Arlen Williams column
Arlen Williams is the publisher of and has been honored to write for numerous venues, to interview Christian and patriot leaders and activists, and to organize electoral volunteers for patriot candidates, sometimes taking part in campaign management. And he's had day jobs where he's actually earned a living. In: Gab, Parler, Linked-In, MeWe, Twitter, Facebook.

Massive video evidence of false-flag instigation of Capitol rampage, January 6; Too bad for the cabal
Arlen Williams
February 25, 2021

The “special operations” war rages over the Capitol break-in (let-in?) on January 6. Brave souls such as Trump impeachment defense attorney Michael van . . .

Christian prophets proclaiming Trump’s consecutive term? Really? Still? Yes
Arlen Williams
December 21, 2020

A recent prophecy of Pastor Kent Christmas, presented in a video episode of Dutch Sheets’ highly recommended “Give Him 15” Worship of the God of . . .

Pray, petition, and prod Trump-Pence to reset the war on Covid-19, to actually win
Arlen Williams
July 31, 2020

Calling Christians to prayer and patriots of all kinds to petition They have called it a war, but if so, they are leaving the war strategy against COVID-19 . . .

Don’t worry over military-imposed vaccinations just yet; be very concerned about Communist China
Arlen Williams
May 15, 2020

“We’re mobilizing our military, and other forces, but we’re mobilizing our military on the basis that we do have a vaccine. You know it’s a massive job . . .

Unity is assured, to those who see
Arlen Williams
August 21, 2017

Whose race? Whose supremacy? I remember a frivolous little TV program, years ago. It brought viewers along with a dozen or so passengers touring on a . . .

Yes, Trump did condemn radical Islamic terrorism in speech to Arab Muslims (quotes/transcript/video)
Arlen Williams
May 22, 2017

President Trump's speech before the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Sunday did specifically condemn what he has before called "radical . . .

Diana West shows-up Robert Mueller's NWO snowflakedness on Islamic terrorism
Arlen Williams
May 21, 2017

Behold the NWO* Deep State's own Robert Mueller, now the official independent counsel assigned to Donald Trump, with Democrats hoping he will become America's . . .

Oath Keepers' alert for Ann Coulter's Thr. 4-27 Berkeley speech: Come, follow their lead
Arlen Williams
April 26, 2017

An Oath Keepers' Call to Action was released on Tuesday night, April 25. It concerns the appearance of Ann Coulter at Berkeley University on the evening of . . .

So it's Karen Handel (R) vs. Jon Ossoff (D-poser) in #GA06 June 20
Arlen Williams
April 19, 2017

(Georgia, Congressional District 6) The Marxstream media and other Democratic Party operatives are nervously playing up this special congressional election . . .

Donald Trump & Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Sam Vaknin interview, expanded
Arlen Williams
March 10, 2016

Expanded from American Thinker We may believe we know celebrities from the familiarity of their video appearances. But the persona we may get used to seeing . . .

Your 2015 Obamacare implant and Mark of the Beast test
Arlen Williams
July 17, 2015

"Another Democrat, Robert Brink, began mocking him...saying, 'The voters are not concerned with such foolishness.'" Image and above caption from's . . .

What we must know about freedom's enemy is shown in Frank Herbert's Dune
Arlen Williams
April 22, 2015

"I did not say this. I am not here." While it is unnecessary to know Frank Herbert's Dune series of science fantasy books to understand what is happening in . . .

Refusing to vote for 'the lesser of two evils?' A thought experiment for you
Arlen Williams
November 4, 2014

One inclined to turn up his nose against "lesser of two evils" voting might consider a thought experiment. For the sake of clarity, consider what would . . .

Democrat's call for straight GOP federal voting, an incremental step
Arlen Williams
November 3, 2014

Columnist Michael Goodwin, admittedly a registered Democrat, distinctly makes the case to vote GOP for American voters of at least limited vision. His entire . . .

The sting of 'lesser of two evils' voting; a case out of Montana
Arlen Williams
October 18, 2014

We are faced with lesser of two evils voting come each even-numbered year. It seems as certain as death and taxes – more trouble to blame on The Fall of . . .

Surveying senators, candidates, AND conservative organizations that rate them
Arlen Williams
October 11, 2014

...adding cohesion to the conservative, libertarian, sovereignty coalition This election season, for the best initial phase or our candidate evaluations, . . .

Is America's solution found by Republicans learning from young libertarians?
Arlen Williams
October 3, 2014

The Sovereignty Campaign ( Do Republicans need to listen to more libertarian-oriented millennials? Definitely. Everyone who makes sense needs to . . .

How Republicans project a 52-48 Senate majority at October 1
Arlen Williams
October 2, 2014

If November 4th's elections turn out as all the data gatherers, electoral analysts, and yours truly presently assess, the Republican Party would most likely . . .

What the broad crisis behind the White House fence jumper implies about 'federal' government
Arlen Williams
September 24, 2014

Chelsea Schilling at has written an excellent article revealing the background of Friday's White House fence jumper and his self-alleged . . .

How pharisaical FDR used 'neighborliness' to sell despotism at Christmas
Arlen Williams
December 25, 2013

One can read about it succinctly in The Nation (where the Cloward-Piven plan of devastating America for Marxism was also articulated). "The spirit of . . .

