Ellis Washington
On Sigmund Freud: pushing society into sexual psychopathy, Part 2
By Ellis Washington
Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
~ Freud
Freud and Emotion
The Ancients frequently declared existence of the power of the passions, and in their poetry, epics and narratives likewise expressed their lack of confidence in man, in humanity to have the will, the moral character and intestinal fortitude to control these passions, or to bring the passions within the domain of Reason. The Ancients were of course familiar with the ferocity of emotional excess they ubiquitously referred to as "madness" or "frenzy." Likewise the theologians of the Middle Ages and Enlightenment thinkers like Descartes, Spinoza, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, de Tocqueville and many others of this era wrote of the madness of the passions. However, not until the 1880s with Sigmund Freud, "the Father of Psychopathology" and William James, "the Father of Psychology," do we discover the practice of modern intellectualism and ancient classical thought merging and bringing an existential awareness into the organic pathology of the passions, the genesis of emotional disorders, and the development of a universal theory of the neuroses, neurotic character and sexual psychopathy as the result of emotional repression.
Regarding Freud's views on emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy, the crucial elements is not the struggle between reason and emotion, or, in his lingo, between the ego and the id. In particular it is the repression whose effect establishes such conflict. "Unexpressed emotions will never die. They will come forth later in uglier ways," wrote Freud. "On the one side is the ego, which "stands for reason and circumspection" and has "the task of representing the external world," or conveying what Freud considers "the reality-principle." Connected to the ego is the super-ego – "the vehicle of the ego-ideal, by which the ego measures itself, towards which it strives, and whose demands for ever-increasing perfection it is always striving to fulfill." On the other hand is the id, which represents the "untamed passions" and is the birthplace of instinctual existence, or savage human nature.
According to Freud, the ego, is relentlessly struggling "to mediate between the id (or what Freud called 'the dark, inaccessible part of our personality') and reality" and to rise to the ideal established by the super-ego, in its relentless efforts to triumph over "the pleasure-principle, which exerts dominant influence and control over the processes in the id, and substitute for it the reality-principle, which exerts undisputed sway over the processes in the id, and substitute for it the reality-principle, which promises greater security and greater success." Then again at times it fails in this effort. In Freud's age: 1880-1940, like today, emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy is generally socially unacceptable and as yet there exists no socially tolerable standard actions available for venting these perverted sexual emotional drives, therefore the ego, together with the super-ego, represses the emotional or instinctual (dare I say 'natural') compulsions, that is, inhibits these acts of emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy from manifesting themselves openly. Of course if the Supreme Court passes same-sex marriage as constitutional in all 50 states, I predict a New Age of emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy to plague America, Europe and the world unless We the People rise up to stop this madness.
Freud's perverted and misdiagnosed analysis is that repressed emotions do not degenerate and disappear. Quite the opposite, these repressed emotions mount up and, like an untreated, undiagnosed cancer they metastasize secretly and multiply inwardly. Together with associated thoughts, memories, and desires, the repressed emotions form what Freud defines as a "complex," which is not only the dynamic basis of emotional disorder including emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy, but also the reason for neurotic indications and habits – obsessions or compulsions, anxieties and phobias, and the numerous physical expressions of hysteria, such as a blindness or a paralysis that has no organic origin.
The connection between the neurotic and the normal is mysterious, for repressed emotional complexes and sexual psychopathy are, according to Freud, likewise liable for the concealed or dormant psychological consequence of slips of the tongue ("Freudian slip"), memory lapses, the content of dreams, vocational or spousal choices, and a wide diversity of other sensations typically understood as unintentional or as reasonably determined. In reality, Freud often moves to the extreme of contending that all seemingly rational phenomenon – including thought and choice – are likewise emotionally fixed and predetermined; therefore, many if not all, reasoning is connected to the justification of emotionally fixed preconceptions or views, "the ego," Freud writes, "is after all only a part of the id, a part purposively modified by its proximity to the dangers of reality."
