Curtis Dahlgren
Just shut up and vote? (re HELLthCareFromHell.com/undecideds)
By Curtis Dahlgren
"When Obama calls it 'end-of-life care,' what he really means is 'end of care' . . . Tony Soprano has taken over the government, and the private sector is an enemy 'Family'!" — Rush Limbaugh
NOW DON'T 'STOP UP YOUR EARS,' BUT THE WHITE COATS ARE COMING. Many of us have been warning about these days for many years.
It's just as well that my "office" is as disorganized as it is, because from time to time I stumble across an old National Review or something containing the very words for which I had been grasping. For example:
"THE CURRENT ATTACK on free speech has a distinctively American character. In Europe, Marxist intellectuals would be more likely to attack free speech as an irrelevant value, a bourgeois luxury. In the American academy, those who subvert free speech usually do so by redefining it as action . . [usually] defined as harassment. At Duke, Wellesley, and countless other colleges, unpopular speech is called an incitement to riot . . .
"In the liberal ideology, being a victim is self-defining. If you are frightened, you're being harassed. If you feel like a victim, then you've been victimized . . .
"A university's reason for being is to discover and disseminate knowledge. When academics attack the unfettered exchange of ideas, they attack the idea of the university itself.
"What kind of society does the liberal ideology seek to construct on our nation's campuses? A culture of sissies, easily hurt, always begging for special protection, where individual self-respect is precariously attached to group love . . .
"And it fails to teach us that emotional security and a lasting self-esteem can only be won by an independent mind, by the courage to stand for one's convictions against a hostile crowd, by the audacity to neither demand nor require community approval in order to live." — Margaret Anne Gallagher, "A TYRANNY OF PITY" (Nat. Review, 9/26/86; Campus issue 1986)
During the intervening 23 years, we have only slid further down the slippery slope. Uniformity of opinion, not diversity of opinion, is the Nanny State's every command. And the people are beginning to weaken. Some of them actually look to crazy Uncle Sam for a "subsidy" to buy a brand-new car! Didja ever think you'd live long enough to see THAT?
BTW — The "cash for clunkers" program was a metaphor for the Federal HELLthCare "bailout" — they ran out of money in just four days.
And the President's power to "overhaul" the entire medical system of the freest nation still left on earth is WAY beyond his PAY-GRADE. We should "just shut up and vote?" What do you mean "WE," Kemo Sabi?
- Franklin Roosevelt "over-reached" when he tried to pack the Supreme Court.
- Harry Truman "over-ruled" the best of advice of Gen. MacArthur (N. Korea's still around).
- John F. Kennedy "over-reached" with the Bay of Pigs (and the Castros are still around).
- Lyndon Johnson's "land-war in Asia" was lost (he never tried blockading Hanoi).
- Jimmie Carter thought he could win hearts and minds just by being a "Nice guy."
- Bill Clinton "over-reached" with "Hillary-care."
There are elements of these six characters in the person of Barack Obama. We shouldn't even be wasting time with this HELLth-care "overhaul" because we have much bigger problems (and I don't mean "global warming").
President George W. Bush, like his father, was focused on foreign policy. And his priority domestic proposal, "reforming" Social Security, was a waste of time. Dubya admits that he should have spent more time on Border "security" (vetoing spending bills wouldn't have been a bad idea either).
Well, as they say, that was then and now is NOW. About 80 percent of the American people right now think that the Administration is "full of it" on reforming our medical system; nearly 3/4 of the people think that man-made global warming is a hoax, 82% have great respect for the military; 90 percent believe that God exists; only about 1 in 5 calls himself a "liberal."
The question is why are the Republicans-in-name-only so TIMID?
Our Founding Fathers set up a Republic of individual states, but now everything is being "federalized" - and this is serious "stuff."
We have 50 states that have traditionally acted as "laboratories" to find out what works and what doesn't. And essentially, we DO know what works and what doesn't.
California is your future on steroids, to coin a phrase. Medi-Cal was the most liberal (i.e., wasteful) program in the nation for decades, and your Congress actaully wants to impose it on ALL THE STATES?
The state of Oregon is another good example. They have an official type of "Medical Advisory Council and Board of Review on Ethics" [MACABRE] that "prioritizes medical procedures." In their list of important "treatments," emergency appendectomies and ruptured aortas rank far below treating obesity and pregnancy. The baby is "treated" to an abortion, and not coincidentally, Oregon also has legalized assisted "suicide."
BY THE WAY, while euthanasia originally meant "good death" (entymologically speaking), do you know what the word "abortion" means? I kid you not — "abortion" means (literally) to be "BORN BADLY."
The word "fetus" is the Latin word for "offspring," and you tax dollars could soon be at work killing such offspring, if Congress doesn't step back from the brink and listen to the American people over the summer "recess."
P.S. That part is up to you of course (contacting your Senators and Representatives). Have a nice summer (it hasn't really started yet up here in the U.P. of Michigan), but if you are a senior citizen — PLEASE — call, write, or e-mail your people in Washington.
If you are one of the very old, it could be your last summer if your crazy Uncle Sam gets his hands on your fate!
