Curtis Dahlgren
From ON WISCONSIN, Winter 2020:
" [A]fter the recent Black Lives Matter protests and other calls to action, UW leaders saw an opportunity to redouble their commitment to a welcoming campus environment. "We believe diversity is a source of strength . ." says Cheryl Gittens, the UW's interim deputy vice Chancellor for diversity and inclusion" . .
"The University is partnering with the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Assn. on a $10 million dollar fundraising initiative to recruit and retain a more diverse group of students, faculty, and staff. It's also investing $1 million in research that sheds light on race in America . . . To equip students with the skills for creating an inclusive community, the Our Wisconsin program is now mandatory for incoming undergraduates."
I WISH l could get 4,000 of my Friends to write to Tommy Thomson, acting head of the UW System and complain about the demand for $100,000,000 for a pay raise for their "essential" employees who have been sitting at home (from people who got forced into unemployment and can't even get their unemployment checks from the state). I'm going to say that, plus:
"You would think Academania would have a lick of sense, but no. You'd think they'd be ashamed to admit they even entertained the thought for a nanosecond. If they want a 2 1/2% raise, let the UW take it out of their billion dollar rainy day fund. Maybe it ain't gonna rain no more."
I came upon a success course at a garage sale. It says everyone should make a tentative list of short-, medium-, and long-term goals. Every time you say "I wish" to yourself, put that on one of the lists as a goal. My short-term goal is to get some of you to write to Tommy Thomson at:
UW System1720 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
One of my Facebook friends said, "While Wisconsin still has people waiting for their FIRST unemployment check! Talk about being tone deaf" (that's Academania for you)!
If Tommy takes advantage of the opportunity, he could accomplish more as acting head of the UW System than anything he accomplished as legislator, governor, or Homeland Security secretary. The whole system needs a shake up. I was admitted to the UW-Madison twice, once on full scholarship to the Farm Short Course in 1960, and in 1970 as a recreation major (aren't they all?). In 10 years the Zeitgeist had changed. I expected to hear my beliefs attacked, but was a little surprised to hear my professor attack the Bible on the first day of Landscaping 101 – of all things! It was over environmentalism ("Eastern religions are more earth-friendly than western religions").
We're not expecting the University to teach religion appreciation, or even Americanism, but when they start attacking America (and our manhood), it's time to stand athwart history and yell STOP! (to quote William F. Buckley, Jr.). While it may go without saying that we can't survive without "Higher Education," taxpayers shouldn't have to shell out hard-earned money for anti-Americanism. Am I the only person who sees the University's "New Clothes" (buck naked anti-male "social science professors"?).
A couple of years ago I suffered a strangulated hernia, and a college-educated surgeon saved my life. I greatly enjoyed my days on the UW campus you attended, Governor, but come on man! A child of five could understand this. Someone go fetch a child of five and have him explain it to the professors in the "SOFT sciences" that are essentially anti-science. This letter isn't just about the money and pay raises. Daniel Webster said:
"I do not know what is to become of our nation. And the thought is one to cause solemn reflection on the part of every Patriot and Christian. If truth be not diffused error will be . . and corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end." – Daniel Webster
"I do not kinow what is to become of our nation. And the thought is one to cause solemn reflection on the part of every Patriot and Christian. If truth be not diffused error will be . . . and corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end."
P.S. Thank you for your service, the many years as governor, and I pray you be well and take this letter seriously. You may have met my brother who was Jefferson County GOP chairman in years gone by.
PPS: PC doesn't mean Patriot and Christian anymore. It stands for Political Correctness, which is devoted to our undoing through corruption, darkness, and anti-Americanism (and antisemitism in the modern Academania).
© Curtis DahlgrenThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.