Michael Oberndorf
Obama autumn
By Michael Oberndorf
I just finished another cross-country trip, and as usual, was struck by the vast amounts of open, untouched space there is in America. The only place one encounters the "sprawl" that "environmentalists" so hysterically rail against is around big cities, where normal, intelligent people have fled the deteriorating urban war zones that the Democrat-run inner cities have been for the past 40 years. The true danger we face here on "Turtle Island" is not environmental degradation, but destruction of America, its values, its traditions, and its way of life, by radical Marxists, pretending to be "concerned" for the environment, and the fear of the establishment opposition to challenge them.
Speaking of self-proclaimed environmentalists and wacked-out anti-Americanism, just when you think it can't get more surreal, it does. The occupy Wall Street "movement" that the Ministry of Propaganda is trying to convince us is a "mass, grassroots movement" appears to be made up of a few thousand die-hard, old, New Lefties and their spawn, clearly not very bright, and generally suffering from a variety of personality disorders. It's like déjà vu, a Sixties re-run of a really bad TV situation comedy. The only thing deeper than the garbage piling up at their "protest" sites is the hypocrisy filling the gulf between their Big Talk, and their actions. Anti-Semitism, intimidation, and threats of violence are part and parcel of the core beliefs and methods of these self-righteous "revolutionaries." On the up side, the more they shoot their big mouths off, the more the turn the majority off.
Speaking of shooting one's big mouth off, not to mention one's foot, the far-left governor of North Carolina played the stalking horse for the Obama-Soetoro administration, floating the Democrat Dream trial balloon of canceling the 2012 elections. In addition, one of Obama-Soetoro's minions publicly complained that we have "too much democracy." And the Prevaricator-in-Chief instructed his staff to find ways to use administrative rules to bypass Congress, and spend more of our taxes without Congress' or our consent. "Constitution? We don' need no estinkin' Constitution..."
And not surprisingly, the Fast and Furious scandal languishes. Though it is unequivocally clear: a) that the Attorney General intentionally committed perjury; b) that the program broke laws that resulted in the murder of two federal agents and dozens of Mexican citizens; c) that the program was planned and executed with the knowledge of, and at the direction of high administration officials, likely including the Fraud-in-the-White House; c) that the purpose of the program was to create the illusion of massive illegal transfer of weapons from the U.S. into Mexico, to justify imposing draconian gun control laws; and d) that Hilary Clinton and the State Department were deeply involved, too, nothing of substance appears to be being done about it.
Of course, all this is to be expected from an administration and a party dominated by avowed radical Marxists, and neo-fascists, at least, it is to be expected by those with IQs over room temperature, who are at least minimally in touch with reality. However, it appears most of our elected Republicans don't fall into this category. Their unconscionable, indefensible silence speaks volumes.
At a time when America is under the jackboot heel of the most corrupt regime in all of her history, the near total lack of a response, much less a meaningful, principled one, from Republicans is the real danger we face. The best they can do is mumble that maybe the Attorney General should "quit." Anyone remember the Democrat frenzy over Alberto Gonzales? His crime was that he acted legally, but did something Democrats didn't like. He was lucky they didn't lynch him. The Obama-Soetoro/Holder/Clinton cabal is very likely to be complicit in crimes that resulted in murder, and Republicans seem nearly ready to apologize for pointing it out.
With no serious opposition to stand up for constitutional government and the Rule of Law, and growing frustration engendered in the White House by the realization that they are losing support, even with Democrats, we are in danger of allowing a situation to develop where the Obama-Soetoro administration and their Marxist allies in Congress will be panicked into a desperate attempt hold onto power by canceling the 2012 elections and imposing a one-party, totalitarian dictatorship.
Obama-Soetoro needs to be impeached, and the people responsible for Fast and Furious need to be identified and brought to trial. Democrat Spring? Obama Autumn!
© Michael Oberndorf
October 13, 2011
I just finished another cross-country trip, and as usual, was struck by the vast amounts of open, untouched space there is in America. The only place one encounters the "sprawl" that "environmentalists" so hysterically rail against is around big cities, where normal, intelligent people have fled the deteriorating urban war zones that the Democrat-run inner cities have been for the past 40 years. The true danger we face here on "Turtle Island" is not environmental degradation, but destruction of America, its values, its traditions, and its way of life, by radical Marxists, pretending to be "concerned" for the environment, and the fear of the establishment opposition to challenge them.
Speaking of self-proclaimed environmentalists and wacked-out anti-Americanism, just when you think it can't get more surreal, it does. The occupy Wall Street "movement" that the Ministry of Propaganda is trying to convince us is a "mass, grassroots movement" appears to be made up of a few thousand die-hard, old, New Lefties and their spawn, clearly not very bright, and generally suffering from a variety of personality disorders. It's like déjà vu, a Sixties re-run of a really bad TV situation comedy. The only thing deeper than the garbage piling up at their "protest" sites is the hypocrisy filling the gulf between their Big Talk, and their actions. Anti-Semitism, intimidation, and threats of violence are part and parcel of the core beliefs and methods of these self-righteous "revolutionaries." On the up side, the more they shoot their big mouths off, the more the turn the majority off.
Speaking of shooting one's big mouth off, not to mention one's foot, the far-left governor of North Carolina played the stalking horse for the Obama-Soetoro administration, floating the Democrat Dream trial balloon of canceling the 2012 elections. In addition, one of Obama-Soetoro's minions publicly complained that we have "too much democracy." And the Prevaricator-in-Chief instructed his staff to find ways to use administrative rules to bypass Congress, and spend more of our taxes without Congress' or our consent. "Constitution? We don' need no estinkin' Constitution..."
And not surprisingly, the Fast and Furious scandal languishes. Though it is unequivocally clear: a) that the Attorney General intentionally committed perjury; b) that the program broke laws that resulted in the murder of two federal agents and dozens of Mexican citizens; c) that the program was planned and executed with the knowledge of, and at the direction of high administration officials, likely including the Fraud-in-the-White House; c) that the purpose of the program was to create the illusion of massive illegal transfer of weapons from the U.S. into Mexico, to justify imposing draconian gun control laws; and d) that Hilary Clinton and the State Department were deeply involved, too, nothing of substance appears to be being done about it.
Of course, all this is to be expected from an administration and a party dominated by avowed radical Marxists, and neo-fascists, at least, it is to be expected by those with IQs over room temperature, who are at least minimally in touch with reality. However, it appears most of our elected Republicans don't fall into this category. Their unconscionable, indefensible silence speaks volumes.
At a time when America is under the jackboot heel of the most corrupt regime in all of her history, the near total lack of a response, much less a meaningful, principled one, from Republicans is the real danger we face. The best they can do is mumble that maybe the Attorney General should "quit." Anyone remember the Democrat frenzy over Alberto Gonzales? His crime was that he acted legally, but did something Democrats didn't like. He was lucky they didn't lynch him. The Obama-Soetoro/Holder/Clinton cabal is very likely to be complicit in crimes that resulted in murder, and Republicans seem nearly ready to apologize for pointing it out.
With no serious opposition to stand up for constitutional government and the Rule of Law, and growing frustration engendered in the White House by the realization that they are losing support, even with Democrats, we are in danger of allowing a situation to develop where the Obama-Soetoro administration and their Marxist allies in Congress will be panicked into a desperate attempt hold onto power by canceling the 2012 elections and imposing a one-party, totalitarian dictatorship.
Obama-Soetoro needs to be impeached, and the people responsible for Fast and Furious need to be identified and brought to trial. Democrat Spring? Obama Autumn!
© Michael Oberndorf
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