Stella Lohmann
Palin's inner confidence drives political control-freaks mad!
By Stella Lohmann
No one has stopped to really listen to what Sarah Palin said when she announced she would resign as Alaskan Governor at the end of this month. She said she was concerned about how her daughters and one year son, Trigg, were being treated by media and the public in general. She said she had done what she set out to do for the people of Alaska and has the record to prove it. She also said litigants had taken center stage and kept her from being fully engaged and effective in her role as Governor.
As a fully engaged Christian, Sarah's decisions come from an inner compass — her faith in Judeo Christian values and a personal relationship following Jesus Christ. That's what most don't understand and why most won't be able to reconcile her decision as a positive move in manipulating her political destiny. She hasn't made it a habit to ask the good ole boy network before and it's clear she's not about to succumb to media and public opinions now.
Palin isn't the usual candidate that history teaches. Her appeal to supporters comes from identifying with her close walk of faith and her life lived as a regular person like most Americans. Those who appreciate her strong convictions support her as strongly as those who hold her values with disdain — someone not to be trusted or taken seriously. It's inconceivable for her to smile while enduring slander, criticism and jokes about her in the most personal and humiliating manner. The pit bull with lipstick showed unshakeable grace and style for many months during and after the 2008 campaign.
Relentless attacks on her teenaged daughters and baby son with downs syndrome hit an all time low in absurdity and taste. Palin is first a Christian who happens to be a mother, a wife, and a public servant. She is not a religious fanatic or a flakey closet Christian or doormat. But somehow she is special. So special that women's organizations who present themselves as champions of women's causes are mute, and the American Civil Liberties Union is no where to be found to yell 'foul' on possible hate speech toward a woman and special needs child.
Palin trusts something more than political protocol, more impactful than mean spirited comments, and one always faithful to guide her through difficult journeys — even at a price of being misquoted, misunderstood, and disrespected. Her choice was more than a decision — it was an act of faith between her and her God. Those who live by similar core values see Palin as being true to her calling and honest before those she has served in Alaska. Others may never understand why she chose the path least travelled historically for the sake of her family or just because she's being led.
The point is — Palin knows she's not travelling alone.
© Stella Lohmann
July 30, 2009
No one has stopped to really listen to what Sarah Palin said when she announced she would resign as Alaskan Governor at the end of this month. She said she was concerned about how her daughters and one year son, Trigg, were being treated by media and the public in general. She said she had done what she set out to do for the people of Alaska and has the record to prove it. She also said litigants had taken center stage and kept her from being fully engaged and effective in her role as Governor.
As a fully engaged Christian, Sarah's decisions come from an inner compass — her faith in Judeo Christian values and a personal relationship following Jesus Christ. That's what most don't understand and why most won't be able to reconcile her decision as a positive move in manipulating her political destiny. She hasn't made it a habit to ask the good ole boy network before and it's clear she's not about to succumb to media and public opinions now.
Palin isn't the usual candidate that history teaches. Her appeal to supporters comes from identifying with her close walk of faith and her life lived as a regular person like most Americans. Those who appreciate her strong convictions support her as strongly as those who hold her values with disdain — someone not to be trusted or taken seriously. It's inconceivable for her to smile while enduring slander, criticism and jokes about her in the most personal and humiliating manner. The pit bull with lipstick showed unshakeable grace and style for many months during and after the 2008 campaign.
Relentless attacks on her teenaged daughters and baby son with downs syndrome hit an all time low in absurdity and taste. Palin is first a Christian who happens to be a mother, a wife, and a public servant. She is not a religious fanatic or a flakey closet Christian or doormat. But somehow she is special. So special that women's organizations who present themselves as champions of women's causes are mute, and the American Civil Liberties Union is no where to be found to yell 'foul' on possible hate speech toward a woman and special needs child.
Palin trusts something more than political protocol, more impactful than mean spirited comments, and one always faithful to guide her through difficult journeys — even at a price of being misquoted, misunderstood, and disrespected. Her choice was more than a decision — it was an act of faith between her and her God. Those who live by similar core values see Palin as being true to her calling and honest before those she has served in Alaska. Others may never understand why she chose the path least travelled historically for the sake of her family or just because she's being led.
The point is — Palin knows she's not travelling alone.
© Stella Lohmann
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