Madeline Crabb column
Madeline Crabb is a Christian, a Constitutional Conservative, and a patriot. Holding a degree in journalism and public relations, and training from the Leadership Institute, she has been a columnist since 2000, and has written for various Christian newspapers around the country. As a “watchwoman” on the wall (Is.62:67), Madeline calls all citizens to awaken, arise, and act in restoring one nation under God.

Important spiritual warning about Election 2024
Madeline Crabb
November 3, 2024

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world . . .

Election consequences – What if this one is the last?
Madeline Crabb
October 31, 2024

Less than one week from now, we will be selecting a new president to guide our country for another four years. So, we must understand that elections have . . .

Christian responsibility in voting—are we part of the problem or solution?
Madeline Crabb
October 29, 2024

Speaking at the Madison Square Garden Trump event October 27, former New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani said of America’s current condition: “If we don’t bring . . .

'Bait and switch candidate' Kamala Harris—Truth still hidden from us
Madeline Crabb
October 27, 2024

Americans are less than two weeks away from choosing a new leader for our highest government office, and the stakes are much higher than normal, everyday . . .

A wake-up call and warning to the Church about Election 2024, Part two
Madeline Crabb
October 24, 2024

Since January 2021, the Biden/Harris administration, sometimes referred to as Obama 3.0, has taken America in the direction of destruction, WWIII, and hell—at . . .

A wake-up call and warning to the Church about Election 2024
Madeline Crabb
October 22, 2024

America is in the fast lane going to hell in a hand basket, and it is being reported that between 30 and 50 million so-called Christians have decided not to . . .

Corruption and cancer, then destruction and death: Part One
Madeline Crabb
March 11, 2024

Americans have become numb to all the erosion of our laws and justice, the loss of our U.S. Constitution and our rights and freedoms once protected by that . . .

The intentional takedown of America: Part two
Madeline Crabb
February 22, 2024

America is not only in decline but facing destruction—at the hands of the very people who are supposed to be protecting us. We began discussing these points . . .

The intentional takedown of America: Part One
Madeline Crabb
February 17, 2024

Fellow Americans, this article is a wake-up call for those among us who are still unable to discern that there is an orchestrated plan to destroy our once great . . .

Decision 2024: America First or America overthrown?
Madeline Crabb
January 22, 2024

This is a presidential election year, and the opening round in Iowa gives us clues as to how this battle will play out. Clue: It is going to be nasty and brutal . . .

Speaker Mike Johnson: Lessons in why character matters
Madeline Crabb
November 7, 2023

For nearly two weeks since Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House, the Radical Left has been apoplectic over this reality. With “hair on fire” and  . . .

A breath of fresh air for the U.S. House
Madeline Crabb
October 26, 2023

For a few weeks, scores of Americans have been upset over the inability of the U.S. House of Representatives to select a new Speaker. For those of us who are . . .

The importance of dress codes and standards
Madeline Crabb
September 20, 2023

Over the weekend, Senator Chuck Schumer quietly announced a lowering of dress code for the U.S. Senate chamber. While you might think this is not a big deal, . . .

America: Living on borrowed time!
Madeline Crabb
August 31, 2023

How do we know when we are living on borrowed time? A dying human knows when all bodily systems are shutting down. For a dying nation, if our eyes and common . . .

Bloodlust, lawfare, destruction, and death
Madeline Crabb
August 9, 2023

For those of you who may have missed current media talking points, the frenzy is all about Donald J. Trump. While there is a “nothing to see here” attitude . . .

Reality check time—America is dead
Madeline Crabb
December 7, 2022

Ever heard the phrase: Dead man walking? Scientists say the human brain can still function for hours after a person dies. Likewise, while our Federal Government . . .

Election 2022—Will it be the last?
Madeline Crabb
November 4, 2022

At the close of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, an observer asked Benjamin Franklin if America would be a monarchy or a republic. He replied, “A . . .

Elections have consequences—Choose wisely
Madeline Crabb
November 3, 2022

President Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “The future of this republic is in the hands of the American voter.” American citizens have the privilege and . . .

In God we trust?
Madeline Crabb
October 12, 2022

While In God we trust is our nation’s motto, what happens when calamity strikes? Then in whom do we really trust? God or man? In our last article the . . .

