Kurt Kondrich column
Kurt Kondrich is a DADvocate who after the birth of his beautiful daughter Chloe in 2003 has devoted his life to ending the prenatal genocide against Down syndrome. Here is a global video in several languages to give you background on his advocacy mission to restore a culture of LIFE where people "Embrace don't erase" Down syndrome! https://aleteia.org/2019/03/14/why-we-need-more-children-with-down-syndrome/amp/

Red Sea Wave
Kurt Kondrich
October 8, 2022

As Election Day rapidly approaches, there are many saying that we must have a “Red Wave” to save our One Nation Under God. Death, depravity, deception, . . .

The Jesus Variant and Supernatural Immunity!
Kurt Kondrich
December 4, 2021

Our media is saturated with news of “variants” entering our society, and this is causing global stress, anxiety and panic. Variant can be defined as . . .

Christmas – Jesus arrives on earth!
Kurt Kondrich
November 28, 2021

Each year during the Christmas season, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on planet earth. Jesus could have chosen any way imaginable to enter our world  . . .

The First Christmas Presence
Kurt Kondrich
December 12, 2020

On Christmas Day, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who entered this world as a vulnerable infant to save us from our sins and secure the path to our . . .

Recognizing victims of global disability genocide
Kurt Kondrich
December 6, 2020

Each year during the month of December the United Nations observes International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of . . .

California Prolife Awards Event – PLEASE SIGN UP AND SHARE!
Kurt Kondrich
October 13, 2020

Greetings, I hope you all are having a peaceful week during this very unsettling season of Life! I wanted to share this link for a very large Virtual Prolife . . .

October Down Syndrome Awareness/Respect Life Month exciting updates
Kurt Kondrich
October 4, 2020

Greetings, I wanted to share some AWESOME updates, and October is Down Syndrome Awareness and Respect Life Month! This is a great national article about . . .

March for Life DADvocate reflection
Kurt Kondrich
January 4, 2020

Since the day President Trump was elected to lead our nation, he has clearly established himself as the greatest, most Prolife President ever in American . . .

Christmas LEAP of faith
Kurt Kondrich
December 12, 2019

Each year during the Christmas season we celebrate the virgin birth of Jesus Christ who entered this world to deliver the most priceless gift to humanity that . . .

UN Disability Genocide Awareness
Kurt Kondrich
December 8, 2019

Each year during the month of December the United Nations recognizes "International Day of Persons with Disabilities" 12/3, and "International Day of . . .

Chloe Kondrich and NYC Cardinal Dolan on big screen in Times Square!
Kurt Kondrich
August 27, 2019

Greetings, I wanted to share the attached press release (see below) about the photo of Chloe and NYC Cardinal Dolan being chosen for the Times Square Big . . .

Global Down Syndrome story of hope - PLEASE SHARE!
Kurt Kondrich
March 16, 2019

Greetings, I wanted to share this AMAZING Global Down syndrome story of Hope that will reach millions in several languages https://aleteia.org/2019/03/14 . . .

Pennsylvania's Down Syndrome Protection Act - PLEASE SHARE!
Kurt Kondrich
February 16, 2019

Greetings, Here is a great National Article about Pennsylvania's Down Syndrome Protection Act, and if you live in PA PLEASE contact your State Senator and . . .

Chloe featured in Global Message of HOPE
Kurt Kondrich
December 7, 2018

Attached is a Press Release about a global production of Hope that will reach millions. 'LOOK UP – Stories of Hope' is a new video series that tells the . . .

'Array of Hope' MUST see video!
Kurt Kondrich
November 7, 2018

Greetings, I wanted to share this INCREDIBLE video from our Array of Hope St. John Paul Threshold of Hope Award. We are so very blessed how God uses us to . . .

Chloe's letter from Vice President Pence
Kurt Kondrich
October 15, 2018

Greetings, I wanted to share the attached personal letter Chloe received this weekend from her friend Vice President Mike Pence, and here is a video of Chloe . . .

Meet the 2018 Array of Hope Gala Honorees: Kurt and Margie Kondrich
Kurt Kondrich
September 26, 2018

Kurt and Margie Kondrich got married in 1996. They are proud parents to their son Nolan and daughter Chloe. In 2003, Chloe was born with Down syndrome, and her . . .

