Curtis Dahlgren
"OCCUPY CHICAGO": A higher class of hippies than in 1968?
By Curtis Dahlgren
"Economics is about 5 percent money and 95 percent psuychology." — C. Dahlgren, www.renewamerica.com/columns/dahlgren/110908
THAT WAS A TYPO, BUT — some typos were almost meant to be. This one turns out to be a comment on our litigious culture — a cross between "psychology" and "sue-happy." While Carter had his 'malaise,' the Prez 44 now says we've lost our "ambition."
And he's the one who turned off the ignition and put our air-ship of State into a glide pattern looking for a landing spot!
THIS is going to be one of those kinds of columns — where I might be suspected of being unable to "focus." Between the demon-strators in the streets and the White House that encourages them, we are being overwhelmed by "issues" (we used to call those problems). The psychology on the Left is occupied with cliches: Bankers, financiers, and "Wall St." (whatever that means). There's more scapegoating going on than in 1930 Germany.
I guess the "blame Bush" mantra wasn't going over well anymore, so the Left has "moved on" to blaming ALL the so-called rich. The 2011 version of '68 hippie-dippy Weathermen are demon-strating in the streets (but they still love the rich people on their side!). Go figure.
Did the riots by young Muslims in France produce "jobs" for young Muslims? Did the riots in Greece produce any jobs? NOOOO! But the media treat the "Occupy" movement as the greatest thing to come along since sliced white bread.
Speaking of rich Lefties, here's an excerpt from FoxNews.com, May 11, 2011:
"When liberal investor George Soros gave $1.8 million to NPR, it became part of the controversy that jeopardized NPR's federal funding. But that gift only hints at the widespread influence the controversial billionaire has on the mainstream media. Soros, who spent $27 million trying to defeat President Bush in 2004, has ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets — including the New York Times, Washington Post, the A.P., NBC, and ABC . . .
"ABC's Christiane Amanpour and Washington Post vice president Len Downie serve on boards of operations that take Soros cash . . this despite the Society of Professional Journalists' ethical code stating: 'avoid all conflicts real or perceived' . . .
"ProPublica, which recently won its second Pulitzer Prize, initially was given millions of dollars from the Sandler Foundation to 'strengthen the progressive infrastructure' — progressive being the code word for 'very liberal.' In 2010, it also received a two-year contribution of $125,000 each year from the Open Society . . .
"In case you wonder where that money comes from, the OSF website is www.soros.org — a network of more than 30 international foundations, mostly funded by Soros, who has contributed more than $8 billion to those efforts."
[But the media call Soros an investor, while their few and far between opposites on the Right are called speculators (fat cats, etc.). Sadly, groups such as Media Research, Newsmax, and Fox News are vastly outspent. And yet the Left is losing the P.R. battles. THUS THE VIOLENCE IN THE STREETS (but how did that work out for the Democrat party in 1968 and 1972?).
BY THE WAY — the Northwoods are ablaze with the color of the larch trees, plus hunting gear, and we're feeling sorry up here for the residents of Mitt Romney's state who recently got a foot-and-one-half of snow — happening around the same time as Romney's comment that he believes there's man-made Global Warming — based on what he's read! Maybe he needs to read something other than the New York Times, eh?
"Only the unhinged even discussed doubts about global warming. Don't question any of the above; it was all gospel — as we see now in D.C. from Keynes to Gorism to [etc] . . Doubt any of that, and that laid-back elbow-patched prof who told the class 'Call me Bill,' in a flash, Gollum like, turned into a snarling jackal, screaming, 'I am Doctor Jones, with important publications on climate change and a doctorate from Berkeley! How dare you question me!" — Victor Davis Hansen (2010 article, "We are ruled by professors").
As someone recently pointed out, when the earth was warmer than now, in 1999 for example, Mars and the other planets were warming in a similar fashion — maybe because we share the same SUN, EH?
[I live closer to the north pole than the equator, but we haven't seen northern lights much since the early 2000s. Don't tell Algore, but the lack of sunspots is the reason. And sunspots have a LOT more influence on earth's temperature than our automobiles.]