The shaking
Madeline Crabb
September 7, 2022

Do any of the following symptoms sound familiar? There is a sense of disorientation; the ground on which you stand seems too unstable to allow you to remain . . .

Gifts, gratitude, and God
Madeline Crabb
December 1, 2021

These are crazy days in America. The Czars of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) “pandemic” are changing how we live, work, and even breathe. Remember Fauci using . . .

America’s battle: Insanity or demonic control?
Madeline Crabb
August 18, 2021

Has America gone insane? All of us have either asked this question, or heard it asked. Right? For anyone who still has a functioning brain, it is apparent . . .

When is America’s Howard Beale moment?
Madeline Crabb
August 5, 2021

What happens when individuals reach the point where it feels like we are powerless, or without recourse to change things? What happens if our government, the . . .

Consequential judgment
Madeline Crabb
July 28, 2021

America has abandoned God; is God now abandoning America? For the last few weeks, I have had a sense of foreboding that the stench of America’s . . .

Our government would never mean us harm, right?
Madeline Crabb
July 21, 2021

For decades, We the People have been relinquishing increasing control of our lives to the Federal Government. In most cases, this is happening by force, meaning . . .

Because they can
Madeline Crabb
July 13, 2021

Have you ever heard or made the statement, “That could never happen here?” This usually refers to totalitarian actions in other countries that we would call . . .

Is America in her twilight years?
Madeline Crabb
July 7, 2021

History tells us that the life of empires is about 250 years. Why is this important? Because America just celebrated her 245th anniversary of “independence, . . .

COVID crisis and trusting government more than God
Madeline Crabb
May 27, 2021

During past periods of crisis, Americans were encouraged to seek God and His mercy. This time, we have succumbed to a spirit of fear, perpetrated by a . . .

It is time to stand!
Madeline Crabb
May 12, 2021

America is coming apart at the seams. Violence, mayhem, rioting, wars, and multiple crises are breaking out worldwide. In America, we are no longer united, but . . .

Calling evil good and good evil
Madeline Crabb
April 28, 2021

To say we are living in troubling times is a huge understatement! As a baby boomer, I can attest to the fact that this is NOT the America in which I grew up. . . .

Puppets, prostitutes, and pimps – Part Five
Madeline Crabb
April 13, 2021

In less than 250 years, America has gone from fleeing bondage under a wicked king in England, to again facing bondage under the “new” kings—just different . . .

Puppets, prostitutes, and pimps: Part Four
Madeline Crabb
April 6, 2021

The world is witnessing one of the largest power grabs in history. All areas in this society are under attack. So, what else is new, you might ask? The answer . . .

Puppets, prostitutes, and pimps – Part three
Madeline Crabb
March 21, 2021

After the Constitutional Convention in 1787, it was asked of Benjamin Franklin what form of government we were going to have. He replied, “A republic, if you . . .

Puppets, prostitutes, and pimps: Part two
Madeline Crabb
March 4, 2021

In delivering his Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln declared “government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from . . .

Puppets, prostitutes, and pimps
Madeline Crabb
February 15, 2021

After one of the most surreal elections in history, we now have a government being run by not just the usual leftist-socialists-communists, but is under the . . .

Christianity, the Constitution, courts, and control, Part Three
Madeline Crabb
October 7, 2020

The battle for the future of the U.S. Supreme Court, and any remaining semblance of One Nation Under God began the day Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. While this . . .

Christianity, the Constitution, courts, and control
Madeline Crabb
September 29, 2020

Why is the death of one public servant causing such a monumental uproar from our nation’s political elite? In less than two weeks since Associate Justice . . .

Christianity, the Constitution, courts and control
Madeline Crabb
September 23, 2020

How is it that the death of one woman, one of at least two million government employees, can cause such a maelstrom in this country, with the potential of . . .

We the Sheeple, the coup, and end-times prophecy--Part four
Madeline Crabb
September 3, 2020

America is in deep trouble. As asked in the first article of this series: What if all those things we thought would never happen here were happening to us now?  . . .

We the Sheeple, the coup, and end-times prophecy - Part three
Madeline Crabb
August 26, 2020

There is an active coup in America. Our enemies are both foreign and domestic, many of which are operating within our major institutions and government. How did . . .