The Ancients (most notably the Greek and Roman writers) maintained a division between knowledge and opinion which appears to be an essential aspect of the understanding that emotions indeed can and often does control the course of thought, perhaps even play a large role in fulfilling our destiny. Although Freud was a militant atheist who considered religion a psychotic delusion, nevertheless this pagan Greek idea that Freud adopted (to an extent) his theories on emotion is reminiscent of the Bible aphorism, Proverbs 23:7 – As a man thinks in his heart [= mind, will, emotions] so is he. But then again it decouples the worldview that all thought is inevitably controlled by the passions. The kind of thinking which is separate from emotional presupposition or control might result in knowledge, if the subject's reasoning is lucid and not flawed or perverted in its inductive/deductive progressions. However, the kind of thinking which is directed and determined by the passions of necessity leads to opinion. In other words, emotion separate from thought = reasoning; emotion integrated or connected to thought = "rationalization" or sometimes "wishful thinking" according to Freud.
Freud's Legacy in Modern times: Unleashing Psychopathy by killing God
The central thesis and analysis of this two-part essay series sought to examine some of Freud's work, particularly his existential dualism of deconstruction – Step 1. Create a Unified Field Theory of psychotic sexual perversion; Step 2. Kill God and render her Judeo-Christian traditions irrelevant by pushing society collectively ever deeper into the abyss of emotional psychosis, sexual psychopathy and moral depravity. As if Freud had not done enough to recreate the world into his own perverted image, in his last major work, Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion (1938; Moses and Monotheism), far from being just the "historical novel" here Freud demonstrated his irrational obsession against religion, specifically Judaism and Christianity which he considered all religion irrational delusions and "wish-fulfillment." In this book Freud obsessed on the historical Moses and particularly what Freud perceived as Moses's power, control and influence he wielded over the ancient Hebrews enslaved in Egypt. Yet Freud's obsession with Moses existed long before this book was published and was evident in the subject of his 1914 essay written in on Michelangelo's celebrated statue of Moses, where Freud spent three weeks visiting Italy in 1913 trying to understand the sculpture's deep and profound, psychological and emotional effects.
Freud's opus endeavored to resolve the mystery of Moses' geneses by arguing (with no evidence) that he was in reality an Egyptian prince by birth who was not chosen by God to lead the Jewish people out of Egyptian slavery (as predicted in the Bible over 400 years before by the Jewish patriarch Abraham), but Freud thought Moses was chosen by the Jewish people to preserve an earlier version of monotheistic religion. The "first Moses" was killed in a Jewish rebellion because he was too brutal and unyielding, and thus a second, more conciliatory man, also called Moses, ascended as the new leader of the Jews. Nevertheless, the guilt caused by their collective murderous act was, conversely, too psychologically devastating to withstand, thus according to Freud's mythology of Moses, the Jews eventually reverted to the religion given them by the original ('first') Moses as the two archetypes morphed into one in their collective memories.
On this last point, Freud's irrational hatred or religion is compelled by his militant atheist roots which originate from his childhood where his father's tyrannical and abusive dominance over him was permitted to encompass an extremely imaginary narrative that Freud concocted inside the crucible of his own anti-religion psychosis. This existential state of Freud and religion obsession reveals more about Freud as the pathetic, frightened, fragile little man before the awesome, omnipotent God of the Bible than its alleged subject, the biblical figure, Moses.

Michelangelo's Moses (circa 1513-15)
Moses and Monotheism was published during a time of cataclysmic universal upheaval – 1938 was the year Hitler invaded Austria and annexed this country arriving like a conquering Caesar while the appeasement-obsessed leaders of Europe (most infamous England's Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain), watched Hitler's triumphal entry with fear and trembling. Freud, like many of Europe's leading intellectuals, many of them Jewish, would flee from Germany. Others included – Einstein Adorno, Bartok, Brecht, Busch, Gödel, Gropius, Gombrich, Hayek, Kleiber, Mann, Perutz, Popper, Schoenberg, Schwitters, Walter, who were forced from Germany and Austria by fleeing to England, and to other parts of Europe not occupied by the Nazis; many Jewish intellectuals like Einstein would end up in America. Books by Freud and Einstein were condemned by the Nazis as the product of "Jewish science" and were some of the first to be burned, usually by college students at the university once the Nazis took over Germany.
