Curtis Dahlgren
There are no Mulligans or free throws in the Law of Nature (and no Santa Claus)
By Curtis Dahlgren
"The clueless media, in pursuit of the scare du jour, so us a nasty disservice by focusing on the wrong things. Because of the constant parade of frightening stories, huge amounts of money and energy are spent on minuscule risks." — John Stossel ("Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity"; 2006, MJF Books)
"Almost every week, there is another story about a potential menace . . . While I've been a reporter, I've been asked to do alarmist reports about hair dye, dry cleaning, coffee, chewing gum, saccharin, cyclamates, NutraSweet, nitrites, Red No. 2 dye, electric blankets, video display terminals, dental fillings, cellular phones, vaccines, potato chips, farmed salmon, Teflon, antiperspirants, and even rubber duckies."
And let's not forget Alar on apples, acid rain, the ozone hole, global cooling (1970s), and of course, "man-made climate change" (the biggest reindeer scam of them all). A Dutch study now says that automobiles are killing billions of "important insects" (mosquitoes could someday be put on the EPA's endangered list with the growing population of polar bears). Anything to keep the masses from getting serious about the deficits and national debt!
We spend $4 billion a day on the interest on the current national debt, which is continually growing. If our bonds lose their current rating, the interest rate would "necessarily skyrocket." The government now openly admits that there's no Social Security lock-box. That expense already takes about one-fourth of the revenue taken in by the IRS daily — and the President can't figure out why the Tea Party is so excited!
Well, I am one of those people who relies almost entirely on Social Security for my living expenses, and I resent the threats being made by the White House (they are implying that they are the ones who will push Grammaw over the bluff in a wheel chair).
It is no coincidence that our nation's health-care industry is now under the "control" of the same people who promoted Zero Population Growth 40 years ago!
Our medical research initiatives have been unarguably the envy of the world, but that's a big "problem" to ZPG. We are simply living too LONG (in spite of the murder rampage in our cities)!
One of the myths Stossel tackles is "The world is too crowded." He says:
"Famine is caused by things like civil wars and government corruption that interfere with the distribution of food. Sudan had famine when government militia forces stripped the land of cattle and grain . . .
"The absence of property rights, price controls, and other cruel socialist experiments under way in Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, and Lesotho are starving millions more. In Zimbabwe, it's Robert Mugabe's kleptocracy that's doing the damage.
"The number of people isn't the problem. Improved technology now allows people to grow more food on less land. The UN says the world overproduces food today."
THERE'S A SCARY THOUGHT: what if the UN got involved in "regulating" world-wide agriculture? America's national sovereignty has already been challenged, but the issue of sovereignty never even came up in the 2008 presidential election. With the liberals talking more and more about "international law" and "UN treaties," I can guarantee that the issue will come up in 2012 — if there is an election!
The President's demeanor and body language are more than mere narcissistic; his tone of voice sounds like a man with a Plan B. He's still looking down his nose at us.
Wheat farmers in Kansas have a saying:
"The heaviest heads are the ones that are bowing."
We need to appeal to the Supreme Judge of the Universe for the "rectitude of our intentions" — as our Founders did — before we ALL get pushed over the "bluff."
Most great societies in history didn't FALL. They were pushed — pushed into bankruptcy by their "LEADERS."
© Curtis Dahlgren
July 16, 2011
"The clueless media, in pursuit of the scare du jour, so us a nasty disservice by focusing on the wrong things. Because of the constant parade of frightening stories, huge amounts of money and energy are spent on minuscule risks." — John Stossel ("Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity"; 2006, MJF Books)
"Almost every week, there is another story about a potential menace . . . While I've been a reporter, I've been asked to do alarmist reports about hair dye, dry cleaning, coffee, chewing gum, saccharin, cyclamates, NutraSweet, nitrites, Red No. 2 dye, electric blankets, video display terminals, dental fillings, cellular phones, vaccines, potato chips, farmed salmon, Teflon, antiperspirants, and even rubber duckies."
And let's not forget Alar on apples, acid rain, the ozone hole, global cooling (1970s), and of course, "man-made climate change" (the biggest reindeer scam of them all). A Dutch study now says that automobiles are killing billions of "important insects" (mosquitoes could someday be put on the EPA's endangered list with the growing population of polar bears). Anything to keep the masses from getting serious about the deficits and national debt!
We spend $4 billion a day on the interest on the current national debt, which is continually growing. If our bonds lose their current rating, the interest rate would "necessarily skyrocket." The government now openly admits that there's no Social Security lock-box. That expense already takes about one-fourth of the revenue taken in by the IRS daily — and the President can't figure out why the Tea Party is so excited!
Well, I am one of those people who relies almost entirely on Social Security for my living expenses, and I resent the threats being made by the White House (they are implying that they are the ones who will push Grammaw over the bluff in a wheel chair).
It is no coincidence that our nation's health-care industry is now under the "control" of the same people who promoted Zero Population Growth 40 years ago!
Our medical research initiatives have been unarguably the envy of the world, but that's a big "problem" to ZPG. We are simply living too LONG (in spite of the murder rampage in our cities)!
One of the myths Stossel tackles is "The world is too crowded." He says:
"Famine is caused by things like civil wars and government corruption that interfere with the distribution of food. Sudan had famine when government militia forces stripped the land of cattle and grain . . .
"The absence of property rights, price controls, and other cruel socialist experiments under way in Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, and Lesotho are starving millions more. In Zimbabwe, it's Robert Mugabe's kleptocracy that's doing the damage.
"The number of people isn't the problem. Improved technology now allows people to grow more food on less land. The UN says the world overproduces food today."
THERE'S A SCARY THOUGHT: what if the UN got involved in "regulating" world-wide agriculture? America's national sovereignty has already been challenged, but the issue of sovereignty never even came up in the 2008 presidential election. With the liberals talking more and more about "international law" and "UN treaties," I can guarantee that the issue will come up in 2012 — if there is an election!
The President's demeanor and body language are more than mere narcissistic; his tone of voice sounds like a man with a Plan B. He's still looking down his nose at us.
Wheat farmers in Kansas have a saying:
"The heaviest heads are the ones that are bowing."
We need to appeal to the Supreme Judge of the Universe for the "rectitude of our intentions" — as our Founders did — before we ALL get pushed over the "bluff."
Most great societies in history didn't FALL. They were pushed — pushed into bankruptcy by their "LEADERS."
© Curtis Dahlgren
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