A graphic for our time: time to apologize, Obama voter?
Arlen Williams
December 16, 2013

Here is an internet graphic I highly recommend, not to be used in any vindictive way, but to make it personal with fellow citizens. Let's take it as a big cue.  . . .

Interview: More IRS harassment of Obamacare whistleblower C. Steven Tucker
Arlen Williams
December 11, 2013

UPDATE, Dec. 10, to the ongoing story: Bill Elliott's audit has been cancelled, thanks to Treasury Department contact by one of his U.S. senators from . . .

Interview: C. Steven Tucker after the IRS audit hit job on Bill Elliott & himself
Arlen Williams
November 30, 2013

Bill Elliott and C. Steven Tucker each got letters from the IRS, on the same day, just before Thanksgiving, to let them know they are being audited – this . . .

3 'conspiracy theorists' departed 50 years ago today: Aldous Huxley, C.S. Lewis & John F. Kennedy
Arlen Williams
November 22, 2013

In the order of their births: Aldous Huxley (July 26, 1894 – November 22, 1963 . . .

You people! Letting Oprah & Obama keep you collectivist plantation slaves?
Arlen Williams
November 19, 2013

Hey blacks! Here! – in this country! You! Blacks! "You people!" – if that is how you choose to see yourselves. Are you Americans, or what . . .

BFD-Day: the Obamacare Congress revisited (warning: graphic)
Arlen Williams
November 16, 2013

March 21, 2010 – when the zombie herd overran Washington D.C. Led by their undead-princess, Nancy the Hammer BFD-Day in . . .

Graphic of the moment: tea or Kool-Aid, which one are you drinking?
Arlen Williams
October 24, 2013

Here is an anti-syllogism for you. A syllogism is a tool of logic organized: first premise, second premise, conclusion. A logical syllogism does not go like . . .

Obama's Kathleen Sebelius tells how they are fascists, in 17 seconds
Arlen Williams
October 12, 2013

Q: What is Fascism? A: It is what Fascists do. Listen to Kathleen Sebelius, Barack Obama and the Democrats' Director of the Department of Health and . . .

Anonymous hackers reveal photo: preparations for Obama's strike on Syria
Arlen Williams
September 12, 2013

The following classified photo has been released to by "Anonymous" hackers. Ostensibly, it shows preparations for the planned U.S. strike upon . . .

Prepare this August like September will hit the fan
Arlen Williams
August 6, 2013

If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the Lord have done it? Surely the Lord God does . . .

Progressivism is the nail in your head
Arlen Williams
August 5, 2013

How do progressives get people who don't want to do what progressives want, to do what they want? They have to either deceive, thieve, coerce, or manipulate . . .

Rep. James Sensenbrenner eyes the technology war: America in Gulag
Arlen Williams
July 19, 2013

This is a fairly personal article, but please allow me to begin it with something very official. United States Constitution, Amendment IV "The right of . . .

Snowden vs. national security? It's the domestic totalitarian technocracy, stupid!
Arlen Williams
July 4, 2013

Pull back the curtains. Let us lean our heads out of the window. See the rustling. Catch the noise. Quite a confusion and cacophony surround America's . . .

Gideon's 300 thirsting, drinking men
Arlen Williams
July 1, 2013

Early in the morning, Jerub-Baal (that is, Gideon) and all his men camped at the spring of Harod. The camp of Midian was north of them in the valley near the . . .

Marxist president's military exercises in these U.S. cities; yours one?
Arlen Williams
February 3, 2013

Please share this with your local neighbors – and any fellow Americans. Permission to copy granted** All these unprecedented military exercises in our . . .

Martin Luther King quiz, 10 questions
Arlen Williams
January 22, 2013

Here is a quiz about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., drawn up on our national holiday honoring our critically important leader in our so recent history.  . . .

Assault Beer, Assault Soda, Assault Prescription...
Arlen Williams
January 11, 2013

Glimpse into the mind of the authoritarian/collectivist propagandist and "know your enemy" hard at work to "fundamentally transform the United States of America . . .

Why voting Romney-Ryan was my moral necessity
Arlen Williams
November 5, 2012

I voted, Friday. By a legal interpretation of the phrase, I voted for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Previously, I wrote in Gulag Bound that I would not vote for . . .

The Obama Clinton Benghazi stalemate: 'We all die'
Arlen Williams
October 15, 2012

For a little readers' music, "Nowhere To Run" On behalf of both the Obamunists and the Clintonistas, Martha and the Vandellas sing to their record, the White . . .

Joe Biden's Marxist confession in the VP debate (+ full video)
Arlen Williams
October 13, 2012

Attorney (self-prosecutor) that he is, The Joker summed it up at the end. "Well let me tell ya. My record stands for itself. I never say anything I don't . . .

Elections: worry not for Romney, work for Congress & the states
Arlen Williams
September 25, 2012

Here are two examinations showing that Mitt Romney is on a virtual glide path to the presidency. First, a conservative evaluation and by that I don't mean  . . .