© Curtis Dahlgren
August 1, 2009
"When Obama calls it 'end-of-life care,' what he really means is 'end of care' . . . Tony Soprano has taken over the government, and the private sector is an enemy 'Family'!" — Rush Limbaugh
NOW DON'T 'STOP UP YOUR EARS,' BUT THE WHITE COATS ARE COMING. Many of us have been warning about these days for many years.
It's just as well that my "office" is as disorganized as it is, because from time to time I stumble across an old National Review or something containing the very words for which I had been grasping. For example:
"THE CURRENT ATTACK on free speech has a distinctively American character. In Europe, Marxist intellectuals would be more likely to attack free speech as an irrelevant value, a bourgeois luxury. In the American academy, those who subvert free speech usually do so by redefining it as action . . [usually] defined as harassment. At Duke, Wellesley, and countless other colleges, unpopular speech is called an incitement to riot . . .
"In the liberal ideology, being a victim is self-defining. If you are frightened, you're being harassed. If you feel like a victim, then you've been victimized . . .
"A university's reason for being is to discover and disseminate knowledge. When academics attack the unfettered exchange of ideas, they attack the idea of the university itself.
"What kind of society does the liberal ideology seek to construct on our nation's campuses? A culture of sissies, easily hurt, always begging for special protection, where individual self-respect is precariously attached to group love . . .
"And it fails to teach us that emotional security and a lasting self-esteem can only be won by an independent mind, by the courage to stand for one's convictions against a hostile crowd, by the audacity to neither demand nor require community approval in order to live." — Margaret Anne Gallagher, "A TYRANNY OF PITY" (Nat. Review, 9/26/86; Campus issue 1986)
During the intervening 23 years, we have only slid further down the slippery slope. Uniformity of opinion, not diversity of opinion, is the Nanny State's every command. And the people are beginning to weaken. Some of them actually look to crazy Uncle Sam for a "subsidy" to buy a brand-new car! Didja ever think you'd live long enough to see THAT?
BTW — The "cash for clunkers" program was a metaphor for the Federal HELLthCare "bailout" — they ran out of money in just four days.
And the President's power to "overhaul" the entire medical system of the freest nation still left on earth is WAY beyond his PAY-GRADE. We should "just shut up and vote?" What do you mean "WE," Kemo Sabi?
- Franklin Roosevelt "over-reached" when he tried to pack the Supreme Court.
- Harry Truman "over-ruled" the best of advice of Gen. MacArthur (N. Korea's still around).
- John F. Kennedy "over-reached" with the Bay of Pigs (and the Castros are still around).
- Lyndon Johnson's "land-war in Asia" was lost (he never tried blockading Hanoi).
- Jimmie Carter thought he could win hearts and minds just by being a "Nice guy."
- Bill Clinton "over-reached" with "Hillary-care."
There are elements of these six characters in the person of Barack Obama. We shouldn't even be wasting time with this HELLth-care "overhaul" because we have much bigger problems (and I don't mean "global warming").
President George W. Bush, like his father, was focused on foreign policy. And his priority domestic proposal, "reforming" Social Security, was a waste of time. Dubya admits that he should have spent more time on Border "security" (vetoing spending bills wouldn't have been a bad idea either).
Well, as they say, that was then and now is NOW. About 80 percent of the American people right now think that the Administration is "full of it" on reforming our medical system; nearly 3/4 of the people think that man-made global warming is a hoax, 82% have great respect for the military; 90 percent believe that God exists; only about 1 in 5 calls himself a "liberal."
The question is why are the Republicans-in-name-only so TIMID?
Our Founding Fathers set up a Republic of individual states, but now everything is being "federalized" - and this is serious "stuff."
We have 50 states that have traditionally acted as "laboratories" to find out what works and what doesn't. And essentially, we DO know what works and what doesn't.
California is your future on steroids, to coin a phrase. Medi-Cal was the most liberal (i.e., wasteful) program in the nation for decades, and your Congress actaully wants to impose it on ALL THE STATES?
The state of Oregon is another good example. They have an official type of "Medical Advisory Council and Board of Review on Ethics" [MACABRE] that "prioritizes medical procedures." In their list of important "treatments," emergency appendectomies and ruptured aortas rank far below treating obesity and pregnancy. The baby is "treated" to an abortion, and not coincidentally, Oregon also has legalized assisted "suicide."
BY THE WAY, while euthanasia originally meant "good death" (entymologically speaking), do you know what the word "abortion" means? I kid you not — "abortion" means (literally) to be "BORN BADLY."
The word "fetus" is the Latin word for "offspring," and you tax dollars could soon be at work killing such offspring, if Congress doesn't step back from the brink and listen to the American people over the summer "recess."
P.S. That part is up to you of course (contacting your Senators and Representatives). Have a nice summer (it hasn't really started yet up here in the U.P. of Michigan), but if you are a senior citizen — PLEASE — call, write, or e-mail your people in Washington.
If you are one of the very old, it could be your last summer if your crazy Uncle Sam gets his hands on your fate!
© Curtis Dahlgren
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