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October 1, 2021
BOB UNRUH — Special Counsel John Durham, assigned by then-Attorney General Bill Barr to review the possibly criminal origins of the Democrats' debunked "Russiagate" conspiracy theory that they launched against President Trump, has issued a new round of subpoenas to Perkins Coie, the law firm that represented Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.... (more)

October 1, 2021
BOB UNRUH — Sonia Sotomayor, a Barack Obama appointee to the Supreme Court and one of its most dedicated leftist ideologues, is "undermining" the integrity of the court by speaking out on pending issues – and then encouraging other activists to go out and change the law. The criticism of Sotomayor comes from constitutional expert Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University and legal commentator online and on TV networks.... (more)

October 1, 2021
BOB UNRUH — The Wisconsin review of the 2020 presidential race, the vote and the counting of those ballots, now includes subpoenas. A report from Just the News on Friday said the House speaker there, Robin Vos, confirmed he has signed off on the first subpoenas in the state's audit of the election results.... (more)

October 1, 2021
THE LIBERTY DAILY — Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra is not a doctor. He is not a scientist. He is a lawyer, and as a well-spoken bureaucrat in the Biden-Harris regime, he is traveling the country calling anyone who is vaccine-skeptic a "flat-earther."... (more)

September 30, 2021
ART MOORE — The announcement Friday by Merck that it plans to apply for emergency approval of a new experimental oral antiviral treatment for COVID-19 is of particular interest to many physicians who have been hindered or completely blocked from treating their COVID patients off-label with an FDA-approved drug that already is produced by the pharmaceutical giant.... (more)

September 30, 2021

September 30, 2021
ART MOORE — YouTube has insisted that keeping its platform open to a diversity of ideas is crucial to free speech, but the Google subsidiary has decided that criticism of the COVID vaccines should be censored, deeming it to be "misinformation" that poses a danger to the public.... (more)

September 30, 2021
BASED UNDERGROUND — Around 97 percent of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the Delhi metropolitan area in India have been effectively dealt with thanks to the widespread use of ivermectin. Earlier in the year, India dealt with a devastating post-vaccine wave of the coronavirus. This post-vaccine outbreak affected the country differently. In states that did not use ivermectin, cases soared. But the data shows that by the end of May, this second wave of COVID-19 was under control in parts of the country that treated patients with ivermectin. (Related: Indian state with 240 million people completely eradicated COVID with ivermectin.)... (more)

September 30, 2021
TOWNHALL — Led by Republican Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) and the GOP Doctors Caucus in the House of Representatives, Republican lawmakers are urging the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to "recognize natural immunity" as the fight over vaccine mandates heats up, Fox News reported first.... (more)

September 30, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — New polling on President Joe Biden's federal vaccine mandate shows the majority of Americans do not think unvaccinated workers should lose their jobs. Convention of States Action released the poll Wednesday, which reports that 65% of surveyed voters "do not believe Americans should lose their jobs if they object to taking the COVID-19 vaccine."... (more)

September 30, 2021
FOX NEWS — A private charter jet is bringing over 100 Americans and green card holders, as well nine Special Immigrant Visa holders, back to the United States after they were left in Afghanistan. "Groups of veterans and concerned Americans have come together utilizing their expertise gained from years of service to ensure that those Americans in need are not left behind," Mark Geist, of The Shadow Warriors Project, told Fox News of the multi-group effort to bring the Americans home. The Shadow Warriors Project assisted Project Dynamo and the Human First Coalition.... (more)

September 30, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY — While speaking at the fourth annual Demographic Summit in the Hungarian capital last week, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš spoke out against liberal policies which promote mass migration as a way to solve Europe's aging population problem, saying that the only way to prevent the extinction of European peoples is for governments to adopt policies which encourage young people to have more children.... (more)

September 30, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY — American businesses, families, and churches all have been hit hard by the last year-plus of COVID-19 lockdowns, vaccination orders, mask mandates and more. The public school industry, those brick-and-mortar buildings staffed by union members, have been, too, according to new reports from education interests as well as Census data.... (more)

September 28, 2021
THE FEDERALIST — A group of parents in northeastern Indiana has reached their breaking point with government officials turning deaf ears to their children's suffering under irrational and scientifically unfounded COVID rules with no clear end point.... (more)

