Kurt Kondrich
The first to recognize Jesus - - an unborn child!
By Kurt Kondrich
"When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Luke 1:41-44 (New International Version)
I was reading my Bible this week, and this passage "leaped" out as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Savior and King. Elizabeth was carrying her unborn child John the Baptist when Mary who was pregnant with Jesus visited her. Unborn John immediately leaped in Elizabeth's womb upon hearing Mary's voice. The unborn son of Elizabeth recognized the unborn baby Jesus in Mary's womb, and he was so very excited and overcome with joy that he jumped in Elizabeth's womb! This is an absolute incredible documentation of an event by the gospel writer and physician Luke who was known for his attention to detail. The first person to truly recognize and celebrate the immaculate conception of the One who would wash away our sins and lead us to our permanent home in heaven was an unborn child — what eternal wisdom! John was clearly thinking and understanding the magnitude of the situation when he recognized Jesus, and as an unborn child he could not control himself.
In today's lost culture it is legal to target and eliminate unborn children, and our misguided nation has eliminated over 50 million of these persons since 1973. What were these unborn children thinking and recognizing as they were being targeted and eliminated in the wombs of their mothers? As a retired Police Officer whose mission was to serve and protect I shudder to think of this execution of society's most vulnerable members and what the last thoughts and visions of these unborn children were — a real life horror story!
My daughter Chloe who has Down syndrome belongs to a group of unborn children who are indentified, targeted and eliminated prenatally at a rate of 90+%. As I watch Chloe pray, comfort others and spread light in this world I am absolutely convinced that she would have "leaped" in the womb when in the presence of Jesus. Her purity, innocence, unconditional love, and eternal perfection have allowed our family and countless others to see the true face of Jesus Christ and "leap" for joy at the hope, peace and comfort only He can deliver.
As we prepare this week for Christmas let us always remember that it was an unborn child who first recognized and celebrated the Miracle of Jesus' birth, and may God Bless and awaken this nation in 2011!
© Kurt Kondrich
December 22, 2010
"When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Luke 1:41-44 (New International Version)
I was reading my Bible this week, and this passage "leaped" out as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Savior and King. Elizabeth was carrying her unborn child John the Baptist when Mary who was pregnant with Jesus visited her. Unborn John immediately leaped in Elizabeth's womb upon hearing Mary's voice. The unborn son of Elizabeth recognized the unborn baby Jesus in Mary's womb, and he was so very excited and overcome with joy that he jumped in Elizabeth's womb! This is an absolute incredible documentation of an event by the gospel writer and physician Luke who was known for his attention to detail. The first person to truly recognize and celebrate the immaculate conception of the One who would wash away our sins and lead us to our permanent home in heaven was an unborn child — what eternal wisdom! John was clearly thinking and understanding the magnitude of the situation when he recognized Jesus, and as an unborn child he could not control himself.
In today's lost culture it is legal to target and eliminate unborn children, and our misguided nation has eliminated over 50 million of these persons since 1973. What were these unborn children thinking and recognizing as they were being targeted and eliminated in the wombs of their mothers? As a retired Police Officer whose mission was to serve and protect I shudder to think of this execution of society's most vulnerable members and what the last thoughts and visions of these unborn children were — a real life horror story!
My daughter Chloe who has Down syndrome belongs to a group of unborn children who are indentified, targeted and eliminated prenatally at a rate of 90+%. As I watch Chloe pray, comfort others and spread light in this world I am absolutely convinced that she would have "leaped" in the womb when in the presence of Jesus. Her purity, innocence, unconditional love, and eternal perfection have allowed our family and countless others to see the true face of Jesus Christ and "leap" for joy at the hope, peace and comfort only He can deliver.
As we prepare this week for Christmas let us always remember that it was an unborn child who first recognized and celebrated the Miracle of Jesus' birth, and may God Bless and awaken this nation in 2011!
© Kurt Kondrich
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