Cherie Zaslawsky
Americans have long felt that “something is wrong” in our country. You may remember the iconic movie Network, wherein a mysterious figure explains that corporations own the world and control America, and the famous scene in which charismatic news anchor Howard Beale stops reading his script and urges the public to follow his lead, open their windows, and holler: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” And that was back in the 70’s, when life was ideal compared to our present Covidian dystopia.
Well, the public finally did manage a collective scream, and did so on November 8th, 2016, through the astonishing upset election that brought Donald Trump to the White House. And ever since, we’ve witnessed the unhinged and malevolent response of the entrenched political class—and I do mean “class” in the singular, referring to both Democrats and Republicans, members of our systemically corrupt and arrogant Uniparty.
The infamous Joint Session of Congress
But even I, skeptic that I am, was not prepared for the debacle we witnessed on January 6th, 2021—a day that shall live on in infamy—and I do not refer to the Leftist-staged Antifa-in-Trump-hats melee the Fake News called “storming” of the Capitol, while conveniently failing to mention that colluding D.C. police officers had lifted the barricades, opened the doors, and waved the “protesters” in.
No, I’m referring to the historic Joint Session of Congress wherein our Vice President, along with the entire component of Democrats in both the House and Senate, and a staggering number of feckless and traitorous Republicans, revealed themselves to the nation as treasonous, cowardly scoundrels, hell-bent on destroying our Republic and the rule of law, by refusing to challenge obviously unconstitutional, fraudulent Electoral College results from a number of battleground states.
There was, in fact, a battle—the battle for our Republic—and those key swing states, through their corrupt governors, secretaries of state, and/or state attorneys general, stole the election for Kamala Harris. I mean Beijing Biden. OK, I had it right the first time.
VP Mike Pence’s outrageous betrayal of POTUS and the Republic
Following the Left’s dictum to never let a false flag “crisis” go to waste, in the nick of time our esteemed representatives seemingly captured the moral high-ground by lambasting those “rioting insurrectionists,” i.e. Trump supporters, and Trump himself, as “threats” to “our democracy,” giving themselves new cover for ratifying the spurious election results.
In the days leading up to January 6th, the Internet heated up with claims that POTUS had the perfect way to reclaim his landslide victory, by playing the “Pence card.” Unfortunately, the card he played turned out to be the Joker after all. For though Mike Pence had received excellent, sound advice from constitutional attorney Brian C. Remy, among others, explaining he had both the Constitutional right and the duty to discard the disputed certificates from the battleground states where the governor or secretary of state changed election laws—which must only be done by the state legislatures—Pence shrugged off his responsibility. And on the fateful day, shamefully, he denied the legitimate objections to certification brought by several states, and instead chose to let the Dems and RINOs in Congress do the dirty deed themselves, by voting to validate Biden’s sham win. This was surely one of the most disgraceful, craven, and duplicitous acts in our nation’s history, effectively rubber-stamping the theft of the 2020 election, and of our very Republic. Pence will go down in history, if and when the true story is told, as a Judas—a traitor of the vilest sort.
The betrayal of our senators
But the betrayal wasn’t limited to Pence. How about this mind-boggling revelation: out of a total of 50 Republican senators, only some half a dozen had the guts and the integrity to stand up for fair play in the election! Only Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Cynthia Lummis, John Kennedy, Roger Marshall, Rick Scott, and Tommy Tuberville voiced their opposition to the suspicious vote results in Arizona and/or Pennsylvania, by voting to grant these states the right to conduct forensic analyses to determine whether fraudulent votes had been cast and whether these were enough to overturn the election results. Who wouldn’t want to verify the integrity of the most consequential presidential election in our history? Turns out, most of the pampered career politicians in Washington D.C..
What shocked me more than anything else was the fact that a mere 8 senators out of 100 total were willing to stand up for the Republic, the Constitution, and the people they supposedly represent. And of the defectors from the ranks of the Republicans, the bitterest pill for me was the betrayal of Senator Rand Paul, long one of my heroes in the Senate. I’ll never forget Rand’s passionate filibuster during the Obama Administration to protest against giving the government the power to use drones to attack American citizens on American soil. That was inspiring to watch – shades of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Alas, how far the mighty have fallen.
