Sher Zieve
On losing or saving our country
By Sher Zieve
It might be extremely beneficial to be able to pinpoint the exact moment we began losing our country. In that way, we could examine, pull apart and observe the actions and/or inactions that led to our demise and begin again without making the same mistakes and, thus, create a new mode of operations to both recognize and avoid the pitfalls that led to the current debacle(s) now killing the United States of America. Unfortunately, we began losing her a very long time ago, due to neglect in not following and protecting the precepts upon which many of our ancestors founded this beautiful experiment in self-governance. We forgot the "self" aspect of it and left our fate to those who now govern (actually more of a "rulership") us in the ways they decide will benefit them; not our country or we-the-people. Suffice it to say, neglect is never a way to run a viable company – it will inevitably fail – and certainly not a country.
Socialist Democrats Increase anti-Semitic Rhetoric
There is no Democrat(ic) Party anymore. It has gone full-tilt to the Socialist/Marxist/Communist/Islamist etc. party. And, it appears that all of the Socialist Democrat Party – the Democrat Party has already died and been buried – leaders have achieved the level of total corruption, now, with their anti-Semitic and anti-Christian screeds.
California Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu accused US Ambassador to Israel of dual loyalty and not supporting the USA when said that his "allegiance should be to America, not to a foreign power." This followed the ambassador's remarks in support of Israel's decision to bar entry to two anti-Israel congresswoman, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib."
Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono defended the anti-Semitic speech of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) and accused the GOP of "hate speech" for criticizing the Congress woman.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (running for POTUS, BTW) voted for a House bill condemning the boycott of Israel, then voted a week later to support Rep. Omar's bill for the right to boycott. She stands on both sides of the fence. When asked is she would condemn the remarks of Rep. Omar, Gabbard responded: "There are people who have expressed their offense at these statements. I think that what Congresswoman Omar was trying to get at was a deeper issue related to our foreign policy, and I think there's an important discussion that we have to be able to have openly, even though we may end up disagreeing at the end of it, but we've got to be able to have that openness to have the conversation."
"When asked if she thought Ilhan's remarks were anti-Semitic, she replied, "What I'm saying is, is what she was trying to bring up was something that was a deeper issue. And I don't believe that her intent was to cause any offense to anyone."
Well, Rep. Omar's (not her real name, by the way) comments were highly anti-Semitic and the Congress woman knows it. And, her comments about 9-11 "someone did something" were offensive to almost everyone I know.
There are many more Democrats who appear to be "converting" to the new and regrouping and regrowing religion of anti-Semitism each day. This bespeaks a growing extremely ominous for our country.
Members of the Socialist-Progressive Party have – quite literally – sold their souls to the other side. And, as most who have done the same thing eventually realize, they don't want to experience damnation alone. They want to drag us down there with them. I'll pass and I assume you will too.
Ending the US Constitution by Ignoring it
For a number of years, individual leftist-run States within the USA have been passing more and more restrictive gun laws. These laws fly directly in the face of the US Constitution's Second Amendment. These laws are being passed and enacted by State legislators, without their bothering to go through the legally-binding process of "amending the Amendment." The Second Amendment to the US Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Over the years, many anti-gun rights attorneys and judges (even a few conservative ones) have ruled that the Second Amendment does not really mean what it says and that our Founders didn't intend it to be absolute. Yet, the last part of this legal amendment states shall not be infringed. The definition of infringe is "actively break the terms of a law or agreement" or to "act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on." Synonyms for "infringe" include undermine, erode, diminish, weaken, impair, damage, compromise. In other words, the Second Amendment is absolute in its meaning. The States which have enacted their own restrictive gun laws have done so Unconstitutionally. Here are a series of laws (by no means all of them) enacted – and I maintain were illegally enacted – in California (many other States have dictated the same sorts of laws):
California Penal Code
Code Sections
As has been factually stated by many for a very long time "if the Second Amendment falls so do all of the other Amendments in our Bill of Rights." The US Constitution will have been judged and ruled null and void...via illegal means. We are almost there. Despite any and all gun laws, criminals will be able to get guns. They're criminals folks! The only ones who will be curtailed from protecting themselves from an increasingly tyrannical government are We-the-People – the law-abiders.
