Curtis Dahlgren
Bad "social science" (fiction) = MAD "political science fiction" (consequences)
By Curtis Dahlgren
"Despite all the evidence against it, the modern liberal mind believes his agenda is good social science. It is, in fact, bad science fiction." — Dr. Lyle Rossiter, Jr. (author of "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness)
"The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else." — Frederic Bastiat
"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." — George Bernard Shaw
THE CONSERVATIVE (whether rich or not) sees that last quotation as a warning sign on the road to serfdom; the Liberal hears it the other way around: "Awright! That's our road to power!" But Robert Frost once wrote:
"The best things and the best people rise out of their separateness; I'm against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise."
My grandfather, who delivered whole milk door-to-door, had a saying of his own:
"Thank God for the rich people. The poor people don't have any money."
He understood that because he arrived in this country with no money, but an established farm family helped him get his foot in the door. And the Dahlgrens not only survived, but the second- and third- generation native-borns have done "okay." Yes, I confess: I'm a native american. I was born here!
I don't know if my grandparents had much education, if any, but grampa Dahlgren had an instinctive understanding of economics. And my family has always seen the economy as a "living" thing that needs to be free, not something that is to be sliced up into "equal" parts and killed off! And to quote Thomas Sowell:
"No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems of which getting elected and re-elected are No. 1 and No. 2. Whatever is No. 3 is far behind."
By the way, Sowell is one of those guys who cannot be called white or white hispanic — nor can he be accused of being a dummie (he has written 28 books including "Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy"). So — that is to say that the Law of Economics doesn't know "race" from Outer Space — it's all about knowledge, understanding, and attitude, along with hard work! As someone once said, "Life is what you make it." Or, life is what you put "into" it.
If you are one of the exceptions who wants to work and still can't find a job, maybe you'll have to create your own job. At the very least you should be curious enough to come to understand WHY it's hard to find a job right now (54 percent of the unemployed are between the age of 20 and 35; and in "green jobs" Spain, more than 40% of the young people are without jobs).
"Analysts estimate that every one-cent increase [in the price of a gallon of gas] is roughly a $1.4 billion drain on the economy." — Associated Press, 2/24/12 (Lynchburg News-Advance)
SO? To put it in "simple" terms, Econ 101 says that when you buy 4- or 5-dollar-a-gallon gasoline at the C-store, you don't have much left to buy stuff inside the store. This hurts the food, soda, and beer distributors, the newspaper people, the sandwich makers, the local clerks — and even the owner of the station (he is selling less gas, and has to keep the price as low as possible). This is one way a downward economic spiral starts. The ripple effect and the reverse multiplier effect could possibly speed up the downward spiral until it's out of control.
I recall many recessions during my 70 years. My parents lived through the Depression. Almost every generation has lived through such "adjustments," but this one is the most entitlement-spoiled generation. It wants instant gratification and no pain — with or without "gain." These kids don't care if Uncle Sam is going broke; they just want more freebies. FEMA, FHA, and FDIC, Social Security, and Medicare are all heading toward bankruptcy.
But to finish on a cheerier note, this week I recommend Fox News on Friday night instead of a fish fry; at 9 PM EDT, Eric Bolling and Sarah Palin are doing a special involving energy supply and demand (Econ 101).
P.S. That reminds me — did you realize that liberalism is all about "salvation"? Yes, but I'm talking about "salvation" from the consequences of stupid and idiotic "decisions." "Consequences" is one of the words that comes from sequences (i.e., "things that follow").
Like, if you're pregnant, how'd that happen? Never mind; just kill the baby? Modernists have deconstructed the English language so that everything from crime to addictions are called just poor "choices." Other human nature weaknesses are now called "issues" (we used to call them 'problems'). And even media attempts to deceive the viewing audience (NBC) are called MISTAKES ("sin" doesn't exist anymore — except as defined by the speech police or the food police).
But if you no longer believe in the concept of consequences, just ask Tiger Woods about that subject.
Regards to the Wallace family, but I must confess, I wasn't much of a 60 Minutes fan. Especially not after they cold-cocked the Shah of Iran. CBS edited a tape so that the teaser at the top of the hour made the Shah say something that sounded the opposite of what he actually said in context. I wrote a complaint to CBS, and they were dumb enough to admit that they were dumb enough. They didn't think anyone would notice (this was before most people had video recorders)? They said, like NBC in 2012, they "didn't know how it happened."
Never mind how the people of Iran might suffer — getting rid of the royal family was "a good STORY," eh?
I could go on and on about the week's events, but I forgot I did mean to mention the Dow Jones and other stock averages. Stock indexes fell for five days in a row while the President hit the campaign trail to bash the rich. We also had had ten straight weeks of rising prices in the gas and diesel market.
No big surprise there, but I guess that the news media doesn't consider that a big STORY, eh?
The President's big story was "FAIRNESS" this week. However, Dr. Rossiter, who wrote the opening quote above, also said ["Whistleblower" magazine, January 2010]:
"What the radical liberal mind really longs for, as revealed in his political goals, is a child's relationship to a loving family whose caretaking compensates him for the injuries he suffered in his early years. He seeks all of this in the contemporary political arena. The major problem he faces is that a substantial portion of the population is still competent: It is a population that deeply reveres individual liberty, readily accepts its responsibilities, and passionately opposes its destruction. It is not about to yield to the liberal's mad dream." ["Are Liberals Mentally Ill?"]
