Curtis Dahlgren
I'm not arguing; I'm just explaining it better: "the 7 days that were"
By Curtis Dahlgren
"Obama Touts Religious Liberty to Pope While Litigating to Force 15 Dioceses to Cooperate in Abortion." – CNSNews (9-24-15)
YOUR PRESIDENT says that the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet. What d'ya mean "THE" prophet (singular)? Aren't there any "prophets" (plural) in his Book? Not to slander the prophet, but I wouldn't want to tick off the Pope either. Nor Christians who think I "argue" too much, BUT:
Two themes of 'the week that was' were, poverty and global warming. Enough to make a grown man cry. I suggest we step back from the debates and look into our own Book. It says that you will always have the poor among you; it says that the Lord sets the boundaries of the ocean; He says that He will bless righteous nations with good weather – instead of the wildfires we've been seeing. I could stop right there and call it a column. As Rush Limbaugh says, "I have to be real careful" (about proceeding).
Ah God, for a man with heart, head, hand,
Like some of the simple great ones gone forever and ever by,
One still strong man in a blatant land,
Whatever they call him, what care I,
Aristocrat, democrat, autocrat
Who can rule and dare not lie.
Who never sold the truth to serve the hour,
Nor paltered with Eternal God for power.
- Tennyson (ode on the death of the Duke of Wellington)
In modern public education, even that's controversial, since anything English is thought to be tainted with imperialism. What's the use? Can any common sense still get through to the politically "correct"? Unless you're the Pope, one isn't supposed to say anything "political," and everything is! Under that rule, nothing is allowed to be said anymore.
"It's beyond disturbing how the great numbers of Americans still embracing the nation's traditional Christian values have been not merely marginalized but relegated to a lunatic fringe – by liberal activists [etc]." – Good News magazine, Nov-Dec 2014 ("America's War on God")
Another issue we heard mentioned a lot this week was "immigration" – read illegal alien invasion – and I can say it all in one sentence: Lobbying for open borders at the expense of our national sovereignty is like converting an armored vehicle into a welcome wagon. How's that for a word-picture? That came to me the other day when I saw an armored truck leaving a bank (money leaving your bank is another analogy for the USA in the 21st century). We even borrow 40 cents of every dollar we pay on interest, but our Beltway politicos are playing Kick The Can (down the road), changing the dollar gradually into Monopoly money. That's a bigger problem than global climate change, bottom line (the climate has always been changing, first warming, then cooling).
And the President's own scientists have been trying to explain the "Pause" in warming throughout the century so far!
P.S. When he says we must not slander the prophet, was he talking about Yogi Berra? Now there was the best kind of prophet ("There is nothing harder to predict than the future."), RIP. In my religion, every able-bodied person is required to make a pilgrimage to Cooperstown once in in one's lifetime. Actually, baseball was sort of my childhood religion, but in my 70s I still haven't made it to Cooperstown.
Speaking of pilgrimages, Mecca had a bad seven days between September 17th and the 24th, tragic deaths befalling close to a thousand pilgrims. Your president once said the Bible says we shouldn't throw stones if we live in glass houses. That's not actually in the Bible, but the principle is valid for both post-Christian America and pre-Dark Ages Islam. And who throws more stones than Islamists and Palestinians? "Rejoice not, whole Palestina, when thy enemy falls," says the Bible (one of only 2 or 3 times that term is even used).
If we can't agree to even disagree, can we at least not give a standing ovation when our enemies fall (think World Trade Center)? Falling cranes are also bad omens (ask the first-to-last Milwaukee Brewers). Weep with those who weep.
PPS: Starting September 28th are seven more days that include the Feast of Tabernacles on the Hebrew calendar (and for some Christian churches who see a bit of the future – when Egypt, Israel, and Assyria will be united and children can play in the streets – instead of fleeing to some other country in a mass "migration"). Not to slander the "prophet," but in those days not honoring "THE" Sabbath and high days could mean some bad karma.
The mainstream media do not want you to know how messed up the world is right now, but you know what I mean I hope? Just asking. As someone said, weak men believe in "luck" but strong men believe in cause-and-effect.
Ring out the false, ring in the true,
Ring out the feud of rich and poor.
Ring out the slowly dying cause,
The ancient forms of party strife;
Ring in the nobler modes of life,
With sweeter manners, purer laws.