There exists a particular irony about the death of Freud who in a de facto sense also became a causality of war; a war which he exceedingly feared because Freud didn't understand war, nor Hitler's obsession against the Jews, nor could he fit World War II in to the little box of his psychopathological paradigm – a genocidal, psychotic Pandora's Box Hitler would unleash upon civilization. Freud would die three weeks after Hitler's blitzkrieg was unleashed upon Poland starting World War II during a period when his vexing uncertainties concerning the irrationality prowling behind the facade of civilization were being understood – reaching its nihilist apotheosis with the Holocaust and later Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, Freud's death did not impede the reception and spreading of his psychopathological worldview. After World War II, numerous Freudian schools emerged to advance psychoanalysis in different ways. Actually, notwithstanding the unyielding and often compelling experiments prompted against almost all of his ideas, Freud's collective work including his sexual psychopathy worldview has stood the test of time and he has endured as one of the most persuasive and dominate figures in the global marketplace of ideas in now three centuries – late 1800s, 1900s and the 21th century.
Epilogue to Dystopian Millennials
Freud believed that he had demonstrated "the psychical origins of religious ideas" in "the terrifying ...helplessness in childhood [that] aroused the need for protection – for protection through love – which was provided by the father," and that religious ideas are therefore "illusions, fulfillments of the oldest, strongest, and most urgent wishes of mankind." Despite the fact that many of Freud's psychoanalytic theories have today been revised or considered fraudulent, misogynist, unsustainable and untrue by modern science and psychiatric literature, nevertheless Freud's irrational evolution atheism and maniacal hatred of religion, history, hierarchy and moral traditions remain conventional thinking in law, philosophy and politics. Moreover, Freud's anti-religious obsession has been accepted and adopted into public policy by modern-day liberals, progressives and socialists, into whose education atheism has been infused not only in every aspect of public and private education curriculum and the higher academy, but also Freud's legacy is found permeated throughout American judicial opinion, popular culture, art, music and society (e.g., the hedonist revolutions of the Hippies, 'Flower Children,' Yippies and Millennials).
What do Millennials have in common with Progressives, the Democrat Socialist Party, including President Obama? I believe (largely because of Obama's seven year economic recession) they both have a depressed, dystopian worldview and generally don't believe that their life will be better than their parents. And like Freud, Progressives and Millennials are by nature Dystopian Socialists who have been zealous (if unwitting) advocates of taking Freud's perverse legacy of emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy to brand new nihilistic ends.
How else could one interpret the social policies of modern times like abortion on demand, partial birth abortion, the rise of ISIS who promote and the rape of children as young 8-years-old, same-sex marriage, the homosexual and LGBT revolution where surely the Supreme Court will doubtless redefine marriage as between two men and two women, the radical feminist movement (who outwardly parted with Freud, yet vindicated Freud's case studies on "penis envy"). Freud's perverted legacy can be seen in the Marxist Occupy Wall Street protesters who defecated and had sex in the streets, and the modern amoral trends exposing our children to greater and more extreme forms of anti-religious obsession together with the retrenchment of America's Judeo-Christian traditions and the moral authority of the church, thus leading to emotional psychosis and degeneration, repression, manifested in increasing cases of societal sexual psychopathy and psychosexual depravity.
This is just a small part of Sigmund Freud's tragic, hedonistic and perverted legacy to humanity and society. What will you do to stop it?
*N.B.: This essay is based in part on ideas from Encyclopedia Britannica Great Books of the Western World, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Editor-in-Chief (University of Chicago, 1952), Vol. 2, Chap. 19 – Duty; Vol. 2, Chap. 22 – Emotion; Vol. 3, Chap. 58 – Mind; Vol. 3, Chap. 79 – Religion; Vol. 3, Chap. 94 – Truth; Vol. 54 – Sigmund Freud. The Oxford Guide to Philosophy, Ted Honderich [Editor], (Oxford University Press, 2005), pp. 323-24. See generally article on Sigmund Freud, Encyclopedia Britannica.
Book Notice
Please purchase my latest opus dedicated to that Conservative Colossus, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Here are the latest two new volumes from my ongoing historical series – THE PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION: History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2015):
However, before the book is officially released to the public, I have to place 100 pre-publication orders (50 orders per each volume). I need your help to make this happen ASAP. Please place your order today for Volume 3 & Volume 4. Of course, if you can order all 100 copies today, the book will become official tomorrow.