I told you I was going to ramble today. I ought to just refer you to former columns. For the benefit of newer readers, I should formulate a handy index to help them find some of the amazing facts I've chronicled from history and the current scene. The ABCs would include "Americanism," "Bolsheviks," and "Communism." Curious? Go to my column home page and search for those three words.
The most interesting newspaper of late was the 10/24/11 USA TODAY. The front page published the word "Disaster" more than 90 times, reporting that FEMA is basically broke (along with Medicaid in an adjoining article). Someone said that if California gets the Big One, we may have to sell Los Angeles to the Chinese.
Which reminds me — WH press secretary Carney tried to quote the Bible the other day: "The Lord helps those who help themselves" (NOT in the Bible). With all the scapegoating of millionaires and billionaires and "bankers" going on, the White House could stand to read Isaiah:
"My people, those who LEAD you cause you to err."
Or, maybe Carney could read Ann Coulter's timely book "Demonic."
"The demon is a mob, and the mob is demonic. The Democratic Party activates mobs, depends on mobs, coddles mobs, publicizes and celebrates mobs — it is the mob." — book's dust cover
"Instead of 'counterrevolutionaries,' liberals' opponents are called 'haters,' 'those who seek to divide us,' 'tea baggers,' and 'right-wing [extremists].' Meanwhile, conservatives call liberals 'liberals' — and that makes them testy." — Coulter
P.S. Bringing this column full-circle, I started out by saying "Economics is about 5 percent 'money' and 95 percent psuychology." The most interesting newspaper article this week was "Cost of fatal car collision is $6M" (Nov. 3 USA TODAY).
The triple-A auto club says that in 2005 the total cost of a car fatality was $3.24 million, but the 2009 cost had risen to over six million dollars. Can you say "lawyers," boys and girls? Just think what an alleged case of medical malpractice might cost!
"Those who lead us" refuse to do anything about out-of-control legal liabilities, which affects costs insurance companies have to charge doctors and other businesses! Very bad "psuychology."
© Curtis Dahlgren
November 5, 2011
"Economics is about 5 percent money and 95 percent psuychology." — C. Dahlgren, www.renewamerica.com/columns/dahlgren/110908
THAT WAS A TYPO, BUT — some typos were almost meant to be. This one turns out to be a comment on our litigious culture — a cross between "psychology" and "sue-happy." While Carter had his 'malaise,' the Prez 44 now says we've lost our "ambition."
And he's the one who turned off the ignition and put our air-ship of State into a glide pattern looking for a landing spot!
THIS is going to be one of those kinds of columns — where I might be suspected of being unable to "focus." Between the demon-strators in the streets and the White House that encourages them, we are being overwhelmed by "issues" (we used to call those problems). The psychology on the Left is occupied with cliches: Bankers, financiers, and "Wall St." (whatever that means). There's more scapegoating going on than in 1930 Germany.
I guess the "blame Bush" mantra wasn't going over well anymore, so the Left has "moved on" to blaming ALL the so-called rich. The 2011 version of '68 hippie-dippy Weathermen are demon-strating in the streets (but they still love the rich people on their side!). Go figure.
Did the riots by young Muslims in France produce "jobs" for young Muslims? Did the riots in Greece produce any jobs? NOOOO! But the media treat the "Occupy" movement as the greatest thing to come along since sliced white bread.
Speaking of rich Lefties, here's an excerpt from FoxNews.com, May 11, 2011:
"When liberal investor George Soros gave $1.8 million to NPR, it became part of the controversy that jeopardized NPR's federal funding. But that gift only hints at the widespread influence the controversial billionaire has on the mainstream media. Soros, who spent $27 million trying to defeat President Bush in 2004, has ties to more than 30 mainstream news outlets — including the New York Times, Washington Post, the A.P., NBC, and ABC . . .
"ABC's Christiane Amanpour and Washington Post vice president Len Downie serve on boards of operations that take Soros cash . . this despite the Society of Professional Journalists' ethical code stating: 'avoid all conflicts real or perceived' . . .