Final critical evidence to vote down a Romney nomination
Arlen Williams
August 28, 2012

BULLETIN — Tuesday 8/28 — Fighting Romney's Party Despots The rules are to be voted up or down by the Rules Committee at approximately 2pm ET . . .

Obama & how I am a racist who hates his color(s) -- a poem
Arlen Williams
August 23, 2012

A poem in four stanzas, because why write a long one, if a short one can sum it up, just about as well, and take less time, and effort, frankly, I mean . . .

Patriotic Christian gun owners treated as mental patients: plans & process
Arlen Williams
August 18, 2012

I suggest our patriots not worry so much about SWATing and more about this. And I suggest reading both excerpted articles in their entirety. Thursday, August . . .

Collectivism in America? Conspiracy of left & right? Listen to G. Edward Griffin
Arlen Williams
August 7, 2012

The world's Marxists did not vanish in 1990 (nor America's). Nor did fascists disappear in 1945 (including America's). Likewise, power-hungry, authoritarian . . .

Democrats & Obama sue to suppress military vote
Arlen Williams
August 6, 2012

In previous elections, we have suspected the Democratic Party of suppressing the votes of members of our military who are giving their lives to America, . . .

Dick Cheney's demeaning of Sarah Palin, 'adequately explained'
Arlen Williams
July 31, 2012

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness... rather expose them. - Paul's Letter to Ephesians, 5:11 The bizarre and destructive behavior . . .

Roberts rules on presidential eligibility! New election announced!
Arlen Williams
July 20, 2012

The long sought Supreme Court verdict on Article 2 of the U.S. Constitution has just been announced. Eligibility activists have finally forced the SCOTUS to . . .

On violations of our sovereignty, at CPAC Chicago: Bachmann, Cain & Roskam
Arlen Williams
June 12, 2012

FINAL UPDATE — Be apprised. This is not a conventional "happenings at CPAC" article. Do conservative politicians understand how and where the war . . .

They are destroying the world NOW, using derivatives AGAIN
Arlen Williams
June 8, 2012

Entire nations are financed by the central bankers of the world. Think of that. They are so wealthy, they can afford to do what it takes to keep their names off . . .

40 days with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, subscribe with me?
Arlen Williams
June 1, 2012

He may have been given us even more for the 21st Century than for the 20th. I remember reading his book, as vital here and now as it was in Germany in 1937, . . .

Henry Lamb (1938-2012) led vs. global socialism, silenced by American media?
Arlen Williams
May 29, 2012

We all have an innate need to find one person and call him leader. As the story many of us know goes, we are made for an intimately dependent relationship with . . .

Key video: City council hearing on ICLEI in Agenda 21Œs ground war
Arlen Williams
May 18, 2012

The following came careening to the Gulag yesterday by tweet of contributor @OhSuzyQz. It is a video of warfare against America being countered. Caveat: its . . .

MARITIME ATTACK: Law of the Sea Treaty in US Senate for approval
Arlen Williams
May 16, 2012

Contributors: volunteer activists of the Sovereignty Campaign — @SovCam The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs is once again diddling with the . . .

Four heroes countering Agenda 21's ecofascist warfare
Arlen Williams
May 13, 2012

Gulag Bound is a newbie on the scene. We came about on July 4, 2010. Granted, those involved in our research, development, and presentations have been around . . .

America's most critical political issue
Arlen Williams
May 12, 2012

What is our most important issue as a nation? Is it the budget, as critical as that has gotten? Is it anything we see in our so important Bill of Rights? Is . . .

Wisconsin GOP primary exit poll, alarming for tea party & conservatives
Arlen Williams
April 5, 2012

The following excerpt from CNN's exit poll results for yesterday's Wisconsin GOP Presidential Primary shows big trouble in a bellwether state. No need to . . .

How Mitt Romney assaults Republican voters & U.S. elections
Arlen Williams
April 3, 2012

The infamous barrage of Republican-trashing Romney campaign and Romney SuperPAC TV ads constitutes tragically effective psyops, but something else is going on . . .

GOP voters: don't fall for pundits' psyops, Mitt Romney is a traitor
Arlen Williams
March 13, 2012

We are told it is inevitable. All you have to do is vote for Mitt Romney and you will comply. Pundits imply it is your duty, to best prepare to defeat Barack . . .

Internet activists! Fight like Breitbart! & 'don't make a Mitt-stake!'
Arlen Williams
March 10, 2012

It seemed degrading to politicize the plea of Andrew Breitbart's final article, immediately after his passing. It referred to a specific presidential candidate, . . .

Romney, Agenda 21 Quisling, for Americans fighting for our sovereignty?
Arlen Williams
March 8, 2012

A post SuperTuesday song We need a great deal of prayer, and the voters, a huge dose of revelation. Now we have the Marxstream media and GOP machinists . . .

America needs sovereign citizens to crack the faith barrier
Arlen Williams
February 6, 2012

Presented to those interested in news of a spiritual kind Hal Lindsey wrote one of the best selling books of recent decades, The Late, Great Planet Earth, . . .

Mitt Romney's mentor, his father, a fan of Saul Alinsky
Arlen Williams
January 27, 2012

A syllogism: A. Mitt Romney has stated his chief political mentor was his father, George Romney. B. George Romney, a steadfast progressive, credited Saul . . .

