Edward Daley
The tea party was right, and you know it
By Edward Daley
August 8, 2011

In case you didn't hear- and you would have to have been living in a box for the past 72 hours not to — America's AAA credit rating was lowered to AA+ status for the first time in history on the fifth of August, and the primary reason for this move couldn't be more painfully obvious.

Standard & Poor's downgraded the credit rating of the United States because, even if most Americans don't understand what baseline budgeting is, credit agencies do, and they aren't fooled by the media's insane mischaracterizations of the "historic debt ceiling deal" reached in Congress several days ago.

To begin with, practically every story written about the debt fight over the past few weeks has included some reference to an 'imminent debt default' if our government failed to reach some sort of agreement on extending the debt limit yet again. This term — or something like it — was used as a scare tactic by both the Democrat party and the mainstream press, who knew damned well that such a default was NEVER going to happen, regardless of whether Congress and the President came to an agreement on the debt ceiling matter.

The only way the U.S. would have defaulted on its debt-payment responsibilities is if President Obama had decided to not make good on them for purely political reasons. According to the Treasury Department, existing federal revenues were more than sufficient to cover these costs, as well as Social Security, Medicare and military expenditures.

So when Barack Obama said he couldn't guarantee that crucial payments to our nation's elderly citizens, disabled folks and military personnel would be made if the debt ceiling wasn't raised, he was flat-out lying!

To make matters worse, the GOP leadership in both the House and Senate did little if anything to dispel the fears of their constituency which had been fueled by an irresponsible news media over and over again. They failed embarrassingly to make it crystal clear to the people who elected them that, no matter what, our debt obligations WOULD be met, those in genuine need WOULD be taken care of, and our most brave and honorable defenders WOULD be paid for their service to our country.

The fact that they allowed this Democrat-invented lie to fester in the minds of the American people is nearly as shameful as the lie itself, yet that is not the only false notion they were complicit in fostering recently. Another blatantly untrue narrative embraced by the leaders of both the Democrat and Republican parties was that the final deal they "hashed out" would somehow reduce the size and scope of our national debt, that there were actual spending cuts in it, and that such a scheme was "the best we could do" under the circumstances.

I won't bother recounting why NONE OF THAT IS TRUE. Those who already understand why, don't need me to remind them, and those who don't get it at this point, never will. All anyone really needs to know is that the two branches of our federal government responsible for the course-correction of that economic Titanic we call our ship of state have once again proved that no serious adults are currently running the show in Washington DC.

The S&P's actions of Friday last are a direct repudiation of our so-called leaders and their utter refusal to do exactly what the members of the tea party movement have been begging them to do since day one; CUT SPENDING NOW!

It turns out that all those slack-jawed, gun-toting, Bible-thumping, violent, racist, flyover-country, would-be terrorists — who insist upon calling themselves patriots in spite of the vicious, defamatory insults hurled at them every day — knew one thing that all the Harvard-educated elitists on Pennsylvania Avenue didn't... that "government is not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem!"

Apparently, tea partiers are just smart enough to understand that Ronald Reagan's famous indictment of the federal overlord class is even more righteous today than it was in 1981. Reagan's remarks during his first inaugural address were not only prescient, but eloquent in their simplicity, yet TO THIS DAY the majority of our elected representatives are either too dumb, too naive, too corrupt or too self-absorbed to heed his words.

Frankly, I don't give half a damn why so many of them refuse to do what average Americans have known for decades is the right thing, all I'm concerned with is that they HAVE refused to do so. That's why most of them need to be replaced as soon as possible for the sake of future American generations of every race, ethnicity, religion or political persuasion.

So go ahead and call me a right-wing extremist, an ideological terrorist, an economic ignoramus, a hobbit (I know, right?) or any other opportunistic nonsense-name you can dream up. None of that pointless rhetoric matters to me or to the millions of people out there who know the score and refuse to yield in the face of such juvenile political tactics.

We are done playing your moronic games while our country sinks with ever increasing speed into the quagmire of ineptitude that history will label this particular government's fiscal policies. To put it simply, time is not running out on you useless, self-congratulatory do-nothings in the federal government, IT HAS RUN OUT!

Prepare to be vanquished.

© Edward Daley


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Edward Daley

Edward Daley was born to American parents on a U.S. military base in Stephenville, Newfoundland, Canada, and moved to the United States as an infant... (more)


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