Please circulate this flyer to all your email contacts & Facebook/Twitter followers who may be interested in purchasing this opus which will serve as a ready apologetic against the rampant Marxist-Progressive propaganda taught in America's public schools, colleges, universities, graduate schools, and law schools. Thanks in advance to all my friends, associates and colleagues for your invaluable support! Law and History Blog: www.EllisWashingtonReport.com
Invitation for manuscripts
I am starting a new a program on my blog dedicated to giving young conservatives (ages 14-35) a regular place to display and publish their ideas called Socrates Corner. If you know of any young person who wants to publish their ideas on any subject, have them send their essay manuscripts to my email at ewashington@wnd.com.
© Ellis Washington
June 6, 2015
Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
~ Freud
Freud and Emotion

Regarding Freud's views on emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy, the crucial elements is not the struggle between reason and emotion, or, in his lingo, between the ego and the id. In particular it is the repression whose effect establishes such conflict. "Unexpressed emotions will never die. They will come forth later in uglier ways," wrote Freud. "On the one side is the ego, which "stands for reason and circumspection" and has "the task of representing the external world," or conveying what Freud considers "the reality-principle." Connected to the ego is the super-ego – "the vehicle of the ego-ideal, by which the ego measures itself, towards which it strives, and whose demands for ever-increasing perfection it is always striving to fulfill." On the other hand is the id, which represents the "untamed passions" and is the birthplace of instinctual existence, or savage human nature.
According to Freud, the ego, is relentlessly struggling "to mediate between the id (or what Freud called 'the dark, inaccessible part of our personality') and reality" and to rise to the ideal established by the super-ego, in its relentless efforts to triumph over "the pleasure-principle, which exerts dominant influence and control over the processes in the id, and substitute for it the reality-principle, which exerts undisputed sway over the processes in the id, and substitute for it the reality-principle, which promises greater security and greater success." Then again at times it fails in this effort. In Freud's age: 1880-1940, like today, emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy is generally socially unacceptable and as yet there exists no socially tolerable standard actions available for venting these perverted sexual emotional drives, therefore the ego, together with the super-ego, represses the emotional or instinctual (dare I say 'natural') compulsions, that is, inhibits these acts of emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy from manifesting themselves openly. Of course if the Supreme Court passes same-sex marriage as constitutional in all 50 states, I predict a New Age of emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy to plague America, Europe and the world unless We the People rise up to stop this madness.
Freud's perverted and misdiagnosed analysis is that repressed emotions do not degenerate and disappear. Quite the opposite, these repressed emotions mount up and, like an untreated, undiagnosed cancer they metastasize secretly and multiply inwardly. Together with associated thoughts, memories, and desires, the repressed emotions form what Freud defines as a "complex," which is not only the dynamic basis of emotional disorder including emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy, but also the reason for neurotic indications and habits – obsessions or compulsions, anxieties and phobias, and the numerous physical expressions of hysteria, such as a blindness or a paralysis that has no organic origin.
The connection between the neurotic and the normal is mysterious, for repressed emotional complexes and sexual psychopathy are, according to Freud, likewise liable for the concealed or dormant psychological consequence of slips of the tongue ("Freudian slip"), memory lapses, the content of dreams, vocational or spousal choices, and a wide diversity of other sensations typically understood as unintentional or as reasonably determined. In reality, Freud often moves to the extreme of contending that all seemingly rational phenomenon – including thought and choice – are likewise emotionally fixed and predetermined; therefore, many if not all, reasoning is connected to the justification of emotionally fixed preconceptions or views, "the ego," Freud writes, "is after all only a part of the id, a part purposively modified by its proximity to the dangers of reality."
The Ancients (most notably the Greek and Roman writers) maintained a division between knowledge and opinion which appears to be an essential aspect of the understanding that emotions indeed can and often does control the course of thought, perhaps even play a large role in fulfilling our destiny. Although Freud was a militant atheist who considered religion a psychotic delusion, nevertheless this pagan Greek idea that Freud adopted (to an extent) his theories on emotion is reminiscent of the Bible aphorism, Proverbs 23:7 – As a man thinks in his heart [= mind, will, emotions] so is he. But then again it decouples the worldview that all thought is inevitably controlled by the passions. The kind of thinking which is separate from emotional presupposition or control might result in knowledge, if the subject's reasoning is lucid and not flawed or perverted in its inductive/deductive progressions. However, the kind of thinking which is directed and determined by the passions of necessity leads to opinion. In other words, emotion separate from thought = reasoning; emotion integrated or connected to thought = "rationalization" or sometimes "wishful thinking" according to Freud.