Newt Gingrich now! I won't vote for Romney in November
Arlen Williams
January 20, 2012

There is much more information to gather and more articles to write. But is it doing any good, really — I mean in the here and now — for this 2012 . . .

GOP presidential candidates on Agenda 21 'sustainable development'
Arlen Williams
January 14, 2012

Even those who believe themselves devoted patriots (including devout Christians) may foolishly be enticed by the powers that be, into violating Americans' . . .

Court to hear Obama eligibility challenge on merits, first time
Arlen Williams
January 4, 2012

"This will be the first time ever, since this whole thing began, that it will be looked on, on merit." Those are the words of Carl Swensson, Republican Party . . .

Blowback: Ron Paul is hardly all wrong about America's Mideast involvement
Arlen Williams
December 29, 2011

Midst the rising status and scrutiny of Ron Paul and his R-love-ution, this humble disciple of world affairs finds him both right and wrong. This is how it so . . .

Distress, strife and victory, 'be still and know'
Arlen Williams
December 19, 2011

Is this a stressful time for you? This is the season for it, right? Christmas shopping and preparations keep us busy little elves, while tyrants in D.C. and . . .

FEMA camps: seeking contractors and personnel to staff and confine
Arlen Williams
December 13, 2011

Caution: this is an exercise in ongoing Citizen research and journalism. Consider yourself inside the News Office. With some reports, verity is assured, with . . .

Defense authorization's unconstitutional aggression upon citizens; TruNews Radio notes
Arlen Williams
December 6, 2011

It was my privilege to record an interview with Rick Wiles of about the Disappear a Dissident (a.k.a., "Suspected Terrorist," a.k.a., "belligerent" . . .

The funny things to know, surrounding the new fix for Greece
Arlen Williams
November 12, 2011

So Greece now has a new Prime Minister and its solution is supposedly coming down. But what kind of solution? Let us examine some facts, plus some items . . .

America still suicidally ignorant, as Ohio shows
Arlen Williams
November 10, 2011

It has been a gross failure for America's governors, including Wisconsin's Scott Walker and Ohio's John Kasich, not to make it utterly clear that collective . . .

Islam and sexuality, a presentation by Ann Barnhardt
Arlen Williams
October 17, 2011

(Originally published at Galag Bound) Caution: this presentation and the related information we present are disturbing and tragic. Gulag Bound has examined . . .

Marxist Mother Duck, Frances Fox Piven interviewed at 'Occupy Wall Street'
Arlen Williams
October 4, 2011

Criminally grand socioeconomic saboteur, Marxist revolutionary, and inciter of violence, Frances Fox Piven recently appeared in a neo-Marxist "Democracy Now!" . . .

'Suspended Election Revolution' by Barry & the Obamunists; does it play?
Arlen Williams
October 2, 2011

Presented for you now, an exercise in considering the incredible: that Barack Obama, et. conspiratorial al. would plan to suspend elections in an orchestrated . . .

Arlen's GOP Debate Awards, Reagan Library, 9-7-2011
Arlen Williams
September 9, 2011

Another cattle show at the fair and here are the results in my head. Michelle Bachmann ~ Best GOP presidential debate presentation Newt Gingrich ~ (whom . . .

Asking Marco Rubio: constitutionally ineligible to be president, so why talk VP?
Arlen Williams
September 2, 2011

Contrary to the obdurate ignorance, crafty obfuscation, and outright deceit played out in the progressive saturated media and both tainted political parties, . . .

Why is Wisconsin slipping in its recall elections?
Arlen Williams
August 18, 2011

Since passing very measured, self-compromised reforms of its public union regulations, Wisconsin has lost two state senators in recall elections. Yes, sure, . . .

Final: 'U.S. Day of Rage' orchestrated for 'worldwide democracy' (think pseudoanarchist, neo-Marxist, globalist)
Arlen Williams
August 12, 2011

We thought this would be happening, now didn't we. A movement is suddenly springing up from nowhere (ah-huh) to take on the free enterprise, "capitalist" . . .

Birthers invite Colin Powell to an examination
Arlen Williams
August 10, 2011

When the Rockefellerian, transnational progressive "Republican," Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008, he called Obama a "transformational . . .

A brief note on the end of America as we have known it
Arlen Williams
August 7, 2011

The debt extension, the downgrade in America's credit rating, and the festering Marxofascist empire called the European Union are pushing what we have tended to . . .

Tell the truth now! Allen West: Obama is a Marxist
Arlen Williams
July 20, 2011

This is a critically important milestone, or at least it must be, for members of the United States Congress, in confessing what they know to the American public . . .

Rep. Joe Walsh to Obama: 'Quit lying' -- sees the Marxism Sgt. Ermey sees
Arlen Williams
July 17, 2011

Joe Walsh U.S. Representative of Illinois tells the putative president, "You're either in over your head, you don't understand what makes this country great, or . . .

Texans defend America, petition Gov. Perry on illegal immigration
Arlen Williams
July 3, 2011

America is being warred against, by both the Marxist and fascist arms of the global movement for authoritarianism, through both financial and political empire, . . .