Et tu, Rand?
A message from Senator Paul was delivered to my inbox on January 26th, with the title: “Did you see me on ABC's Sunday morning show?” Yes, Rand. I saw you. I also saw you on January 6th, when you sold out America to the radical, Socialist Democrats and their globalist pals.
When it mattered most, not only did Rand vote to certify the obviously illegitimate results from these battleground states, but he managed to misrepresent the issue, presumably so he could sound like a strict Constitutionalist while selling out his country to Communist China. How? By pretending that the issue was whether Congress has the authority to change the votes of the Electoral College—i.e., to “overturn an election”—which completely obscured the point. In fact, the election had already been overturned—by cheating! The whole purpose was to restore the people’s choice, by using the legitimate constitutional remedy for electoral shenanigans that no less a revered historical personage than Thomas Jefferson had invoked—leading to his winning the presidency in what had been a corrupted election.
The truth is that Rand Paul, like nearly all members of the “People's House,” is first and foremost a politician. He must have noticed which way the wind was blowing, and didn’t want to end up on the losing side, facing possible censure, as Cruz and Hawley now face, for having taken their principled, constitutional stand. Easier to invoke the Constitution in order to hide behind its folds, while protecting oneself instead of protecting the Republic.
Congressional heroes and villains
Thankfully, we did get to see a number of congressmen stand up to save the Republic, among them, stalwart patriots Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, and Devin Nunes. These men, along with some 120 more brave and honorable souls, deserve our thanks and gratitude.
However, there were at least 300 of our representatives who voted to preserve the stolen election—i.e., to sabotage the will of We the People. We certainly got to see the goats separating themselves out from the sheep, to use that prescient biblical metaphor.
And speaking of goats: there’s one traitor worthy of special mention: Rep. Greg Pence of Indiana, who also voted to certify the stolen election. Why him? Because he happens to be the brother of the central villain of the piece, Vice President Mike Pence. Two peas in a Judas pod. I meant that as a figure of speech, but since learned that there’s an actual Judas tree which has large pods, and there’s a story that Judas Iscariot hanged himself from a tree of this species—which reminds me that in the first book of The Divine Comedy, Inferno, renowned Italian poet Dante reserved the deepest pit in hell for betrayers. But I digress….
The civics lesson on the House floor
I’d be remiss if I failed to mention the eye-popping remarks of a member of the House who distinguished himself as an ignoramus. Here’s Representative Brendan Boyle’s speech before the Joint Session:
I must concede, Madam Speaker, I have been naïve about one subject. I always just assumed our democracy would naturally endure. I never even questioned it until the last several years. [Note his requisite dig at Trump.]
Two centuries ago, one of our Founding Fathers cautioned against this. John Adams wrote, "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." I now realize the wisdom of his words. Never again will I take for granted our democracy. It must be defended by every generation.
Perhaps we should have a compulsory proctored civics exam for anyone running for Congress, as many members in the People’s House don’t seem to have even a rudimentary understanding of our form of government or how it is supposed to work under the Constitution. In truth, I’ve never heard a more benighted statement from any member of Congress—in spite of the fact that there’s ample competition.
Poor Congressman Boyle evidently has no idea that John Adams, like virtually all our Founders, was adamantly opposed to creating a democracy, and said as much in that quote for the excellent reasons he cited. In fact, none of the Founders wanted to saddle posterity with a democracy, which they variously called “mob rule” or “tyranny of the majority.” Here’s what James Madison has to say about them:
“…[D]emocracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”
This is why our Founders bequeathed to us not a democracy, Mr. Boyle, but a Republic: i.e., the rule of law, including protection for the minority, which democracies famously lack. Yes, we have democratic principles, but America is most emphatically not a democracy. Congressman Boyle, you are an embarrassment to your constituents, as well as to our Republic. Do your homework, sir.
My verdict on the January 6th Joint Session of Congress
In view of all the above, I have this message for the former President of the Senate, and assorted certifying Congressmen and Congresswomen, if I’m permitted to address you as such under the new gender-free Biden totalitarian regime: A plague on both your houses!
© Cherie ZaslawskyThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.