"ProPublica, which recently won its second Pulitzer Prize, initially was given millions of dollars from the Sandler Foundation to 'strengthen the progressive infrastructure' — progressive being the code word for 'very liberal.' In 2010, it also received a two-year contribution of $125,000 each year from the Open Society . . .
"In case you wonder where that money comes from, the OSF website is www.soros.org — a network of more than 30 international foundations, mostly funded by Soros, who has contributed more than $8 billion to those efforts."
[But the media call Soros an investor, while their few and far between opposites on the Right are called speculators (fat cats, etc.). Sadly, groups such as Media Research, Newsmax, and Fox News are vastly outspent. And yet the Left is losing the P.R. battles. THUS THE VIOLENCE IN THE STREETS (but how did that work out for the Democrat party in 1968 and 1972?).
BY THE WAY — the Northwoods are ablaze with the color of the larch trees, plus hunting gear, and we're feeling sorry up here for the residents of Mitt Romney's state who recently got a foot-and-one-half of snow — happening around the same time as Romney's comment that he believes there's man-made Global Warming — based on what he's read! Maybe he needs to read something other than the New York Times, eh?
"Only the unhinged even discussed doubts about global warming. Don't question any of the above; it was all gospel — as we see now in D.C. from Keynes to Gorism to [etc] . . Doubt any of that, and that laid-back elbow-patched prof who told the class 'Call me Bill,' in a flash, Gollum like, turned into a snarling jackal, screaming, 'I am Doctor Jones, with important publications on climate change and a doctorate from Berkeley! How dare you question me!" — Victor Davis Hansen (2010 article, "We are ruled by professors").
As someone recently pointed out, when the earth was warmer than now, in 1999 for example, Mars and the other planets were warming in a similar fashion — maybe because we share the same SUN, EH?
[I live closer to the north pole than the equator, but we haven't seen northern lights much since the early 2000s. Don't tell Algore, but the lack of sunspots is the reason. And sunspots have a LOT more influence on earth's temperature than our automobiles.]
I told you I was going to ramble today. I ought to just refer you to former columns. For the benefit of newer readers, I should formulate a handy index to help them find some of the amazing facts I've chronicled from history and the current scene. The ABCs would include "Americanism," "Bolsheviks," and "Communism." Curious? Go to my column home page and search for those three words.
The most interesting newspaper of late was the 10/24/11 USA TODAY. The front page published the word "Disaster" more than 90 times, reporting that FEMA is basically broke (along with Medicaid in an adjoining article). Someone said that if California gets the Big One, we may have to sell Los Angeles to the Chinese.
Which reminds me — WH press secretary Carney tried to quote the Bible the other day: "The Lord helps those who help themselves" (NOT in the Bible). With all the scapegoating of millionaires and billionaires and "bankers" going on, the White House could stand to read Isaiah:
"My people, those who LEAD you cause you to err."
Or, maybe Carney could read Ann Coulter's timely book "Demonic."
"The demon is a mob, and the mob is demonic. The Democratic Party activates mobs, depends on mobs, coddles mobs, publicizes and celebrates mobs — it is the mob." — book's dust cover
"Instead of 'counterrevolutionaries,' liberals' opponents are called 'haters,' 'those who seek to divide us,' 'tea baggers,' and 'right-wing [extremists].' Meanwhile, conservatives call liberals 'liberals' — and that makes them testy." — Coulter
P.S. Bringing this column full-circle, I started out by saying "Economics is about 5 percent 'money' and 95 percent psuychology." The most interesting newspaper article this week was "Cost of fatal car collision is $6M" (Nov. 3 USA TODAY).
The triple-A auto club says that in 2005 the total cost of a car fatality was $3.24 million, but the 2009 cost had risen to over six million dollars. Can you say "lawyers," boys and girls? Just think what an alleged case of medical malpractice might cost!
"Those who lead us" refuse to do anything about out-of-control legal liabilities, which affects costs insurance companies have to charge doctors and other businesses! Very bad "psuychology."
© Curtis Dahlgren
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