Chloe and Cardinal Dolan / NYC Events
Kurt Kondrich
September 22, 2018

Greetings, Last week we launched Chloe's Foundation in NYC after Chloe's picture with Vice President Pence appeared on the big double screen in Times Square  . . .

Chloe's Foundation launch event
Kurt Kondrich
August 30, 2018

Greetings, I wanted to share some very exciting news! We will be launching "Chloe's Foundation" in NYC on the evening of Saturday 09/15/18 after the amazing . . .

Pittsburgh resident to be featured in National Down Syndrome Society video for the 4th time
Kurt Kondrich
July 23, 2018

To Help Kick Off Down Syndrome Awareness Month In Unique Annual Video Presentation NEW YORK – Chloe Kondrich of Pittsburgh, PA will appear in the . . .

Priceless Down syndrome LIFE videos – please share!
Kurt Kondrich
June 21, 2018

Greetings, I wanted to share these INCREDIBLE short professional videos made in NYC of Chloe and her amazing connection with God and a fallen police officer: . . .

HELP NEEDED - Support for PA Down syndrome Legislation
Kurt Kondrich
June 4, 2018

Greetings, I hope you all are having a peaceful and healthy spring season. It is hard to believe June is here! We are working hard to get legislation passed . . .

A true champion for Down syndrome
Kurt Kondrich
June 12, 2017

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen recently visited Grove City College where the Vice President delivered the commencement address focusing on the . . .

D-Day 2017 -- "Sing A Little Louder?"
Kurt Kondrich
May 15, 2017

Each year on June 6th we remember D-Day and the tremendous sacrifices made during World War 2 by the forces of good to drive back and destroy the evil that had . . .

Unborn women can't make history
Kurt Kondrich
January 23, 2017

One of the signs and slogans showcased during the recent Women's March on Washington was "Well behaved women seldom make history." Women have had a . . .

LIFE -- It's Wonderful!
Kurt Kondrich
December 8, 2016

In the classic Christmas film "It's a wonderful life" George Bailey is an honest man living in small town whose life seems so desperate that he contemplates . . .

Unborn sanctuary cities and prenatal immigrants
Kurt Kondrich
November 28, 2016

There is much debate since the presidential election about the status of sanctuary cities across our country. "Sanctuary city" is a name given to a city in the . . .

Hot drinks, warm conversation: how building trust could influence the way we counsel abortion-determined women
Kurt Kondrich
November 22, 2016

As a former Police Officer I have always been interested in focusing on how to prevent a regretful incident before the decision is made to engage in the act. I . . .

The uncounted popular Vote
Kurt Kondrich
November 10, 2016

Now that the presidential election has finally been decided, there is much discussion and reflection about our nation's choice to lead us the next 4 years. Many . . .

Human Life -- THE ISSUE!
Kurt Kondrich
November 7, 2016

As a very long election season comes to a close, there is a fury of endless media messages attempting to focus voters on issues. There are countless issues to . . .

Down syndrome Awareness -- my greatest assignment!
Kurt Kondrich
October 22, 2016

October is Down syndrome Awareness month, and I wanted to share where a Down syndrome diagnosis for my beautiful daughter Chloe has led me the past 13 years. As . . .

WANTED not dead but ALIVE
Kurt Kondrich
October 3, 2016

As a former Police Officer I have always been fascinated by "Wanted Dead or Alive" posters that sought to track down dangerous villains who had committed . . .

Deliver us from evil
Kurt Kondrich
August 27, 2016

I pray each night with my beautiful daughter Chloe before she goes to sleep, and we always finish with the Lord's Prayer. I have recently focused on 4 words of . . .

Down syndrome Lives Matter
Kurt Kondrich
July 31, 2016

There is much debate across our nation concerning which lives matter most, and the controversy is fueled by the belief that certain human beings are . . .

World Down Syndrome Day and the missing siblings
Kurt Kondrich
March 22, 2016

Monday March 21, 2016 marks the 11th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) which was started to create a single global voice for advocating for the . . .

Prenatal disability filicide
Kurt Kondrich
February 29, 2016

Over the past five years more than 185 individuals with post-natal disabilities have been murdered by their parents, and on March 1st the disability community . . .

