Peter Lemiska column
Peter Lemiska served in the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Secret Service. Following his retirement from the Secret Service, he spent several years as a volunteer for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Like most of his contemporaries, he's always loved his country, and is deeply dismayed by the new and insidious anti-American sentiment threatening to destroy it. He's a life-long conservative, and his opinion pieces have been published in various print media and on numerous internet sites.

Champions of justice or criminal accomplices?
Peter Lemiska
March 7, 2025

The Democrat Party has undergone some dramatic changes in recent years, changes that can best be described as bizarre, maybe even un-American. One of the . . .

Kamala’s guide to succeeding in politics without really trying
Peter Lemiska
October 29, 2024

Most of us recognize leadership when we see it. Leaders inspire with enviable qualities like character, broad knowledge, commitment, fairness, and . . .

Why the 2024 race is such a nail-biter
Peter Lemiska
September 9, 2024

It looks like Americans are facing another nail-biting presidential race this year. Pollsters tell us that Trump and Harris are virtually neck-and-neck. This . . .

Democrats have given us an unrecognizable America
Peter Lemiska
August 14, 2024

After more than 50 years, Joe Biden is finally leaving the political scene. It’s something both Republicans and Democrats wanted, but for different . . .

The President’s New Clothes (With Apologies to Hans Christian Andersen)
Peter Lemiska
July 8, 2024

There once lived a ruler of a far-off land. The people there called him their president, but he was old and addled and had come to believe that he was really . . .

Patriots and loyalists of the 21st Century
Peter Lemiska
June 25, 2024

With Independence Day almost here, proud Americans are gearing up to celebrate the birthday of the greatest nation in the world. There’ll be fireworks . . .

For Democrats, justice is a one-way street
Peter Lemiska
May 20, 2024

Most people would agree that no free society can survive without a fair, unbiased justice system, one in which everyone is treated equally and no one is above . . .

Last chance to save the soul of the nation
Peter Lemiska
April 21, 2024

The presidential campaign of 2008 marked a turning point in America. Millions of voters were electrified by the prospect of the first African . . .

China doesn’t need a Trojan Horse – It has Joe Biden
Peter Lemiska
March 18, 2024

Most people are at least vaguely familiar with the story of the original Trojan Horse. According to legend, sometime around the 12th or 13th century BC, Greece . . .

Who’s the real tyrant? Where’s the threat to our republic?
Peter Lemiska
January 29, 2024

How many times have Democrats labeled Donald Trump a fascist and a tyrant? How often do they compare him to Stalin or Hitler? They’ve been doing it . . .

Bidenomics: Better than abysmal is still miserable
Peter Lemiska
January 16, 2024

“Bidenomics is working!” At least that’s what Joe Biden and his administration tell us every chance they get, citing cherry-picked statistics to prove . . .

Another desperate gambit by Democrats
Peter Lemiska
January 2, 2024

We like to think of judges as learned arbiters, thoroughly knowledgeable in the finer details of the law and, above all, eminently honest and fair – . . .

The poisonous mix of imported hatred and home-grown ignorance
Peter Lemiska
December 5, 2023

Most Americans are appalled – disgusted may be a better word – by the vile antisemitic demonstrations spreading across our country today. Ostensibly . . .

If you don’t believe the border is secure, would you believe Republicans caused the chaos?
Peter Lemiska
October 4, 2023

Anyone old enough to remember the classic “Get Smart” TV series has to remember one particular gag often used by that bumbling secret agent, Maxwell . . .

The real threat to our Democracy
Peter Lemiska
September 28, 2023

Democrat politicians endlessly warn us about the “threat to our democracy” posed by Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans. Of course, that claim is . . .

With overwhelming evidence and a little common sense, you don’t need a smoking gun
Peter Lemiska
August 16, 2023

According to one recent survey, 53 percent of Americans now believe that Biden family members were paid by foreign nationals to influence policy decisions. That . . .

Corrupting the federal government – one department at a time
Peter Lemiska
July 19, 2023

Joseph Robinette Biden is a corrupt politician. At least that’s what a recent survey suggests. A poll by Trafalgar Group indicates that more than half of . . .

July 4th – A day of jubilation?
Peter Lemiska
June 28, 2023

The Fourth of July is nearly here, and patriotic Americans across the country will be celebrating our nation’s birthday with fireworks, parades, and . . .

The dilemma over Biden’s high crimes and misdemeanors
Peter Lemiska
June 16, 2023

Fifty years ago, embroiled in the Watergate scandal, President Nixon famously announced: “I’m not a crook.” Shortly after that, he resigned his presidency . . .

The big lie of DEI
Peter Lemiska
May 30, 2023

Democrats and the left are a fickle lot. It’s clear they’re determined to keep the country divided using the politics of victimization, but they can’t . . .

Protecting our children’s innocence is not censorship
Peter Lemiska
May 18, 2023

If nothing else, leftist propaganda can be fiendishly clever. Using selected facts and distorting them to suit their needs, those on the left are working hard . . .

A heavy burden for Democrats
Peter Lemiska
April 17, 2023

It seemed like a good idea at the time. Not that long ago, Democrats were desperate to unseat the Republican president, the man responsible for such . . .