Too many illegal laws are already on the books and we are already firmly on the road to perdition. Our afflictions fomented by the US States now run by handfuls of the Luciferian Left are increasing daily. At this juncture, there seem to be few-to-no ways to put that Jinn back into the bottle. The only way to try to regain whatever liberty we can and protect ourselves from additional harm. Is to fight those who are working to destroy us and to keep as many Jinn as we can stoppered on their bottles. We must place those in office who will help not hurt our country. I maintain that is precisely what President Trump is doing...helping our country return to God and prosperity. In all too many ways, we have already lost great swaths of it to those who would destroy it. Look to those States that have been run by Marxist Democrats for years and those who have blindly followed their lead. Then look to the States run by Republicans. It could not be more obvious which ideology works and which one fails. The Marxists (aka Socialists) can no longer be allowed to remain in power.
If we are to survive at all for any respectable length of time, we have to become involved in fixing the problem...NOW. As I've been writing for years, it must begin at the local level. If we don't fix it, we will all be living in cities and States where the sidewalks, our streets and the lawns of our own homes are filled with excrement, used syringes, vermin, homeless people in tent cities, illegal aliens (legal term) and even the Plague which has reappeared in Los Angeles. This really is a war, folks. If we don't win it...we and our country will die. Your/Our choice...
"An arrogant man stirs up strife. But, he who trusts in the LORD will prosper" – Proverbs 28: 25
"And He said, "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer" – Exodus 15: 26
WATCH: Congressman accuses Friedman of 'allegiance to foreign power' over support for Israel's Omar-Tlaib ban: https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-congressman-accuses-friedman-of-allegiance-to-foreign-power-over-support-for-israels-omar-tlaib-ban/?utm_source=
Congressman accuses Friedman of 'allegiance to foreign power' over support for Israel's Omar-Tlaib ban: https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-congressman-accuses-friedman-of-allegiance-to-foreign-power-over-support-for-israels-omar-tlaib-ban/?utm_source=
Views on Israel of U.S. Presidential Candidates 2020:
Tulsi Gabbard: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/views-on-israel-of-u-s-presidential-candidates-2020-tulsi-gabbard
California Gun Control Laws: https://statelaws.findlaw.com/california-law/california-gun-control-laws.html
© Sher Zieve
August 21, 2019
It might be extremely beneficial to be able to pinpoint the exact moment we began losing our country. In that way, we could examine, pull apart and observe the actions and/or inactions that led to our demise and begin again without making the same mistakes and, thus, create a new mode of operations to both recognize and avoid the pitfalls that led to the current debacle(s) now killing the United States of America. Unfortunately, we began losing her a very long time ago, due to neglect in not following and protecting the precepts upon which many of our ancestors founded this beautiful experiment in self-governance. We forgot the "self" aspect of it and left our fate to those who now govern (actually more of a "rulership") us in the ways they decide will benefit them; not our country or we-the-people. Suffice it to say, neglect is never a way to run a viable company – it will inevitably fail – and certainly not a country.
Socialist Democrats Increase anti-Semitic Rhetoric
There is no Democrat(ic) Party anymore. It has gone full-tilt to the Socialist/Marxist/Communist/Islamist etc. party. And, it appears that all of the Socialist Democrat Party – the Democrat Party has already died and been buried – leaders have achieved the level of total corruption, now, with their anti-Semitic and anti-Christian screeds.
California Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu accused US Ambassador to Israel of dual loyalty and not supporting the USA when said that his "allegiance should be to America, not to a foreign power." This followed the ambassador's remarks in support of Israel's decision to bar entry to two anti-Israel congresswoman, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib."
Democrat Senator Mazie Hirono defended the anti-Semitic speech of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) and accused the GOP of "hate speech" for criticizing the Congress woman.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (running for POTUS, BTW) voted for a House bill condemning the boycott of Israel, then voted a week later to support Rep. Omar's bill for the right to boycott. She stands on both sides of the fence. When asked is she would condemn the remarks of Rep. Omar, Gabbard responded: "There are people who have expressed their offense at these statements. I think that what Congresswoman Omar was trying to get at was a deeper issue related to our foreign policy, and I think there's an important discussion that we have to be able to have openly, even though we may end up disagreeing at the end of it, but we've got to be able to have that openness to have the conversation."
"When asked if she thought Ilhan's remarks were anti-Semitic, she replied, "What I'm saying is, is what she was trying to bring up was something that was a deeper issue. And I don't believe that her intent was to cause any offense to anyone."
Well, Rep. Omar's (not her real name, by the way) comments were highly anti-Semitic and the Congress woman knows it. And, her comments about 9-11 "someone did something" were offensive to almost everyone I know.
There are many more Democrats who appear to be "converting" to the new and regrouping and regrowing religion of anti-Semitism each day. This bespeaks a growing extremely ominous for our country.
Members of the Socialist-Progressive Party have – quite literally – sold their souls to the other side. And, as most who have done the same thing eventually realize, they don't want to experience damnation alone. They want to drag us down there with them. I'll pass and I assume you will too.