September 27, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — U.S. Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, searched Tuesday to adequately explain to Congress America's chaotic and ultimately tragic Afghanistan troop withdrawal -- ultimately using the borrowed words "a logistical success, but strategic failure."... (more)

September 27, 2021
WORLDNETDAILY — Dr. Peter McCullough, who has become a leading critic of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, explained in a thorough, nearly 90-minute presentation why he believes the vaccines should be pulled from the market. As both a researcher and a practicing physician, McCullough has come to the conclusion that most deaths attributed to COVID-19 could be prevented with early treatments that have been suppressed by policymakers.... (more)

September 27, 2021
TOWNHALL — Every now and then, right in the middle of the ongoing politicization of our universities and public health institutions, some actual science breaks out, almost spontaneously, as if it simply can't be contained. Science, after all, is the pursuit of truth, and in Shakespeare's immortal phrase, from The Merchant of Venice, "Truth will out."... (more)

September 27, 2021
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT — I have bad news and good news. I'll save the good news for the end – because you need to know there is hope. The bad news is that the country is on fire, thanks to the brain-dead, feeble old man with dementia (aka President Joe Biden). If you don't believe me, just see the 14,000 Haitian migrants hiding under a bridge in Texas, now released into America by Biden. That should help the COVID-19 pandemic.... (more)

September 27, 2021
TWITTER — Former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: "I was hoping that Biden would keep his promise to try to unite our country, but instead this administration has used race and identity politics to divide us, our freedom of speech and civil liberties are under assault, inflation is going through the roof, and we've got open borders." With that introduction, Gabbard tweeted a recent interview she had with Fox News' Bret Baier, in which she stressed that the "power elite" in the Democratic Party – "working with the media, the Deep State, in order to bring...the destruction and downfall of anyone that they deem to be a threat to their power" – will "do all they can to silence or censor or cancel" that threat. She made this observation in view of John Durham's investigation into Hillary Clinton's corruption and the collusion of her fellow elitists.... (more)

September 26, 2021
JUST THE NEWS — Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas disclosed Sunday that more than 12,000 Haitian illegal immigrants who had gathered in Texas near the southern border are being released into the United States. "Approximately, I think it's about ten thousand or so, twelve thousand," Mayorkas told "Fox News Sunday" when asked how many Haitians were already released.... (more)

September 26, 2021
TOWNHALL — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said Sunday that he will hire any of the Border Patrol agents who have been falsely accused of whipping Haitian migrants at the southern border if they are terminated by the Biden administration.... (more)

September 26, 2021
LIFE SITE NEWS — Auditors and the Arizona state senate yesterday released the long-awaiting findings of the 2020 forensic election audit in Arizona's Maricopa County, revealing a host of irregularities and tens of thousands questionable ballots that throw into question Joe Biden's reputed victory in the state.... (more)

September 26, 2021
CHRISTIAN POST — Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington recently revealed what the Lord has been telling him to do when he prays in this season. Washington was among the featured speakers at "The Better Man Event" hosted by First Baptist Orlando in Florida on Saturday, where he revealed to his spiritual mentor, Pastor A.R. Bernard, the senior pastor of the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn, New York, the message he's consistently been hearing from God.... (more)

September 25, 2021
CHRISTIAN POST — Afghan Christians are living in fear as the Taliban has declared they will carry out executions and other brutal punishments, including amputations, under Islamic Sharia law as part of their rule in Afghanistan. "Cutting off of hands is very necessary for security," Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, a member of the Taliban's interim government and chief enforcer of the group's strict interpretation of Sharia law, told The Associated Press.... (more)

September 25, 2021
BIG LEAGUE POLITICS — When it comes to medical tyranny, very few industries, if any, have been as ironic as the health care industry. Indeed, hospitals across America, after relying on their overworked health care employees to navigate waves of pandemic infections, are now looking to navigate the pandemic by threatening unemployment on those same workers for resisting the medical tyranny of forced vaccinations. Fortunately, an increasing number of these frontline workers are fighting back.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
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Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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A Documentary: Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus – The anatomy of a takeover bid, Part IX

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