Linda Goudsmit
CHAPTER 42: Quantum Computing Empowers Technocracy, Transhumanism, and the Managerial Unistate
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*
By Linda Goudsmit
October 21, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America's children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

As America's freedom clock continues to tick toward zero, the globalist elite are busy ramping up their investments in the science and technology that will enslave us. The introduction of 6G technology will change everything we now know about computing, computers, and communication technology. These networks are expected to arrive around 2030. Coincidence? I don't think so. The rollout will be timed to coincide with United Nations Agenda 2030.

We can trace the evolution of mobile communications technology from mobile cellular equipment, which relied on cell towers, to wireless technology that connected users via the Internet. The strength of the underlying technology is expressed as 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G, with 1G being the first generation of wireless cellular technology, 2G being the second, and so on, each successive generation improving the speed, connectivity, capacity, and network latency of the generation before.

In computer language latency, also called ping, measures the time it takes for your computer, the Internet, and everything in between to respond to an action you take. For example, if you click on a website link, the latency period would be how long it takes for the link to pop up on your computer screen.

5G was launched as an astonishing improvement in network latency over 4G. But 6G will be hailed as the enhancement of the future—and it is: 6G will provide an immersive experience for the user with life-like hologram video calls. Augmented Reality (AR) will be the new reality.

RCR Wireless News [1] quotes Nokia Labs president Marcus Weldon at the Brooklyn 5G Summit in 2019:

    Speaking of 5G, Weldon said, "What we've done now is solved for the three dimensions of capacity, but we've added in reliability and latency. You can think of 5G as a nine-dimensional innovation fabric. That's really why it's profoundly important. It's not about consumers interacting with Siri, Alexa, Google. It's about industrials and robots interacting with control systems."

    "What it really comes down to is mixing the physical world [and] the digital world—software systems, AI systems, and biological systems. You mix those together in real time. I have a permanent AR."

A "permanent augmented reality" means everything we know as objective reality is in jeopardy. There will no longer be any accurate reference to test reality; 6G will provide globalism's New Normal—totally disconnected from objective reality, the world of facts. Only the globalist elite controlling 6G will know what is actually real! This is an existence beyond the horror that most people can even imagine in their worst nightmares. It is insanity redefined as sanity and institutionalized as normal!

Globalism's planetary Unistate is predicated upon augmented reality. Tech writer Alexander S. Gillis provides an explanation of augmented reality on [2]

    What is augmented reality (AR)?

    Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality (VR), which creates a totally artificial environment, AR users experience a real-world environment with generated perceptual information overlaid on top of it.

    Augmented reality is used to either visually change natural environments in some way or to provide additional information to users. The primary benefit of AR is that it manages to blend digital and three-dimensional (3D) components with an individual's perception of the real world. AR has a variety of uses, from helping in decision-making to entertainment.

    AR delivers visual elements, sound and other sensory information to the user through a device like a smartphone or glasses. This information is overlaid onto the device to create an interwoven experience where digital information alters the user's perception of the real world. The overlaid information can be added to an environment or mask part of the natural environment.

The evolution of mobile communications technologies is described in waves. The First Wave, initiated in December 1979 by Japanese firm Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation, introduced mobile phones supported by 1G and 2G technologies. The Second Wave, 2010–2020, made mobile multimedia possible and required 3G and 4G technologies. The Third Wave, marketed as supporting future industry and society, requires 5G and 6G technologies begun in 2020 and expected to mature by 2030. "Future industry and society" refer to augmented reality in the new normal of globalism's planetary Unistate!

Gillis continues with a comparison between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR):

    Differences between AR and VR

    VR is a virtual environment created with software and presented to users in such a way that their brain suspends belief long enough to accept a virtual world as a real environment. Virtual reality is primarily experienced through a headset with sight and sound.

    The biggest difference between AR and VR is that augmented reality uses the existing real-world environment and puts virtual information on top of it, whereas VR completely immerses users in a virtually rendered environment. While VR puts the user in a new, simulated environment, AR places the user in a sort of mixed reality.

    The devices used to accomplish this are different, too. VR uses VR headsets that fit over the user's head and present them with simulated visual and audio information. AR devices are less restrictive and typically include devices like phones, glasses, projections and HUDs [Heads-up displays project information above the dashboard for the driver to see without looking down] in cars.

    In VR, people are placed inside a 3D environment in which they can move around and interact with the generated environment. AR, however, keeps users grounded in the real-world environment, overlaying virtual data as a visual layer within the environment.

