Stephen Stone
‘So is Trump still president?’
By Stephen Stone
January 26, 2021

(Updated January 29, 2021, 6:22 am)

A few days ago, one of my brothers, a retired lawyer, sent me a message that asked, “So is Trump still president?”

Since the phrasing of the question implied the answer was neither simple nor straightforward, I gave the answer serious thought, from every angle I could think of, and came up with the following.

Because of unprecedented anomalies that haven’t been sufficiently resolved regarding the Nov. 3 election, there is still some question as to the election’s outcome. Among the factors still at play are these:

  1. The fact that on Nov. 3, several swing states conducted elections that were statutorily unlawful, according to the evidence (for example, large numbers of absentee and mail-in ballots were counted without being properly scrutinized as required by law, and there were enough of these unlawfully-counted ballots to turn a decisive victory for Trump in those states into a narrow alleged win for Biden without evidence of validity), yet these elections were certified on Dec.14 as lawful.[1]

  2. The refusal by the U.S. Supreme Court on Dec. 11 even to consider evidence of the above fact (dismissing out of hand the Texas case, which challenged four states’ certifications, with the Court arguing that the people of Texas had no legitimate interest in the legality of other states’ presidential elections).

  3. The resultant acceptance by Congress on Jan. 7 of unlawful swing-state certifications—following the chaotic storming of the Capitol instigated Jan. 6 by anti-Trump leftists posing as Trump supporters, who obviously sought to damage and embarrass Trump by disrupting Congress's state-by-state vote count.

  4. The release by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe to Trump and Congress on Jan. 7 of the much-awaited Assessment of Foreign Interference in the 2020 Election, in which DNI Ratcliffe found that, based on available intelligence, “the People’s Republic of China sought to influence the 2020 U.S. federal elections”—a fact that gave Trump extensive authority under Executive Order 13848 to sanction China, freeze property, take needed remedial action, and punish American and Chinese perpetrators for their unlawful interference. (Unfortunately, by then, Congress had already awarded the election to Biden on Jan. 7.)

  5. The suppression by the media and Big Tech of undisputed evidence found on the hard drive of a laptop owned by Hunter Biden (which he'd left in the legal possession of a repair shop owner after failing to reclaim it) that proved the entire Biden family—including Joe, Hunter, and others—were engaged in an unlawful scheme to sell influence to China and other countries for millions of dollars, making them, in the words of former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova (go to 16:35), guilty of a “major kickback scheme,” “money laundering [of funds] coming in from foreign sources,” “mail fraud,” “wire fraud,” and “a criminal enterprise [that involves] RICO violations.” News of the laptop was first broken by the New York Post on Oct. 14 and was immediately throttled by Facebook and blocked by Twitter, which locked the Post’s entire account until Oct. 30 and continued to suppress the laptop story until after the election. Other media followed suit in censoring news of the laptop. Following the Nov. 3 election, a McLaughlin poll revealed that 4.6% of Biden voters say they would not have voted for Biden had they known about the laptop. It can reasonably be alleged that Big Tech and the media stole the election.

  6. The belated second impeachment of Trump on Jan. 13 for inciting the leftist-led “insurrection” at the Capitol a week earlier, impeachment that would appear to violate the Constitution (see Art. 1, Sect. 3, Cl. 6-7, with its stipulation that only a sitting president can be tried for impeachment). The trial of Trump by the Democrat-controlled Senate is set to begin Feb. 9.

  7. And other related issues that have caused 79% of Trump voters (and nearly a third of Democrats) to believe the election was stolen by the Democrats—in direct violation of the vital principle in the Declaration of Independence that “to secure these [unalienable] rights [of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”—meaning that the Biden presidency is illegitimate and subject to lawful correction, in harmony with constitutional requirements that have been blatantly disregarded by the courts, the “Deep State” establishment, corrupt state governments, the rich and powerful, and other players, including at least one foreign government, China, which happens to be the greatest current threat to America’s security and sovereignty, according to DNI Ratcliffe.

It’s possible that all of the above issues may be conclusively resolved once the Senate convenes Feb. 9 to try Trump.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has promised that "There will be a full and fair trial" of President Trump to prove that he engaged in “incitement of insurrection” by “repeatedly issu[ing] false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud,” telling a large Jan. 6 rally at the Ellipse in D.C. that “we won this election, and we won it by a landslide,” and telling the crowd that ‘‘if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.’’ Any other complaints in the House impeachment article likewise center in the election.

A “full and fair” Senate trial on these alleged issues will give Trump’s lawyers a much-needed opportunity to publicly defend him against the continual stream of unfounded information from the media, Big Tech, the Democratic Party, and others relating to the election—as well as to publicly present the mounting evidence of deliberate theft of the election by the Biden Campaign and Democratic operatives and supporters (among them Mark Zuckerberg, who reportedly donated $400 million dollars to Democrat election officials in the swing states to ensure Biden’s win, in violation of the law).

Until remedied, these unsettling facts relating to the alleged "steal" of the Nov. 3 election arguably pose the greatest constitutional—and existential—threat to our nation since the Civil War, not solely because of who won or lost the 2020 presidential election, but because, next to our nation's need for divine Providence, our greatest need is the integrity of our elections, if we are to survive as a democratic republic.


[1] Additional evidence that could be cited includes (1) blatant disregard for law in some swing states where election officials (including secretaries of state) changed the rules of the election without the statutory consent of their legislatures; (2) blatant actions by election officials that aggressively prevented poll watchers from observing the processing and counting of ballots, as required by law—nullifying that processing and counting; (3) credible evidence of large quantities of “mail-in” ballots that were apparently never folded, with Biden’s name pre-selected by the printing machine and no down-ballot races included; (4) the unprecedented pausing of voting late at night Nov. 3 in the swing states when Trump was winning by large margins, only to be resumed hours later with Biden winning by modest margins; and many more documented serious irregularities. These anomalies are significant enough to demand a thorough bipartisan investigation of these states’ elections, to settle the legitimate question of who lawfully won—a move state leaders have so far resisted.

© Stephen Stone

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Stephen Stone

Stephen Stone is the President and Editor of RenewAmerica – a conservative media site dedicated to restoring respect for America's founding principles.

This purpose includes not only respect for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, as written, but for the Creator and His laws.

From the time he was a teenager, Stephen has considered himself a born-again Christian, in the biblical tradition. Since then, he has devoted his life to pursuing life's questions and challenges through seeking to know the mind and will of God, and through seeking the sanctifying influence of His Spirit.

As a result, Steve has become somewhat of a religious philosopher – one committed to approaching the truth of any subject by the clear standards of God's Word.

His religious testimony can be found in "What does it mean to be converted to Jesus Christ," a position statement he wrote in 2013 for RenewAmerica.


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