Curtis Dahlgren
On "Saving the Planet"; some things that "just came to me" this week
By Curtis Dahlgren
"The modern allergy to judgments and standards is deeply problematic, for a defining mark of a good republic is precisely the willingness of its citizens to make judgments about things that matter." – William J. Bennett, The Death of Outrage
A LOT OF BAD, SAD, THINGS HAVE HAPPENED to this world since the end of the Happy Days, the 1950s. But as people grew "worse and worse," Billy Graham and Herbert Armstrong were the big guns for God. One with in-person evangelism and one over the airwaves. Never mind that one kept Sunday and one kept "Saturday"; I prefer to believe that the Lord was working with them, promoting a basic better Way of Life – the "Two Great Commandments." In their heyday, those were probably the Latter Days; these could be the "LAST" Days. Whatever the day, we are all the enemy of evil, angry, forces.
The prophet Malachi predicted a "curse" would be falling on the earth, but it's not the one the Left predicts – that the oceans are going to be the next Deluge. God says He sets the boundaries of the seas. They say "anything goes, whatever" in the "new" morality; the Lord says "Ain't no WAY!" and you can quote that one. But He also promised to work a Great Short Work, a renewal. I also prefer to believe that we could have a "bit part" to play in that Work.
Not to "cry wolf," but I'm surprised it's taken so long to get to this point (General MacArthur said we had had our "last chance" in the 1960s). Someone said that if there is intelligent life somewhere else, this must be its insane asylum. But God isn't just toying with us. I prefer to believe He has opened a great door for us. Who'da thunk that common ordinary believers could someday reach out to every square inch of the globe by satellite on the World Wide Web? That door is open to the "elect," not just the elites.
President Trump sometimes uses crude wording just to get a reaction, and he gets the desired reaction from the media every time. God gets a reaction too by promoting heterosexuality and purity. That's now labelled "hate" speech. The nihilistic lefties live in a bubble, but that bubble has become transparent. Their plans and plots are out in the open now. Anyone with two eyes, or even one, can see it. As Yogi Berra would put it, "you can see a lot just by observing." The Left has revealed its true colors, and they've been sort of "blue" since the 2016 election ("blue" could also refer to their cursing).
Yes, 2016 signaled a temporary awakening, but a GREAT one. God ain't doin' nothin'; He "works" and the Son works and He said so. A thousand years is like a day with them, but in Their due time They will bring the Kingdom of Heaven to this earth. However, the way has to be prepared first, as is true with all historic movements (this being written on Martin Luther King day).
The real question is the degree to which we are aware, and whether we claim the divine Promises personally. They won't bring the Kingdom until enough people WANT it (fed up with this ol' insane asylum). Yes, the Golden Rule will become the rule, not the exception, someday.
Another question is whether we'd be able to do something about the whole deal. When Andrew the disciple met the Christ, the "first thing" he did was bring his brother to Him. Have you ever done that? Someone said that he who saves another's life adds ten years to his own. The smart phone is everywhere. People "speak often" one to another, as Malachi promised millennia ago. THINK: your Facebook network has networks and those networks have other networks.
Ronald Reagan said that if you wrote to nine people and they wrote to nine more people, and this continued for just ten days, you would be able to reach one-half of the world's population.
P.S. Speaking of Martin Luther King, Jr., we admire the good things he accomplished in spite of any personal "weaknesses" he may or may not have had. The Left certainly overlooked them, but they can't give one ounce of credit to our President for his accomplishments. What's so hard to understand? Like all of us, the President is on a journey back to his Father's House.
PPS: Bill Bennett said (1998), "In America we do not defer to kings, cardinals, or aristocrats; we rely instead on the people's capacity to make reasonable judgments based on moral principles."
© Curtis Dahlgren
January 21, 2020
"The modern allergy to judgments and standards is deeply problematic, for a defining mark of a good republic is precisely the willingness of its citizens to make judgments about things that matter." – William J. Bennett, The Death of Outrage
A LOT OF BAD, SAD, THINGS HAVE HAPPENED to this world since the end of the Happy Days, the 1950s. But as people grew "worse and worse," Billy Graham and Herbert Armstrong were the big guns for God. One with in-person evangelism and one over the airwaves. Never mind that one kept Sunday and one kept "Saturday"; I prefer to believe that the Lord was working with them, promoting a basic better Way of Life – the "Two Great Commandments." In their heyday, those were probably the Latter Days; these could be the "LAST" Days. Whatever the day, we are all the enemy of evil, angry, forces.
The prophet Malachi predicted a "curse" would be falling on the earth, but it's not the one the Left predicts – that the oceans are going to be the next Deluge. God says He sets the boundaries of the seas. They say "anything goes, whatever" in the "new" morality; the Lord says "Ain't no WAY!" and you can quote that one. But He also promised to work a Great Short Work, a renewal. I also prefer to believe that we could have a "bit part" to play in that Work.
Not to "cry wolf," but I'm surprised it's taken so long to get to this point (General MacArthur said we had had our "last chance" in the 1960s). Someone said that if there is intelligent life somewhere else, this must be its insane asylum. But God isn't just toying with us. I prefer to believe He has opened a great door for us. Who'da thunk that common ordinary believers could someday reach out to every square inch of the globe by satellite on the World Wide Web? That door is open to the "elect," not just the elites.
President Trump sometimes uses crude wording just to get a reaction, and he gets the desired reaction from the media every time. God gets a reaction too by promoting heterosexuality and purity. That's now labelled "hate" speech. The nihilistic lefties live in a bubble, but that bubble has become transparent. Their plans and plots are out in the open now. Anyone with two eyes, or even one, can see it. As Yogi Berra would put it, "you can see a lot just by observing." The Left has revealed its true colors, and they've been sort of "blue" since the 2016 election ("blue" could also refer to their cursing).
Yes, 2016 signaled a temporary awakening, but a GREAT one. God ain't doin' nothin'; He "works" and the Son works and He said so. A thousand years is like a day with them, but in Their due time They will bring the Kingdom of Heaven to this earth. However, the way has to be prepared first, as is true with all historic movements (this being written on Martin Luther King day).
The real question is the degree to which we are aware, and whether we claim the divine Promises personally. They won't bring the Kingdom until enough people WANT it (fed up with this ol' insane asylum). Yes, the Golden Rule will become the rule, not the exception, someday.
Another question is whether we'd be able to do something about the whole deal. When Andrew the disciple met the Christ, the "first thing" he did was bring his brother to Him. Have you ever done that? Someone said that he who saves another's life adds ten years to his own. The smart phone is everywhere. People "speak often" one to another, as Malachi promised millennia ago. THINK: your Facebook network has networks and those networks have other networks.
Ronald Reagan said that if you wrote to nine people and they wrote to nine more people, and this continued for just ten days, you would be able to reach one-half of the world's population.
P.S. Speaking of Martin Luther King, Jr., we admire the good things he accomplished in spite of any personal "weaknesses" he may or may not have had. The Left certainly overlooked them, but they can't give one ounce of credit to our President for his accomplishments. What's so hard to understand? Like all of us, the President is on a journey back to his Father's House.
PPS: Bill Bennett said (1998), "In America we do not defer to kings, cardinals, or aristocrats; we rely instead on the people's capacity to make reasonable judgments based on moral principles."
© Curtis Dahlgren
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