© Curtis Dahlgren
September 26, 2015
"Obama Touts Religious Liberty to Pope While Litigating to Force 15 Dioceses to Cooperate in Abortion." – CNSNews (9-24-15)
YOUR PRESIDENT says that the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet. What d'ya mean "THE" prophet (singular)? Aren't there any "prophets" (plural) in his Book? Not to slander the prophet, but I wouldn't want to tick off the Pope either. Nor Christians who think I "argue" too much, BUT:
Two themes of 'the week that was' were, poverty and global warming. Enough to make a grown man cry. I suggest we step back from the debates and look into our own Book. It says that you will always have the poor among you; it says that the Lord sets the boundaries of the ocean; He says that He will bless righteous nations with good weather – instead of the wildfires we've been seeing. I could stop right there and call it a column. As Rush Limbaugh says, "I have to be real careful" (about proceeding).
Ah God, for a man with heart, head, hand,
Like some of the simple great ones gone forever and ever by,
One still strong man in a blatant land,
Whatever they call him, what care I,
Aristocrat, democrat, autocrat
Who can rule and dare not lie.
Who never sold the truth to serve the hour,
Nor paltered with Eternal God for power.
- Tennyson (ode on the death of the Duke of Wellington)
In modern public education, even that's controversial, since anything English is thought to be tainted with imperialism. What's the use? Can any common sense still get through to the politically "correct"? Unless you're the Pope, one isn't supposed to say anything "political," and everything is! Under that rule, nothing is allowed to be said anymore.
"It's beyond disturbing how the great numbers of Americans still embracing the nation's traditional Christian values have been not merely marginalized but relegated to a lunatic fringe – by liberal activists [etc]." – Good News magazine, Nov-Dec 2014 ("America's War on God")
Another issue we heard mentioned a lot this week was "immigration" – read illegal alien invasion – and I can say it all in one sentence: Lobbying for open borders at the expense of our national sovereignty is like converting an armored vehicle into a welcome wagon. How's that for a word-picture? That came to me the other day when I saw an armored truck leaving a bank (money leaving your bank is another analogy for the USA in the 21st century). We even borrow 40 cents of every dollar we pay on interest, but our Beltway politicos are playing Kick The Can (down the road), changing the dollar gradually into Monopoly money. That's a bigger problem than global climate change, bottom line (the climate has always been changing, first warming, then cooling).
And the President's own scientists have been trying to explain the "Pause" in warming throughout the century so far!
P.S. When he says we must not slander the prophet, was he talking about Yogi Berra? Now there was the best kind of prophet ("There is nothing harder to predict than the future."), RIP. In my religion, every able-bodied person is required to make a pilgrimage to Cooperstown once in in one's lifetime. Actually, baseball was sort of my childhood religion, but in my 70s I still haven't made it to Cooperstown.
Speaking of pilgrimages, Mecca had a bad seven days between September 17th and the 24th, tragic deaths befalling close to a thousand pilgrims. Your president once said the Bible says we shouldn't throw stones if we live in glass houses. That's not actually in the Bible, but the principle is valid for both post-Christian America and pre-Dark Ages Islam. And who throws more stones than Islamists and Palestinians? "Rejoice not, whole Palestina, when thy enemy falls," says the Bible (one of only 2 or 3 times that term is even used).
If we can't agree to even disagree, can we at least not give a standing ovation when our enemies fall (think World Trade Center)? Falling cranes are also bad omens (ask the first-to-last Milwaukee Brewers). Weep with those who weep.
PPS: Starting September 28th are seven more days that include the Feast of Tabernacles on the Hebrew calendar (and for some Christian churches who see a bit of the future – when Egypt, Israel, and Assyria will be united and children can play in the streets – instead of fleeing to some other country in a mass "migration"). Not to slander the "prophet," but in those days not honoring "THE" Sabbath and high days could mean some bad karma.
The mainstream media do not want you to know how messed up the world is right now, but you know what I mean I hope? Just asking. As someone said, weak men believe in "luck" but strong men believe in cause-and-effect.
Ring out the false, ring in the true,
Ring out the feud of rich and poor.
Ring out the slowly dying cause,
The ancient forms of party strife;
Ring in the nobler modes of life,
With sweeter manners, purer laws.
© Curtis Dahlgren
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