"The utopian schemes of leveling and a 'community' of goods are as visionary and impracticable as those which vest all property in the crown . . . [they] are arbitrary, despotic, and in our government, unconstitutional." — Sam Adams
© Curtis Dahlgren
April 13, 2012
"Despite all the evidence against it, the modern liberal mind believes his agenda is good social science. It is, in fact, bad science fiction." — Dr. Lyle Rossiter, Jr. (author of "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness)
"The state is that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else." — Frederic Bastiat
"The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." — George Bernard Shaw
THE CONSERVATIVE (whether rich or not) sees that last quotation as a warning sign on the road to serfdom; the Liberal hears it the other way around: "Awright! That's our road to power!" But Robert Frost once wrote:
"The best things and the best people rise out of their separateness; I'm against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise."
My grandfather, who delivered whole milk door-to-door, had a saying of his own:
"Thank God for the rich people. The poor people don't have any money."
He understood that because he arrived in this country with no money, but an established farm family helped him get his foot in the door. And the Dahlgrens not only survived, but the second- and third- generation native-borns have done "okay." Yes, I confess: I'm a native american. I was born here!
I don't know if my grandparents had much education, if any, but grampa Dahlgren had an instinctive understanding of economics. And my family has always seen the economy as a "living" thing that needs to be free, not something that is to be sliced up into "equal" parts and killed off! And to quote Thomas Sowell:
"No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems of which getting elected and re-elected are No. 1 and No. 2. Whatever is No. 3 is far behind."
By the way, Sowell is one of those guys who cannot be called white or white hispanic — nor can he be accused of being a dummie (he has written 28 books including "Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy"). So — that is to say that the Law of Economics doesn't know "race" from Outer Space — it's all about knowledge, understanding, and attitude, along with hard work! As someone once said, "Life is what you make it." Or, life is what you put "into" it.
If you are one of the exceptions who wants to work and still can't find a job, maybe you'll have to create your own job. At the very least you should be curious enough to come to understand WHY it's hard to find a job right now (54 percent of the unemployed are between the age of 20 and 35; and in "green jobs" Spain, more than 40% of the young people are without jobs).
"Analysts estimate that every one-cent increase [in the price of a gallon of gas] is roughly a $1.4 billion drain on the economy." — Associated Press, 2/24/12 (Lynchburg News-Advance)
SO? To put it in "simple" terms, Econ 101 says that when you buy 4- or 5-dollar-a-gallon gasoline at the C-store, you don't have much left to buy stuff inside the store. This hurts the food, soda, and beer distributors, the newspaper people, the sandwich makers, the local clerks — and even the owner of the station (he is selling less gas, and has to keep the price as low as possible). This is one way a downward economic spiral starts. The ripple effect and the reverse multiplier effect could possibly speed up the downward spiral until it's out of control.
I recall many recessions during my 70 years. My parents lived through the Depression. Almost every generation has lived through such "adjustments," but this one is the most entitlement-spoiled generation. It wants instant gratification and no pain — with or without "gain." These kids don't care if Uncle Sam is going broke; they just want more freebies. FEMA, FHA, and FDIC, Social Security, and Medicare are all heading toward bankruptcy.
But to finish on a cheerier note, this week I recommend Fox News on Friday night instead of a fish fry; at 9 PM EDT, Eric Bolling and Sarah Palin are doing a special involving energy supply and demand (Econ 101).
P.S. That reminds me — did you realize that liberalism is all about "salvation"? Yes, but I'm talking about "salvation" from the consequences of stupid and idiotic "decisions." "Consequences" is one of the words that comes from sequences (i.e., "things that follow").
Like, if you're pregnant, how'd that happen? Never mind; just kill the baby? Modernists have deconstructed the English language so that everything from crime to addictions are called just poor "choices." Other human nature weaknesses are now called "issues" (we used to call them 'problems'). And even media attempts to deceive the viewing audience (NBC) are called MISTAKES ("sin" doesn't exist anymore — except as defined by the speech police or the food police).
But if you no longer believe in the concept of consequences, just ask Tiger Woods about that subject.
Regards to the Wallace family, but I must confess, I wasn't much of a 60 Minutes fan. Especially not after they cold-cocked the Shah of Iran. CBS edited a tape so that the teaser at the top of the hour made the Shah say something that sounded the opposite of what he actually said in context. I wrote a complaint to CBS, and they were dumb enough to admit that they were dumb enough. They didn't think anyone would notice (this was before most people had video recorders)? They said, like NBC in 2012, they "didn't know how it happened."
Never mind how the people of Iran might suffer — getting rid of the royal family was "a good STORY," eh?
I could go on and on about the week's events, but I forgot I did mean to mention the Dow Jones and other stock averages. Stock indexes fell for five days in a row while the President hit the campaign trail to bash the rich. We also had had ten straight weeks of rising prices in the gas and diesel market.
No big surprise there, but I guess that the news media doesn't consider that a big STORY, eh?
The President's big story was "FAIRNESS" this week. However, Dr. Rossiter, who wrote the opening quote above, also said ["Whistleblower" magazine, January 2010]:
"What the radical liberal mind really longs for, as revealed in his political goals, is a child's relationship to a loving family whose caretaking compensates him for the injuries he suffered in his early years. He seeks all of this in the contemporary political arena. The major problem he faces is that a substantial portion of the population is still competent: It is a population that deeply reveres individual liberty, readily accepts its responsibilities, and passionately opposes its destruction. It is not about to yield to the liberal's mad dream." ["Are Liberals Mentally Ill?"]
"The utopian schemes of leveling and a 'community' of goods are as visionary and impracticable as those which vest all property in the crown . . . [they] are arbitrary, despotic, and in our government, unconstitutional." — Sam Adams
© Curtis Dahlgren
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