An epidemic of gender dysphoria
Peter Lemiska
March 23, 2023

During her confirmation hearing last year, Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked to provide the definition of “woman.” It was a . . .

Has Joe Biden sold out our country?
Peter Lemiska
February 20, 2023

To Democrats, that suggestion may seem outlandish, maybe even shameful. They might say that to suggest an American President could betray his own country is . . .

Two senseless tragedies, two opportunities for pitiless Democrats
Peter Lemiska
February 5, 2023

The Democratic Party, it seems, has always had the ability and propensity to exploit crises and catastrophes whenever and wherever it finds them.  . . .

Dems learn that what goes around comes around
Peter Lemiska
January 15, 2023

You’ve got to hand it to the Democrats. Once they set their minds on something, they won’t let it go. When Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016, they . . .

How the mainstream media dispenses ignorance for the Democrat Party
Peter Lemiska
December 27, 2022

Most people are familiar with the famous line from a newspaper editorial written more than 100 years ago. “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus” is found . . .

How can woke warriors command an unsurpassed fighting force?
Peter Lemiska
November 28, 2022

If there was any doubt about where today’s military leaders stand on the woke agenda, Admiral Michael Gilday cleared it up in his recent congressional . . .

America’s disastrous and shameless border sentinels
Peter Lemiska
November 6, 2022

With all the chaos on our southern border, no one can know the exact number of immigrants who have illegally scrambled into our country through Mexico. But . . .

Democrats are inexorably linked to Biden’s failed policies
Peter Lemiska
October 16, 2022

Inflation and crime are up at breathtaking levels. Our status on the world stage is deteriorating, as is the morale of our nation. The vast majority of . . .

Compassion and benevolence of sanctuary cities
Peter Lemiska
October 3, 2022

To those who have been following the nightmare on our southern border over the past two years, it’s utterly inconceivable that anyone in America would be . . .

Joe Biden’s battle for the nation’s soul
Peter Lemiska
September 11, 2022

Joe Biden says he’s engaged in a battle for the soul of the nation. But everything he’s done throughout his administration suggests he’s not fighting for . . .

Our freedom depends on an unbiased DOJ
Peter Lemiska
September 4, 2022

No one is above the law! How many Democrats smugly trumpeted those words after the FBI raid at Mar-A-Lago? They happen to be right, in principle. In free, . . .

Garland is fishing in the wrong spot
Peter Lemiska
August 21, 2022

Hate is a destructive emotion that can rob us of our compassion, our dignity, and even our common sense. For six years now, Democrats have been consumed . . .

There is only one way to correct our course
Peter Lemiska
August 13, 2022

Political polling data can often be confusing and misleading. A recent Monmouth University poll indicates that the vast majority of Americans – 88 . . .

Biden’s motley constituency
Peter Lemiska
July 25, 2022

A lot of Americans are mystified by Joe Biden’s historically low approval ratings. They see skyrocketing inflation, an abysmal economy, rising crime . . .

White guilt – as good as gold
Peter Lemiska
July 7, 2022

For those old enough to remember, the America of the 1960s was vastly different from the country we know today. It was a time when everyone saw socialism and . . .

The January 6th hearings – A pathetic act of desperation
Peter Lemiska
June 21, 2022

It was more than a year ago that a mob of frustrated American voters overran the U.S. Capitol, not because they disagreed with the outcome of the 2020 . . .

To save our students, let’s debate everything that contributes to school shootings
Peter Lemiska
June 9, 2022

Since America’s inception, guns have been a part of our culture. Our inherent right to self-defense is enshrined in our Constitution. But in recent . . .

Two new choices, one fateful decision in November
Peter Lemiska
May 17, 2022

Today’s voters usually think of our elections as political contests between liberal and conservative visions of America, often contentious, but still . . .

Can Democrats wake up in time to save the country?
Peter Lemiska
May 1, 2022

It’s no secret that Democrats and Republicans have always held opposing views on issues like government spending, welfare programs, and personal . . .

Maggie Hassan arrives late to the party
Peter Lemiska
April 18, 2022

New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan is one of several Democrat lawmakers who seem to have suddenly become aware of the chaos on our southern border, which was . . .

Champions of conformity, enemies of free speech
Peter Lemiska
April 4, 2022

The visionaries who crafted our founding documents foresaw a land of liberty, free from government oppression. They knew then that no society can ever . . .

Portrait of a blameless president
Peter Lemiska
March 20, 2022

One-time Vice President Hubert Humphrey learned a thing or two about politics during his long political career. He once quipped, “To err is human…To blame . . .

Zelensky teaches a lesson in leadership
Peter Lemiska
March 4, 2022

Before the ruthless and devastating invasion of Ukraine, hardly anyone in America knew the name “Zelensky.” Volodymyr Zelensky had spent most of . . .

Democrat lawmakers caught on the horns of a dilemma
Peter Lemiska
February 13, 2022

Loyalty has always been considered an admirable quality in the business world and in politics – in life in general. Many would argue that loyalty is the . . .

Memories of a woke warrior
Peter Lemiska
January 24, 2022

More than 50 years after the triumphant civil rights movement, many would probably agree that Joe Biden believes America is still hopelessly, systemically . . .

