Bryan Fischer
If we do not stop Islam at our shores, we will have to stop it in our streets
By Bryan Fischer
September 10, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

According to ABC News, hardly a member of the vast right wing conspiracy, three Muslims have been in the United States since August with plans to use care bombs to blow up American infidels in Washington, D.C., or New York on the anniversary of the glorious triumph of Allah on 9/11.

Federal officials say the threat is both specific and credible, a prospect frightening enough to prompt them to alert 18,000 law enforcement agencies around the country.

Bin Laden's replacement as head of al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is behind the plot, which is being carried out in obedience to the blessed prophet, peace be upon him, who directed his followers to "slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Sura 9:5).

Get this: one of these Muslims is a U.S. citizen, and the other two have U.S. documentation, either a green card or a passport. In other words, these jihadis have the legal right to be here because we have foolishly let them in.

NYPD police chief Ray Kelly spoke of the increased demand on law enforcement created by this threat from the Religion of Peace. Cops on duty will be increased by a third, vehicle checkpoints will be increased, and more bomb dogs and radiation detectors will be in use. Bag searches will be stepped up, towing of illegally parked cars will be increased, and there will be an increased presence of police on ferries.

Bottom line: because of Islam, New Yorkers will be living in a virtual police state for the next few days.

New York mayor Michael Bloomberg said that over the last decade, police have foiled over a dozen Muslim-inspired attacks on innocent Americans. This most recent plot is obviously then not an aberration, or a "one-off" as Janet Napolitano mindlessly wants us to believe.

All this is enough all by itself to give the lie to the myth that Islam is in any way a religion of peace. It most definitely is not. It is a dark and dangerous religion which threatens every value we cherish and every freedom that matters.

The NYPD has identified 53 mosques in New York alone that represent terrorist threats of one kind or another. These mosques have been infiltrated by undercover agents because authorities cannot afford to be politically correct when it comes to the safety and security of New Yorkers. Can you imagine the media outrage if law enforcement was required to infiltrate and monitor 53 Southern Baptist churches for the same reason? Yet the media is largely silent and willingly blind to the danger that Islam itself poses to the West.

Why do these mosques have to be infiltrated and monitored? Because the mythical "moderate" Muslims aren't reporting dangerous Muslims to authorities in sufficient numbers to make a difference. By their silence, they are complicit in the deeds of others.

Of course, most Muslims in America do not want to blow up innocent people. They are not the Muslims we have to worry about. According to recent polling data, 81% of America's Muslims do not support violent jihad. The disturbing truth here is that means 19% of America's Muslims do. If there are roughly 6 million Muslims in America, this means that 1.2 million followers of Allah in the United States right now are perfectly happy with the prospect of innocent Americans being blown to bits in the name of Muhammad.

If there truly are "moderate" Muslims in the U.S., then job one for them is identifying and reporting these 1.2 million ticking time bombs to authorities. If they won't, then we must monitor them all.

Mayor Bloomberg ended his remarks by saying, "The best thing we can do to fight terrorists is to refuse to be intimidated by it." Wrong, Mr. Mayor. The best thing we can do is to halt the infiltration of Islam into America.

On my program this week, retired Gen. Jerry Boykin, one of the original Delta Force members, said clearly that we must secure our borders to deal with the threat posed by Muslim immigration and we must stop the building of mosques. He believes that Islam has no First Amendment protections because it is not a religion so much as a totalitarian ideology that is utterly hostile to Western values.

If we do not stop Islam at our shores, we will have to stop it in our streets. That day, in fact, is already here. Let's stop the contagion while we can.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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