Curtis Dahlgren
The Green TEA Movement goes to town; getting under the radar and under their skin
By Curtis Dahlgren
"Do not take Freedom for granted. It can be taken in a minute." — Michael Savage (author of best-seller "Trickle Up Poverty")
"I thought there was something special and secret he knew that would make things operate differently . . I guess I started to believe on some level that he had a magic wand." — Velma Hart (regarding her "town-hall" question for the President)
COKIE AND STEVEN ROBERTS RECENTLY WROTE, "But for those who believed in magic, their disillusionment is that much deeper, their despair that much more crippling. Not only did Obama overhype his promises; he underestimated the problems he would face when taking office."
THAT ASSUMES, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, that he really wanted to fix the "problems" in the first place! Both his words and his actions since taking office seem to indicate that his number one priority is to take America down a peg or two. Take his speech in France on April 3, 2009. Among other things, he said:
"In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world."
I just found that quotation in an old Iron Mountain-Kingsford Daily News (this is the time of year we Yoopers start burning our wood stoves, and thus we run across old articles while burning newspapers). This one (April 3, 2009) also said:
"Back home, his administration was trying to weather the fallout of another dismal monthly jobs report that was announced as Obama spoke in France. The jobless rate jumped to 8.5 percent, the highest since late 1983 . . "
An adjoining article said that "If part-time and discouraged workers are factored in, the unemployment rate would have been 15.6 percent in March, the highest on records dating to 1994. ."
The only thing "special and secret" about Oboma was that he had run as one thing and he had planned to govern as something else! In thought, word, and deed he has been the anti-Reagan, and a year and one-half later, the month of September 2010 saw 95,000 jobs lost, and some say the "actual" unemployment rate is over 17 percent.
The President places blame for all our woes on those "wascally we-publicans." His body language and tone don't even show much sadness, whether talking about the economy or the Ft. Hood shooting that left 13 soldiers dead and over 30 wounded. The only time he appears honestly EXCITED is when shaking hands with people who hate us. On the same page as his comment about "Europe's leading role," there was a short story about Hugo Chavez speaking. Tehran, Iran (AP):
"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ridiculed the G-20 summit's attempts to deal with the global financial meltdown, saying capitalism is in crisis and 'has to end.'
"Speaking to Venezuelan state television late Thursday, Chavez said the United States and Britain are 'the most guilty' for the financial crisis sweeping the globe because of the financial model 'they've been imposing for years' . . .
"Capitalism needs to go down. It has to end. And we must take a transitional road to a new model that we call socialism." [my emphasis]
No wonder President Oboma practically kisses Chavez on both cheeks when they meet! He sees himself as a "TRANSITIONAL" President too (and damn the People)! During the 2008 campaign he not only didn't level with the People as to his true colors, he practically ran against his own agenda.
The late Joseph Sobran (1946-2010) said that he "is always hinting at a substance that is never disclosed to us." BUT IT SOUNDED SO GOOD — to some people — didn't it? It'd be almost funny if not so serious. Sobran said:
"Freedom has ceased to be a birthright; it has come to mean whatever we are still permitted to do."
And this is the President with the largest carbon footprint ever amassed! As he travels the country, he and any candidates who are brave enough to appear with him say that the Tea Party movement is small and "dismissable." The USA TODAY cover story (Oct. 11, 10) said however that:
- Six in ten Americans say the government has too much power [and]
- Nearly half agree with this alarming statement: "The federal government poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedom of ordinary citizens."
Seventy percent of Americans polled say that they trust "local government" but only 36 percent trust Congress. The People saw Congress ram through multiple "bailouts" and the HELLthcare bill against our will (and subsequently try to "SELL" it all via mailings and highway signs).
The only hope the Feds have of "selling" their agenda is waiting for us opponents to die off. Like Archie Bunker, the "progressives" are telling us to STIFLE ourselves! If the will of the People can be simply "dismissed," why is it that hardly any incumbent's seat of power is "safe" this year — not even Barney Frank's?
If there is any job "most Americans wouldn't do," it would be writing radio or TV commercials for the Russ Feingolds and Harry Reids of the world.