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation's 2020 White Paper: 5G Evolution and 6G [3] discusses the popularization of big data and AI, and the increased interest in cyber-physical fusion. In Section 2.2 it examines 6G:

    Solving social problems

    Many social issues and needs expected in 5G will be resolved in the 2020s. It is expected that various solutions such as telework, remote control, telemedicine, distance education, and autonomous operation of various equipment including cars will be provided by high-speed and low-latency communication networks for social problems such as regional creation, low birth rate, aging, and labor shortage in the 2020s. Further popularization of solutions and more advanced correspondence in the 2030s will require complete problem solving and development. The world is expected to become a place in which all people, information, and goods can be accessed anywhere in an ultra-real experience, and the constraints of working place and time are completely eliminated. This will dramatically eliminate social and cultural disparities between rural and urban areas, avoid urban concentration of people, and promote local development. It can also make people's lives more stress-free.

    Communication between humans and things

    Advanced functions of wearable devices including XR (VR, AR, MR) devices, high-definition images and holograms exceeding 8K, and new five sense communications including tactile sense will proliferate, and communications between humans and between humans and things will become ultra-real and rich. As a result, innovative entertainment services and enterprise services for games, watching sports, etc. will be provided without time and place restrictions.

    Through rapid popularization and development of IoT services, the demand for the communications of things will become very large. High speed and low latency performance that far exceeds the human ability will be required for communications because large data processing including high-definition images and control of equipment with ultra-low latency will be carried out by machines.

    Expansion of communication environment

    Communications are now as ubiquitous as the air around us and as vital as electricity and water. Therefore, users do not need to be aware of communication settings and the communication service area. A communication environment will be required in all places with the expansion of the activity area of people and things. High-rise buildings, drones, flying cars, airplanes, and even space will be natural activity areas, and not only the ground but also the sky and space will be indispensable communication areas. The need is increasing for communication areas at sea and under the sea. Due to the needs of various sensor networks, unmanned factories, and unmanned construction sites, it is also necessary to construct a communication area in an environment without human beings. As a result, every place on the ground, sky, and sea will become a communication area.

    Sophistication of cyber-physical fusion

    Many services utilizing cyber-physical fusion will be created in the 2020s and will be used practically in all environments, but more advanced cyber-physical fusion will be required in the 2030s. By transmitting and processing a large amount of information between cyberspace and physical space without delay, tighter cooperation between both spaces will be achieved, and ultimately, fusion without a gap between the spaces will be actualized. For humans, it will become possible for cyberspace to support human thought and action in real time through wearable devices and micro-devices mounted on the human body. All kinds of things such as transportation equipment including cars, construction machinery, machine tools, monitoring cameras, and various sensors will be linked in cyberspace. They will support safety and security, solutions to social problems, and a rich life for people.

This Japanese White Paper reads like a World Economic Forum infomercial, deceitfully selling its own cyber-control 6G communications as evolutionary developments that will improve people's lives. This is not surprising considering that Japan is fully committed to the WEF and its globalist Agenda 2030.

The White Paper talks about 6G latency in Section 3.4:

    Extreme low-latency

    In cyber-physical fusion, wireless communications that connect AI and devices is analogous to the human nervous system which transmits information. In order to actualize services in real-time and be highly interactive, an always stable end-to-end (E2E) low latency seems to be a basic requirement. For 6G, concretely, an approximately 1 ms or less E2E latency is considered as the target value. With this, for example, in a shop automated by robotics, interactive services that respond attentively similar to a human by watching the facial expression of a customer may be actualized.

This entry raises two fundamental questions. Why is a shop automated by robotics desirable? How is a shop automated by robots an improvement on life? It isn't. Beneath the deceitful marketing campaign is globalism's unapologetic depopulation agenda. During his notorious February 2010 TED Talks presentation,[4] eugenicist Bill Gates unapologetically discussed his plan to reduce the world population by 10 to 15 percent.

    The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by 10 or 15 percent. [4:17 counter]

The World Population Clock[5] records the world's population at 8.1 billion as of May 19, 2024. It is difficult for the civilized mind to imagine the scope of Gates's depopulation plan: 10 percent of 8.1 billion people is 810 million people, which translates to the populations of the United States, Russia, Mexico, Japan, and Germany combined.

It is equally difficult for the civilized mind to imagine the reality of life in globalism's 6G realm. Robots will replace most of the human workforce. So, what appears charming in Japan's White Paper, the example of a shop automated by robotics, is actually part of an overarching eugenics plan.

Consider robotics from the globalist elite perspective. Robots are the ideal workforce. They are far more efficient and do not need to be paid, fed, clothed, or insured. There are no unions because there is no conflict. Robots are the epitome of a compliant workforce that is owned and operated by the globalist elite, who remain firmly entrenched in objective reality, where they are able to control the world's population living in the subjective reality of 6G.

What about robotics in schools? As John Klyczek explained in Chapter 35,

    Moxie is marketed as a "Helping Friend" that substitutes human caretakers and replaces them as robo-babysitters that monitor disabled children during parent-therapist conferences.... Of course, over time, just like transhuman ed-tech, robotic AI ed-tech will eventually creep more and more into mainstream classroom integration until it is employed to boost competence outcomes for students classified as healthy and able-bodied.