Access to LIFE -- The most critical disability issue!
Kurt Kondrich
February 19, 2016

International recording artist Stevie Wonder made a comment during this year's Grammy Awards Ceremony that rightfully received much positive feedback: "We need . . .

Rooted in the world or in the WORD
Kurt Kondrich
January 18, 2016

Truth and facts are rapidly becoming nonexistent in our culture of death, depravity and deception. Not long ago lying and dishonesty were seen as wrong and . . .

Dad's reflection of an amazing daughter
Kurt Kondrich
January 1, 2016

As 2015 draws to a close I have been thinking about the amazing seeds my beautiful daughter Chloe has planted during her 12 years on this earth. She has . . .

The real climate change we need
Kurt Kondrich
December 8, 2015

There is much coverage in the media today about the threats of climate change and the impact it could have on mankind. Some even claim that Climate Change . . .

The unborn Down syndrome refugee crisis
Kurt Kondrich
November 22, 2015

The daily headlines are filled with stories about the refugee crisis spreading across the globe. Tensions are high as governments assess the security risk of . . .

Released Torture Report the world missed
Kurt Kondrich
December 19, 2014

There has been much media coverage and international uproar over the release of the CIA "Torture Report," and many policymakers have expressed a high level of . . .

Faith lessons from Santa
Kurt Kondrich
December 16, 2014

Recently my beautiful 11 year old daughter Chloe Emmanuel who has Down syndrome met with Santa Claus when he drove through our neighborhood on a fire truck. . . .

Amnesty for the unborn
Kurt Kondrich
October 30, 2014

There is a battle raging across this nation on the issue of amnesty for illegal immigrants, and it has become a very hot topic. Estimates for the population of . . .

Did Adam and Eve have Down syndrome?
Kurt Kondrich
October 17, 2014

During the month of October we celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and since the birth of my beautiful daughter Chloe in 2003 I have become very aware . . .

Hating speech that stops the hating
Kurt Kondrich
October 2, 2014

There seems to be an endless supply of stories in the news today about efforts across our nation to remove the Ten Commandments from public places. Why do . . .

The brightest lights on Broadway!
Kurt Kondrich
September 30, 2014

On 9/20/14 there was a priceless display of the sanctity of all Life in the heart of New York City. The National Down syndrome Society Awareness video . . .

Prenatal Eagle Protection and Down syndrome
Kurt Kondrich
June 16, 2014

For over a year the Pittsburgh region where I live has been captivated by a pair of bald eagles and their 3 eagle chicks nesting along the Monongahela River.  . . .

The most endangered species in England
Kurt Kondrich
June 12, 2014

According to sources in Great Britain the Turtle Dove has seen a 90%+ decrease in numbers since 1970, and this legendary creature seen as the symbol of true . . .

The case for a Prenatal Endangered Species Act (PESA)
Kurt Kondrich
January 18, 2014

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 expressed concern that many of our nation's native plants and animals were in danger of becoming extinct, and under the . . .

What if Mary received prenatal counseling? Would Jesus have been aborted?
Kurt Kondrich
December 10, 2013

During Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the eternal light, peace and hope He delivers to this lost world. When we consider the path Jesus' . . .

A heart for LIFE or death
Kurt Kondrich
November 19, 2013

The human heart pumps the LIFE blood all people need to survive, and it is the symbol of love in our society. Two recent news articles about the human heart . . .

Save the Pandas AND Down syndrome
Kurt Kondrich
November 11, 2013

One of the casualties during the recent Government shutdown was the Washington DC Zoo Panda Cam: "The National Zoo announced that all its live zoo cams, . . .

Cultural prenatal and postnatal disability bullying
Kurt Kondrich
September 30, 2013

There is much talk in our culture today about the issue of bullying, and it is a very hot button topic in the disability community. There have been studies . . .

Focusing on Prenatal ABILITIES -- The womb classroom!
Kurt Kondrich
September 2, 2013

In 2003 my beautiful daughter Chloe was born with a diagnosis of Down syndrome, and I must admit my family was filled with fear, anxiety and uncertainty about . . .