P.S. Even Fidel Castro admitted in an interview with "The Atlantic" that the Cuban economic model doesn't work in Cuba either anymore. Ol' Fidel has run up against the Law of Moses and the Law of Yogi Berra, who once said:
"In theory there isn't much difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is."
The Founders of the American Revolution warned us about human nature and theoreticians. They agreed with the old English thinkers who taught about "the law of nations, the law of ages, the Law of Nature's God" which existed "prior to any human government."
The way the Apostle Paul put it was, "When Gentiles who do not possess the law carry out its precepts by the light of nature, then, although they have no law, they are their own law, for they display the effect of the law inscribed on their hearts. Their conscience is called to witness, and their own thoughts argue the case on either side, against them or for them, on the day when God judges the secrets . . . "
A recent survey says that 95 percent of Americans believe in God, one way or another. Regarding the "Law of Nature," Ben Franklin's autobiography put it this way:
"I grew convinc'd that truth, sincerity, and integrity in dealings between man and man were of the utmost importance to the felicity of life; and I form'd written resolutions, which still remain in my journal book, to practice them ever while I lived.
"Revelation had indeed no weight with me, as such, but I entertain'd an opinion that, though certain actions might not be bad because they were forbidden by it, or good because it commanded them, yet probably these actions might be forbidden because they were bad for us, or commanded because they were beneficial to us, in their own natures, all the circumstances of things considered.
"And this persuasion, with the kind hand of Providence, or some guardian angel, or accidental favorable circumstances and situations, or all together, preserved me, thro' this dangerous time of youth . . . . "
PPS: By the testimony of his own written words, Benjamin Franklin neither ruled in nor ruled out guardian angels or a proactive "Providence" (the latter being a no-no in Deism). No matter how the revisionists of history try to twist those words, they are a powerful witness against those who believe the human race originated by chance and is preserved by "chance" (even our economic survival depends on economic Laws of Nature, not "accidents")!
Check out the story-of-the-week. The Oklahoma City public schools began using rap music as a "teaching aid," and some of the "music" disses our Founding Fathers as OLD, DEAD WHITE GUYS.
© Curtis Dahlgren
October 12, 2010
"Do not take Freedom for granted. It can be taken in a minute." — Michael Savage (author of best-seller "Trickle Up Poverty")
"I thought there was something special and secret he knew that would make things operate differently . . I guess I started to believe on some level that he had a magic wand." — Velma Hart (regarding her "town-hall" question for the President)
COKIE AND STEVEN ROBERTS RECENTLY WROTE, "But for those who believed in magic, their disillusionment is that much deeper, their despair that much more crippling. Not only did Obama overhype his promises; he underestimated the problems he would face when taking office."
THAT ASSUMES, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, that he really wanted to fix the "problems" in the first place! Both his words and his actions since taking office seem to indicate that his number one priority is to take America down a peg or two. Take his speech in France on April 3, 2009. Among other things, he said:
"In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world."
I just found that quotation in an old Iron Mountain-Kingsford Daily News (this is the time of year we Yoopers start burning our wood stoves, and thus we run across old articles while burning newspapers). This one (April 3, 2009) also said:
"Back home, his administration was trying to weather the fallout of another dismal monthly jobs report that was announced as Obama spoke in France. The jobless rate jumped to 8.5 percent, the highest since late 1983 . . "
An adjoining article said that "If part-time and discouraged workers are factored in, the unemployment rate would have been 15.6 percent in March, the highest on records dating to 1994. ."
The only thing "special and secret" about Oboma was that he had run as one thing and he had planned to govern as something else! In thought, word, and deed he has been the anti-Reagan, and a year and one-half later, the month of September 2010 saw 95,000 jobs lost, and some say the "actual" unemployment rate is over 17 percent.
The President places blame for all our woes on those "wascally we-publicans." His body language and tone don't even show much sadness, whether talking about the economy or the Ft. Hood shooting that left 13 soldiers dead and over 30 wounded. The only time he appears honestly EXCITED is when shaking hands with people who hate us. On the same page as his comment about "Europe's leading role," there was a short story about Hugo Chavez speaking. Tehran, Iran (AP):
"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ridiculed the G-20 summit's attempts to deal with the global financial meltdown, saying capitalism is in crisis and 'has to end.'