Ending the US Constitution by Ignoring it
For a number of years, individual leftist-run States within the USA have been passing more and more restrictive gun laws. These laws fly directly in the face of the US Constitution's Second Amendment. These laws are being passed and enacted by State legislators, without their bothering to go through the legally-binding process of "amending the Amendment." The Second Amendment to the US Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Over the years, many anti-gun rights attorneys and judges (even a few conservative ones) have ruled that the Second Amendment does not really mean what it says and that our Founders didn't intend it to be absolute. Yet, the last part of this legal amendment states shall not be infringed. The definition of infringe is "actively break the terms of a law or agreement" or to "act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on." Synonyms for "infringe" include undermine, erode, diminish, weaken, impair, damage, compromise. In other words, the Second Amendment is absolute in its meaning. The States which have enacted their own restrictive gun laws have done so Unconstitutionally. Here are a series of laws (by no means all of them) enacted – and I maintain were illegally enacted – in California (many other States have dictated the same sorts of laws):
California Penal Code
Code Sections
- Sections 16000–34370 (Control of Deadly Weapons)
- Sections 23500–34370 (Firearms Control)
- Section 30500–31115 (Assault Weapons Control Act)
- Section 30352 (Background checks for ammunition purchase)
- Section 32310 (Large magazine capacity prohibited)
- Section 12021.5 (Sentence enhancements for crimes with firearms)
- Cane gun (Section. 24410);
- Wallet gun (Section. 24710–24790);
- Any firearm not immediately recognizable (Section. 24510);
- Short-barreled shotgun or rifle, i.e., a barrel of less than 18 inches for shotgun, less than 16 inches for rifle, or less than 26 inches designed to fire a fixed shotgun shell or cartridge; zip gun; any bullet with an explosive agent;
- Multi-burst trigger activator;
- Any unconventional pistol;
- Any undetectable firearm;
- Assault weapons and .50 BMG rifles (Section 30605).
As has been factually stated by many for a very long time "if the Second Amendment falls so do all of the other Amendments in our Bill of Rights." The US Constitution will have been judged and ruled null and void...via illegal means. We are almost there. Despite any and all gun laws, criminals will be able to get guns. They're criminals folks! The only ones who will be curtailed from protecting themselves from an increasingly tyrannical government are We-the-People – the law-abiders.
Too many illegal laws are already on the books and we are already firmly on the road to perdition. Our afflictions fomented by the US States now run by handfuls of the Luciferian Left are increasing daily. At this juncture, there seem to be few-to-no ways to put that Jinn back into the bottle. The only way to try to regain whatever liberty we can and protect ourselves from additional harm. Is to fight those who are working to destroy us and to keep as many Jinn as we can stoppered on their bottles. We must place those in office who will help not hurt our country. I maintain that is precisely what President Trump is doing...helping our country return to God and prosperity. In all too many ways, we have already lost great swaths of it to those who would destroy it. Look to those States that have been run by Marxist Democrats for years and those who have blindly followed their lead. Then look to the States run by Republicans. It could not be more obvious which ideology works and which one fails. The Marxists (aka Socialists) can no longer be allowed to remain in power.
If we are to survive at all for any respectable length of time, we have to become involved in fixing the problem...NOW. As I've been writing for years, it must begin at the local level. If we don't fix it, we will all be living in cities and States where the sidewalks, our streets and the lawns of our own homes are filled with excrement, used syringes, vermin, homeless people in tent cities, illegal aliens (legal term) and even the Plague which has reappeared in Los Angeles. This really is a war, folks. If we don't win it...we and our country will die. Your/Our choice...
"An arrogant man stirs up strife. But, he who trusts in the LORD will prosper" – Proverbs 28: 25
"And He said, "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer" – Exodus 15: 26
WATCH: Congressman accuses Friedman of 'allegiance to foreign power' over support for Israel's Omar-Tlaib ban: https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-congressman-accuses-friedman-of-allegiance-to-foreign-power-over-support-for-israels-omar-tlaib-ban/?utm_source=
Congressman accuses Friedman of 'allegiance to foreign power' over support for Israel's Omar-Tlaib ban: https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-congressman-accuses-friedman-of-allegiance-to-foreign-power-over-support-for-israels-omar-tlaib-ban/?utm_source=
Views on Israel of U.S. Presidential Candidates 2020:
Tulsi Gabbard: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/views-on-israel-of-u-s-presidential-candidates-2020-tulsi-gabbard
California Gun Control Laws: https://statelaws.findlaw.com/california-law/california-gun-control-laws.html
© Sher Zieve
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)