Curtis Dahlgren
TO THIS DAY some people think their friendly local public school is not sexualizing very young children, robbing them of innocence, and messing up their adulthoods. The problem isn't just what is being omitted in the public schools, but what they DO teach. Anything that smacks of traditionalism is ruled verboten as "out of date." The elites think we are more highly evolved now (but compared to our mostly home-schooled Founding Families, we are retarded). Sorry ma'am, but that's a real word.
In "Let Freedom Ring," Sean Hannity listed some of the public school problems in addition to history and other basics:
"Let's take a look at some of the areas the National Education union has favored . . Encourage mushy-minded multiculturalism. Reject English as an official language. Encourage a radical sexual agenda for children . .
"In 2000 Massachusetts education officials helped teach a workshop for students as young as 14 on topics such as positions for gays, ingesting of semen, and so on, funded by taxpayers . . "
One of the instructors was fired and one resigned, but as with history standards, the Left doesn't take NO for an answer. One expert said, "We are preparing kids for the 21st century. We have to teach them what is." Hannity wrote:
"During the first Bush administration, conservative educators set up a committee to develop solid history standards . . It was a good idea – until revisionists intervened . . With input from the Clinton-Gore regime, history was made to conform to the liberal agenda.
"The KKK was mentioned 17 times. McCarthyism 19 times . . But never mentioned were Paul Revere, Edison, Webster, Robert E. Lee, the Wright brothers, Alexander Graham Bell, Clay, or Jonas Salk. George Washington was mentioned only in passing.
The Senate passed a resolution 99-1 denouncing these standards . . . Unfortunately, the feds had already spent $2 million on them," and in the 2000s, the New History curriculum has been almost universally adopted in public schools, along with the sexual agenda.
P.S. Some seminaries and denominations agree that tradition is out of date. They talk about a New Age of grace, never works. "Noah found grace" in Old Testament times. This isn't about justification or salvation; it's about better lives in both this life and rewards in the next.
PPS: It takes a "Village" to ruin a child. Pray for our public school children and the home schoolers.
© Curtis DahlgrenThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.