Prenatal feminism and the war on unborn women
Kurt Kondrich
August 23, 2013

During my career as a police officer I always made it a top priority to support and assist vulnerable women and children who were targeted by abuse and crime, . . .

Curing the culture of death -- NOT Down syndrome!
Kurt Kondrich
August 13, 2013

Recently I read an article entitled "Scientists find way to silence extra chromosome that causes Down syndrome" http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/07/17 . . .

The trial the media missed - death sentence commuted!
Kurt Kondrich
July 14, 2013

For the past several weeks the nation has been focused and absorbed with the George Zimmerman trial. This trial ended on 7/13/13 when a "Not Guilty" verdict . . .

The ticking clock -- Down syndrome "heart-ending decisions"
Kurt Kondrich
July 9, 2013

I recently read a very disturbing editorial concerning the 20-week abortion ban: http://www.usatoday.com/ story/ opinion/2013/06/30/20-week-abortion-ban . . .

"We are here!" How one small voice can make a tremendous impact!
Kurt Kondrich
July 6, 2013

In the Dr. Seuss classic "Horton Hears a Who," Horton the elephant struggles and fights desperately to prove to his culture that there is a tiny hidden world  . . .

A glimpse of Eden
Kurt Kondrich
May 23, 2013

Genesis 3:22-23 "And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take . . .

Rooted in the WORD or the WORLD -- The "L" difference!
Kurt Kondrich
February 24, 2013

As our society works at a feverish pace to remove God and replace Him with godless culturally mandated norms I find myself asking more frequently, "Are you . . .

The War on Jesus Christ
Kurt Kondrich
December 17, 2012

During this season of Miracles we often hear and read about the "War on Christmas" and efforts to remove and erase all references of Jesus Christ from our . . .

The silent repeat of eugenic history
Kurt Kondrich
September 6, 2012

This week I read a very disturbing article titled "New prenatal test is bringing eugenics back to Germany" http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/new-prenatal-test-is . . .

He DID build this!
Kurt Kondrich
August 20, 2012

A very controversial slogan during this heated election season is "We did build this." This phrase centers around the debate of who is responsible for the . . .

Down syndrome LIGHT and darkness
Kurt Kondrich
August 18, 2012

I recently received notification that a photo of my beautiful 9 year old daughter Chloe will be appearing in the Down syndrome awareness video on the News . . .

Pre-existing prenatal conditions and health care coverage
Kurt Kondrich
July 3, 2012

Part of the recently upheld Affordable Care Act that many in the disability community applaud is the elimination of policy exclusions for pre-existing . . .

"Reducing" a priceless friendship
Kurt Kondrich
June 11, 2012

This past weekend at the Miracle League Field http://caseysclubhouse.org/ my daughter Chloe met up with her good friend Shawna (can the photo be attached or . . .

Eugenics as a human right?
Kurt Kondrich
April 12, 2012

Currently there is a case before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that all of us across the world should be watching very carefully http://www.zenit . . .

Down syndrome postnatal and prenatal punishment -- The REAL Deficit!
Kurt Kondrich
March 13, 2012

This past week a jury awarded nearly $3 million to a couple whose daughter was born with Down syndrome even though a prenatal test found she didn't have the . . .

Social injustice -- "guilty of the proven innocent"
Kurt Kondrich
January 22, 2012

As a former police officer I know there is one phrase in the Criminal Justice system that virtually everyone is familiar with — "Innocent until proven . . .

Being RIGHT when nobody is LEFT
Kurt Kondrich
January 15, 2012

There are people in our culture of death who consider pro-lifers to be far RIGHT. When it comes to the issue of protecting the most vulnerable members of our . . .

Bearing false witness against thy neighbor (with Down syndrome)
Kurt Kondrich
December 11, 2011

The 9th Commandment God handed down to mankind through Moses states, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." I was thinking of how this . . .

The missing photograph images
Kurt Kondrich
November 30, 2011

On 11/17/2011, I was Blessed with the opportunity to deliver the Keynote Address at the DEC (Division for Early Childhood) International Conference in National . . .

An unborn woman's right to choose life -- the XX Factor!
Kurt Kondrich
October 31, 2011

"Reproductive technology that allows parents to know the gender of their fetus has led to a shortage of 117 million women in Asia" http://www.foxnews.com/health . . .