'Natural Born Citizen for Dummies' v. Dummy v. the United States of America
Arlen Williams
July 2, 2011

Constitutionalist activist, Dean Haskins provides a lesson instructing that a "natural born Citizen," according to the United States Constitution, Article 2, . . .

AFGE the ICE Union fires back at Obama's immigration subterfuge
Arlen Williams
June 24, 2011

By the time the Soft War against American Sovereignty and Liberty is seen for what it is and won by authentic America, many union members will have seen the . . .

Apologetic Anthony Weiner continues to harm the U.S. like a good progressive
Arlen Williams
June 7, 2011

Yesterday, as Rep. Anthony Weiner extended his ongoing series of confessions to lying about his own Twitter posting of his salacious photos, he attempted to . . .

National Day of Prayer, for salvation from Gulag America
Arlen Williams
May 5, 2011

This past day, as putative president Obama "spikes the football" and so somberly dances the touchdown dance at Ground Zero, New York, we have been presented . . .

IMF bank lords & George Soros' INET at Bretton Woods, what's the diff?
Arlen Williams
April 20, 2011

The INET Bretton Woods summit, summoned by George Soros and those who alternatively hide behind, or gather around him, has now happened. But before trying to . . .

The George Soros attempt to control the world's central bank kleptocracy cartel -- this weekend
Arlen Williams
April 8, 2011

We humbly present worldwide economic terrorism coupled with global Marxofascist control. But, why take it from me? This is how it works, from the financial . . .

Beck: 'We are One' rallies, smoking gun evidence of coordinated worldwide Marxofascist insurrection
Arlen Williams
April 5, 2011

As stated in the early, Tunisa & Egypt days, Glenn Beck is essentially right on the Middle East. So are Cliff Kincaid, Trevor Loudon, David Horowitz, James . . .

Oh. My. George. Soros on Europe's worsening banking crisis & the most evil plan yet
Arlen Williams
March 23, 2011

Yet another oracle from the Mouth of Soros is issued, as the Master of Disaster (known to himself, as "God") explains what is right and how to wrong it. This . . .

Urgent open letter to tea party & related activists
Arlen Williams
March 9, 2011

I have been asked to assist the movement to defund Planned Parenthood, by appealing to Tea Party organizers and activists, and to primarily fiscal conservatives . . .

The real death panel & the Cloward-Piven devastation awaiting you in Obamacare
Arlen Williams
March 8, 2011

Much has been made of whether or not Obamacare influences physicians to provide end of life counseling to elderly or very sick patients. Although that does not . . .

Initial look at the Pentagon's report on economic terrorism: mortgage meltdown, debt & dollar debacle
Arlen Williams
March 5, 2011

Was Bear Stearns stock driven down on purpose, to catalyze the great Mortgage Meltdown of 2008? I think likely so, because: 1. Other actions by influential . . .

Truthing up, in the face of Marxist spawned power in Wisconsin
Arlen Williams
February 18, 2011

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Plunge right through that line! Run the bill clear through that crowd, Get out of debt this time! (U rah rah!) On, Wisconsin . . .

The trouble at CPAC & the real dividing line for conserving America
Arlen Williams
February 12, 2011

There is a lot of buzz in the conservative air this week, over what may be considered either corruptive or divisive in the ranks, at the current CPAC conference . . .

Obama, Ryan, & Bachmann hardly relate the true State of the Union; 3 videos presented
Arlen Williams
January 27, 2011

One of us had to do this, right? Here are, in order, Putative President Obama's State of the Union Address, Rep. Paul Ryan's (WI) official GOP response, and . . .

Sunday, 1/23 may be make or break for Venezuela (and eventually, America)
Arlen Williams
January 19, 2011

It could bring a new birth of freedom, or an atrocity worse than Tienanmen Square. Over this past Christmas season, a hardcore, totalitarian mixture of . . .

Airline flight still a theater of war; who is the terrorist now?
Arlen Williams
November 17, 2010

You have an alternative, if you wish to travel by airline. You may either experience voyeurism of a sort no neighborhood peeping Tom can accomplish, that . . .

George Soros video: having fun subverting nations
Arlen Williams
November 12, 2010

George Soros: again from the voracious Mouth of Soros, this time "god" describes how he has had "a lot of fun" subverting governments and "disrupting" regimes . . .

The most powerful video ad of the 2010 election season
Arlen Williams
November 1, 2010

This is the high-impact political ad, of 2010. Video, October 20, 2010, "Chinese Professor," by Citizens Against Government . . .

The strategy behind Neal Rauhauser's Twittergate: social media Marxofascism by progressives, Part 1
Arlen Williams
October 26, 2010

"I don't believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time.... "I mean we really have to . . .

For voters now: names of a thousand neo-Marxist state legislators
Arlen Williams
October 23, 2010

Spread the news now, while there is time: A thousand more authoritarians who should not be making law for America. One thousand to vote out, now through . . .

Obama is casting actors for town hall audience per Nielsen's 'Back Stage'
Arlen Williams
October 8, 2010

What are you doing, October 14th? Would you like to be a "town hall meeting" shill for Barack Obama? According to this official casting notice in Nielsen's . . .