Biden’s January 6th speech: Make America Hate Again
Peter Lemiska
January 11, 2022

With only one year into his presidency, it’s probably too soon to be talking about Joe Biden’s legacy. But from the very beginning of his . . .

Another eatery exposing liberal lunacy
Peter Lemiska
December 5, 2021

As we watch the violence and unabated crime spreading like cancer across our country, it’s hard to believe that so many on the left still embrace the lunatic, . . .

Biden and Harris: Incompetents or saboteurs of the American Dream?
Peter Lemiska
November 28, 2021

With each passing day, it’s becoming more apparent that the Biden/Harris Administration is failing the country. Americans see it in increasing crime across . . .

The despicable lie Democrats can’t stop repeating
Peter Lemiska
November 10, 2021

Let’s face it. The human species is a deceptive lot – at least more deceptive than any other species you can think of. We’re all capable of . . .

Can authoritarianism take root in a constitutional republic?
Peter Lemiska
October 24, 2021

Like most older Americans, I’ve always been proud of my country. Those of us who have seen the corruption, the chaos, and the ultimate collapse of so . . .

The evolution of today’s Socialist, anti-American Democrat
Peter Lemiska
October 10, 2021

Throughout our history, Democrats and Republicans have offered contrasting solutions to the many problems facing our nation. But until recently, they’ve have . . .

Worse than incompetent, can Biden survive Afghanistan?
Peter Lemiska
August 22, 2021

It doesn’t take a military strategist to understand the precarious position America now faces because of Joe Biden’s feckless plan for evacuating . . .

Joe Biden—boring but dangerous
Peter Lemiska
July 26, 2021

After months of promoting Joe Biden as an accomplished lawmaker, a gentleman politician, and a uniter, the best thing the media can say about him now is . . .

More sleight-of-hand by Democrats and the media
Peter Lemiska
July 3, 2021

Most conservatives are utterly bewildered by the national apathy toward the ongoing border crisis. They wonder why more Americans aren’t outraged by . . .

Is this the fate of patriotism in America?
Peter Lemiska
June 23, 2021

In just a few days, we’ll be celebrating Independence Day, traditionally a day of boundless pride in America. But something’s changed in recent . . .

Is Kamala Harris in over her head?
Peter Lemiska
June 15, 2021

The vice president has come under widespread withering criticism following her recent disastrous interview with Lester Holt and that contrived . . .

Poisoning the minds of future generations with CRT
Peter Lemiska
June 7, 2021

It seems that liberals have again come up with another cure for the ills of society. They see critical race theory (CRT) as the elixir needed to treat . . .

It’s not chess; it’s just the classic shell game
Peter Lemiska
May 14, 2021

USA Today recently ran a lengthy article analyzing the challenges that President Biden faces as he deals with the immigration problem on our southern border.  . . .

Realizing a Progressive dream by rewriting the English dictionary
Peter Lemiska
April 30, 2021

Today’s Democrats seem to have a way with words. They may have learned the power of word manipulation sometime around the turn of this century.  . . .

It’s not compassion that drives Biden’s border policies
Peter Lemiska
April 18, 2021

Watching the utter chaos on our southern border, it’s hard to believe that there’s anyone who still believes in Joe Biden’s open border policy. The small . . .

The elusive Mr. Biden
Peter Lemiska
March 22, 2021

Joe Biden is a man who’s spent nearly 50 years in public office, but as president, he’s suddenly become quiet and elusive, a man of few words. More than  . . .

Joseph the Scrantonian
Peter Lemiska
March 15, 2021

In recent years, those on the left have been remarkably successful replacing America’s Judeo-Christian values with their own radical beliefs. They . . .

Thespian politicians and the insurrection that never was
Peter Lemiska
February 12, 2021

With the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump well underway, attention has returned to last month’s riot at the Capitol. While most . . .

Harvard’s flock of future leaders
Peter Lemiska
January 20, 2021

On the eve of President Trump’s departure from office, and following the recent mayhem at the Capitol, Democrats and the left have engaged in what can only be . . .

Condemning violence doesn’t address the other threat to our republic
Peter Lemiska
January 13, 2021

The response to the recent rioting at the U.S. Capitol was immediate, unequivocal, and bipartisan. Democrats were all too eager to condemn the participants as . . .

For the Democrat Party, ignorance is not bliss – it’s essential
Peter Lemiska
December 31, 2020

In a recent post-election survey, 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states were asked about various significant news events leading up to the election.  . . .

Donald Trump’s Impossible Dreams
Peter Lemiska
December 14, 2020

The blind hatred that consumes President Trump’s enemies is reflected in their poisonous rhetoric, which long ago exceeded inflammatory. It’s . . .

Democrats have made a mockery of American elections
Peter Lemiska
December 2, 2020

While Joe Biden is claiming a decisive victory in this presidential race and preparing to take up residency in the White House, President Trump’s legal team . . .

Joe’s plans simplified
Peter Lemiska
November 1, 2020

Joe has a plan. That seems to be a standard answer whenever his minions are asked where Biden stands on the various issues. Following Elizabeth Warren’s . . .

Biden’s covert conversion to socialism
Peter Lemiska
October 25, 2020

This is not Joe Biden’s first presidential run, nor is it his first encounter with character issues. During the campaign of 1987, Biden’s . . .

