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February 28, 2019
REUTERS — Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, visiting Brazil to drum up support for his bid to push for a change of government in his country, said on Thursday he will return to Caracas by Monday despite threats of imprisonment.... (more)

February 28, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW — Venezuela's oil industry took a major hit after the U.S. slapped energy sanctions on the country's exports last month, causing them to plummet 40 percent. Exports are down to 920,000 barrels per day of crude and fuel, a significant drop from between 1.47 million and 1.66 million barrels per day Venezuela exported in the three months before the Trump administration's January 28 sanctions, according to a Reuters analysis and data from the country's state-owned oil company, PDVSA.... (more)

February 28, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — The federal Department of Health and Human Services has released a final rule that bans funding family planning programs at sites where abortions "are performed or recommended as a form of family planning." The rule change was proposed last year by the Trump administration to deny federal tax dollars to organizations such as Planned Parenthood and others "that provide abortion services."... (more)

February 27, 2019
CBS NEWS — Americans' tax refunds are no longer shrinking. The latest data released by the Internal Revenue Service show that the average tax refund issued through the third week of February was $3,143. That's slightly higher than the average refund at this time last year, which was $3,103.... (more)

February 27, 2019
FOX NEWS — An infant in Tokyo who is believed to be the smallest surviving baby boy in the world has finally been released from the hospital for the first time since his August birth. The boy, whose name remained confidential, was born via emergency C-section at 24 weeks gestation and weighed less than 10 ounces.... (more)

February 27, 2019
DAILY WIRE — On Monday night, President Donald Trump took to Twitter to voice his outrage after Senate Democrats effectively went on record as pro-infanticide. All but three Democrats in the Senate voted against Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse's Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would mandate doctors to provide medical care to babies born-alive after botched abortions.... (more)

February 27, 2019
DAILY WIRE — On February 15, a woman at the Casa Vallarta Mexican restaurant near Falmouth, Massachusetts, allegedly assaulted a young man wearing a MAGA hat and got herself arrested. After viewing Rosiane Santos' fingerprints, police contacted Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and it turned out that Santos was in the United States illegally. On Tuesday, she was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).... (more)

February 26, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro ordered the arrest of Univision's Jorge Ramos when the television anchor displayed video of children in the failed socialist nation eating from a garbage truck. Ramos, a dual U.S.-Mexican citizen, and his team were detained for two hours at Miraflores palace Monday night in a dark room after all of their equipment was seized, Reuters reported... (more)

February 26, 2019
ALAN KEYES — pening Statement for the Defense People in Congress and the media are snarling like rabid dogs at President Trump's brave declaration that he intends to use his powers as commander in chief of our nation's defense forces to re-establish firm control of the U.S. border with Mexico.... (more)

February 26, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's "days are numbered," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo predicted in the midst of a dramatic effort to deliver humanitarian aid to the country.... (more)

February 26, 2019
THE HILL — Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) predicted on Friday that a "handful" of Republicans will back a resolution to block President Trump's emergency declaration to construct the U.S.-Mexico border wall. "A handful. ... [But] there will be enough [left] to sustain a veto," Graham told Fox News, asked how many Republicans would vote with Democrats in the Senate.... (more)

February 26, 2019
FOX NEWS — She may be America's most famous freshman congresswoman, but in New York, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a virtual ghost. She has no district office and no local phone number, unlike the state's three other freshman members.... (more)

February 26, 2019
DAILY WIRE — Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) suggested on Sunday night that people should consider not having children due to climate change because there is a "scientific consensus" that life will be hard for kids."Our planet is going to hit disaster if we don't turn this ship around and so it's basically like, there's a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult," Ocasio-Cortez... (more)

February 23, 2019
FOX NEWS — Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican bill that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't try saving the life of infants born alive during failed abortions, leading conservatives to wonder openly whether Democrats were embracing "infanticide" to appeal to left-wing voters.... (more)

February 23, 2019
JOSEPH FARAH — Do you know how long it's been since an American president gave a sweeping, inspirational talk on the oppressive death cult of socialism? I know for sure it hasn't been delivered since 1989, when Ronald Reagan left office. But an absolutely stirring one was given last Monday -- and you could hear a pin drop from within the media swamp.... (more)

February 23, 2019
DAILY CALLER — Bernie Sanders reminisced in 1986 about watching the 1960 presidential debates between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon and how it made him sick to hear them talk tough about Fidel Castro's uprising.... (more)

February 23, 2019
DAILY CALLER — The first shipment of humanitarian aid crossed the border from Brazil to Venezuela Saturday, Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido said, but getting aid to the people of Venezuela continues to be beyond difficult.... (more)

February 23, 2019
NEWSMAX — A California couple pleaded guilty Friday to torture and years of abuse that included shackling some of their 13 children to beds and starving them to the point they stopped growing.... (more)

February 23, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — Abortion, according to Hollywood, is "an act of violence." That's the conclusion of the makers of "Unplanned" after the MPAA, the Motion Picture Association of America, gave their movie an "R" rating. The MPAA, noted directors Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman, issued no caution for profanity, nudity, sex or violence, "except for violence directly associated with the abortion process."... (more)

February 23, 2019
BOB UNRUH — James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and the James Dobson Family Institute, the author of dozens of books on family and adviser to at least five presidents, has battled the abortion cartel much of his career.... (more)

February 22, 2019
LIFE NEWS — While calling himself a Christian, abortionist Willie Parker admitted Thursday that he has killed tens of thousands of human beings in abortions. Parker made the comment during a debate with Professor Mike Adams at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Summit Ministries and Ratio Christi hosted the event.... (more)

February 22, 2019
AMERICAN GREATNESS — The most immense and dangerous public scandal in American history is finally cracking open like a ripe pomegranate. The broad swath of the Trump-hating media that has participated in what has amounted to an unconstitutional attempt to overthrow the government are reduced to reporting the events and revelations of the scandal in which they have been complicit, in a po-faced ho-hum manner to impart to the misinformed public that this is as routine as stock market fluctuations or the burning of an American flag in Tehran.... (more)

February 22, 2019
NEWSMAX — Special Counsel Robert Mueller will not deliver his long-awaited report next week on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections, said a senior U.S. Justice Department official on Friday, amid expectations that Mueller's report was imminent.... (more)

February 22, 2019
REAL CLEAR POLITICS — A conservative student identified as Hayden Williams was attacked on the campus of UC Berkeley today after he was confronted by several people for his political activism. One assailant punched Williams in the face and is currently being sought by the police.... (more)

February 22, 2019
NEWSMAX — The Trump administration says it will prohibit taxpayer-funded family planning clinics from referring women for abortions. The policy -- certain to be challenged in court by abortion rights supporters -- was released Friday by the Health and Human Services Department. It pleased religious conservatives, a key building block of President Donald Trump's political base.... (more)


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