Daniel Cassidy column
Daniel Cassidy
Daniel J. Cassidy served on the staff of Senator Herman E. Talmadge, while working his way through The Catholic University of America.

He also served as a government relations executive for industry and non-profit organizations, and was a founder and Treasurer of the American League of Lobbyists.

In 1989, he was appointed by President George H.W. Bush as Special Assistant in the U.S. Department of Education, and in 1992 joined the Executive Office of the President as Congressional Liaison for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

In 1994, he became Director of Education Policy for Jersey City Mayor Bret Schundler, coordinating a statewide campaign for education reform and school choice, establishing one of New Jersey's first charter schools, and serving as President of the New Jersey Scholarship Fund.

During the administration of George W. Bush, Cassidy served as Secretary's Regional Representative for the U.S. Department of Education, promoting the policies and programs of the President and Secretary in Region II.

He has published numerous articles in newspapers and journals. Visit his blog at www.SunlitUplands.org

Governor Haley, it is time to reverse your plan to settle Syrian "refugees" in South Carolina
Daniel Cassidy
November 16, 2015

Governor Haley, we call on you to follow the lead of the Governors of Michigan and Alabama and reverse your plans to settle Syrian "refugees" in South . . .

Newark needs a spiritual father, not another crime boss
Daniel Cassidy
August 23, 2013

The disgraced and discredited Archbishop of Newark, John J. Myers, has lashed out like a cornered rat at his critics, the media, politicians, members of the . . .

An old foe comes calling: Kirchner asks pope to intervene in Falklands row
Daniel Cassidy
March 19, 2013

Cristina Kirchner, the kleptocrat, socialist leader of Argentina, has an approval rating in that country that only Jimmy Carter might envy. She also has . . .

Pew survey: Catholics favor Obama by 15-point margin
Daniel Cassidy
September 25, 2012

The latest Pew Survey showing Catholic support for President Obama speaks volumes about the regard in which America's Catholic bishops are held by America's . . .

The Second Vatican Council: A revolution and its wreckage
Daniel Cassidy
September 14, 2012

The article below from The Sydney Morning Herald is an interesting overview of the Second Vatican Council and its aftermath. Those of us just old enough to . . .

Grassfire Nation outraged because a leopard hasn't changed his spots
Daniel Cassidy
September 11, 2012

Shock, horror, outrage — Mitt Romney has betrayed the conservative cause, flip-flopped on his pledge to repeal ObamaCare, and isn't who he recently . . .

A plague on both their houses -- Virgil Goode for President
Daniel Cassidy
August 28, 2012

"Conservative pragmatism" has brought us to a conclusion that will probably shock our readers — it would be better for Barack Hussein Obama to be . . .

American Life League president posts open letter to Cardinal Dolan about the Al Smith dinner invitation
Daniel Cassidy
August 16, 2012

The valiant Judie Brown, founder of the American Life League and America's foremost and uncompromising champion of life, has posted an open letter to His . . .

Dinner with Diocletian
Daniel Cassidy
August 9, 2012

In recent weeks we have read that Catholic Relief Services has given millions to organizations that fund contraception and abortion throughout the world. Now, . . .

Condi Rice? Absolutely not!
Daniel Cassidy
July 14, 2012

It is being reported tonight that Condoleezza Rice is leading a short list of potential Vice Presidential running mates for Obama White. That the Romney . . .

Happy Birthday and Viva il Papa!
Daniel Cassidy
April 17, 2012

Today is the 85th birthday of our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, and this week we will mark the 7th anniversary of his election to the Chair of Saint Peter.  . . .

Jim DeMint sells out
Daniel Cassidy
March 24, 2012

We just left a message for Senator Jim DeMint at his Washington Office (202-224-6121) expressing our bitter disappointment that he has joined establishment . . .

America confronted by renewal or revolution
Daniel Cassidy
January 10, 2012

They were patriots who loved their country but were wearied by a government whose distant wars and foreign intrigues placed a crushing and ever-growing tax . . .

Argentina once again provoking war over the Falkland Islands
Daniel Cassidy
December 24, 2011

The corrupt socialists that head the government of Argentina must once again be facing domestic political problems. It has become routine for precarious regimes . . .