How much corruption will Democrat voters stomach just to defeat Trump?
Peter Lemiska
October 20, 2020

Looking at the primal rage and anti-Trump hysteria burdening Democrats these days, it’s hard to remember that just a few short years ago, they were alive, . . .

One America, two perceptions
Peter Lemiska
October 11, 2020

Many are calling the upcoming election the most important in our history. The two presidential candidates in this election clearly have diametrically . . .

Is this the face of the new socialist?
Peter Lemiska
September 28, 2020

Democrats have spent a lot of time in recent years trying to shake off the label of “socialist.” Barack Obama used to brush it aside, scoff at it. . . .

Is there still time to rekindle America’s spirit of pride?
Peter Lemiska
September 14, 2020

From the beginning, Americans have never seen eye-to-eye on every issue. Long before there were Democrats and Republicans, there were opposing political . . .

Don’t blame Trump for dividing our country
Peter Lemiska
August 30, 2020

As the Democrat nominee for president, Joe Biden is talking a lot these days about unifying the country. During his acceptance speech, he mentioned the . . .

Joe Biden’s courage to conform
Peter Lemiska
August 9, 2020

Joe Biden’s supporters have called him a man of courage. The late John Lewis used those very words to describe him shortly after Biden jumped into . . .

Still the land of the free? Maybe not
Peter Lemiska
July 27, 2020

Before coronavirus and widespread rioting filled the headlines, there was the controversy over undocumented immigration and sanctuary cities. Advocates of open . . .

Have the squeaky wheels taken over?
Peter Lemiska
July 16, 2020

Here in America, as in all free societies, we’ve always functioned under a simple, but essential concept – the principle of majority rule. It has its flaws . . .

Defunding the police – An insane solution to a fabricated problem
Peter Lemiska
July 3, 2020

It’s really hard to understand how we got to where we are today. The video of George Floyd’s death was deeply disturbing, but there has to be something . . .

Accomplices to chaos
Peter Lemiska
June 21, 2020

It may be interesting to hear rational Democrats try to explain away the insane demands of their radical counterparts, but we really don’t need clarification. . . .

Youthful idiots and the illusory truth effect
Peter Lemiska
June 5, 2020

Watching the news coverage of the ongoing riots, I couldn’t help notice a couple of things. First, was the anger, the feral vitriol directed at the police on . . .

Malfeasance by the book – A satirical look at a bizarre story
Peter Lemiska
May 25, 2020

Now that all the talk about Russian collusion, quid pro quo, and believing all women seems to be fading away along with Hillary Clinton’s presidential . . .

Democrats go for the gold
Peter Lemiska
May 18, 2020

America’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has been unprecedented. The complete shutdown of our national economy is truly historic. Not since World War . . .

A medical necessity, a national catastrophe
Peter Lemiska
April 15, 2020

The economic paralysis we're suffering today is catastrophic, but it's just what the doctor ordered. Looking back, it's clear the medical profession was . . .

The shroud of socialism won't be lifted with Bernie's defeat
Peter Lemiska
March 16, 2020

Democrats and Republicans seem to agree on one thing: Bernie Sanders cannot defeat President Trump in the general election. While his raucous crowds and . . .

Protecting Democracy by trolling for Trump-haters?
Peter Lemiska
February 17, 2020

If there's one thing Democrats understand, it's the science of propaganda. They've been using one of the basic propaganda tools for three years. Joseph . . .

'Tis the season to be gleeful?
Peter Lemiska
December 23, 2019

It is, as another seasonal song tells us, a most wonderful time of the year. It's a time when most people seem a little more charitable, more giving and . . .

Explaining the impeachment yawn to befuddled Democrats
Peter Lemiska
December 10, 2019

On November 9, 2016, angry and frustrated Democrats embarked on an odyssey of opposition and resistance, intent on discrediting and ultimately removing the . . .

Can Barack Obama be prosecuted for bribery?
Peter Lemiska
November 17, 2019

Over the past several weeks, Democrats have been trying to justify their impeachment hearings based on some allegations of a quid pro quo between President . . .

There's quid pro quo, and then there's political corruption
Peter Lemiska
October 23, 2019

As Democrats continue to push for open borders while obsessing about multiculturalism, they seem to have discovered a new appreciation for multilingualism as . . .

Race-baiting Democrats snare one of their own
Peter Lemiska
July 4, 2019

As Democrats embark on their determined quest to unseat President Trump, it's no coincidence that our national discourse has turned to issues like school busing . . .

Congressional oversight or abuse of power?
Peter Lemiska
May 12, 2019

You've got to hand it to Jerry Nadler and the Democrats. They know just how to sound righteous, patriotic, and even noble when they want to. For two years, . . .

Hungry for power, Dems have no appetite for impeachment
Peter Lemiska
May 1, 2019

The release of the Mueller report should have finally silenced President Trump's Democrat critics who for two years have fueled the false narrative that he and . . .

Illegal aliens are always welcome in sanctuary cities. Right?
Peter Lemiska
April 16, 2019

It was only a matter of time. Even President Trump's most bitter critics have to admit that he has a unique ability to express, usually with unvarnished candor . . .

