Linda Goudsmit
Globalism's war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The overall attack strategy is to destabilize and destroy both the morality provided by our Judeo-Christian infrastructure, and the individualism protected and preserved by our Constitution.
Meryl Nass has provided her readers with David Schonbrunn's excellent infographic (see below). It is an extremely helpful overview that identifies the strategic objectives and tactical operations of the globalist war on nation-states, but it is incomplete. The infographic is missing its most essential element: Children are the primary target of the globalist predators. The implosion of the United States of America requires the destruction of America's future––her children.
Globalism's War on America is a war of attrition. My generation of patriots is dying. My children's generation of indoctrinated millennials is transitional. It is my grandchildren and great-grandchildren who are the primary targets of the avaricious globalist predators, specifically its global network of pedophiles and child-traffickers whose political purpose is soul murder––the spiritual and psychic annihilation of self. The total destruction of what exists includes the total destruction of childhood innocence––the obliteration of all boundaries of self. The development of an independent autonomous self required for individualism in a free society, is prohibited in order to advance the collective in preparation for life in globalism's feudal totalitarian Unistate.
New World Order Graphic provided to Meryl Nass by David Schonbrunn:
David Schonbrunn took my list of issues and organized them in the most useful way, making what is being done to us and what must be fixed, so much clearer.
Thank you, David! Let's use this scorecard as a measure of success (and what else needs to be accomplished) as we turn all these anti-human policies around, say Goodbye to Globalism and Hello to Individual Liberties and the Rule of Law.
Meryl Nass
January 21, 2025
The globalist elite suffered an enormous setback on January 20, 2025, Liberation Day, when President Donald Trump assumed office and immediately began signing executive orders erasing many of the most egregious abuses of power enacted by globalism's lawless Biden/Obama puppet regime. Liberation Day was a day for American patriots to celebrate. Today is the day to remind ourselves that the War on America is not over. The globalist elite will simply go underground and resume its attacks on our national sovereignty using the treasonous Biden/Obama operatives who remain in government.
One of the most important executive orders signed by President Trump restores free speech and ends federal censorship in America which, of course, includes the written word. History has proven that the pen really is mightier than the sword. Why? Because knowledge is power, and knowing something is the pivotal difference between action and inaction. It is the reason freedom of speech is the first freedom eliminated in every totalitarian government anywhere in the world, and it is my personal purpose and mission to warn American parents and grandparents that their children and grandchildren are the intentional targets of the globalist predators, because children are the future of every society on Earth, including the globalist Unistate.
Everything is connected in globalism's overarching War on Humanity. The radical leftist/Marxist progressives (progress toward world government) in America have stated unapologetically that their unconscionable ideological objective is to destroy children's innocence. The progressives are aided and abetted by drug cartels who have added child trafficking to their product list because supplying pedophiles with product has proven to be more profitable than drugs. I will remind the reader that drugs and child sex are profitable commodities because of the degenerate and obscene demand for them. I will also remind the reader that the War on Drugs and the War on Terror are wars we were never meant to win. This brings me to Muslim rape gangs in Britain, and the horrific and unconscionable decades-long complicity of British governments in protecting Muslim rapists at the expense of hundreds of thousands of brutalized British children.
Rape is terrorism, and child rape is arguably the most heinous, horrific, brutal, and comprehensive crime against children because it violates children mentally, physically, sexually, and psychologically––it is soul murder. What distinguishes Muslim rape gangs from other rapists is that Muslims are doctrinally encouraged to rape non-Muslims––Jewish or Christian, adults or children––because Islam teaches that there will only be peace on earth when the whole world is Muslim. So, why are Muslim rape gangs in Britain protected at the expense of British children? Why is British journalist Tommy Robinson in jail for exposing the existence of Muslim rape gangs, and for exposing the British governments' ongoing complicity?
First, both political parties in Britain's government have been hiding behind multiculturalism and protecting Muslim rape gangs for decades. Prime Minister Keir Starmer refused to prosecute child rapists while he was head of the Crown Prosecution Service (Attorney General) from 2008-2013. And most recently, PM Starmer directed his political Labor Party to vote AGAINST a national inquiry into these crimes against British children! Where did the moral imperative to protect British children disappear to? British mothers and fathers are angry and want answers.
In a sane and moral society, adults protect children and imprison rapists. Truth-tellers like Tommy Robinson are considered heroes––not in Britain. It took the outraged voice of American billionaire and father, Elon Musk, to shame Britain's politicians into admitting the existence of the Muslim rape gangs that continue to terrorize British children. There is a profound lack of common decency among men and women who lack the moral courage to condemn child rape anywhere and everywhere it occurs. It is a national scandal for Britain, and hopefully its ripple effect will expose and topple the horrific child trafficking industry in the United States. But what can possibly explain such a staggering lack of morality and common decency?
The globalist elite are exploiting the sexual perversions of the political class in Britain as in America. The sexual perversions of the political class are two-fold. In America, the political class exploits children sexually to satisfy their own sexual perversions, and/or support child rape politically by advancing progressivism's attempts to legalize and make pedophilia normative, in order to collapse society from within. In Britain, the political class exploits children sexually to satisfy their own sexual perversions, and/or support Muslim rape gangs politically in order to collapse the nation from within. As mentioned, children are the target of the globalist predators all over the world. The depravity of warfare directed at children is difficult for the civilized mind to process, but it is foundational to today's apocalyptic war between good and evil––between decency and indecency. President Donald Trump cannot Make America Great Again (MAGA) without first Making America Moral Again (MAMA).
The first step in restoring decency to the world is to reject moral relativism by recognizing that RIGHT and WRONG exist. We the people in America, in Britain, and in every western nation on the planet must stand up in defense of our nations' children, and unapologetically state that raping children is wrong anywhere and everywhere it occurs in the world. It is the 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Rape. Elon Musk is the father of young children, and a decent man who publicized the unconscionable crimes of the British government's complicity in protecting Muslim rape gangs in Britain. President Donald Trump is the grandfather of young children, and a decent man who is in the position to publicize the unconscionable crimes of the American government's complicity in child trafficking in America.
A society that allows its children to be raped, brutalized, sold, trafficked, and murdered, has no future––and that is the goal of the globalist elite who are strategically waging war on nation-states, and tactically collapsing western civilization one rape at a time. Any country that allows child rape for any reason whatsoever, is participating in its own destruction. And the avaricious globalist predators are just waiting to "build back better" in their feudal totalitarian Unistate where everyone, including the corrupt, contemptible, amoral, greedy, useful idiot, puppet politicians, will be reduced to serfs.
The Golden Age of America that began on January 20, 2025 with the restoration of common sense, must be joined by the restoration of decency and morality in order to succeed in its existential battle against evil. Children are the most precious asset of any society on Earth. They are the fulcrum on which the freedom of the world hinges––because children are the future of every society on Earth––and until the children are safe, the world cannot be safe. I am confident that human decency will prevail, and that it will be angry mothers and fathers protecting their precious children and grandchildren, including decent and powerful family men like President Donald Trump and businessman Elon Musk, who will end the scourge of child trafficking, but first they have to know. Now they do.
See also: https://goudsmit.pundicity.com/28355/the-11th-commandment-thou-shalt-not-rape
Pundicity page: goudsmit.pundicity.com and website: lindagoudsmit.com
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on barnesandnoble.com, amazon.com, and directly from Ingram in paperback.
© Linda GoudsmitThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.