Definition of Marxism -- or -- shaming Democrats into reality
Arlen Williams
October 6, 2010

Have you been in a "dialectic debate" (a-hem) an argument with a Democrat or other self-described non-"right-wing-nut-job" lately, about the fact that America's . . .

The failed state strategy for 'progressive' America -- musing 'Dems sabotage...' in the Washington Times
Arlen Williams
September 22, 2010

That 56-43 vote on Tuesday's Defense Authorization Bill troubled me. Four votes down, the senate Democrats must have known this motion for cloture would not . . .

Medicare Chief Actuary called Obamacare budgetary projections 'implausible'
Arlen Williams
August 12, 2010

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (, principal and official federal source for independent actuarial analysis, exposed a good deal of the . . .

TED vs. Western Civilization, 'which side are you on?'
Arlen Williams
August 10, 2010

You've met TED, haven't you? Maybe you've sat through a patronizing video here, or a read a condescending article there, lately? Contrary to what you may . . .

Investigators of globalist conspiracy, meet your mentor, Mr. Norman Dodd
Arlen Williams
August 4, 2010

Who would take on the mega-money of the foundations and trusts of the Rockefellers, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, the Guggenheims, et. al.? Someone interested . . .

Whose promises are kept: God's? Marxism's? Ours?
Arlen Williams
August 1, 2010

"Our salvation is a promise." Dr. D. James Kennedy has gone to his Savior, in "a better country," but Coral Ridge Ministries goes on. And they are a beacon . . .

Obamunist attacks on freedom of speech & the Marxstream media's duplicity
Arlen Williams
June 30, 2010

Their taking more pages out of the Hugo Chavez manual, we count at least three major assaults by the Obamunists against American freedom of speech. Here is one . . .

'They're not cleaning it up, they're covering it up' -- citizens respond & report Gulf atrocity
Arlen Williams
June 27, 2010

U.S. Citizens must do for ourselves, while we are being mushroom managed by the Obama administration and their accomplices in globalist mega-racketeering (Link- . . .

April video indicates U.S. government aware of much greater volume of gulf gusher; evidence raises suspicion of cover-up
Arlen Williams
June 15, 2010

Some of the truth has been hiding in plain sight since May Day, at Visit the government at work, specifically the National Oceanic and Atmospheric . . .

'Do you fully support the Obama agenda?' -- video shows just one hard question
Arlen Williams
June 14, 2010

If you have not already seen it, you may want to watch this video first, without any explanation. It is in Washington, D.C. and it is from last . . .

O'Keefe exposes Census payroll fraud; systematic, possibly widespread; reports from New Jersey & Louisiana
Arlen Williams
June 2, 2010

James O'Keefe has released video demonstrating massive payroll fraud in the U.S. Census. And if the Census workers are being trained to falsify their payroll . . .

Sarah Palin gets an 'A' on the curve, but full credit remains for someone
Arlen Williams
May 25, 2010

This is worth our time. It is Sarah Palin's address, then her joining with Dennis Prager and Hugh Hewitt for questions and answers, last Saturday 5/22, at the . . .

Obama's assault on the Church, via the EPA
Arlen Williams
May 19, 2010

In the kind of move forseen last year by Brannon Howse, the Obama administration is attempting to gain a foothold of ministerial (pardon the pun) influence over . . .

Newt Gingrich calls Obamunism a threat equal to former Nazis and Soviets
Arlen Williams
May 18, 2010

From his new book, To Save America, as Chris Wallace confronts Gingrich with his own words: "The secular-socialist machine represents as great a threat to . . .

Sovereignty -- three critical questions for political candidates
Arlen Williams
May 12, 2010

All tests which the Obamunists fail — and so do many Republicans. Please share this with leaders of the electoral action organization of your . . .

Want to understand Wall Street crises before the next one? Then, look again at 2008 -- please!
Arlen Williams
May 8, 2010

Question: What caused Bear Stearns, then Lehman Brothers to fail on Wall Street, at their appointed times, as the the mortgage meltdown "progressed?" Clue: . . .

Franklin Graham vs. the Marxofascist insurrection's unholy alliance
Arlen Williams
May 6, 2010

Franklin Graham, Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, 2010, tells the gospel truth... ...but he need not be so pessimistic about our . . .

'Freaking' around, Saturday night, and the latest stains on the presidency's shorts
Arlen Williams
May 4, 2010

Looking over the video, I find it odd — Barack Obama's stand-up routine before fellow guests last Saturday, last May Day night, at the White House . . .

The greatest scandal in modern history -- treason in process
Arlen Williams
April 28, 2010

Both of these videos are from Monday evening, April 26th. The Financial Times article is from this Sunday. They are elements of the most extensive scandal . . .

Obamafinance - Palin: institutionalizing crony capitalism, Soros: go for it
Arlen Williams
April 23, 2010

Sarah Palin says it is "crony capitalism." Has a friend sent her latest Facebook essay to you in an email? The hacks at Goldman Sachs say the password is  . . .

Goldman Sachs -- where's the poetic justice?
Arlen Williams
April 22, 2010

Goldman and Obama, Goldman and Geithner, Goldman, the Paulsons, and the Fed; Goldman for money, Goldman for Marxists, Goldman, for control o'er your . . . admits his aim of Marxist financial market 'control'
Arlen Williams
April 18, 2010

Come read an email from "Organizing for America," the Democratic National Committee, and Barack Obama. In it you will see a confession: their new financial . . .

