Linda Goudsmit
The mathematics of the culture war on America
By Linda Goudsmit
December 3, 2017

Kurt Lewin, the 20th century German-American psychologist, is recognized as the founder of social psychology – the study of how the personality, attitudes, motivations, and behavior of the individual influences and is influenced by the group.

Lewin studied group dynamics and organizational development and challenged the prevailing "nature vs nurture" debate on behavior. Departing from conventional psychological theory, he developed a mathematical equation of behavior which claimed that an individual's immediate situation – not necessarily past influences – was a strong determinant of behavior.

Lewin's equation, B = f (P,E) contends that behavior is a function of the person in his environment, what he called that person's "life space" or "field." Lewin theorized that neither nature nor nurture was enough to explain an individual's behavior – that it was the interaction between the individual and his constantly changing environment that produced the result.

There are fields and vectors in mathematics. Force-field analysis examines all the factors/forces that influence a person or group's behavior. Lewin believed that a person's behavior exists as a function of his total field/environment (life space) which is dynamic and constantly changing. It is the psychological equivalent of the famous Heraclitus quote, "No man steps in the same river twice."

Lewin introduced the concept of "genidentity" defined as identity through and over time. Since no two lives have the same life experience, no two lives can be living in the same reality. This multiple-reality construct denies an objective reality and embraces reality as a subjective perceptual phenomenon.

Consider this example: A man is walking down the street. There are four people nearby. The first person says there is a man walking down the street. The second person says there is a person walking down the street. The third person says I'm not sure who is walking down the street. The fourth person says there is a woman walking down the street.

The objective reality is that a man is walking down the street regardless of what the observers perceptions are. Objective reality is rooted in facts and exists independent of the perceptions of those facts. Subjective reality tolerates conflicting realities because it is rooted in perceptions and informed by opinions. The consequence, of course, is that societal acceptance of multiple realities ultimately creates chaos because there is no agreement regarding what is real.

The Culture War on America embraces subjective reality – it is a weapon of destabilization in the information war.

In mathematics, topology is defined as the study of geometric properties and spatial relations that are unaffected by the continuous changes of shape or sizes of figures. A circle can be stretched into a triangle and still retain its properties. Topology is sometimes called rubber-sheet geometry because it does not distinguish between a circle and a square. Topological spaces are the spaces studied in topology.

Lewin believed the individual's field can be expressed as a geometrical topological construct like the circle stretching into a triangle and then reshaping into a rectangle as that individual's environment changes. He developed a theory of behavior (topological psychology) utilizing philosophical and mathematical concepts.

Topological psychology focuses on group communication, group dynamics, and social psychology rather than individual psychology. His work was foundational in the development of group psychology and what we now identify as Orwellian groupthink.

Lewin's topological psychology is the foundation for his three-phase model of change that has been applied in business organizations to reorient employees toward cohesiveness and solidarity.

The three phases are simplified as Unfreeze -> Change -> Refreeze. The process can be visualized geometrically as:

#1 a cube of ice that melts into

#2 a puddle of water that is reshaped and refrozen into

#3 a cone of ice.

Lewin's group-change theory has a lot in common with mind-altering methods and brainwashing techniques that break down an individual's defense mechanisms and established sense of identity. Conventional values are shattered and replaced with new standards and the desired mindset – the individual has been "reprogrammed."

It is not difficult to see why this works. Human beings seek homeostasis – balance – both physically and mentally. They are uncomfortable being destabilized and desire equilibrium. The Leftist effort to reshape American culture is utilizing an expanded version of Lewin's three-stage change process to dismantle existing established cultural norms and replace them with socialism.

Unfreeze -> Change -> Refreeze = the Culture War on America.

To unfreeze the American mindset, every communication sphere has been targeted:

The educational system, public and private, is indoctrinating and reprogramming students with the Leftist narrative of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism.

The media – including television, movies, radio, and the Internet – is indoctrinating and reprogramming audiences with repetitive Leftist messaging in an echo chamber of collectivist propaganda, desensitizing violence, and degenerate sex.

