Curtis Dahlgren
#LGBTQQXYZ#? (liberals, do not read this!)
By Curtis Dahlgren
"Do illiterate people get the full benefit of alphabet soup?" – UPmag.net
ALPHABET SOUP: Public school "grads" may not get it, but they know everything you were afraid to ask about 50 shades of sex and 31 genders. Relativism trickles down from the top, like the two-story outhouse and professors see their "calling" as deprogramming kids from Christian and conservative families. And the Academy is in an ugly mood right now – has been since November. Red and green cookies verboten at college holiday parties. Certain words are unmentionables. The BMOC is Big Brother listening to your too-smart phone, or snitches offended by someone's joke, heading off to their Safe Spaces. Winnowing and sifting are so 20th century! Hillsdale College president Larry Arnn says:
"Every employer, every school, many clubs, and family life itself are now the subject of rules too complex for the lay person to grasp . . Americans sense that they better be looking over their shoulders, careful of what they say."
If you scoff at that ("I have nothing to hide"), you're probably not saying much and keeping your head down (as I've been told to do). We once had 1st Amendment free speech, but not exactly anymore. Not when snowflakes are literally flakes. Can I say that?
#LGBTQETC#? Was that acronym created by the same geniuses who ran Hillary's campaign? A marketing consultant was quoted in the NATION magazine (3-16-15) as saying the following:
"It's exactly the same as selling an iPhone or a soft drink or a cereal."
Or a can of Campbell's soup? Not exactly! Not if your opponent is the Donald. By the WAY, before the election Obomma said that there's no way an election can be "rigged" (a slap at the Don). "Hillary would accept the results" whether Trump did or not! That was then; now is NOW. And speaking of acronyms, I'll show you some that have occurred to me:
- Union to Oppose Prosperity in America Now (UTOPIAN)
- Association Born of Restricting Tradition In Our Nation (ABORTION)
- NOW (as viewed by an unborn child) Nazi Organization of Wildcats (NOW)
- THEN (as viewed by Academe) Transforming History Education Now! (THEN)
- Truth, Respect, and Decency in the Inspiration of Our Nation (TRADITION)
- Society of Communalists in Our Land of God's Yearning [for Liberty] (SOCIOLOGY)
- Gay, Lesbian, and In Between [genders] (GLIB)
- Fellowship of Anybody Not About to Ignore Christ (FANATIC)
- Federation of Anyone Not Teaching Absent-minded Students to Ignore the Commandments (FANTASTIC!)
- A Most Enriched Region; Inspired Country: America (AMERICA!)
YES, America begins and ends with "A"! I just realized where the word "alph-bet" came from – although we started learning the alphabet on day one of kindergarten 70 years ago. We were taught to read in six weeks (for a paltry cost) in the one-roomed schools of the time. Sigh. That was then and now is now again. You've come a long way, baby. NOT.
"Progress" was brought to the consolidated schools by the Academy's two-story outhouses, and so we now have the ultimate Progress: co-ed bathrooms and shower rooms. Graduation rates are another story. In Milwaukee, four of ten public school kids don't graduate. The city has nearly one drug overdose every day on average. A higher murder rate than Chicago per capita. Babies suffocated by co-sleeping "parents." Toddlers shot out of the laps of grandparents. OOPS, wrong house. Another shooting "gone bad."
Where have all the morals gone, long time passing? How are all those new "mores" working out for us, Mr. Sociology Professor man?
P.S. The Bible calls this the Time of Great Hatred. Tough. And when some of our highly educated people get to a hotel, the first thing they do is rip certain pages out of Gideon's Bible. If they can even find one. As I've said before, someone said, "The only reason people hate you is because they [subconsciously] want to be just like you." They want to have a religion. But not our religion. They dearly want a religion-in-lieu-of-religion. "I'm okay; you're okay [if you agree with them]!"
"By night an atheist half believes a God." Billy Sunday said that the majority of people figure that they may not be good enough to "go to heaven" but "good enough" not to go to "Hell" either. But God's not running a Halfway House, he said.
PPS: The good news is that the Bible also talks about a Time of Great Awakening. There are "five wise virgins" and "five foolish virgins." They ALL wake up, according to the prophecy, but the 50-50 split precisely pictures our nation's "Divisions." Which is which? The wise and the foolish? Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
Maybe only Gideon knows for sure.
Oh just one more thing, ma'am. Please pass it on.
"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."
