Kurt Kondrich
Will the United Nations act on genocide?
By Kurt Kondrich
Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as "any act committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such, one of which is by imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group."
In the nation of New Zealand, a group of parents of children with Down syndrome and pro-life organization Right to Life New Zealand have challenged the government over its antenatal prenatal screening program for Down syndrome http://www.nzherald.co.nz/health/news/article.cfm?c_id=204&objectid=10689851 .
Under the Official Information Act, the parents and Right to Life New Zealand discovered that the outcomes of the new government-funded screening program would be a reduction in the number of births of babies with Down syndrome with about 90 per cent of unborn children diagnosed with the condition being aborted. The group says that the presence, form, presentation and management of the government antenatal screening program "sends a clear message to people with Down syndrome that their lives are not valued and reinforces discrimination towards them."
Rapid prenatal genetic testing advances in a godless culture that lost its soul have allowed a worldwide identification, targeting, and termination of children with Down syndrome. If these precious, unique children with an extra chromosome were any other mammal or fish they would be placed on the endangered species list, strictly monitored and protected, and there would be very severe penalties and punishment for anyone who harmed or destroyed them. Will the United Nations finally act to protect and defend the most vulnerable and innocent citizens of the world who are being dehumanized and systematically eliminated?
As the father of a beautiful 7 year old daughter Chloe who has Down syndrome I am closely watching this challenge in New Zealand and praying that the world finally awakens to this silent eugenic movement. Since Chloe's birth I have been trying to sound the alarm and ask people "who is next to be targeted?" If we do not soon address this silent genocide against our most priceless treasure (human life) I believe with all my heart this issue will deeply impact and determine the very survival of our civilization.
© Kurt Kondrich
December 9, 2010
Article 2 of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as "any act committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such, one of which is by imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group."
In the nation of New Zealand, a group of parents of children with Down syndrome and pro-life organization Right to Life New Zealand have challenged the government over its antenatal prenatal screening program for Down syndrome http://www.nzherald.co.nz/health/news/article.cfm?c_id=204&objectid=10689851 .
Under the Official Information Act, the parents and Right to Life New Zealand discovered that the outcomes of the new government-funded screening program would be a reduction in the number of births of babies with Down syndrome with about 90 per cent of unborn children diagnosed with the condition being aborted. The group says that the presence, form, presentation and management of the government antenatal screening program "sends a clear message to people with Down syndrome that their lives are not valued and reinforces discrimination towards them."
Rapid prenatal genetic testing advances in a godless culture that lost its soul have allowed a worldwide identification, targeting, and termination of children with Down syndrome. If these precious, unique children with an extra chromosome were any other mammal or fish they would be placed on the endangered species list, strictly monitored and protected, and there would be very severe penalties and punishment for anyone who harmed or destroyed them. Will the United Nations finally act to protect and defend the most vulnerable and innocent citizens of the world who are being dehumanized and systematically eliminated?
As the father of a beautiful 7 year old daughter Chloe who has Down syndrome I am closely watching this challenge in New Zealand and praying that the world finally awakens to this silent eugenic movement. Since Chloe's birth I have been trying to sound the alarm and ask people "who is next to be targeted?" If we do not soon address this silent genocide against our most priceless treasure (human life) I believe with all my heart this issue will deeply impact and determine the very survival of our civilization.
© Kurt Kondrich
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