Curtis Dahlgren
Can you stay one step ahead of the crowd (and the social Blitzkrieg)?
By Curtis Dahlgren
"The loss of lives that might have otherwise been creatively lived scars the mind of the civilized world." — General Dwight D. Eisenhower (on WW2 "casualties")
"Observers of German society in the 1920s and 1930s maintain the German people did not foresee the horrible death camps but were aware of the eugenics movement and the new attitude toward the value of human life." — Nick Thimmesch (Milwaukee Sentinel, March 5, 1975; "Germans Remember 1930s, Reject Abortion")
MY, MY — HOW JADED WE HAVE BECOME, EH? Dwight Eisenhower was referring to the 1.2 million lives OUR side lost in the second World War, but these days it's hard to tell which side the Western world is on! Since abortion was "legalized" in America, we have averaged just about 1.2 million "casualties" inflicted by Roe v. Wade every single year!
And to add insult to injury to INSULT, the Obama Administration now wants us to be more "like Europe" — tossing ethics and morals and common sense to the wayward winds of what — another World War?
President Wilson said that we fought WWI "to make the world safe for Democracy." But did we fight WW2 to make the world safe for THIS — A GREY WORLD OF RELATIVISTIC STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR?
Leaving aside the economic news for now — in which it looks like this Administration is turning a "Bear" market into a BARE market (inadvertently or otherwise). this is all you need to know about Barack Obama: He is trying to, quote "REMAKE" America, unquote in a Blitzkrieg of Executive Orders and legislation so fast that even his supporters won't know what hit us until it's too late.
The company of Obama, Axelrod, and Emmanuel aren't trying to "reinvent" America; nay, they are trying to dismantle America and divide up the spoils among their closest comrades (as if this country were a business that can be BOUGHT and "downsized" so that they can sell off what is left of it — AND KEEP MOST OF THE GOODIES FOR THEMSELVES (that's the "Chicago Way"). They alone are deciding which companies "survive" — or NOT.
None of this should surprise any of us. Hillary Clinton moved too methodically on nationalizing the nation's largest business, health care, in 1993. They won't let that "mistake" happen again! The first Trillion Dollars they spent, in the "Stimulus Bill," had written into the fine print a provision for creating a national "health" board that can tell doctors which patients to treat, and which ones to deny or limit care for (shades of "useless eaters" — the same seniors whose life savings have been virtually wiped out by recklessness in the housing and credit sectors of the economy).
"The better to eat you with," said the Big Bad Wolf (however politically incorrect that latter term has now become).
Yesterday, March 9, 2009 (the anniversary of my dad's death), the President with one stroke of his left hand wiped out years and years of efforts by Christians, and other good secular ethicists, attempting to put a finger in the dike of morality holding back the so-called Wave of the Future. The blessing of embryonic stem-cell research, unlimited, is "da coupe-da-gross" of the Spirit of our Age. We are back in 1930. Deja vu all over again.
As I must remind you, from my fourth column, "Abortion is Killing Us":
"The pro-abortion movement will someday smother under the weight of its own 'success.' 'After World War II, while America led the 'sexual revolution' and most Western nations permissivized abortion-on-demand, West Germany's highest court said, 'The historical situation in the Federal Republic with the bitter experiences of the Nazi period led to the establishment of a value system in which human life has absolute priority and according to which even apparently socially unworthy life must not be destroyed.' [and that's a quote]
I'm not SAYING that President Obama is the next Herr Hitler; I'm SAYING that he may be the 21st century version of the president of the Wiemar "republic" — paving the way for an even more evil regime. I neither mince words nor exaggerate. Personally, I don't have any kids or grandkids to worry about. I spent my whole life studying history so I can worry about YOUR kids and grandkids.
A neighbor couple of mine are having their first child today, in fact. The delivery is being induced this morning, even as I write, but a couple of months ago, I had a dream one night. I dreamed that I was riding in a car their son was driving. That would be the year 2025, at least. Can we really survive the Decline and Fall of our civilization that long, or will our monstrous football and baseball stadia become landmarks of a modern Roman collapse?
Personally I'm hoping and praying for the former. When Rush Limbaugh says he hopes that President Obama "fails," Rush is referring to the left-handed thinking and the agenda Obama plans for you, your kids, and grandchildren. I hope that "agenda" fails too.
Otherwise, America and "Christian civilization," to use Churchill's words, will be doomed.*
P.S. As usual, the Week that Was featured more crazy news headlines:
- "Illinois High School Association bans prayers and religious announcements over the P.A. systems at games in private and Christian high schools"
- "Octomom's publicist quits and calls her — !"