Down syndrome unalienable right to life
Kurt Kondrich
October 26, 2011

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among . . .

"Sticks and stones" and Down syndrome eugenics
Kurt Kondrich
September 20, 2011

As a young boy growing up a popular phrase taught was "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." This advice proved to be very useful . . .

The missing buddies
Kurt Kondrich
July 9, 2011

Many cities across the nation hold annual Down syndrome Buddy Walks which promote "acceptance and inclusion" of people with Down syndrome. My family had an . . .

Access denied!
Kurt Kondrich
June 19, 2011

12 year old Alice Saunders was recently denied a plane ticket by British Airways staff because she has Down syndrome http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-200 . . .

Disregarding Down syndrome "diseased embryos"
Kurt Kondrich
April 8, 2011

Another disturbing silent eugenic article appeared this week in the United Kingdom http://topnews.us/content/238104-new-test-can-screen-parents-inherited . . .

Defending Chloe's existence -- dad's perspective
Kurt Kondrich
March 19, 2011

Our family recently received a call from the Executive Director of the PA Pro-Life Federation letting us know that we are the recipients of the 2011 . . .

The diseased culture of death
Kurt Kondrich
March 13, 2011

A Cyprus researcher at the Institute of Neurology and Genetics in Nicosia described a less risky non-invasive procedure based on maternal DNA to diagnose Down . . .

Light and dark -- what a difference a few inches makes!
Kurt Kondrich
January 24, 2011

This past week, the world was shocked to hear about the "House of Horrors" discovered at a Philadelphia abortion clinic, where a former doctor is accused of . . .

Incorruptible -- Why the devil uses abortion to eliminate Down syndrome
Kurt Kondrich
January 16, 2011

In the fictional novel The Clowns of God by Morris West, Jesus comes back to earth, and some people think it's Him while some don't. At one point, Jesus is at . . .

The first to recognize Jesus -- an unborn child!
Kurt Kondrich
December 22, 2010

"When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed . . .

Will the United Nations act on genocide?
Kurt Kondrich
December 9, 2010

Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as "any act committed with intent to . . .

A Down syndrome Christmas carol
Kurt Kondrich
December 2, 2010

My favorite story this time of year is "A Christmas Carol." I was reflecting on how the message from this Charles Dickens classic connects to children with . . .

Thumb up or down for life!
Kurt Kondrich
November 20, 2010

In the classic 2000 movie "Gladiator," the Roman Emperor would give a thumb up or down to signal whether a combatant in the public sports arena would live or . . .

Another "risk gene" identified
Kurt Kondrich
November 9, 2010

One of the latest advances in genetics is the identification of a "risk gene" associated with Autism that may alter how the brain functions: http://www . . .

Rescue tube to the light of the world
Kurt Kondrich
October 14, 2010

This week the world watched and cheered as 33 miners in Chile made it through a small rescue tube after being trapped in darkness for 69 days. http://www . . .

Contract to kill
Kurt Kondrich
October 13, 2010

This month in Canada, a surrogate mother was urged to abort the baby she was carrying by the couple she was contracted to, because prenatal reports showed the . . .

The most "invasive test" ever
Kurt Kondrich
August 23, 2010

Professor Stephen Robson, spokesman for the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, considers a non-invasive test for detecting Down syndrome the "holy . . .

Poseidon faith in an upside-down world
Kurt Kondrich
August 16, 2010

I recently watched the classic movie Poseidon Adventure (1972 version) about a beautiful luxury ocean liner that is turned upside-down by a fast-moving wave . . .

First they came for the disabled
Kurt Kondrich
August 5, 2010

Many people do not realize that the first people targeted for extermination in Germany in the 1930's were the disabled. Under the secret T-4 program, . . .

"Wrongful birth" lawsuit
Kurt Kondrich
July 24, 2010

Most people have read or heard about "wrongful death lawsuits" and the tragedy that preceded such legal action. In these cases, punitive damages are sought . . .

Prenatal disability profiling
Kurt Kondrich
June 1, 2010

Since passage of the new Arizona immigration law to curb the flow of illegal aliens into this country, there has been a lot of talk about "profiling."  . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

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