Bonnie Alba
We are Americans!
By Bonnie Alba
Are you a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Independent, whatever? Or — are you an American?
We appear to be coming out of our closets of silence. With the "Tea Party Protests" came the revelation that the government and the maimed media believe we are "right-wing extremists" and "could be dangerous" and driven to acts of violence.
At first, the protests were all but ignored by government and news media, then derided and ridiculed. Then some liberal pundits saw a "Republican Party" conspiracy to gain people back to that party's fold, which proved to be totally wrong. And they wonder why their TV news ratings are so low?
Certainly we're not the experts at organizing protests. We're the quiet, ordinary citizens who are working, running small businesses, raising the next generation and paying our taxes.
The volcanic bubbling up from this silent majority finally broke the surface and flowed into the streets. Though the protest crowds might have appeared small by government and media standards, let's be clear: There were millions behind them who couldn't be there, but they were there in heart and spirit! Americans — First and Foremost!
Many TV news people still don't even understand this reaction. They are so seeped in liberalism, humanism, secularism and Hip!Hip!Hurrah! for Socialism, they can't see their own participation in the destruction of themselves and a great nation.
The no-longer-silent half of the nation feel like aliens in a strange land where the rule of law has been perverted by the Third Branch of Government and the U.S. Constitution has been stomped on by both the Second and First Branches of government: Pres. Obama and the present Congress are just the tipping point.
Reaching back over the last 100 years, we see how prior administrations took unconstitutional liberties. Citizens also share the responsibility as we have succumbed to a debauched society and immoral entertainment culture.
Ordinary Americans are starting to speak out, step out, and tread the path from the founders' examples. Patriot Patrick Henry once stood up during the sometimes painful debates over the wording of the Constitution and declared, "I am no longer a Virginian, sir, but an American."
So are we. Americans! We're black, white, red, yellow and maybe purple, young, middle-aged or old — non-issues for true Americans — why? Because we still believe in the shared values and traditions of the "melting pot" of people with threads all the way back to the founding fathers. Americans believe in God and Country.
Remember, "E pluribus unum," Latin for "Out of Many, One," appears on our U.S. Seal. We are the people who follow in the footsteps of the founding fathers.
We are Americans!
Of the groups that oppose us, none is more blinded than those who live for Nanny Government. Not realizing they escaped one form of slavery only to embrace another form, they persisted in believing in government doling out and controlling their freedom and liberty versus the freedom and liberty that is theirs already.
One government tool for the dumbing down of our citizens has been the liberal school system brainwashing generations of Americans.
These protests were not about "just taxes." Freedom and Liberty are the bywords and the whole of these protests. Taxes and inconceivable government spending are just two issues of many.
FOX's Glen Beck has made an important point in his message about freedom, liberty and taking back America. We must do it "peacefully" in the spirit and humility of Dr. Martin Luther King.
We are not what "our" government has labeled us — right-wing extremists. It is America's character, principles, the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution, a nation under God, which stands at our backs and upholds us.
We fight with words and stand with our bodies as shields against the onslaught of the coming tyranny.
Maybe you believe all or just some of the above. Maybe you feel, "Oh, it's not that bad. We still have a constitutional government..."
Nothing the government is doing right now is constitutional. Constitutional law has been usurped by all three branches of our government and has already changed the landscape of our nation.
We Americans stand firmly alongside the spirits of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and all the signers of the U.S. Constitution who gave their lives and their fortunes for "Freedom and Liberty" under God.
We must take back the founders' America, our freedoms and responsibilities.
We are Americans!
© Bonnie Alba
April 18, 2009
Are you a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Constitutionalist, Independent, whatever? Or — are you an American?
We appear to be coming out of our closets of silence. With the "Tea Party Protests" came the revelation that the government and the maimed media believe we are "right-wing extremists" and "could be dangerous" and driven to acts of violence.
At first, the protests were all but ignored by government and news media, then derided and ridiculed. Then some liberal pundits saw a "Republican Party" conspiracy to gain people back to that party's fold, which proved to be totally wrong. And they wonder why their TV news ratings are so low?
Certainly we're not the experts at organizing protests. We're the quiet, ordinary citizens who are working, running small businesses, raising the next generation and paying our taxes.
The volcanic bubbling up from this silent majority finally broke the surface and flowed into the streets. Though the protest crowds might have appeared small by government and media standards, let's be clear: There were millions behind them who couldn't be there, but they were there in heart and spirit! Americans — First and Foremost!
Many TV news people still don't even understand this reaction. They are so seeped in liberalism, humanism, secularism and Hip!Hip!Hurrah! for Socialism, they can't see their own participation in the destruction of themselves and a great nation.
The no-longer-silent half of the nation feel like aliens in a strange land where the rule of law has been perverted by the Third Branch of Government and the U.S. Constitution has been stomped on by both the Second and First Branches of government: Pres. Obama and the present Congress are just the tipping point.
Reaching back over the last 100 years, we see how prior administrations took unconstitutional liberties. Citizens also share the responsibility as we have succumbed to a debauched society and immoral entertainment culture.
Ordinary Americans are starting to speak out, step out, and tread the path from the founders' examples. Patriot Patrick Henry once stood up during the sometimes painful debates over the wording of the Constitution and declared, "I am no longer a Virginian, sir, but an American."
So are we. Americans! We're black, white, red, yellow and maybe purple, young, middle-aged or old — non-issues for true Americans — why? Because we still believe in the shared values and traditions of the "melting pot" of people with threads all the way back to the founding fathers. Americans believe in God and Country.
Remember, "E pluribus unum," Latin for "Out of Many, One," appears on our U.S. Seal. We are the people who follow in the footsteps of the founding fathers.
We are Americans!
Of the groups that oppose us, none is more blinded than those who live for Nanny Government. Not realizing they escaped one form of slavery only to embrace another form, they persisted in believing in government doling out and controlling their freedom and liberty versus the freedom and liberty that is theirs already.
One government tool for the dumbing down of our citizens has been the liberal school system brainwashing generations of Americans.
These protests were not about "just taxes." Freedom and Liberty are the bywords and the whole of these protests. Taxes and inconceivable government spending are just two issues of many.
FOX's Glen Beck has made an important point in his message about freedom, liberty and taking back America. We must do it "peacefully" in the spirit and humility of Dr. Martin Luther King.
We are not what "our" government has labeled us — right-wing extremists. It is America's character, principles, the Declaration of Independence, and the U.S. Constitution, a nation under God, which stands at our backs and upholds us.
We fight with words and stand with our bodies as shields against the onslaught of the coming tyranny.
Maybe you believe all or just some of the above. Maybe you feel, "Oh, it's not that bad. We still have a constitutional government..."
Nothing the government is doing right now is constitutional. Constitutional law has been usurped by all three branches of our government and has already changed the landscape of our nation.
We Americans stand firmly alongside the spirits of Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and all the signers of the U.S. Constitution who gave their lives and their fortunes for "Freedom and Liberty" under God.
We must take back the founders' America, our freedoms and responsibilities.
We are Americans!
© Bonnie Alba
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