Bryan Fischer
No-fly zone an act of war -- we need another war?
By Bryan Fischer
March 18, 2011

Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at "Focal Point"

This is just bizarre. President Obama's rationale for bombing Libya is exactly the same as Bush's for invading Iraq: to liberate people from a ruthless dictator. Another indication that he is utterly clueless, flailing about in every situation for some idea of what to do. He has no strategy or policy regarding the Middle East, other than a pronounced antipathy for our one reliable ally in the region, Israel.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates says that enforcing no-fly starts with bombing Libya's air defenses back to the stone age so they can't shoot at our planes. That's an act of war. Do we really want another war in that region? After all, our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan have gone so swimmingly. Until we have some national interest at stake in Libya, we ought to stay out of their business.

This cease-fire is meaningless. Rebel forces are reporting that Khadafy hasn't stopped shelling cities, and Khadafy's tanks right now surround the last western-held city. He'll just leave his tanks in place since he has the city in a choke-hold. A Heritage expert says Libya is likely to turn into another Somalia. Great! Let's send more troops!

The military is now gung-ho into diversity. It intends to lower standards so more minorities can get in, which is racism straight up, is an insult to minorities who have no problem passing the tests, and will only weaken our military while we're in the middle of two wars. I don't think we have geniuses running our military these days. Plus they want to put women in combat positions, which Israel tried in 1948 and almost immediately abandoned. Also, the Marines found out a number of years ago that women can't throw grenades far enough to keep from blowing themselves up.

Can gay quotas be far behind? We're going to get the worst of both worlds with the admission of open homosexuals into the ranks: virile straights aren't going to sign up, and fewer homosexuals will since they lost their get-out-of-jail free card when DADT was repealed. They can't try it and decide they don't like it any more. We're going to be left with a weakened, effeminate, dumbed-down military. Other than that, no worries.

Here's some more of that new tone from our regressive friends on the left:: Conservative Wisconsin blogger Ann Althouse got a Facebook threat from someone who published her home address, her favorite eating establishments, and when she goes there. Says the threat, "we will harass the ever-loving s**t out of you all the time... we will hang up wanted posters of you everywhere you like to go." So far, 302 people have "liked" the post. Welcome to civil discourse, winger style.

Obama keeps finding ways to stop drilling. Now his administration says it needs twice as many permitting personnel and three times as many offshore inspectors, all to comply with regulations that didn't even exist until Obama got hold of them.

Milk prices are shooting up. Why? Because the cost of corn to feed cows has gone through the roof. The reason for that? Forty percent of our corn crop goes to ethanol.

More spinelessness from GOP leaders? Senators are ready to introduce a balanced budget amendment, but are afraid that Mitch McConnell is looking for ways to torpedo the thing.

Wow. Seven House Republicans voted yesterday to maintain taxpayer funding for NPR. Maybe it's time to defund them.

Rand Paul has a 5-year plan that will balance budget and dump useless federal agencies such as the departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, and Housing and Urban Development. Don't let anybody tell you balancing the budget can't be done.

The city of Costa Mesa, California is firing half of employees. The city is broke, just like U.S., but the difference is Costa Mesa can't print money. So the federal government keeps growing while state and local governments continue to shrink.

Texas spends $65 mill to educate prisoners. Educating felons is not a proper role of government, and besides which, the Texas program is a miserable failure. Volunteers would do the educating at no cost to taxpayers and actually get something done.

Whoa. SEIU, the big-time union that runs around beating up people at Tea Party rallies, is turning on President Obama for being too tough on illegal immigrants. If he's lost SEIU, he's lost America.

It's way past time for double-layer security fence all along our southern border. The latest information is that 663 individuals who were arrested along the border in 2010 were from countries with known ties to terrorism. Since estimates are that we arrest about 10% of the illegals that trespass into our country, do the math.

So much for unions being good for workers: nonunion workers are happier and have better relationships with their bosses than union workers do. Unions do not exist for workers, they exist for unions.

(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

© Bryan Fischer


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