What begins with a "helping friend" becomes normative as healthy and able-bodied children are groomed to interact with robots, inanimate objects, and holograms rather than humans. Children are not born with an ability to test reality. It is an acquired skill that begins to be taught in the home when Mommy tells little Johnny, "No, Johnny, you are not a bird. You are a little boy, and you cannot fly."

Reality-testing distinguishes objective reality from subjective reality. It is reinforced in school if teachers support objective reality. Today, however, little Johnny is taught in school that he can be a girl if he chooses. Tomorrow little Johnny will be able to fly in augmented reality with 6G technology. Little Johnny is being driven out of objective reality today in order to groom him for life in globalism's Unistate tomorrow.

On January 26, 2023, TIME magazine published the article "Quantum Computers Could Solve Countless Problems—And Create a Lot of New Ones."[6] Reporter Charlie Campbell describes the staggering power and transformative nature of quantum computing and its reliance on 6G technology, and identifies asset-management firms as Quantum's earliest adopters:

    Quantum's unique ability to crunch stacks of data is already optimizing the routes of thousands of fuel tankers traversing the globe, helping decide which ICU patients require the most urgent care, and mimicking chemical processes at the atomic level to better design new materials. It also promises to supercharge artificial intelligence, with the power to better train algorithms that can finally turn driverless cars and drone taxis into a reality. Quantum AI simulations exhibit a "degree of effectiveness and efficiency that is mind-boggling," U.S. National Cyber Director Chris Inglis tells TIME.

    Quantum's earliest adopters are asset-management firms—for which incorporating quantum calculations involves few increased overhead costs—but commercial uses aren't far behind. Spanish firm Multiverse Computing has run successful pilot projects with multinational clients like BASF and Bosch that show its quantum algorithms can double foreign-exchange trading profits and catch almost four times as many production-line defects. "Quantum deep-learning algorithms are completely different from classical ones," says Multiverse CEO Enrique Lizaso Olmos. "You can train them faster, try more strategies, and they are much better at getting the correlations that matter from a lot of data."

    Tech giants from Google to Amazon and Alibaba—not to mention nation-states vying for technological supremacy—are racing to dominate this space. The global quantum-computing industry is projected to grow from $412 million in 2020 to $8.6 billion in 2027, according to an International Data Corp. analysis.

    Whereas traditional computers rely on binary "bits"—switches either on or off, denoted as 1s and 0s—to process information, the "qubits" that underpin quantum computing are tiny subatomic particles that can exist in some percentage of both states simultaneously, rather like a coin spinning in midair. This leap from dual to multivariate processing exponentially boosts computing power. Complex problems that currently take the most powerful supercomputer several years could potentially be solved in seconds. Future quantum computers could open hitherto unfathomable frontiers in mathematics and science, helping to solve existential challenges like climate change and food security. A flurry of recent breakthroughs and government investment means we now sit on the cusp of a quantum revolution. "I believe we will do more in the next five years in quantum innovation than we did in the last 30," says [Jay] Gambetta [IBM's vice president of quantum computing].

Quantum computing is the next generation of computer technology. Quantum computing uses the principles of quantum theory, which explain the behavior of energy and material on the atomic and subatomic levels. The difference between quantum computing and classical computing is the difference between an electron microscope and a compound microscope. It is the difference between day and night.

The race for quantum technology is compared to the space race. Quantum computing is being called the next industrial revolution, and likened to the beginning of the Internet. The title of Campbell's article refers to quantum's staggering problem-solving capability and also to its inherent dangers. He writes:

    But any disrupter comes with risks, and quantum has become a national-security migraine. Its problem-solving capacity will soon render all existing cryptography obsolete, jeopardizing communications, financial transactions, and even military defenses.

Today, IBM is considered the industry leader in quantum computing. And who are the three largest institutional investors in IBM? Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street. So, the globalist asset managers that control nearly $30 trillion in assets are also the top investors in quantum computing—the future of communications technology.

This fact represents an existential threat to objective reality, and to life on this planet as we know it. Consider the seismic changes in society driven by the Big Three asset managers over the last four years, since the COVID-19 debacle began. Now imagine the same Big Three in control of 6G augmented reality and the unlimited power it awards them to control all of humanity, including our perceptions of reality.

Yahoo Finance,[7] February 19, 2024, lists the Big Three among the top four institutional holders of Apple Inc. (AAPL). Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., Warren Buffett's globalist behemoth, is the fourth. On February 2, 2024, Apple launched Vision Pro, its immersive mixed-reality $4,000 headset capable of alternating between augmented reality and virtual reality. Described as an iPad for your face (spatial computer), early reviews focused on the high rate of returned devices from customers dissatisfied with Vision Pro's initial performance, features, and comfort.

