Curtis Dahlgren
DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT PRIVILEGE. We've all been dissed in one way or another. My dad and I were sitting at the counter. It's a Norwegian town, or was. The guy sitting next to my dad was chatting with us, and after awhile he asked what our last name was. My dad said "Dahlgren." The guy paused and then says:
"Is that Swede or Norwegian?" My dad said Swede. The guy stared at his coffee, and after a longer pause, he says:
"Well, there are some good Swedes." We laughed, but he was dead serious.
It's an old sibling rivalry. The two are like twin brothers who are only separated by a mountain range. It's an example of other silly biases.
"Dumb farmer." Someone said anyone could be a farmer. "All you do is put some seed in the ground and watch it grow." We were farmers. Garbage collectors got more respect.
The uneducated. That's anyone with no degrees, to Academania which is the purveyer of all the politically correct garbage. Garbage out means garbage went in, I guess.
The unsophisticated. Parents at school board meetings. Pro-family groups. Now labeled "hate groups" and domestic terrorists.
Alpha males. University grads are now 60-40 female, and faculties are 10-to-1 liberal Democrat. Dimocrats (that's my only bias).
Veterans. West Point is removing "Duty, honor, country" from its mission statement. Seriously.
Discriminating fans of science. Some of the most vile invective is reserved for people who ask too many questions about climate change or medicine.
Pro-lifers. They accused of being against parenthood planning (good luck with that one).
And of course, the people of faith. "There are a few good Christians," but in the playbook of the hard Left, that's not even to be admitted.
P.S. Bias? Most people are "biased" against criminals, but that doesn't stop the elites from coddling them, and even importing more of them from 170 countries, including Haiti and Syria.
PPS: Racism? I haven't seen any of that in the town where I live. But beware the Ides of March, Patty.
© Curtis DahlgrenThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.