We the Sheeple, the coup, and end times prophecy--part two
Madeline Crabb
August 16, 2020

In America freedom and liberty are dying concepts. Because We the Sheeple have not been vigilant in cherishing and protecting our liberty, we are in the late . . .

We the Sheeple, the coup, and end-times prophecy
Madeline Crabb
August 2, 2020

There is an old saying: That would never happen here. What if all those things we thought would never happen here were happening to us now? What if all those . . .

Deceiving and being deceived--the Church Part 2
Madeline Crabb
October 20, 2019

Deception is running rampant in America! In fact, one could say that lies and deception are the rule, not the exception. Deception is destroying the major . . .

Deceiving and being deceived: The Church
Madeline Crabb
September 23, 2019

There is a spirit of deception plaguing America, and it has penetrated all facets of our society. While we will be addressing how this spirit affects the nation . . .

The divided states of America
Madeline Crabb
July 30, 2019

"And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand." (Mark 3:24-25 KJV)  . . .

Does my voice still matter?
Madeline Crabb
July 11, 2019

We live in a new age when increasing numbers of people are outraged about something, and therefore constantly have their "mad on" with swords raised, standing . . .

What is our role in making America great again?
Madeline Crabb
February 14, 2019

In 2016, We the People elected outsider, Donald J. Trump, to the presidency of the United States. A little over two years later, while he has done some amazing . . .

Idols, garbage dumpers, and hypocrisy
Madeline Crabb
June 9, 2018

When was the last time any of us allowed city garbage trucks to pull up to our doors and dump their smelly loads into the middle of our living rooms? The . . .

The role of the Church? Occupy until Christ returns
Madeline Crabb
May 12, 2018

Newsflash: If we proclaim Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are part of the Church. What is the role of the Church? It is to occupy until Christ returns.  . . .

In whom can we trust?
Madeline Crabb
April 18, 2018

In what appears to be a world gone mad, the question being asked by the multitudes is: In whom can we trust? Sadly, we must ask this question for ALL areas of . . .

The concept of naughty and nice
Madeline Crabb
December 22, 2017

Recently there have been some pretty adorable TV commercials from a toy retailer showing children performing tasks and doing good deeds for their parents, . . .

Christianity is NOT a game...Christianity is serious business! Part two
Madeline Crabb
October 9, 2017

"The Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter recalled the Lord's words, how He had told him, 'Before the cock crows today, you will deny Me thrice.' And he . . .

Christianity is NOT a game...Christianity is serious business! Part one
Madeline Crabb
September 21, 2017

Are there any professing Christians reading this message who actually care a whit about honoring Jesus Christ and His Father? I mean, really, truly respecting, . . .

Repentance--America's only hope
Madeline Crabb
August 30, 2017

Is America coming apart at her proverbial seams? Certainly we are being attacked from without and within. We face possible World War III because of maniacal . . .

Obedience to Christ is NOT an option! Part five
Madeline Crabb
April 26, 2017

"Salvation apart from obedience is unknown in the sacred Scriptures...Apart from obedience there can be no salvation, for salvation without obedience is a self . . .

Obedience to Christ is NOT an option! Part four
Madeline Crabb
April 19, 2017

"Love is not just a sentiment. Love is a great controlling passion and it always expresses itself in terms of obedience." (Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones) If we are . . .

Obedience to Christ is NOT an option! Part three
Madeline Crabb
April 10, 2017

"Obedience is the only reality. It is faith visible, faith acting, and faith manifest. It is the test of real discipleship among the Lord's people." (J.C. Ryle, . . .

Obedience to Christ is NOT an option! Part two
Madeline Crabb
March 31, 2017

Why do so many people reject Christianity? It's because of the hypocrisy of professing Christians. During my study and research for this series of articles, . . .

Obedience to Christ is NOT an option! Part one
Madeline Crabb
March 23, 2017

The Lord Jesus said, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching." (Jn. 14:23 NIV) Warning: This is a serious word about what it is woefully lacking in the . . .

De-legitimizing and destroying President Trump at ALL costs!
Madeline Crabb
March 6, 2017

Just six weeks after the inauguration of President Trump, nefarious forces are busily trying to undermine him and his entire administration. Sadly, many of . . .

