onerous legislation they have proposed and/or . . .

America's new Pearl Harbor: "Safe Schools" czar peddled child pornography to children
Jim Simpson
December 9, 2009

Sixty-eight years ago Monday, Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor that brought the United States into World War II. In that historic conflict we . . .

SEALs capture notorious terrorist -- SEALs arrested!
Jim Simpson
November 25, 2009

First we had Congressman John Murtha accusing US Marines of atrocities in Haditha, Iraq — a blatant lie based on false information supplied by the enemy. . . .

Ayers admits writing 'Dreams' to conservative blogger
Jim Simpson
October 6, 2009

Last Friday, we posted an article on these pages asserting Bill Ayers' authorship of President Barack Obama's 'Dreams From My Father,' based on claims made by . . .

Media malpractice: Ayers "Dreams" authorship suppressed
Jim Simpson
October 1, 2009

Perhaps one of the biggest political stories of the year is being completely overlooked by the Obama-struck mass media. A new biography by veteran author . . .

America spoke
Jim Simpson
September 14, 2009

Washington, DC. Saturday September 12, 2009. America spoke today. Real America. Not black America, not white America, not Hispanic or Asian America, not even . . .

WMD slam dunk never reported
Jim Simpson
June 8, 2009

I may have linked to the following article before and have simply forgotten, but it summarizes the true story behind Saddam's WMD program and how it was hidden . . .

Obama and Notre Dame update
Jim Simpson
May 21, 2009

The more you dig, the more you discover. Now it appears Notre Dame's Board of Trustees is a virtual who's who of wealthy leftists; Obama supporters all. An . . .

Domestic terrorists arrested at Notre Dame
Jim Simpson
May 19, 2009

Norma McCorvey, the notorious "Roe" in the landmark Supreme Court case "Roe v Wade," has been arrested. The plaintiff in the case that made abortion legal in . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

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