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March 17, 2019
NEWSMAX — Hard-core progressive and socialist congressional Democrats are more supportive of the Nicolás Maduro government in Venezuela than they are of President Donald Trump. Last week, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, whose anti-Semitic tropes triggered a congressional resolution against general bigotry, tweeted that Trump and U.S. special envoy Elliott Abrams "cannot be trusted to tell the truth about what's happening in Venezuela."... (more)

March 16, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — A federal appeals court has put a roadblock in front of the government's attempt to appeal a district judge's decision to throw out its case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy on the grounds of prosecutorial misconduct.... (more)

March 16, 2019
TABITHA KOROL — Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians do not understand this, thousands could die. -- Don Boys, Ph.D. The mission of the jihadi/jihada (one who engages in holy "war with non-Muslims to establish the religion") is to bring Islamic law, sharia, to the world, whether through peaceful or violent means, and Ilhan Omar has dutifully begun her vocation for Allah, who is described in the Quran as the greatest deceiver of them all.... (more)

March 16, 2019
BRYAN FISCHER — The Constitution prohibits the establishment of religion, that is, picking one Christian denomination and making it the official church of the United States. An "established" religion enjoys special favors and special legal protections that no other faith enjoys. People of non-established faiths are subject to punishment from authorities. From my vantage point, Islam has now become the de facto established religion of the U.S. Muslims enjoy protections and privileges that Christians do not.... (more)

March 16, 2019
JERRY NEWCOMBE — The Constitution says there can be no religious test applied to those seeking office at the federal level (Article 6, clause 3). But lately some on the left are trying to apply a type of religious test against some would-be Trump nominees.... (more)

March 16, 2019
THE HILL — President Trump on Friday issued the first veto of his presidency, stymying Congress's attempt to block him from obtaining funds for his wall at the U.S.-Mexico border without lawmakers' approval.... (more)

March 16, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — A "country boy" from Australia who spent years traveling the world and appears to have had an obsession with neo-Nazi ideology is the primary suspect in the murder of 49 people at a New Zealand mosque on Friday.... (more)

March 16, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — The Daily Mail of London published a headline Friday that described the perpetrator of the massacre of 49 people at two mosques in New Zealand as a "Trump-supporting white supremacist." However, as Bright Start News points out, in the killer's 74-page manifesto, Trump's name turns up only once. "Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?" "As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no."... (more)

March 16, 2019
ART MOORE — What would a President Bernie Sanders do if he were elected in 2020? The self-declared democratic socialist has been clear about his support of such policies as universal health care and free college tuition. But CNN found that when he first ran for the Senate in the 1970s, he advocated full-blown socialist policies such as nationalizing major industries, including energy companies, factories and banks.... (more)

March 15, 2019
NEWSMAX — Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., announced Friday the panel he chairs, the Senate Judiciary Committee, is investigating alleged talk within the Department of Justice two years ago to invoke the 25th Amendment and attempt to remove President Donald Trump from office.... (more)

March 14, 2019
JOAN SWIRSKY — "[T]he Democrats have become an anti-Israel party. They've become an anti-Jewish party." President Donald J. Trump "[T]he chickens of the Democratic Party are coming home to roost.... [M]aybe then they will also realize that anti-Semitism, like most cancers, is fatal unless it's removed."... (more)

March 14, 2019
CLIFF KINCAID — Billionaire Bill Gates is pouring some of his wealth into development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine that will be mandatory for all young people, even children, in the U.S. Perhaps a scheduled "breakthrough" in this controversial effort and a plan for universal HIV vaccinations explain why major media organs and corporate and government officials are being used to demonize those concerned about the safety of vaccines. The U.N.'s World Health Organization (WHO) has gone so far as to issue a report ranking "vaccine hesitancy" as one of the top "Ten Threats to Global Health in 2019."... (more)

March 14, 2019
FOX NEWS — Senate Republicans joined their Democratic colleagues on Thursday in voting to block President Trump's border emergency declaration -- a move that will prompt the president's first-ever veto. The president made his intentions crystal clear, tweeting "VETO!" moments after the resolution cleared Congress. The White House said Trump likely would issue the veto Friday.... (more)

March 14, 2019
NEWSMAX — A leading advocate for a strong U.S. military expects morale and readiness to improve now that the Defense Department has unveiled a new policy restricting military service by transgender soldiers. The Associated Press reported Tuesday the new policy will take effect April 12. It requires military personnel to serve in the gender of their birth, and they will not be allowed to serve while transitioning to another sex.... (more)

March 14, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page testified last year that officials in the bureau, including then-FBI Director James Comey, discussed Espionage Act charges against Hillary Clinton, citing "gross negligence," but the Justice Department shut them down.... (more)

March 14, 2019
IAMTV — Dr. Alan Keyes talks with IAMtv's Stacey Campfield about the latest revelations in the college admissions scandal.... (more)

March 14, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Actress Lori Loughlin turned herself into federal authorities in Los Angeles a day after being charged in a college admissions bribery case. FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller confirmed Loughlin is in custody after she turned herself in Wednesday. The "Full House" actress is expected to appear in court in Los Angeles in the afternoon.... (more)

March 14, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW — A thing that occurs to you if you attend an elite college or university, as I did, is that most of the professors teaching you are more or less the same beleaguered time-servers who would be teaching you at any other school. I well remember the sad, unshaven schlump in corduroys who taught one of my introductory English courses: He was fine. He knew his stuff.... (more)

March 14, 2019
BLOOMBERG — The number of wealthy households in the U.S. reached a new high last year, roughly equivalent to the entire population of Sweden or Portugal. More than 10.2 million households had a net worth of $1 million to $5 million, not including the value of their primary residence, according to a survey by the Spectrem Group. That's up 2.5 percent from 2017.... (more)

March 14, 2019
BEN SHAPIRO — Over the weekend, Democratic fresh face and socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., spoke at the South by Southwest conference. While sitting amidst the enormous bounty provided by capitalism--top-notch electronic equipment, a massive crowd of paid ticket holders--AOC tore into capitalism.... (more)

March 14, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — In a decision that could ripple across the nation, a federal appeals court ruled abortionists don't have a constitutional right to perform abortions. The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, by an 11-6 vote, upheld an Ohio law redirecting about $1.5 million a year in state tax money away from abortionists such as Planned Parenthood and toward other health providers.... (more)

March 14, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — Department of Education officials are being praised for announcing they are eliminating an anti-religion bias in their contracting procedures, a move triggered by a Supreme Court decision against such discrimination.... (more)

March 14, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — The video-hosting platform Vimeo canceled the account of a church that posted videos of a Bible conference that included teaching on homosexuality. Vimeo informed Fairview Baptist Church of Edmond, Oklahoma, that the videos violated the company's ban on posting "content that promotes Sexual Orientation Change Efforts," reported the website Reform Charlotte.... (more)

March 12, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — Government watchdog Judicial Watch, whose Freedom of Information Act lawsuit during the Obama administration uncovered the scandal over Hillary Clinton transmitting classified information through an unauthorized email, has announced a series of depositions for government officials involved.... (more)

March 11, 2019
ALAN KEYES — "The Democrat Party has apparently abandoned the modicum of respect for innocent, helpless, human life that led many Democrats in Congress to support the BAIPA [Born Alive Infant Protection Act] in 2002. Anti-life Democrat ideologues, prevalent among them now, have surrendered that shred of decency. Despite their loud denunciations of that surrender, GOP members of Congress and Trump administration officials will be suspect if they do not ask President Trump to end the long, bipartisan failure to see that the BAIPA is faithfully executed." ("U.S. law already protects infants who survive abortion")... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
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Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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