Jussie who?
Peter Lemiska
March 2, 2019

The Jussie Smollett case has quickly become nothing but a bad dream. But not that long ago, it took Democrats and Trump-haters across the country on an . . .

What does the Brooklyn Bridge have to do with socialized medicine?
Peter Lemiska
February 12, 2019

The idea of Medicare for all, as proposed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, and many others on the left, sounds amazing. They're a little vague on . . .

Negotiating 101: A primer for Democrats
Peter Lemiska
January 24, 2019

As the longest government shutdown in history slogs along with no end in sight, each side tries to blame the other for the stalemate. Polls suggest Democrats . . .

The Democrats' fluid and cynical immigration policy
Peter Lemiska
January 7, 2019

"Monolithic" is one word often used to describe the Democrat Party. Whether it's universal health care, abortion, or opposition to President Trump, Democrats . . .

Obamacare 2.0? Democrats are poised to compound a problem they created
Peter Lemiska
November 12, 2018

It seems like only yesterday that Democrat lawmakers unilaterally passed the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. At the time, it was a widely . . .

Devious Democrats break the weakest link in Kavanaugh's confirmation process
Peter Lemiska
September 30, 2018

As was widely predicted, the congressional testimonies of Dr. Christine Ford and Judge Brett Kavanagh did nothing to conclusively prove or disprove the . . .

Republicans must not cower in the face of Democratic treachery
Peter Lemiska
September 21, 2018

From the very beginning, Democratic lawmakers made it clear they intended to oppose Judge Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court. Deeply enmeshed in the . . .

Illegal aliens, devious politicians, and hidden agendas
Peter Lemiska
September 3, 2018

As the mid-term election approaches, the subject of illegal immigration is again heating up. The two major parties, once in general agreement on the issue, now . . .

The Helsinki huddle -- red meat for Trump's critics
Peter Lemiska
July 22, 2018

Immediately after President Trump's private meeting with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, the two held a press conference that appalled Americans across the . . .

Trump hatred: Evil in the name of virtue
Peter Lemiska
July 6, 2018

Americans are bewildered and deeply troubled by today's dangerous atmosphere of political hatred. They're at a loss to explain why so many are working so hard . . .

Pointless passion for a porn star
Peter Lemiska
April 19, 2018

Ever since the last presidential election, Democrats have obsessed over the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. For months, they've . . .

The Clintons' magic touch
Peter Lemiska
March 22, 2018

On Election Day 2016, Hillary Clinton experienced a life-changing event. She transitioned from presidential shoo-in to embittered loser. Today, she still . . .

Malevolence can't be defeated by protests
Peter Lemiska
March 3, 2018

The whole country is still mourning the loss of young lives at the hands of another mass murderer and feels only the most profound compassion for the survivors. . . .

The NRA: A convenient scapegoat for the BSO
Peter Lemiska
February 26, 2018

It was American author Frank Herbert who once wrote, "Reason is the first victim of strong emotion." In the aftermath of the massacre in Parkland, Florida, . . .

Divisive Democrats, united by hate
Peter Lemiska
February 19, 2018

There isn't much room in today's Democrat Party for independent thought or moderate positions. Whether it's about the right of an unborn fetus to live vs. the . . .

The FBI will survive despite its leadership
Peter Lemiska
February 6, 2018

While the recent release of the controversial FISA memo has shed more light on the genesis of the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign, it has unleashed a . . .

If that's not who we are, then who are we?
Peter Lemiska
January 11, 2018

"We cannot tolerate illegal immigration and we must stop it." "We continue to firmly oppose welfare benefits for illegal immigrants. We believe family . . .

Yes, America can still be saved
Peter Lemiska
January 1, 2018

On December 25th, the New York Times published an editorial by liberal columnist Paul Krugman. It was entitled "America Is Not Yet Lost," and it was a message . . .

Finding hope in the pit of despair
Peter Lemiska
December 22, 2017

Christians and peace-loving people around the world are struggling today – struggling to find hope in a world filled with violence and hatred. They see . . .

Who is Peter Strzok?
Peter Lemiska
December 18, 2017

By now, everyone knows the name. He's the senior FBI agent who played a pivotal role in the investigation of Hillary Clinton's email scandal, and was later . . .

Are they anti-Trump, or anti-America?
Peter Lemiska
December 8, 2017

In 2008, while Barack Obama was campaigning for the presidency, many Americans were deeply concerned about his background, as well as his ideology. Among many . . .

Just how has the Uranium One scandal been "debunked"?
Peter Lemiska
November 24, 2017

Mention the words, "Uranium One," and many Americans shrug their shoulders, either blissfully unaware of the controversy, or convinced that it's a Republican . . .

The great 2017 statuary war
Peter Lemiska
August 27, 2017

The war currently being waged against Confederate monuments seemingly came from nowhere, but it's quickly becoming a fierce and brutal conflict. That was made . . .

If Republicans fail, will single payer be next?
Peter Lemiska
July 26, 2017

As the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, continues to disintegrate, and Republicans endlessly fumble their plan to repeal and replace it, support is growing in . . .

Resuscitating the healthcare debate
Peter Lemiska
April 13, 2017

A hundred years ago, our healthcare system was pretty simple. There were no government regulations, and the few doctors there were offered their services in . . .

