Curtis Dahlgren
Our subconscious self-esteem problem: Too many "BUTS"
By Curtis Dahlgren
"I had always been taught, and experience had fortified the teachings, that an active faith in God and a rigid adherence to Christian principles are the most powerful influences toward the good life." – William F. Buckley, Jr. (God & Man at Yale)
"AMERICA HAS BEEN GOOD TO US, BUT – " is post-modern Academe's mantra. The University of Wisconsin's current position on Freedom is, "The first amendment is okay, but speech that 'diminishes others' is unacceptable." Winnowing/sifting is now out if it should happen to hurt the feelings of kids who are there strictly as recreation majors (aren't they all?).
Quoting the Founders' viewpoints on campus constitutes "harassment" – even in the Ivy League which was founded by churches. Phy ed is alive and well, but there is malpractice in HI ED (higher education). Malpractice in J-schools trickles down to your local newspaper if you still have one; it's open warfare on "the good life."
Male and female at Yale; a humungous fungus among us: Yale invited a diplomat-at-large for the Taliban to be a student in 2005. A guy who sat next to him during a final exam in "International Relations" wrote a book entitled "Sex and God at Yale" in 2013. Sex Week versus God. It's funny how the snowflake-children suddenly become "adults" when it comes to sex and adultery in "adulthood"! Nathan Harden includes the ugly D-tales:
"Yale's liberals are still actively working to refashion American politics and culture. But the devil is in the details . . [things] that WFB could scarcely imagine in 1951 . . a professor who publicly praised terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. My how times have changed"!
BTW, the U. of Wisconsin says that we shouldn't "diminish" others? Wish that they had told that to some of my professors. My religion got "diminished" on the first day of class. Eastern religions were praised. Orwell said that without the right to say what people don't want to hear, there's no Freedom of speech, of course. I'm just for "self-control " on tax-subsidized campuses – and against the one-way street of the double-standards. Zig Ziglar recently wrote:
"FBI research indicates that all of the kids who kill kids have two things in common . . [they] seldom, if ever, went to church [and] they frequently played interactive video games where they practiced 'shooting' their victims . . Their only exposure to what the church teaches was the way believers are depicted on TV . . When a kid has been convinced that life is unfair and he feels rejected, he often turns to violent actions."
Television and movies provide the saturation with violence and public education provides the "life is not fair" part of the equation: "Too many poor people, too many rich people" (even though people keep coming here in increasing numbers). To close the loop on "too many BUTS," I cite for example the Sunday Free Press this week.
The front page of section A mentions the Tigers and Spartans, and concerts and plays, but not a speck of information about the California terror attack. All you get is two headlines about op eds on the subject, and you'll be familiar with the tone of those:
- "Why are we cowards when it comes to gun control?" – Rochelle Riley
- "If gun laws don't change then something else will . . Laws, smartly written, address the dangers facing society . . [BUT] our biggest gun law was written 224 years ago [the second amendment]." – Mitch Albom
Albom used the word "BUT" nine times in the column, and the New York Daily News printed "GOD ISN'T FIXING THIS" across its whole front page. Did you ever notice that pundits who get paid for writing don't make any sense compared to rank amateurs at Renew America?* God was the very reason our first ancestors came to this continent from the Old World (decadent Europe). Now all academe can do is mock the Almighty?
To be continued.
P.S. In the NFL, wild finishes are becoming the new normal, and that could be a metaphor for the world and the times in which we live. There is no reason to become depressed. Alarmed maybe, but not depressed. I recently read about Eric (Chariots of Fire) Liddell.
There was a triangular meet with England, Ireland, and Scotland in 1923. Liddell won the 100 and the 220. Then in the 440, not his favorite distance, he got knocked down by another runner three strides into the race. Twenty yards behind the field, he got up and got back into the race. At the tape, the people in the stands couldn't even believe what their eyes had just seen. Liddell had won the race with room to spare – just like the Packers in the Thursday night game. The Pack finally got the right play-call called, the 61 yard hail Mary.
PPS: The father of the California shooter told him, "Be patient. In two years there will be no Israel." Barack (ISIL) O'Bama keeps talking about strategic patience too. Just keep watching. The year 2016 could be a doozie.
Speaking of wild finishes, at the end of the book, the terrorists lose!
* I highly recommend Tabitha Karol's column this week.
