Donald Hank
The REAL climate conference in Copenhagen
By Donald Hank
While the elitists are busy lying through their teeth in Copenhagen to control your mind, there will be a conference of real scientists and prominent speakers like Lord Monckton, telling the truth about climate change.
And you can attend. Here is the press release, sent by Philip Foster, author of "While the Earth Endures," a must-read presenting the other side of the debate we aren't supposed to have.
The debate is NOT over!
Please support us and help win the debate!
Early in December some 25,000 people are going to descend on Copenhagen, including most world leaders and their retinues.
Their Mission? To agree the urgent measures necessary to prevent a global catastrophe.
The Catastrophe? That most parts of the world will soon be rendered uninhabitable as a result of runaway global warming caused by the rise in atmospheric CO2 created by human activity.
The 'Remedial' Measures? An enforceable international agreement to impose a dramatic reduction of CO2 emissions world-wide, reversing this supposedly disasterous trend. Such reductions are being promoted as
painful but necessary and anyway far better than the 'terrible alternative.'
Fortunately, this whole scenario is a fairy story. It was created and propagated by those who stood to benefit academically, politically, financially or emotionally by raising popular fears of a modern Armageddon.
It is against this background that we have arranged a conference in Copenhagen on the 8th-9th December at which internationally respected scientists and others will be speaking and to which the world's press will be invited.
It is to be called "The Copenhagen Climate Challenge" and be held in Copenhagen 8th-9th Dec. at Dansk Forfatterforening (Danish writers Union) Strandgade 6, 1401 København K
The aim is to present to governments and activists a clear scientific challenge to either produce rigorous scientific evidence of their claims or to stop pursuing the current scaremongering and extremely costly policies. This will be done by presenting papers on the various aspect of 'Climate Change,' such as ocean levels, CO2 and temperature, AGW and disease etc. etc. and in effect saying, "Either to put up or shut up!"
We already have the following speakers:
Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
Prof Fred Singer. Climate physicist and Prof. Emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia
H. Leighton Steward a geologist, environmentalist, author, and retired energy industry executive.
Nils-Axel Mörner, author of numerous research papers and the booklet The Greatest Lie Ever Told, awarded
The Golden Condrite of Merit "for his irreverence and contribution to our understanding of sea level change."
Prof Ian Plimer, Professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide and Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne where he was Professor and Head (1991-2005). He is the author of Heaven and Earth. His previous book, A Short History of Planet Earth, won the Eureka Prize.
Being invited:
Martin Aagerup CEPOS
David Gress political Philosopher
Christopher Booker
Don Easterbrook
And the PRESS.
We have had considerable encouragement from Terry Dunleavy of www.nzclimatescience.org.nz, and Tom Harris of www.climatescienceinternational.org plus he obtained considerable financial support for the operation. We have support too from David Bellamy, the British environmentalist, scientists from Sweden and Norway, Johnny Ball of TV science presenter, James Delingpole, journalist and writer and many others.
Previous to the conference itself a list of scientists* is being compiled to support the challenge document and we intend to take big spread advertisements in leading national papers in the UK, Denmark France etc. (as much as our funds can run to).
* If you are a scientist working the field of climate or related fields and are willing to register, please email
Tom Harris tom.harris@climatescienceinternational.net
The final document, which will be sent to the Sec. Gen. of the UN and heads of state etc., will be fowarded to you as soon as we have it completed.
If you would like to help please send any amount you can to:
Danske Bank
Climate Sense
Reg. nr. 3219
Konto 3219781695
IBAN: DK1730003219781695
or, using a credit/debit card by phoning
Philip Foster (SMP Ltd) +44 (0)1480 399098.
1 Barnfield, Common Lane,
Hemingford Abbots,
Huntingdon PE28 9AX UK
Attending the Conference:
Places are limited, but if you would like to attend we will do our best to accommodate you.
Please email philip.foster17@ntlworld.com to book.
Graham Capper, gcad.design@yahoo.co.uk
Jens Robdrup, climate-sense@live.dk
Revd. Philip Foster MA, philip.foster17@ntlworld.com
Terry Dunleavy terry.dunleavy@nzclimatescience.org.nz
Tom Harris tom.harris@climatescienceinternational.net
© Donald Hank
November 30, 2009
While the elitists are busy lying through their teeth in Copenhagen to control your mind, there will be a conference of real scientists and prominent speakers like Lord Monckton, telling the truth about climate change.
