Curtis Dahlgren
“It used to be you’d come home from work and you’d say Cheers, Mary Tyler Moore, or something funny is on TV tonight. But when you write a script and it goes through four or five hands now, a committee, that’s the end of your script.” – Jerry Seinfeld
SEINFELD was the first comedian to become a billionaire, but Bill O’Reilly says there is nothing funny on TV anymore. Maybe Kamala Harris will change that (some people wonder if her cackling means she’s on booze). Just wondering (her password is LOL).
It’s too bad Mark Twain, Will Rogers, or Art Buchwald aren’t here to comment on current events. Or even Jim Murray, since the voters on the left think politics is just a sporting game. Those in power, of course, see it from the view of the Green World Order, a desperate fight to save the planet, or at least their own pocketbooks.
The assassination attempt on Trump was a failure to all. To us, it was a failure to protect him. To others, it was a failure to finish him off. We’ll have to await the conclusions of the Warren Report 2.0, but unanswered questions abound:
- How did a 20-year-old kid get off-shore bank accounts, an AK47, a scope finder, and a ladder?
- How was he able to navigate a roof with a slope on it when the Secret Service couldn’t?
- Why does the media show him in an eighth grade photograph?
- With 7,800 employees, how come the SS was short of competent people at Butler, PA?
I was doing some tree work for a friend the other day, and I was working on a sloping roof with a chain saw. I’ll be 82 years old on the 29th of July, but SS agents in the prime of life couldn’t get on that roof?
The SS director has resigned. Maybe she can go back to Pepsi Cola. She must have done well there. How many Pepsi employees get car-jacked or assassinated? Speaking of resignations, Uncle Joe’s letter of resignation wasn’t written on White House stationary. Where was he when it was written for him – in the loony bin?
Oh one more thing, of all the assassins, Hinckley made out the best. He did act alone, of course.
P.S. But “seriously, folks,” we have all seen a miracle – that blood on President Trump’s right ear. That is not without great significance. In Leviticus 8, Moses put blood on Aaron’s right ear and on Aaron’s right thumb for consecration. In chapter 14, the priest took the blood of a lamb and “put it upon the right ear of him who is to be cleansed, and upon the right thumb . . . “
When Trump was shot, the first thing he did was put his right hand on his ear, so there was no doubt blood on his right thumb too. I prefer to believe that he is a “consecrated” individual. It may also be significant that it happened on the 13th. Our first flag had 13 stars and 13 stripes for the 13 colonies or states. Many people believe that America is the 13th tribe of Israel.
Laugh if you will, but in Genesis chapter 48, Jacob on his death bed made a prophecy for each of the 12 tribes. To Joseph he said, “I didn’t think I would ever see your face.” Joseph had his two sons with him, and Jacob (“Israel”) said, “Let my name be named on them, and let them grow into a multitude on earth . . . The younger (Ephraim) shall be greater than Manasseh, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations” – such as in a Commonwealth. Joseph’s sons therefore became the 12th and 13th tribes of Israel. The tribe of Judah is one of them, but is not “a multitude of nations” nor as great as the sons of Joseph.
PPS: Why does the Left hate Make America Great Again? Because they think that being the world’s lone super power is not good for the world. Madeline Albright said so! And there’s another person who didn’t know she was an Israelite. All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews. We’re talking about the Lost 10 tribes.
© Curtis DahlgrenThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.