A common sense analysis of sanctuary cities
Peter Lemiska
March 31, 2017

The refugees and immigrants who come to America to escape poverty and oppression need safe haven. The vast majority of them are good, hardworking people, and . . .

How did America become so naïve?
Peter Lemiska
March 22, 2017

Considering America's 240-year history, 16 years is not a long time. But for some, it's long enough to forget the outrage and fear all Americans felt after the . . .

Barack Obama's enduring legacy
Peter Lemiska
January 26, 2017

In the final days of his presidency, Barack Obama was frantically exercising his presidential authority, showing toughness against the Russians, disdain for the . . .

Shame? A meaningless word for Hillary Clinton
Peter Lemiska
November 2, 2016

One of Donald Trump's most pointed attacks against Hillary Clinton came during the second presidential debate when he suggested that Clinton should be ashamed . . .

A sham investigation does not exonerate Hillary Clinton
Peter Lemiska
October 7, 2016

As we saw during the debate between the vice-presidential candidates, Democrats love to use the FBI investigation as proof of Hillary Clinton's innocence in the . . .

A legacy of division and distrust
Peter Lemiska
September 19, 2016

On October 30, 2008, Barack Obama announced to a wildly cheering audience: "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America." . . .

Conservatives caught on the horns of a dilemma
Peter Lemiska
August 16, 2016

As expected, Republican voters quickly coalesced behind Donald Trump once he secured the party's nomination. His support among that group quickly rose from . . .

Hillary the human
Peter Lemiska
August 1, 2016

Democrats know they have some problems with Hillary Clinton. A clear majority of Americans neither trust nor like her. So while the main purpose of the . . .

The willing suspension of disbelief will destroy America
Peter Lemiska
July 17, 2016

How can we forget then-Senator Hillary Clinton's questioning of General David Petraeus during his congressional testimony on Iraq? She snidely accused him of . . .

The 2016 contest: Pragmatism vs. principle
Peter Lemiska
May 7, 2016

With the departure of Senator Cruz, the presidential campaign has taken another step closer to the long-anticipated contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald . . .

Hillary cannot be beaten by another liberal
Peter Lemiska
April 29, 2016

Most Americans dislike and mistrust Hillary Clinton. Nearly all Republicans believe she epitomizes corruption in government and should be prosecuted for, among . . .

What do terrorist attacks have to do with New York values?
Peter Lemiska
April 18, 2016

It was on January 12, during a rally in New Hampshire, when Ted Cruz uttered that fateful comment, so offensive to residents of The Empire State. Donald Trump . . .

Are the Clintons conniving their way back into the White House?
Peter Lemiska
April 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton is currently embroiled in a massive criminal investigation centered on breaches in national security, yet she's inches away from assuming . . .

Will it be the Hillary we know vs. The Donald we don't know?
Peter Lemiska
March 10, 2016

After all that's happened, Hillary Clinton remains the most likely Democratic presidential nominee. Even a criminal indictment may not end her candidacy if the . . .

Both sides drink the Kool-Aid
Peter Lemiska
February 26, 2016

One of the greatest benefits to living in a free society is the right to choose our leaders. With more than 300 million citizens in our country, there are . . .

America's impossible choice
Peter Lemiska
February 5, 2016

At no time in recent history has America's need for leadership been so desperate. Seventy percent of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong . . .

Donald Trump's political balance sheet
Peter Lemiska
January 27, 2016

Though many staunch conservatives strongly oppose Donald Trump's candidacy, they're beginning to acknowledge the real possibility that he may win the Republican . . .

The fourth of four reasons why Hillary is unfit for the presidency
Peter Lemiska
January 18, 2016

Hillary Clinton's imminent nomination is historic, not only because of her gender, but because she is perhaps the most unfit presidential candidate ever to . . .

Today's champion is tomorrow's albatross
Peter Lemiska
November 2, 2015

If there's one thing revealed by our presidential campaigns, it's the fickle nature of the voting public. With so many Republican candidates in the running, it . . .

We are not losing the war on drugs -- we're capitulating
Peter Lemiska
October 17, 2015

Among the problems facing our country today, one of the most heart-breaking is the thousands of deaths caused by the growing drug epidemic. What is especially . . .

The third of four reasons why Hillary is unfit for the presidency
Peter Lemiska
September 21, 2015

Democrats must be apoplectic watching Hillary Clinton's poll numbers crumble like sandcastles in a thunderstorm. Mostly due to the current scandal, the polls . . .

It depends upon what the meaning of the word "classified" is
Peter Lemiska
August 3, 2015

A few months ago, Hillary Clinton took some time to address a growing scandal. It was the revelation that, as Secretary of State, she conducted all government . . .

The second of four reasons why Hillary is unfit for the presidency
Peter Lemiska
July 15, 2015

Almost half of the voting public fervently opposes Hillary Clinton's candidacy. Just under half the public is thrilled about it. Though "polarizing" is one of . . .

The first of four reasons why Hillary is unfit for the presidency
Peter Lemiska
July 1, 2015

Hillary Clinton's political opponents are utterly frustrated. She remains the strongest Democratic presidential candidate and likely nominee, despite endless . . .

