Tom DeWeese
SDG Ground Zero?
By Tom DeWeese
October 7, 2024

by Lynne M Taylor

Our good friend Lynne M Taylor, aka the Common Core Diva, has provided me with another article that I'm pleased to share with you. ~ Tom DeWeese, APC President

First, some background and context:

By now, most of you reading this, are familiar with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). If not, the Goals are in a set of 17 different topics which spearhead every part of our lives, governments, and economies. The over-reaching goal is complete compliance of every member-state country to adhere to these "set in stone" goals.

(SDG 1-No poverty; SDG 2- Zero hunger, SDG 3-Good Health and Well-being, SDG 4-Quality Education, SDG 5-Gender Equality, SDG 6-Clean Water/Sanitation, SDG 7-Affordable/Clean Energy, SDG 8-Decent Work/Economic Growth, SDG 9-Industry/Innovation/Infrastructure, SDG 10- Reduced Inequalities, SDG 11- Sustainable Cities/Communities, SDG 12- Responsible Consumption/Production, SDG 13- Climate Action, SDG 14- Life Below Water, SDG 15- Life on Land, SDG 16, Peace/Justice/Strong Institutions, SDG 17- Partnerships for the Goals)

This begs the question, however, about the power these SDGs have over or above the U.S. Constitution, as well as any other member-state’s national governing framework. Does the U.S. Constitution remain America’s supreme framework in the coming days, weeks and years?

Our US Constitution was severely weakened with the creation of the USMCA (US-Mexico-Canada Agreement) and the subsequent passage (by Congress) of laws to fully implement USMCA mandates. We the People did not ask for, nor vote for this Agreement or to be bound by it under federal law.

However, USMCA did set up regionalism which adheres more to the United Nations than to the U.S. Constitution. The USMCA, much like the SDGs, split everything which impacts our lives, government and economies into commission governed by appointed individuals, not elected ones.

USMCA was/is a key component to adhering to the SDGs, not American values, attitudes or beliefs.

The USMCA is much like the European Union’s regionalism.

What does this mean? People living within the region (not necessarily in your country) decide what your country will do, or not do. The UN cannot fully survive in its plans for total control without regionalism throughout our world! (*Note, if you’ve ever studied a FEMA map of the USA, the regions are carbon copies of those from the United Nations. Similar maps of the world show the compliance by grouping nations/countries into regions.)

This past month, September 2024, the United Nations hosted its “Summit of the Future” in New York City. In brief detail the Summit was to further cement not only the SDGs in our lives, but to expand the UN’s power (via a new charter). In doing this, the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights gained even more power.

Among the "rights" assigned in that Universal Declaration, every aspect of how we live, what we do, how we do it, etc. are defined. These assigned rights seek to put government as our god and not respect our God-given rights (which no government or international entity can remove). These God-given rights are inherent, as they should be.

Government, in its truest form should protect those inherent rights, not remove or seek to somehow improve them. For example, freedom is among our God-given rights. There’s no improvement possible by any government which can assign or guarantee freedom. Why not?

Freedom should be at 100 percent, all the time, for each of us. It’s mathematically impossible to improve it to any percent over 100. Governments CAN and do, seek to reduce our freedoms of 100 percent.

Why This Matters:

So, imagine the shock, horror and gasping that occurs when you discover that the SDGs seek to use the Holy Bible to oversee your worship? If you don’t read the Holy Bible, that’s okay, the UN has thought of that and included EVERY religion in its quest to totally control us! If you’re not a believer of any religion, you, too, are being assimilated among these religions, as an "outreach project" to encompass agnostics and atheists. (*Note: in the U.S., the Church of Satan is also among the government recognized religions.)

Enter SDG Zero!

According to the blog article from "listeninginspires," [1] SDG 0 (Sustainable Development Goal Zero) is the "foundation and ULTIMATE goal of Agenda 2030." What does this really mean?

It means a private conversation between 2 globalists has been taken out of context and applied to every human being! Much like the private exchange of a letter by Thomas Jefferson where “separation of church and state” has been falsely credited to the U.S. Constitution!