Obama: 'We're still working on our democracy' -- as a demolitions crew
Arlen Williams
April 13, 2010

The United States of America is a democracy in only a loose sense, similar to saying Marxofascist, Barack Obama is a "socialist." Obama's "progressive" mindset . . .

Lord Christopher Monckton shoved to concussion by police in Copenhagen
Arlen Williams
December 18, 2009

The following article is Lord Christopher Monckton's own, republished from yesterday's addition to The SPPI Blog, which he co-authors. It is featured in my . . .

The only logical reason for Congress to vote for Obama-Pelosi-Reid 'healthcare'
Arlen Williams
November 20, 2009

Trying to determine what I could possibly say to my U.S. Senators' office staffs about the medical takeover bill that could make any difference, I settled upon . . .

What Obama's national emergency can mean
Arlen Williams
October 26, 2009

According to Sentinel Radio's Hanen, quoting the statistics of the U.S. Center for Disease Control, the h1n1 flu has, so far, caused approximately 1,000 known . . .

'America for Sale,' by Jerome Corsi: documenting the theft & the treason; interviewed by Hannity
Arlen Williams
October 14, 2009

Sean Hannity featured this interview with Jerome Corsi on his Tuesday, 10/13/2009, Fox News broadcast. Mr. Corsi's book appears to shine the headlights down the . . .

The Hawaiian investigation of Obama birth certificate attestations & realities: Terrik, Donofrio, et. al. -- updated
Arlen Williams
October 12, 2009

Strand Magazine ...or compendium if you prefer, of the strands of evidence Hawaii has an open records law, similar to the federal "Freedom of Information . . .

New York Times says the darnedest things, regarding ACORN, Van Jones, etc.
Arlen Williams
September 29, 2009

What do you make of this? Yes, it is humorous, but, I don't think that was the main effect they were going for, over at Marxstream Media, . . .

How far will Obama go, this fall, in the insurrection against America?
Arlen Williams
September 24, 2009

For two weeks, my humble Investigating Obama offered a reader poll in its sidebar (approximately September 1-14). It read as follows and the results are now . . .

Bill O'Reilly, why so seriously ignorant about Obama?
Arlen Williams
September 17, 2009

Did you happen to see Bill O'Reilly last night, scratching his head to a gelatinous mass over the increasing anger in America with Barack Obama? Throughout the . . .

Orly Taitz accused of suborning perjury for Barnett v. Obama -- updated including affidavit, etc.
Arlen Williams
September 15, 2009

This is the breaking news mentioned last night in Investigating Obama and The Awakening. Below is a post by Larry Sinclair, from his blog, "...on all things . . .

ACORN falls at Obama's tree: their close working relationship
Arlen Williams
September 11, 2009

Want a summary of a.k.a. Barack Obama's close connections with ACORN, a.k.a., the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now? You know — that . . .

Our domestic war is now
Arlen Williams
September 7, 2009

What is about to happen in America? Glenn Beck has spoken of it: War Gerald Celente of Trends Research Institute warns it will come within months: War  . . .

Execution of Obama's speech to students, violating constitutional rights, by usurping powers
Arlen Williams
September 4, 2009

There are at least three problems in Obama's predictably ministerial ploy upon America's educational complex and upon our children: 1. the usurpation of . . .

Alert: Obama will practice psy-ops on your children at school, Sept. 8
Arlen Williams
September 2, 2009

Dear Parents, Do you want Neo-Communist revolutionary, Barack "Fundamentally Change America" Obama, speaking to your children from the Oval Office? Do you . . .

A passage read today, at Edward Kennedy's funeral (warning: graphic images)
Arlen Williams
August 29, 2009

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before . . .

Support our oath keepers -- please promulgate this video message
Arlen Williams
August 19, 2009

Our military and law enforcement personnel are squarely in the center of America's increasing tensions. They must be armed and ready, with the . . .

Obama insurrection wants YOU organizing (and snitching) about their 'healthcare' plan -- well, ARE you?
Arlen Williams
August 5, 2009

And see what it includes (as well as mass taxpayer funded abortions) "The ACORN doesn't fall far from the tree." — Barack Obama The "president" wants . . .

Investigating Obama?
Arlen Williams
August 2, 2009 Reader, The following was published in my blog this June, after some delayed post-campaign R&R. If you do not mind the delay, perhaps you . . .

In 'Justice' Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Leo Donofrio discovers 'progressive' eugenics on the SCOTUS bench
Arlen Williams
July 20, 2009

A copy of the following came in an email. It is written by eligibility attorney/activist, Leo Donofrio, from his blog, Natural Born Citizen. You see, Ruth . . .

Napolitano telegraphs the Obama regime's 'big lie': about Second Amendment militias & oath keepers?
Arlen Williams
April 20, 2009

DHS Secretary and the (evidently ineligible) "Obama administration" had two choices: either back down, or continue toward crack down. They have, natural to . . .