Court rulings cannot change religious convictions
Peter Lemiska
May 6, 2015

There is no denying that the gay movement has come a long way in recent years. It accomplished that mostly by assuming the role of an oppressed minority group . . .

Barack Obama -- one lucky son-of-a-gun
Peter Lemiska
April 2, 2015

Most successful people admit that talent and hard work are rarely enough. Luck usually plays some role in every success story. Though Barack Obama's early . . .

Congress must approve any nuclear agreement with Iran
Peter Lemiska
March 26, 2015

While most Americans have little interest in events playing out across the Atlantic, everyone should be worried about Iran's determination to develop a nuclear . . .

Is it the White House or the Big House for Hillary?
Peter Lemiska
March 14, 2015

All of us, at one time or another, have complained about government corruption. Usually, though, it's somehow harder to spot in our own party. We just don't . . .

Benjamin Netanyahu -- The leader Obama can never be
Peter Lemiska
March 6, 2015

Benjamin Netanyahu's impassioned speech before the joint session of Congress accomplished what Barack Obama would not, and could not do. He eloquently laid out . . .

This election is every bit about Barack Obama
Peter Lemiska
October 15, 2014

There is a growing sense in the country that America is in decline. It is not a slow, prolonged deterioration stemming from some inherent defect, but rather a . . .

Democrats are loyal to the bitter end
Peter Lemiska
September 13, 2014

It was only six years ago that the country was absolutely jubilant – filled with hope, and inspired by a bright, articulate presidential candidate who . . .

The Democratic fallacy of justifiable dishonesty
Peter Lemiska
July 2, 2014

It was like a recurring bad dream, watching another government official contritely admitting that mistakes were made, while indignantly denying any intentional . . .

Why Democrats are terrified of the Select Committee
Peter Lemiska
May 15, 2014

Democrats are beside themselves. They desperately want the Benghazi investigation to end, but new revelations continue to surface, prompting more questions . . .

Liberal intolerance at Rutgers
Peter Lemiska
May 5, 2014

When former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was invited to deliver the keynote address at the Rutgers University commencement ceremony, some faculty members . . .

Disenchanted Democrats have a dilemma
Peter Lemiska
March 25, 2014

Four years ago, Democratic lawmakers faced a moral dilemma. They knew that the unpopular health care bill before them was based on patent lies, but they were . . .

A direct answer for Kathy Lemaster
Peter Lemiska
February 19, 2014

During his recent Super Bowl interview, Barack Obama was asked a question submitted by a concerned citizen, someone unaffiliated with politics or the media.  . . .

The imperial presidency, 2014
Peter Lemiska
January 27, 2014

In recent days, Barack Obama has re-issued his now-familiar threat to Congress, "We're not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that . . .

Where will the gay agenda take us?
Peter Lemiska
December 27, 2013

Prior to his controversial remarks, a handful of Americans were unacquainted with Phil Robertson and his popular reality show. But the heated debate following . . .

Americans get a taste of socialized medicine
Peter Lemiska
November 27, 2013

It's no secret that Obamacare is in trouble. Some have likened it to a beached whale, floundering, and suffocating under its own weight. A recent CBS poll . . .

When is a lie not a lie?
Peter Lemiska
November 6, 2013

There's an old joke most of us remember from our childhood. When is a door not a door? The answer: when it's ajar. That play on words seemed really clever . . .

Obamacare -- A white elephant, not a sacred cow
Peter Lemiska
October 15, 2013

Public opinion polls have been particularly frustrating for the GOP and conservatives these days. While virtually every poll confirms the public distain for . . .

We have Assad right where he wants us
Peter Lemiska
September 13, 2013

The plan was ingenious, and flawlessly executed. It was launched last August, when our intrepid President laid down that red line, defying President Assad to . . .

A reluctant warrior without a plan
Peter Lemiska
September 5, 2013

President Obama faced an impossible choice last week. Many Americans, horrified at the wholesale slaughter of innocent citizens by Syria's President Assad, . . .

The disgrace of the agitators, exploiters, and dupes
Peter Lemiska
July 24, 2013

It was more than 40 years ago that civil rights leader Martin Luther King fought a courageous and largely successful battle for equality and justice for African . . .

Let's just strike the impeachment clause
Peter Lemiska
July 14, 2013

Article 2 of our Constitution pertains to the Executive Branch. It specifies eligibility requirements for the presidency and outlines the powers and . . .

Time for Obama to man-up
Peter Lemiska
May 19, 2013

The killing of four American diplomats in Benghazi last September has again become front-page news following the recent testimony by government whistleblowers.  . . .

False idols, useful idiots, and sequestration
Peter Lemiska
March 12, 2013

Those lucky enough to live in free societies generally take a dim view of socialist and communist regimes, sometimes referring to supporters of those ideologies . . .

Can we prevent more mass murder in America?
Peter Lemiska
December 27, 2012

In the wake of yet another slaughter of innocent victims — this time the most innocent of victims — many Americans are more galvanized than ever . . .

A eulogy for America
Peter Lemiska
November 8, 2012

The long-awaited election is finally over. Half the country is elated, and the other half is numb. During the weeks leading up to the election, Republicans had . . .

Why Benghazi is so important
Peter Lemiska
November 2, 2012

Pundits tell us that presidential elections inevitably hinge on the country's prevailing economic condition. More than a decade ago, the Clinton campaign used . . .