© Curtis Dahlgren
December 8, 2015
"I had always been taught, and experience had fortified the teachings, that an active faith in God and a rigid adherence to Christian principles are the most powerful influences toward the good life." – William F. Buckley, Jr. (God & Man at Yale)
"AMERICA HAS BEEN GOOD TO US, BUT – " is post-modern Academe's mantra. The University of Wisconsin's current position on Freedom is, "The first amendment is okay, but speech that 'diminishes others' is unacceptable." Winnowing/sifting is now out if it should happen to hurt the feelings of kids who are there strictly as recreation majors (aren't they all?).
Quoting the Founders' viewpoints on campus constitutes "harassment" – even in the Ivy League which was founded by churches. Phy ed is alive and well, but there is malpractice in HI ED (higher education). Malpractice in J-schools trickles down to your local newspaper if you still have one; it's open warfare on "the good life."
Male and female at Yale; a humungous fungus among us: Yale invited a diplomat-at-large for the Taliban to be a student in 2005. A guy who sat next to him during a final exam in "International Relations" wrote a book entitled "Sex and God at Yale" in 2013. Sex Week versus God. It's funny how the snowflake-children suddenly become "adults" when it comes to sex and adultery in "adulthood"! Nathan Harden includes the ugly D-tales:
"Yale's liberals are still actively working to refashion American politics and culture. But the devil is in the details . . [things] that WFB could scarcely imagine in 1951 . . a professor who publicly praised terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. My how times have changed"!
BTW, the U. of Wisconsin says that we shouldn't "diminish" others? Wish that they had told that to some of my professors. My religion got "diminished" on the first day of class. Eastern religions were praised. Orwell said that without the right to say what people don't want to hear, there's no Freedom of speech, of course. I'm just for "self-control " on tax-subsidized campuses – and against the one-way street of the double-standards. Zig Ziglar recently wrote:
"FBI research indicates that all of the kids who kill kids have two things in common . . [they] seldom, if ever, went to church [and] they frequently played interactive video games where they practiced 'shooting' their victims . . Their only exposure to what the church teaches was the way believers are depicted on TV . . When a kid has been convinced that life is unfair and he feels rejected, he often turns to violent actions."
Television and movies provide the saturation with violence and public education provides the "life is not fair" part of the equation: "Too many poor people, too many rich people" (even though people keep coming here in increasing numbers). To close the loop on "too many BUTS," I cite for example the Sunday Free Press this week.
The front page of section A mentions the Tigers and Spartans, and concerts and plays, but not a speck of information about the California terror attack. All you get is two headlines about op eds on the subject, and you'll be familiar with the tone of those:
- "Why are we cowards when it comes to gun control?" – Rochelle Riley
- "If gun laws don't change then something else will . . Laws, smartly written, address the dangers facing society . . [BUT] our biggest gun law was written 224 years ago [the second amendment]." – Mitch Albom
Albom used the word "BUT" nine times in the column, and the New York Daily News printed "GOD ISN'T FIXING THIS" across its whole front page. Did you ever notice that pundits who get paid for writing don't make any sense compared to rank amateurs at Renew America?* God was the very reason our first ancestors came to this continent from the Old World (decadent Europe). Now all academe can do is mock the Almighty?
To be continued.
P.S. In the NFL, wild finishes are becoming the new normal, and that could be a metaphor for the world and the times in which we live. There is no reason to become depressed. Alarmed maybe, but not depressed. I recently read about Eric (Chariots of Fire) Liddell.
There was a triangular meet with England, Ireland, and Scotland in 1923. Liddell won the 100 and the 220. Then in the 440, not his favorite distance, he got knocked down by another runner three strides into the race. Twenty yards behind the field, he got up and got back into the race. At the tape, the people in the stands couldn't even believe what their eyes had just seen. Liddell had won the race with room to spare – just like the Packers in the Thursday night game. The Pack finally got the right play-call called, the 61 yard hail Mary.
PPS: The father of the California shooter told him, "Be patient. In two years there will be no Israel." Barack (ISIL) O'Bama keeps talking about strategic patience too. Just keep watching. The year 2016 could be a doozie.
Speaking of wild finishes, at the end of the book, the terrorists lose!
* I highly recommend Tabitha Karol's column this week.
© Curtis Dahlgren
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