- "Volcanic smog wipes out farms in Hawaii"
- "Mexican drug war spills over into the United States"
- "Telescope shot into space to try to find other "Earths'"
- "Word''s tallest building's height kept secret"
- "Number of people with no religion rises in every state"
WE ARE RELIVING THE TIMES OF THE TOWER OF BABEL. The people had lost faith in God, and tried to reach Heaven by building a tower (the one in Dubai even has a spiral look to it, like man-made depictions of the tower of Babel).br>
© Curtis Dahlgren
March 10, 2009
"The loss of lives that might have otherwise been creatively lived scars the mind of the civilized world." — General Dwight D. Eisenhower (on WW2 "casualties")
"Observers of German society in the 1920s and 1930s maintain the German people did not foresee the horrible death camps but were aware of the eugenics movement and the new attitude toward the value of human life." — Nick Thimmesch (Milwaukee Sentinel, March 5, 1975; "Germans Remember 1930s, Reject Abortion")
MY, MY — HOW JADED WE HAVE BECOME, EH? Dwight Eisenhower was referring to the 1.2 million lives OUR side lost in the second World War, but these days it's hard to tell which side the Western world is on! Since abortion was "legalized" in America, we have averaged just about 1.2 million "casualties" inflicted by Roe v. Wade every single year!
And to add insult to injury to INSULT, the Obama Administration now wants us to be more "like Europe" — tossing ethics and morals and common sense to the wayward winds of what — another World War?
President Wilson said that we fought WWI "to make the world safe for Democracy." But did we fight WW2 to make the world safe for THIS — A GREY WORLD OF RELATIVISTIC STANDARDS OF BEHAVIOR?
Leaving aside the economic news for now — in which it looks like this Administration is turning a "Bear" market into a BARE market (inadvertently or otherwise). this is all you need to know about Barack Obama: He is trying to, quote "REMAKE" America, unquote in a Blitzkrieg of Executive Orders and legislation so fast that even his supporters won't know what hit us until it's too late.
The company of Obama, Axelrod, and Emmanuel aren't trying to "reinvent" America; nay, they are trying to dismantle America and divide up the spoils among their closest comrades (as if this country were a business that can be BOUGHT and "downsized" so that they can sell off what is left of it — AND KEEP MOST OF THE GOODIES FOR THEMSELVES (that's the "Chicago Way"). They alone are deciding which companies "survive" — or NOT.
None of this should surprise any of us. Hillary Clinton moved too methodically on nationalizing the nation's largest business, health care, in 1993. They won't let that "mistake" happen again! The first Trillion Dollars they spent, in the "Stimulus Bill," had written into the fine print a provision for creating a national "health" board that can tell doctors which patients to treat, and which ones to deny or limit care for (shades of "useless eaters" — the same seniors whose life savings have been virtually wiped out by recklessness in the housing and credit sectors of the economy).
"The better to eat you with," said the Big Bad Wolf (however politically incorrect that latter term has now become).
Yesterday, March 9, 2009 (the anniversary of my dad's death), the President with one stroke of his left hand wiped out years and years of efforts by Christians, and other good secular ethicists, attempting to put a finger in the dike of morality holding back the so-called Wave of the Future. The blessing of embryonic stem-cell research, unlimited, is "da coupe-da-gross" of the Spirit of our Age. We are back in 1930. Deja vu all over again.
As I must remind you, from my fourth column, "Abortion is Killing Us":
"The pro-abortion movement will someday smother under the weight of its own 'success.' 'After World War II, while America led the 'sexual revolution' and most Western nations permissivized abortion-on-demand, West Germany's highest court said, 'The historical situation in the Federal Republic with the bitter experiences of the Nazi period led to the establishment of a value system in which human life has absolute priority and according to which even apparently socially unworthy life must not be destroyed.' [and that's a quote]
I'm not SAYING that President Obama is the next Herr Hitler; I'm SAYING that he may be the 21st century version of the president of the Wiemar "republic" — paving the way for an even more evil regime. I neither mince words nor exaggerate. Personally, I don't have any kids or grandkids to worry about. I spent my whole life studying history so I can worry about YOUR kids and grandkids.
A neighbor couple of mine are having their first child today, in fact. The delivery is being induced this morning, even as I write, but a couple of months ago, I had a dream one night. I dreamed that I was riding in a car their son was driving. That would be the year 2025, at least. Can we really survive the Decline and Fall of our civilization that long, or will our monstrous football and baseball stadia become landmarks of a modern Roman collapse?
Personally I'm hoping and praying for the former. When Rush Limbaugh says he hopes that President Obama "fails," Rush is referring to the left-handed thinking and the agenda Obama plans for you, your kids, and grandchildren. I hope that "agenda" fails too.
Otherwise, America and "Christian civilization," to use Churchill's words, will be doomed.*
P.S. As usual, the Week that Was featured more crazy news headlines:
- "Illinois High School Association bans prayers and religious announcements over the P.A. systems at games in private and Christian high schools"
- "Octomom's publicist quits and calls her — !"
- "Volcanic smog wipes out farms in Hawaii"
- "Mexican drug war spills over into the United States"
- "Telescope shot into space to try to find other "Earths'"
- "Word''s tallest building's height kept secret"
- "Number of people with no religion rises in every state"
WE ARE RELIVING THE TIMES OF THE TOWER OF BABEL. The people had lost faith in God, and tried to reach Heaven by building a tower (the one in Dubai even has a spiral look to it, like man-made depictions of the tower of Babel).br>
© Curtis Dahlgren
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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