Freud's Legacy in Modern times: Unleashing Psychopathy by killing God
The central thesis and analysis of this two-part essay series sought to examine some of Freud's work, particularly his existential dualism of deconstruction – Step 1. Create a Unified Field Theory of psychotic sexual perversion; Step 2. Kill God and render her Judeo-Christian traditions irrelevant by pushing society collectively ever deeper into the abyss of emotional psychosis, sexual psychopathy and moral depravity. As if Freud had not done enough to recreate the world into his own perverted image, in his last major work, Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion (1938; Moses and Monotheism), far from being just the "historical novel" here Freud demonstrated his irrational obsession against religion, specifically Judaism and Christianity which he considered all religion irrational delusions and "wish-fulfillment." In this book Freud obsessed on the historical Moses and particularly what Freud perceived as Moses's power, control and influence he wielded over the ancient Hebrews enslaved in Egypt. Yet Freud's obsession with Moses existed long before this book was published and was evident in the subject of his 1914 essay written in on Michelangelo's celebrated statue of Moses, where Freud spent three weeks visiting Italy in 1913 trying to understand the sculpture's deep and profound, psychological and emotional effects.
Freud's opus endeavored to resolve the mystery of Moses' geneses by arguing (with no evidence) that he was in reality an Egyptian prince by birth who was not chosen by God to lead the Jewish people out of Egyptian slavery (as predicted in the Bible over 400 years before by the Jewish patriarch Abraham), but Freud thought Moses was chosen by the Jewish people to preserve an earlier version of monotheistic religion. The "first Moses" was killed in a Jewish rebellion because he was too brutal and unyielding, and thus a second, more conciliatory man, also called Moses, ascended as the new leader of the Jews. Nevertheless, the guilt caused by their collective murderous act was, conversely, too psychologically devastating to withstand, thus according to Freud's mythology of Moses, the Jews eventually reverted to the religion given them by the original ('first') Moses as the two archetypes morphed into one in their collective memories.
On this last point, Freud's irrational hatred or religion is compelled by his militant atheist roots which originate from his childhood where his father's tyrannical and abusive dominance over him was permitted to encompass an extremely imaginary narrative that Freud concocted inside the crucible of his own anti-religion psychosis. This existential state of Freud and religion obsession reveals more about Freud as the pathetic, frightened, fragile little man before the awesome, omnipotent God of the Bible than its alleged subject, the biblical figure, Moses.

Moses and Monotheism was published during a time of cataclysmic universal upheaval – 1938 was the year Hitler invaded Austria and annexed this country arriving like a conquering Caesar while the appeasement-obsessed leaders of Europe (most infamous England's Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain), watched Hitler's triumphal entry with fear and trembling. Freud, like many of Europe's leading intellectuals, many of them Jewish, would flee from Germany. Others included – Einstein Adorno, Bartok, Brecht, Busch, Gödel, Gropius, Gombrich, Hayek, Kleiber, Mann, Perutz, Popper, Schoenberg, Schwitters, Walter, who were forced from Germany and Austria by fleeing to England, and to other parts of Europe not occupied by the Nazis; many Jewish intellectuals like Einstein would end up in America. Books by Freud and Einstein were condemned by the Nazis as the product of "Jewish science" and were some of the first to be burned, usually by college students at the university once the Nazis took over Germany.
There exists a particular irony about the death of Freud who in a de facto sense also became a causality of war; a war which he exceedingly feared because Freud didn't understand war, nor Hitler's obsession against the Jews, nor could he fit World War II in to the little box of his psychopathological paradigm – a genocidal, psychotic Pandora's Box Hitler would unleash upon civilization. Freud would die three weeks after Hitler's blitzkrieg was unleashed upon Poland starting World War II during a period when his vexing uncertainties concerning the irrationality prowling behind the facade of civilization were being understood – reaching its nihilist apotheosis with the Holocaust and later Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, Freud's death did not impede the reception and spreading of his psychopathological worldview. After World War II, numerous Freudian schools emerged to advance psychoanalysis in different ways. Actually, notwithstanding the unyielding and often compelling experiments prompted against almost all of his ideas, Freud's collective work including his sexual psychopathy worldview has stood the test of time and he has endured as one of the most persuasive and dominate figures in the global marketplace of ideas in now three centuries – late 1800s, 1900s and the 21th century.