By taking this one comment, “There is an unwritten 18th Sustainable Development Goal. It is about love and joy, and it infuses all the others,” the United Nations has just encroached on every member-state nation (United States included) an "activor" called "joy."

If you look at the textbook definition of "joy," you will not see "activor." If you look up the Holy Bible’s references to "joy," you can learn that being in a state of joy is a gift, not an emotion to be manipulated to fit a government’s plan OR an unelected global governing group! However, if you continue to read the blog article, you’ll see that "joy" is being used as a way to create a false narrative for change. After all, if you don’t do what you do with love and joy in your heart, what ARE you doing to further the SDGs and Agenda 2030?!

One of the last points in the blog article is simply blasphemous. “SDG Zero is the ‘alpha and omega’ of Agenda 2030!”

The UN’s Satanic Roots:

Since education research is my main focus, back in 2014, I wrote an article [2] on the Luciferian roots of the United Nations. If you have not learned about this before, take the time to access the article. You’ll learn that while God is mentioned, it’s in a new world order way where creation becomes the god the UN uses to manipulate the SDGs. (For more on that, my article [3] from 2020 will have much more for you.)

A Religious Backdoor:

Have you ever heard of the Lausanne Covenant? It was an agreement made decades ago to unite the world’s major religions in being the hands and feet of Christ. Rev. Billy Graham was one of the main spearheading leaders. Since then, the churches still abiding by the Covenant have aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals with the justification it’s “What Jesus would do.” The entire effort is led by the Lausanne Movement (The Movement is governed by a Congress, where a plethora of public-private partnerships, especially in the faith-based capacity are included).

    “If you aren’t catching the connection, it’s this: because the UN has the A21/2030 in place and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are entrenched in our schools, communities, and churches; the gaia/satanic portions are attached, but as GOOD and helpful ways to live!

    Woven into every bit of this is ‘social justice.’ Sadly, the 3rd point of the Lausanne Covenant is ‘holistic living’ which uses social justice as a platform!” [4]

If you need further proof that the Lausanne Covenant is still focused on Christ, please visit their "action" page “Following Jesus Globally.” [5] Be sure to scroll down and see the SDGs in living color. (Note: No mention of SDG Zero will be evident.)

Action Steps:

It’s been my goal to show you just how stealthily the United Nations has compromised one of our most sacred parts of our being: our faith and worship. To them, it’s a mockery that must be homogenized into walking away from our faith and worship of God and express our faith and worship of their leadership as they supposedly have our best interests at heart. NOTHING could be further from the truth about the SDGS or Agenda 2030! So, what can you do?

  1. Follow the trail from the UN to the White House (regardless of which mainstream party is in power). Currently, as with every administration, is a nationwide effort to purposefully BLEND church and state (it’s called "faith based partnerships"). These partnerships are sold to us, the taxpayer as community improvement or neighborhood services. [6] While the effort is to counter hate, buried in the fourth pillar of the plan is "collective action." In SDG language, "collective" means you are expected and demanded to comply.

  2. Learn more about the URI [7] (United Religions Initiative) it’s an arm of the United Nations.

Their goal? Creating globally-minded peacekeepers. Of all their target areas, every one of them is rooted in the UN’s SDGs, not the Word of God. (Be sure to look for the URI’s 26 page PDF called “Faith Action on the United Nations SDGs.” In it, you’ll find that Christian, Buddist, pagan, atheist, or other religious backgrounds are all included.)

Bottom line: The UN is determined that no one will escape their global grasp of control. Going after your faith and belief system should be off the table, COMPLETELY!











Lynne M. Taylor (aka Common Core Diva) is a published writer, speaker, media guest and freedom loving American. She’s married with 3 grown children and resides in NC. Questions, comments? Email me at Need me to speak at an event on this topic or anything related to education, email me. I’ll be happy to work with your group. Donations to offset my research, speaking and travel are appreciated.

© Tom DeWeese


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Tom DeWeese

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, and American sovereignty and independence... (more)


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