- George Orwell [cd]
© Curtis Dahlgren
March 22, 2017
"Do illiterate people get the full benefit of alphabet soup?" – UPmag.net
ALPHABET SOUP: Public school "grads" may not get it, but they know everything you were afraid to ask about 50 shades of sex and 31 genders. Relativism trickles down from the top, like the two-story outhouse and professors see their "calling" as deprogramming kids from Christian and conservative families. And the Academy is in an ugly mood right now – has been since November. Red and green cookies verboten at college holiday parties. Certain words are unmentionables. The BMOC is Big Brother listening to your too-smart phone, or snitches offended by someone's joke, heading off to their Safe Spaces. Winnowing and sifting are so 20th century! Hillsdale College president Larry Arnn says:
"Every employer, every school, many clubs, and family life itself are now the subject of rules too complex for the lay person to grasp . . Americans sense that they better be looking over their shoulders, careful of what they say."
If you scoff at that ("I have nothing to hide"), you're probably not saying much and keeping your head down (as I've been told to do). We once had 1st Amendment free speech, but not exactly anymore. Not when snowflakes are literally flakes. Can I say that?
#LGBTQETC#? Was that acronym created by the same geniuses who ran Hillary's campaign? A marketing consultant was quoted in the NATION magazine (3-16-15) as saying the following:
"It's exactly the same as selling an iPhone or a soft drink or a cereal."
Or a can of Campbell's soup? Not exactly! Not if your opponent is the Donald. By the WAY, before the election Obomma said that there's no way an election can be "rigged" (a slap at the Don). "Hillary would accept the results" whether Trump did or not! That was then; now is NOW. And speaking of acronyms, I'll show you some that have occurred to me:
- Union to Oppose Prosperity in America Now (UTOPIAN)
- Association Born of Restricting Tradition In Our Nation (ABORTION)
- NOW (as viewed by an unborn child) Nazi Organization of Wildcats (NOW)
- THEN (as viewed by Academe) Transforming History Education Now! (THEN)
- Truth, Respect, and Decency in the Inspiration of Our Nation (TRADITION)
- Society of Communalists in Our Land of God's Yearning [for Liberty] (SOCIOLOGY)
- Gay, Lesbian, and In Between [genders] (GLIB)
- Fellowship of Anybody Not About to Ignore Christ (FANATIC)
- Federation of Anyone Not Teaching Absent-minded Students to Ignore the Commandments (FANTASTIC!)
- A Most Enriched Region; Inspired Country: America (AMERICA!)
YES, America begins and ends with "A"! I just realized where the word "alph-bet" came from – although we started learning the alphabet on day one of kindergarten 70 years ago. We were taught to read in six weeks (for a paltry cost) in the one-roomed schools of the time. Sigh. That was then and now is now again. You've come a long way, baby. NOT.
"Progress" was brought to the consolidated schools by the Academy's two-story outhouses, and so we now have the ultimate Progress: co-ed bathrooms and shower rooms. Graduation rates are another story. In Milwaukee, four of ten public school kids don't graduate. The city has nearly one drug overdose every day on average. A higher murder rate than Chicago per capita. Babies suffocated by co-sleeping "parents." Toddlers shot out of the laps of grandparents. OOPS, wrong house. Another shooting "gone bad."
Where have all the morals gone, long time passing? How are all those new "mores" working out for us, Mr. Sociology Professor man?
P.S. The Bible calls this the Time of Great Hatred. Tough. And when some of our highly educated people get to a hotel, the first thing they do is rip certain pages out of Gideon's Bible. If they can even find one. As I've said before, someone said, "The only reason people hate you is because they [subconsciously] want to be just like you." They want to have a religion. But not our religion. They dearly want a religion-in-lieu-of-religion. "I'm okay; you're okay [if you agree with them]!"
"By night an atheist half believes a God." Billy Sunday said that the majority of people figure that they may not be good enough to "go to heaven" but "good enough" not to go to "Hell" either. But God's not running a Halfway House, he said.
PPS: The good news is that the Bible also talks about a Time of Great Awakening. There are "five wise virgins" and "five foolish virgins." They ALL wake up, according to the prophecy, but the 50-50 split precisely pictures our nation's "Divisions." Which is which? The wise and the foolish? Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
Maybe only Gideon knows for sure.
Oh just one more thing, ma'am. Please pass it on.
"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it."
- George Orwell [cd]
© Curtis Dahlgren
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