"Speaking to Venezuelan state television late Thursday, Chavez said the United States and Britain are 'the most guilty' for the financial crisis sweeping the globe because of the financial model 'they've been imposing for years' . . .
"Capitalism needs to go down. It has to end. And we must take a transitional road to a new model that we call socialism." [my emphasis]
No wonder President Oboma practically kisses Chavez on both cheeks when they meet! He sees himself as a "TRANSITIONAL" President too (and damn the People)! During the 2008 campaign he not only didn't level with the People as to his true colors, he practically ran against his own agenda.
The late Joseph Sobran (1946-2010) said that he "is always hinting at a substance that is never disclosed to us." BUT IT SOUNDED SO GOOD — to some people — didn't it? It'd be almost funny if not so serious. Sobran said:
"Freedom has ceased to be a birthright; it has come to mean whatever we are still permitted to do."
And this is the President with the largest carbon footprint ever amassed! As he travels the country, he and any candidates who are brave enough to appear with him say that the Tea Party movement is small and "dismissable." The USA TODAY cover story (Oct. 11, 10) said however that:
- Six in ten Americans say the government has too much power [and]
- Nearly half agree with this alarming statement: "The federal government poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedom of ordinary citizens."
Seventy percent of Americans polled say that they trust "local government" but only 36 percent trust Congress. The People saw Congress ram through multiple "bailouts" and the HELLthcare bill against our will (and subsequently try to "SELL" it all via mailings and highway signs).
The only hope the Feds have of "selling" their agenda is waiting for us opponents to die off. Like Archie Bunker, the "progressives" are telling us to STIFLE ourselves! If the will of the People can be simply "dismissed," why is it that hardly any incumbent's seat of power is "safe" this year — not even Barney Frank's?
If there is any job "most Americans wouldn't do," it would be writing radio or TV commercials for the Russ Feingolds and Harry Reids of the world.
P.S. Even Fidel Castro admitted in an interview with "The Atlantic" that the Cuban economic model doesn't work in Cuba either anymore. Ol' Fidel has run up against the Law of Moses and the Law of Yogi Berra, who once said:
"In theory there isn't much difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is."
The Founders of the American Revolution warned us about human nature and theoreticians. They agreed with the old English thinkers who taught about "the law of nations, the law of ages, the Law of Nature's God" which existed "prior to any human government."
The way the Apostle Paul put it was, "When Gentiles who do not possess the law carry out its precepts by the light of nature, then, although they have no law, they are their own law, for they display the effect of the law inscribed on their hearts. Their conscience is called to witness, and their own thoughts argue the case on either side, against them or for them, on the day when God judges the secrets . . . "
A recent survey says that 95 percent of Americans believe in God, one way or another. Regarding the "Law of Nature," Ben Franklin's autobiography put it this way:
"I grew convinc'd that truth, sincerity, and integrity in dealings between man and man were of the utmost importance to the felicity of life; and I form'd written resolutions, which still remain in my journal book, to practice them ever while I lived.
"Revelation had indeed no weight with me, as such, but I entertain'd an opinion that, though certain actions might not be bad because they were forbidden by it, or good because it commanded them, yet probably these actions might be forbidden because they were bad for us, or commanded because they were beneficial to us, in their own natures, all the circumstances of things considered.
"And this persuasion, with the kind hand of Providence, or some guardian angel, or accidental favorable circumstances and situations, or all together, preserved me, thro' this dangerous time of youth . . . . "
PPS: By the testimony of his own written words, Benjamin Franklin neither ruled in nor ruled out guardian angels or a proactive "Providence" (the latter being a no-no in Deism). No matter how the revisionists of history try to twist those words, they are a powerful witness against those who believe the human race originated by chance and is preserved by "chance" (even our economic survival depends on economic Laws of Nature, not "accidents")!
Check out the story-of-the-week. The Oklahoma City public schools began using rap music as a "teaching aid," and some of the "music" disses our Founding Fathers as OLD, DEAD WHITE GUYS.
© Curtis Dahlgren
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