The colleges and universities have graduated "experts" in the social sciences of sociology, psychology, communications, and political science who are indoctrinating and reprogramming the next generation in their Leftist principles.

In every sphere the transfer of information is biased toward anti-American collectivism at the expense of established cultural norms of individualism and the meritocracy. The Culture War on America is an information war that seeks to destroy America from within by changing the American mindset to reject individualism and embrace collectivism.

America has completed the first unfreezing stage that required overcoming entrenched Judeo-Christian norms and dismantling individual existing established attitudes. A comparison of American life and its reflection in television programming demonstrates the seismic shift and breakdown of established cultural norms of behavior. We are now fully engaged in the transitional second phase of change characterized by confusion.

People are shocked by the changing mores and standards of behavior. Parents are shocked by their children's attitudes and behaviors. Employers are dismayed by employee attitudes and behaviors. College campuses are being overrun by anarchists. There is an awareness that life is different and becoming very unfamiliar. Things seem out of control, chaotic, and incomprehensible.

The chaos causes extreme anxiety and confusion. Human beings seek equilibrium – people want relief from stress. If they become uncomfortable enough, they will accept anything that stabilizes society and ends the chaos. Society then enters the final stage of change which refreezes the culture into an entirely different shape and restores a sense of social equilibrium.

Kurt Lewin's unfreeze -> change -> refreeze model of change is the psychological infrastructure being used to manipulate Americans into accepting collectivism as the new normal. It is a sinister power grab by the Left in its culture war on America.

The hippies of the '60s did not go quietly into the night when they left campus and the enemies of America did not disappear after WWII. They reconstituted themselves as college professors, deans and administrators, teachers, sociologists, psychologists, political scientists, media executives, and Hollywood bosses, all cooperating in the culture war on America that seeks to destroy American democracy and replace it with socialism.

We are at the tipping point in the Culture War on America. If the war continues unopposed, one more generation of Leftist indoctrination will assure a voting public eager to refreeze America into a cone. The cone is worth examining. Collectivism, whether socialism or communism, is being marketed as the great equalizer. It is being falsely advertised to gullible young people as providing social justice and income equality. Young people imagine collectivism as everyone living the good life of happiness, equality, and individual freedom reflected in the lyrics of John Lennon's song "Imagine."

Here is the problem. Real time experiments in socialism and communism exist in Venezuela, Cuba, and Russia today. The objective reality is that there is no income equality in these countries. Instead, there is widespread poverty, shortages of every kind, and rampant violence. Only the privileged elite occupy the tip of the cone in collectivism.

Worse, there is no individual freedom without private property. The objective reality is that when the government owns the property, the citizens are employees of the government and do not own the fruits of their labor – the government does. It is up to the government to distribute or withhold the products. The elitist tip of the collectivist cone always takes care of itself.

We the People who live in objective reality must continue to expose the Left's destructive agenda. We cannot retreat. We cannot submit to their indoctrination into subjective reality. We must remain vigilant and become outspoken warriors in the war of ideas. It is imperative that we express our love of country and protect our representative government for the people and by the people.

We must preserve free speech and the rights of citizens to own private property and enjoy the fruits of their own labors. America will remain the land of the free and the home of the brave only if we refuse to be Unfrozen, Changed, and Refrozen. The choice is ours.

© Linda Goudsmit


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Linda Goudsmit

Linda Goudsmit is the devoted wife of Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls’ clothing store in Michigan for forty years before retiring to the sunny beaches of Florida. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, along with numerous current affairs articles featured on her websites and The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage and her new release, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is, complete Linda’s quadrangle of insightful books that connect the philosophical, ideological, political, and psychological dots of globalism's War on America and individual sovereignty.

Linda believes the future of our nation requires reviving individualism, restoring meritocracy, and teaching critical-thinking skills to children again. Her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, offers youngsters new and exciting ways of solving their problems and having their needs met. Mrs. Goudsmit believes that learning to think strategically rather than reacting emotionally is a valuable skill that will empower any child throughout his or her life. Plus, in Linda’s words, “I have yet to meet the child who would prefer a reprimand to a kiss.”

Contact Linda at


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