The masquerader, he'll lie and doesn't care
Daniel Cassidy
December 15, 2011

One month before the Republican presidential candidates will be in Myrtle Beach for an important debate, Newt Gingrich has opened a double digit lead over his . . .

Gary Glenn for US Senator from Michigan
Daniel Cassidy
November 29, 2011

In every Congressional election cycle, a few key races become the focus of national attention because of the power of the personalities involved, the contrast . . .

Rick Perry calls South Carolina GOP activists
Daniel Cassidy
September 27, 2011

We received an unsolicited robo conference call tonight from Rick Perry and his South Carolina campaign organization. Like his vaccination mandate for little . . .

The humility of greatness vs grabbing for all you can get
Daniel Cassidy
September 11, 2011

To those who accuse us of blind partisanship, we would suggest that the highest praise this blog has ever paid to an American politician was to President Harry . . .

Perfect storm of hype and big government nannyism
Daniel Cassidy
August 29, 2011

Irene, the category 1 hurricane downgraded to a tropical storm, provided the country with a good glimpse of liberal, big government politicians who have long . . .

Bank of America to Rick Perry: "We'll help you out"
Daniel Cassidy
August 21, 2011

Here's Bank of America lobbyist James Mahoney promising Rick Perry that America's largest bank will help him out. Mr. Mahoney is a former secretary of the . . .

To restore America, draft a tea party patriot
Daniel Cassidy
July 23, 2011

It is a sad fact that our system for picking presidential candidates has become one in which only those with burning ambition can make it through a multi-year . . .

No new Texans! Jim DeMint for President
Daniel Cassidy
June 22, 2011

Sunlit Uplands readers know that we bow to no one in our utter contempt for the Marxist who is deliberately dividing and undermining this country from the Oval . . .

Catholic academics protest John Boehner's presence at CUA commencement
Daniel Cassidy
May 19, 2011

The Catholic University of America has announced that Speaker of the House John Boehner will receive an honorary doctoral degree in law and deliver the . . .

Sarkozy acknowledges multiculturalism has failed
Daniel Cassidy
February 12, 2011

It is good that European leaders are finally acknowledging that they have a civilization to defend — a civilization that has been overrun and is dying, . . .

The Obamas are not welcome at the royal wedding
Daniel Cassidy
December 17, 2010

Barack Hussein Obama is seen by many commentators as the most anti-British President in modern American history because he has never passed up an opportunity to . . .

Georgetown GOP's Swatzel uses hard-hitting mail campaign to oust entrenched incumbent
Daniel Cassidy
November 23, 2010

With Republicans gaining more state legislative seats nationwide than at any time since 1928, it is easy to overlook the gain of a mere 3 state house seats in . . .

State snatches baby from Oath Keeper patriot
Daniel Cassidy
October 9, 2010

Of all the grassroots, freedom-loving organizations that have emerged in response to threats from statist, fascistic socialists, perhaps no group is more in . . .

Jim DeMint: A senator and his 'disciples'
Daniel Cassidy
August 30, 2010

South Carolina's Senator Jim DeMint continues to surprise even his supporters with the power of his moral suasion, his principled defense of liberty and . . .

The Democrat double standard: 'clean' Marxists vs. black vets
Daniel Cassidy
June 16, 2010

It is remarkable to see all this Democrat hand-wringing over the Democrat Senate candidate in South Carolina who won with 60% of the vote. And it illuminates . . .

Laura Bush: 'It's good that gay marriage is coming'
Daniel Cassidy
May 13, 2010

Comments made recently by Mrs. Laura Bush in support of gay marriage remind me of a school visit she made early in the administration of her husband. She asked . . .

Pope Benedict shows that where the cross is, there also is the resurrection
Daniel Cassidy
March 31, 2010

"If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.. . . .

Too much is at stake; Steele must go!
Daniel Cassidy
March 29, 2010

As we have noted here, here, here, here, and here, the current Chairman of the Republican National Committee is not merely unqualified for the job he has been . . .

ObamaCare: an urgent message to our Catholic readers
Daniel Cassidy
March 20, 2010

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt lose its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out, and to be . . .

The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.

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