The essential takeaway for me is that each returnee was thrilled with the new technology and sees it as "the future," but will wait for coming improvements and additional applications before they repurchase the product. The U.S. launch was a brilliant marketing scheme by Apple. The developers got the feedback they needed from the most likely users of the product. The returns will all be written off as product testing. The social engineers got what they needed—society is being groomed to accept virtual reality by "influencers" saying Apple Pro Vision "is the future."

Apple devices follow a predictable design sequence, and Vision Pro will be no different. What is a clunky, uncomfortable face mask today will be replaced with a smaller, lighter, sleeker, more technologically advanced model tomorrow. Vision Pro will soon become an implantable interface running on an advanced version of Apple's spatial computing platform, visionOS, requiring 6G technology.

6G eliminates all personal privacy, personal agency, personal property, and personal freedom including private thoughts monitored by brain implants. It enables a return to the binary feudal infrastructure of rulers and ruled on a planetary scale. 6G has arrived, and space is no longer the final frontier—reality is!

On October 24, 2023, a Boulder, Colorado, startup, Atom Computing,[8] announced that it has created a next-generation quantum computing platform with 1,180 qubits.

    Tommaso Demarie, CEO of Entropica Labs,[9] a strategic partner of Atom Computing, said, "Developing a 1,000-plus qubit quantum technology marks an exceptional achievement for the Atom Computing team and the entire industry. With expanded computational capabilities, we can now delve deeper into the intricate realm of error correction schemes, designing and implementing strategies that pave the way for more reliable and scalable quantum computing systems. Entropica is enthusiastic about collaborating with Atom Computing as we create software that takes full advantage of their large-scale quantum computers."

    Atom Computing is working with enterprise, academic, and government users [U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Energy, and National Science Foundation] today to develop applications and reserve time on the systems, which will be available in 2024.

The elitist assumptions that support the seismic changes for the world imagined by the globalists and expressed by the WEF and its partners are stunningly self-serving. The public-private partnerships with enterprise, academic, and government users is the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned about in 1961.

As Nokia Labs president Marcus Weldon stated so succinctly, "It's not about consumers interacting with Siri, Alexa, Google. It's about industrials and robots interacting with control systems." But who controls the control systems? Eisenhower has already answered: the globalist elite. The technology required by quantum computing empowers globalism's technocracy, transhumanism, and planetary Unistate, because whoever controls 6G science and technology is master of the universe.

*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on,, and directly from Ingram in paperback.

See also:


[1] RCR Wireless News


[3] White Paper: 5G Evolution and 6G

[4] February 2010 TED Talks

[5] World Population Clock

[6] Quantum Computers Could Solve Countless Problems—And Create a Lot of New Ones

[7] Yahoo Finance

[8] Atom Computing

[9] Entropica Labs

*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on,, and directly from Ingram in paperback.

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© Linda Goudsmit


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Linda Goudsmit

Linda Goudsmit is the devoted wife of Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls’ clothing store in Michigan for forty years before retiring to the sunny beaches of Florida. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, along with numerous current affairs articles featured on her websites and The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage and her new release, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is, complete Linda’s quadrangle of insightful books that connect the philosophical, ideological, political, and psychological dots of globalism's War on America and individual sovereignty.

Linda believes the future of our nation requires reviving individualism, restoring meritocracy, and teaching critical-thinking skills to children again. Her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, offers youngsters new and exciting ways of solving their problems and having their needs met. Mrs. Goudsmit believes that learning to think strategically rather than reacting emotionally is a valuable skill that will empower any child throughout his or her life. Plus, in Linda’s words, “I have yet to meet the child who would prefer a reprimand to a kiss.”

Contact Linda at


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More by this author

October 21, 2024
CHAPTER 42: Quantum Computing Empowers Technocracy, Transhumanism, and the Managerial Unistate

October 17, 2024
CHAPTER 41: Your Brain Is the Battlespace

October 13, 2024
CHAPTER 40: The Art of Using Technologies to Alter Human Cognition

October 10, 2024
CHAPTER 39: Cognitive Warfare and the Battle for Your Brain

October 7, 2024
CHAPTER 38: BigBrain, BICAN, and "The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism"

September 24, 2024
CHAPTER 37: Euphemisms, Propaganda, and "Losing Reality Bit by Bit"

September 23, 2024
CHAPTER 37: Euphemisms, Propaganda, and "Losing Reality Bit by Bit"

September 17, 2024
CHAPTER 36: When They Say 'We're Coming for Your Children,' Believe Them

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CHAPTER 36: When They Say 'We're Coming for Your Children,' Believe Them

September 9, 2024
CHAPTER 35: Artificial Intelligence and America's Children

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