Epilogue to Dystopian Millennials
Freud believed that he had demonstrated "the psychical origins of religious ideas" in "the terrifying ...helplessness in childhood [that] aroused the need for protection – for protection through love – which was provided by the father," and that religious ideas are therefore "illusions, fulfillments of the oldest, strongest, and most urgent wishes of mankind." Despite the fact that many of Freud's psychoanalytic theories have today been revised or considered fraudulent, misogynist, unsustainable and untrue by modern science and psychiatric literature, nevertheless Freud's irrational evolution atheism and maniacal hatred of religion, history, hierarchy and moral traditions remain conventional thinking in law, philosophy and politics. Moreover, Freud's anti-religious obsession has been accepted and adopted into public policy by modern-day liberals, progressives and socialists, into whose education atheism has been infused not only in every aspect of public and private education curriculum and the higher academy, but also Freud's legacy is found permeated throughout American judicial opinion, popular culture, art, music and society (e.g., the hedonist revolutions of the Hippies, 'Flower Children,' Yippies and Millennials).
What do Millennials have in common with Progressives, the Democrat Socialist Party, including President Obama? I believe (largely because of Obama's seven year economic recession) they both have a depressed, dystopian worldview and generally don't believe that their life will be better than their parents. And like Freud, Progressives and Millennials are by nature Dystopian Socialists who have been zealous (if unwitting) advocates of taking Freud's perverse legacy of emotional psychosis and sexual psychopathy to brand new nihilistic ends.
How else could one interpret the social policies of modern times like abortion on demand, partial birth abortion, the rise of ISIS who promote and the rape of children as young 8-years-old, same-sex marriage, the homosexual and LGBT revolution where surely the Supreme Court will doubtless redefine marriage as between two men and two women, the radical feminist movement (who outwardly parted with Freud, yet vindicated Freud's case studies on "penis envy"). Freud's perverted legacy can be seen in the Marxist Occupy Wall Street protesters who defecated and had sex in the streets, and the modern amoral trends exposing our children to greater and more extreme forms of anti-religious obsession together with the retrenchment of America's Judeo-Christian traditions and the moral authority of the church, thus leading to emotional psychosis and degeneration, repression, manifested in increasing cases of societal sexual psychopathy and psychosexual depravity.
This is just a small part of Sigmund Freud's tragic, hedonistic and perverted legacy to humanity and society. What will you do to stop it?
*N.B.: This essay is based in part on ideas from Encyclopedia Britannica Great Books of the Western World, Robert Maynard Hutchins, Editor-in-Chief (University of Chicago, 1952), Vol. 2, Chap. 19 – Duty; Vol. 2, Chap. 22 – Emotion; Vol. 3, Chap. 58 – Mind; Vol. 3, Chap. 79 – Religion; Vol. 3, Chap. 94 – Truth; Vol. 54 – Sigmund Freud. The Oxford Guide to Philosophy, Ted Honderich [Editor], (Oxford University Press, 2005), pp. 323-24. See generally article on Sigmund Freud, Encyclopedia Britannica.
Book Notice
Please purchase my latest opus dedicated to that Conservative Colossus, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Here are the latest two new volumes from my ongoing historical series – THE PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION: History of Liberal Fascism through the Ages (University Press of America, 2015):
However, before the book is officially released to the public, I have to place 100 pre-publication orders (50 orders per each volume). I need your help to make this happen ASAP. Please place your order today for Volume 3 & Volume 4. Of course, if you can order all 100 copies today, the book will become official tomorrow.
Please circulate this flyer to all your email contacts & Facebook/Twitter followers who may be interested in purchasing this opus which will serve as a ready apologetic against the rampant Marxist-Progressive propaganda taught in America's public schools, colleges, universities, graduate schools, and law schools. Thanks in advance to all my friends, associates and colleagues for your invaluable support! Law and History Blog: www.EllisWashingtonReport.com

I am starting a new a program on my blog dedicated to giving young conservatives (ages 14-35) a regular place to display and publish their ideas called Socrates Corner. If you know of any young person who wants to publish their ideas on any subject, have them send their essay manuscripts to my email at ewashington@wnd.com.
© Ellis Washington
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
(See RenewAmerica's publishing standards.)