And you can attend. Here is the press release, sent by Philip Foster, author of "While the Earth Endures," a must-read presenting the other side of the debate we aren't supposed to have.
The debate is NOT over!
Please support us and help win the debate!
Early in December some 25,000 people are going to descend on Copenhagen, including most world leaders and their retinues.
Their Mission? To agree the urgent measures necessary to prevent a global catastrophe.
The Catastrophe? That most parts of the world will soon be rendered uninhabitable as a result of runaway global warming caused by the rise in atmospheric CO2 created by human activity.
The 'Remedial' Measures? An enforceable international agreement to impose a dramatic reduction of CO2 emissions world-wide, reversing this supposedly disasterous trend. Such reductions are being promoted as
painful but necessary and anyway far better than the 'terrible alternative.'
Fortunately, this whole scenario is a fairy story. It was created and propagated by those who stood to benefit academically, politically, financially or emotionally by raising popular fears of a modern Armageddon.
It is against this background that we have arranged a conference in Copenhagen on the 8th-9th December at which internationally respected scientists and others will be speaking and to which the world's press will be invited.
It is to be called "The Copenhagen Climate Challenge" and be held in Copenhagen 8th-9th Dec. at Dansk Forfatterforening (Danish writers Union) Strandgade 6, 1401 København K
The aim is to present to governments and activists a clear scientific challenge to either produce rigorous scientific evidence of their claims or to stop pursuing the current scaremongering and extremely costly policies. This will be done by presenting papers on the various aspect of 'Climate Change,' such as ocean levels, CO2 and temperature, AGW and disease etc. etc. and in effect saying, "Either to put up or shut up!"
We already have the following speakers:
Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
Prof Fred Singer. Climate physicist and Prof. Emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia
H. Leighton Steward a geologist, environmentalist, author, and retired energy industry executive.
Nils-Axel Mörner, author of numerous research papers and the booklet The Greatest Lie Ever Told, awarded
The Golden Condrite of Merit "for his irreverence and contribution to our understanding of sea level change."
Prof Ian Plimer, Professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide and Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne where he was Professor and Head (1991-2005). He is the author of Heaven and Earth. His previous book, A Short History of Planet Earth, won the Eureka Prize.
Being invited:
Martin Aagerup CEPOS
David Gress political Philosopher
Christopher Booker
Don Easterbrook
And the PRESS.
We have had considerable encouragement from Terry Dunleavy of www.nzclimatescience.org.nz, and Tom Harris of www.climatescienceinternational.org plus he obtained considerable financial support for the operation. We have support too from David Bellamy, the British environmentalist, scientists from Sweden and Norway, Johnny Ball of TV science presenter, James Delingpole, journalist and writer and many others.
Previous to the conference itself a list of scientists* is being compiled to support the challenge document and we intend to take big spread advertisements in leading national papers in the UK, Denmark France etc. (as much as our funds can run to).
* If you are a scientist working the field of climate or related fields and are willing to register, please email
Tom Harris tom.harris@climatescienceinternational.net
The final document, which will be sent to the Sec. Gen. of the UN and heads of state etc., will be fowarded to you as soon as we have it completed.
If you would like to help please send any amount you can to:
Danske Bank
Climate Sense
Reg. nr. 3219
Konto 3219781695
IBAN: DK1730003219781695
or, using a credit/debit card by phoning
Philip Foster (SMP Ltd) +44 (0)1480 399098.
1 Barnfield, Common Lane,
Hemingford Abbots,
Huntingdon PE28 9AX UK
Attending the Conference:
Places are limited, but if you would like to attend we will do our best to accommodate you.
Please email philip.foster17@ntlworld.com to book.
Graham Capper, gcad.design@yahoo.co.uk
Jens Robdrup, climate-sense@live.dk
Revd. Philip Foster MA, philip.foster17@ntlworld.com
Terry Dunleavy terry.dunleavy@nzclimatescience.org.nz
Tom Harris tom.harris@climatescienceinternational.net
© Donald Hank
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