Curtis Dahlgren
The end of America? Or the renewal of America? (It's up to you)
By Curtis Dahlgren
"Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and don't mess with Mr. In Between." – a song from the 'Olden Days'
"Stop shooting each other; we need the hospital beds." – mayor of Baltimore to gangs
"HOW LONG GO YE LIMPING BETWEEN TWO OPINIONS?" is the way the prophet Elijah put it – in the OLDER 'olden days.'
Yesterday, I asked myself:
"Which is it – either there's something they're not telling us about this virus, or they're using it as an excuse for something – but what?"
I woke up at 3:30 this morning asking the same question and may have stumbled on the answer: Are "they" using the virus to put the fear of God into people, even the gang bangers? Maybe this is an opportunity to clean up the crime and filth in the Big City (the rural term for any town over 50-thousand). San Francisco and L.A. are full of filth, but even our small towns have their share of filthy minds, nihilism, and sin.
Is God beginning His clean up job? The Work we wouldn't believe "even if it were told us?"
In the 1950s, our country didn't have a single murder, but everyone – almost – went to church. By the end of the decade, university professors began pushing kids into partying, booze, and sex. A few generations later, our young people are adrift without rudder, sail, or anchor.
The "freedom" that was promised has become a millstone around their necks. "Relativism rules." Promiscuity has become almost mandatory in the Brave New World, the post-1984 world (reaping the whirlwind). Even the "leaders" have broken their yokes and kicked over the traces. And the world is watching us.
"What's love got to do with it?" – popular culture
You say God's got nothing' to do with it either? Are you SURE?? Don't believe everything you think! The comic strip "Grand Avenue" had one in which the boy says, "Did you know that some squirrels fly?"
And the girl says: "First class or coach?"
And the boy says: "No really."
And she says: "You just said something that contradicts my beliefs, so what you said can't possibly be true!"
That perfectly pictures the Snowflake generation that is brave enough to defy God's statutes but quakes in fear over statues and words. And a virus.
China may or may not have intended it for evil, but God is using it for good. I'm just a guy with a column on the internet, unlike the public relations power of the globalists and the greenies.
They talk "diversity" but in actuality, they want to homogenize society so the cream can't rise to the top.
Chicago, the Big City, liked to brag that Billy Sunday couldn't shut it down, but a little bitty virus DID. If Billy were alive today, he'd be saying, "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?"
P.S. I HAD A DREAM before waking up this morn (about the time some millenials were going to bed); I was standing at the crossroads, and one street sign said, "Glory St." I couldn't see the other sign, but it probably said, "Ignominy." If Gen Z doesn't know what that means, let them look it up.
SO – glory or infamy – which will it be? The world is watching!
PPS: America the beautiful asserted that, ideally, all men are created equal. Billy Sunday would say:
"All men are created equal at the foot of the cross." I hope that you do not overlook the obvious.
Someone said, "The world only ends once." So stop panicking!
© Curtis Dahlgren
March 29, 2020
"Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and don't mess with Mr. In Between." – a song from the 'Olden Days'
"Stop shooting each other; we need the hospital beds." – mayor of Baltimore to gangs
"HOW LONG GO YE LIMPING BETWEEN TWO OPINIONS?" is the way the prophet Elijah put it – in the OLDER 'olden days.'
Yesterday, I asked myself:
"Which is it – either there's something they're not telling us about this virus, or they're using it as an excuse for something – but what?"
I woke up at 3:30 this morning asking the same question and may have stumbled on the answer: Are "they" using the virus to put the fear of God into people, even the gang bangers? Maybe this is an opportunity to clean up the crime and filth in the Big City (the rural term for any town over 50-thousand). San Francisco and L.A. are full of filth, but even our small towns have their share of filthy minds, nihilism, and sin.
Is God beginning His clean up job? The Work we wouldn't believe "even if it were told us?"
In the 1950s, our country didn't have a single murder, but everyone – almost – went to church. By the end of the decade, university professors began pushing kids into partying, booze, and sex. A few generations later, our young people are adrift without rudder, sail, or anchor.
The "freedom" that was promised has become a millstone around their necks. "Relativism rules." Promiscuity has become almost mandatory in the Brave New World, the post-1984 world (reaping the whirlwind). Even the "leaders" have broken their yokes and kicked over the traces. And the world is watching us.
"What's love got to do with it?" – popular culture
You say God's got nothing' to do with it either? Are you SURE?? Don't believe everything you think! The comic strip "Grand Avenue" had one in which the boy says, "Did you know that some squirrels fly?"
And the girl says: "First class or coach?"
And the boy says: "No really."
And she says: "You just said something that contradicts my beliefs, so what you said can't possibly be true!"
That perfectly pictures the Snowflake generation that is brave enough to defy God's statutes but quakes in fear over statues and words. And a virus.
China may or may not have intended it for evil, but God is using it for good. I'm just a guy with a column on the internet, unlike the public relations power of the globalists and the greenies.
They talk "diversity" but in actuality, they want to homogenize society so the cream can't rise to the top.
Chicago, the Big City, liked to brag that Billy Sunday couldn't shut it down, but a little bitty virus DID. If Billy were alive today, he'd be saying, "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?"
P.S. I HAD A DREAM before waking up this morn (about the time some millenials were going to bed); I was standing at the crossroads, and one street sign said, "Glory St." I couldn't see the other sign, but it probably said, "Ignominy." If Gen Z doesn't know what that means, let them look it up.
SO – glory or infamy – which will it be? The world is watching!
PPS: America the beautiful asserted that, ideally, all men are created equal. Billy Sunday would say:
"All men are created equal at the foot of the cross." I hope that you do not overlook the obvious.
Someone said, "The world only ends once." So stop panicking!
© Curtis Dahlgren
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