Hitting Obama's M.O., but what about the global banking fascism? Twittering Karl Rove
Arlen Williams
April 2, 2009

I received an email this morning from Karl Rove. Good to be in touch. Dear Arlen, Would you like to get periodic emails with information on my upcoming . . .

Our next "generated crisis" -- by the Soros/Obama/Pelosi insurrection?
Arlen Williams
March 23, 2009

Introducing Abdullah Al Nefisi, for a mental exercise in war gaming, submitted for your perusal — if you are mature enough to consider potentials, trends, . . .

How KGB agents have spread worldwide economic chaos
Arlen Williams
March 17, 2009

Arnaud de Borchgrave, like so many others, seems not to understand the intentionality involved, but he does point out one key element in the worldwide . . .

Obama's intentional destruction of America
Arlen Williams
March 4, 2009

On Monday 3/2, Jim Cramer plead to the as yet unsubstantiated Obama "administration" to realize they are destroying the free American economy. He refers to his . . .

$550B run on money markets, 9/11 or 9/18, 2008?
Arlen Williams
February 16, 2009

There is some blow-back among journalists and bloggers, to I.O's 2/14 updated article, immediately prior to this one — enough that I have added a couple . . .

Attack occured 9/11 -- manufactured catastrophe
Arlen Williams
February 15, 2009

Update: 2/15: $550B Run on Money Markets, 9/11 or 9/18, 2008? Update, 2/14: THIS ATTACK UPON OUR ECONOMY OCCURRED ON 9/11/2008 That, according to Rep. . . .

Obama escalates worldwide 'abortion' holocaust, with Americans' confiscated money
Arlen Williams
January 23, 2009

This act of national treachery and international atrocity by "President" Obama is now done. Today, by executive order, our money is now being confiscated by . . .

Inauguration day -- the oath & the speech
Arlen Williams
January 21, 2009

How could the failure of Chief Justice Roberts to lead Barack Obama accurately in his oath of office be more poignant? He skipped the word "faithfully," only . . .

Barack Obama -- 'the future of this movement'
Arlen Williams
January 18, 2009

While some of Obama's moves may be viewed as "liberal" and others as "moderate," or even "conservative," by America's self-confident pundits, essentially, there . . .

'Obama, Biden to visit Supreme Court' today, says CBS News
Arlen Williams
January 14, 2009

Well, here is a quaint, little item. Who got the story, besides CBS News? I failed to find anyone else coming up quickly, on search results pages. Was CBS News . . .

Interview of Orly Taitz: Chief Justice Roberts calls conference on Obama challenge — Lightfoot v. Bowen
Arlen Williams
January 7, 2009

Breaking... Chief Justice John Roberts has sent a full-throated challenge of Barack Obama's presidential eligibility to conference: Lightfoot v. Bowen  . . .

Obama's Kenyan birth evidence to be revealed -- update
Arlen Williams
December 31, 2008

Permission to copy and post this article's text is granted. Update 1/1/2009, 3:36am CT - In his 7:45pm Plains Radio broadcast, this last night, Ed Hale . . .

L.A. Times deletes the lead about Schwarzenegger & presidency, after Drudge, Free Republic, I.O. feature it; could it be... Obama?
Arlen Williams
December 22, 2008

Renew America reader, the open letter below was entitled, "Elect Schwarzenegger President? Obama Says Yes We Can! Dear L.A. Times..." It was posted in my blog, . . .

Obama -- born in the USA?
Arlen Williams
December 14, 2008

What could be more mainstream than this? From Globe: "President-elect Barack Obama is being rocked by a series of shocking new lawsuits charging his . . .

Video: Natural born citizen press conference, National Press Club, Monday 12/8/2008
Arlen Williams
December 12, 2008

As you may switch it on to see, Monday's National Press Club conference describes well the constitutional crisis which America has been suffering since the Iowa . . .

Fitzgerald finally makes a move: Blagojevich -- and what of Obama?
Arlen Williams
December 10, 2008

Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich is under arrest. It's the Rezko investigation, which led to much more, a "political corruption crime spree." This includes . . .

Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz "natural born citizen" case referred to full court by Justice Scalia (about Obama's foreign father)
Arlen Williams
December 8, 2008

Justice Scalia, by referring Wrotnowski v. Bysiewicz to committee on Dec. 12 may allow the Supreme Court to decide upon Barack Obama's status as a presidential . . .

The Donofrio case: "natural born citizen" (not about Obama's birth certificate)
Arlen Williams
December 5, 2008

Today, before the United States Supreme Court lies Leo Donofrio v. Nina Mitchell Wells, New Jersey Secretary of State. This suit was received by Justice Thomas, . . . America serves -- "work brings freedom"
Arlen Williams
November 7, 2008

What constitutes the "change" Barack Obama wants to bring? Did you ever hear a reporter ask him that, during his campaign? Did you ever see a clear picture of . . .

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HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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The Slow Coup, Part 10

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Judicial tyranny?

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The Deep State Wears Black Robes

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Desperate Democrats resort to intimidation and violence

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Let's fix education: Episode 193, 'Big Picture Thinking'

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Almighty God vs. Satan: Previews are over—It’s showtime

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Inside the bloodthirsty anti-Trump resistance

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White House: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights

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Oligarchy versus our Democratic Republic

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