Love is blind, in life and in politics
Peter Lemiska
October 18, 2012

As the election approaches, many wonder why, considering the country's desperate economic situation, Barack Obama is still able to maintain relatively high poll . . .

Cobbling together a constituency
Peter Lemiska
August 21, 2012

Barack Obama is once again unleashing his formidable campaign skills as he prepares for the upcoming election. But facing shrinking poll numbers and growing . . .

Obama and Holder: Co-conspirators in a disgraceful cover-up
Peter Lemiska
June 23, 2012

The facts are indisputable. On December 14, 2010, Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was shot and killed by drug cartel members just north of the Mexican border. . . .

Is Barack Obama really our first socialist president?
Peter Lemiska
June 12, 2012

Most Americans define capitalism simply as free enterprise, or the opportunity to create wealth with minimal government interference. Historically, it has been . . .

Progressives need some new epithets
Peter Lemiska
May 17, 2012

Oh, those Republicans are a nasty, hateful lot! Listening to the musings of Senator Harry Reid, the Reverend Al Sharpton, Governor Howard Dean, just plain Cher, . . .

The fruits of arrogance, chicanery, and reconciliation
Peter Lemiska
April 10, 2012

As of this date, no one knows — that is, no one should know — the Supreme Court's decision regarding the constitutionality of the Affordable Health . . .

Will Obama's hubris be his undoing?
Peter Lemiska
March 29, 2012

Although the President still enjoys a fiercely loyal base, he is facing some undeniable obstacles in the upcoming election. Regardless of the pending Supreme . . .

Obama shirks while Israel prepares
Peter Lemiska
February 27, 2012

Most analysts agree that Iran has been feverishly working to develop a nuclear weapon, and that a nuclear-armed Iran would present a grave threat, not only to . . .

In time of need, Obama turns to Scripture
Peter Lemiska
February 8, 2012

Barack Obama's recent comments at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington have caused a stir among conservatives in general, and particularly among . . .

Should elected leaders be entitled to private lives?
Peter Lemiska
December 12, 2011

Not long ago, Herman Cain was a clear favorite to win the Republican nomination for President. He was seen as a likeable, yet savvy businessman and a bold . . .

The birthers press on
Peter Lemiska
November 23, 2011

In a belated response to the birther movement, earlier this year the White House released Barack Obama's "long form" birth certificate. Everyone believed it . . .

Another salvo in the war on wealth
Peter Lemiska
September 25, 2011

It's no secret that Barack Obama and the Democrats want to raise taxes on the wealthy, but if they expect their plan to resonate with mainstream America, they . . .

Obama's contingency excuse
Peter Lemiska
September 5, 2011

The economy is in shambles, and Barack Obama is running out of excuses. For two and a half years, he blamed President Bush. It was a fairly effective . . .

Ruling by decree when leadership fails
Peter Lemiska
August 22, 2011

In recent years, the entire country has been focused on its plunging economy. Housing prices are at historic lows, and the jobless rate is at 9.1%. The number . . .

Reasonable doubt and common sense
Peter Lemiska
July 9, 2011

"It is better that ten guilty persons escape than one innocent suffer." So wrote Eighteenth Century legal scholar William Blackstone, whose writings helped form . . .

The incredible metamorphosis of desperate Democrats
Peter Lemiska
September 22, 2010

On October 31st, many Americans will observe the centuries-old tradition of Halloween. It's evolved over the years, and though now mostly for kids, many enjoy . . .

Does Obama really want a second term?
Peter Lemiska
August 14, 2010

As Barack Obama's poll numbers continue to spiral downward, many are beginning to doubt his chances for re-election in 2012. Some are even wondering if he . . .

Sometimes Congress gets it wrong
Peter Lemiska
March 23, 2010

After months of wrangling, arm-twisting, deal-making, and a series of surreal events, Obamacare has become law, despite overwhelming public opposition and . . .

The debate is over -- let the debate begin
Peter Lemiska
March 8, 2010

On March 3, Barack Obama announced, with obvious frustration, that the health care debate was over. Everything to say has been said, and every argument has . . .

A Colonel Nicholson moment for Massachusetts
Peter Lemiska
January 22, 2010

Most of us over the age of 50 remember the epic World War II film, "The Bridge on the River Kwai." It told a powerful story of the courage and determination of . . .

Can Democrats ever reconstitute a conscience?
Peter Lemiska
January 17, 2010

Congress and the administration appear more determined than ever to saddle the American people with their vision of health care reform, even in the face of . . .

Obama's gift to Osama
Peter Lemiska
November 16, 2009

Whoever suggested that Barack Obama is not a Christian? Obama's decision to try those GITMO prisoners in New York is the perfect gift for Osama bin Laden and . . .

Dithering, flitting, and caterwauling is not leadership
Peter Lemiska
October 26, 2009

It was nearly a year ago when Americans, inspired by the words of a different, perhaps even revolutionary presidential candidate, flocked to the polls to hand . . .

Just what is Obama hiding?
Peter Lemiska
August 3, 2009

Conspiracy theories have always been around, scoffed at by most as the products of half truths, distorted truths, unanswered questions, and wild imaginations.  . . .

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