Can America be made great again?
Madeline Crabb
January 16, 2017

It has been said that America is great because she is good; if America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great. For the last 18 months Americans have . . .

Grow up, get a grip, or get out of the way! Part two
Madeline Crabb
December 12, 2016

In just six weeks, America will officially have a new president – Donald J. Trump. It has now been over a month since the election, but the sore losers of . . .

Grow up, get a grip, or get out of the way!
Madeline Crabb
November 22, 2016

The Presidential election that happened two weeks ago was one of the most important of our lifetime. It literally determines the course of our nation for the . . .

America: Be careful what you ask for!
Madeline Crabb
November 6, 2016

There's a catchy commercial jingle from decades ago that I cannot forget: "You asked for it, you got it, Toyota." In 2008, a large segment of society wanted  . . .

Christians' role in Election 2016
Madeline Crabb
October 30, 2016

In less than two weeks, Americans have the opportunity to once again vote for who's going to lead our nation for the next four years. Since Christians are . . .

Can America be saved?
Madeline Crabb
October 28, 2016

America is precariously teetering on the edge of a gigantic mountain cliff, being held there by just a few disintegrating roots protruding from the stone. . . .

Election 2016: nationalism vs. globalism
Madeline Crabb
October 24, 2016

The mainstream media tell us there is anywhere from nine percent to 25 percent of the population still undecided regarding the presidential race. Are you . . .

Another Clinton presidency--insanity!
Madeline Crabb
October 18, 2016

Picture this: The last act of the Clinton co-presidency in 2001 was a low-class, trailer trash act of stealing furnishings, followed by vandalizing of the White . . .

Glass houses, stone-throwing, and self-righteous hypocrisy
Madeline Crabb
October 16, 2016

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! This past week has been unprecedented in the amount of stones being thrown from people living in . . .

America's true condition: Spiritual bankruptcy (Part two)
Madeline Crabb
August 18, 2016

America is rapidly going to hell in a hand basket, and yet we look to the Federal Government for answers. Americans have reached a state of near delusion in  . . .

America's true condition: Spiritual bankruptcy
Madeline Crabb
August 10, 2016

Newsflash: Neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton can save America because there are no political solutions for spiritual problems. While in the natural it . . .

Searching for character...Has anyone seen it?
Madeline Crabb
July 29, 2016

Once upon a time in America, character mattered. Why do we no longer place utmost importance on the one trait that defines people, their character? Moreover, . . .

Reaping what we've sown: rotten, diseased government
Madeline Crabb
July 19, 2016

The Bible proclaims, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Gal. 6:7 KJV) The Law of the Harvest . . .

Above the law AND in your face!
Madeline Crabb
July 11, 2016

To honor the 240th anniversary of America's independence from the tyrannical government in England, our current tyrannical government gave all American citizens . . .

Political correctness: destroying America through lies, deception, manipulation (Part One)
Madeline Crabb
February 29, 2016

A plague has overtaken the land – the plague of political correctness. This disease infects the body through lies, deception, and manipulation. It has . . .

A result of rejecting God – socialism
Madeline Crabb
February 11, 2016

"Those who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants." – William Penn, Founder of Pennsylvania, 1668 In America, 2016, Penn's statement is . . .

Revolution 2016: Trump & silent majority vs. permanent political class & fourth estate
Madeline Crabb
January 31, 2016

There is indeed a revolution happening in America. The Silent Majority that lives in the heartland of America has finally had enough of being lied to, . . .

Revolution 2016: Trump & silent majority vs. permanent political class & fourth estate
Madeline Crabb
January 26, 2016

What happens when people are oppressed by tyrannical governments? They either acquiesce or revolt. From the Declaration of Independence, we . . .

Thanksgiving, gratitude, God
Madeline Crabb
November 25, 2015

"And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Eph. 5:20 NLT) Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so I feel led to ask: Do . . .

Woe to America! Part 2
Madeline Crabb
October 22, 2015

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Gal. 6: 7 NIV) Americans have been sowing tainted seed since the mid-twentieth century . . .

Woe to America! Part One
Madeline Crabb
July 11, 2015

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil" (Is. 5: 20 NIV) On May 26, the Supreme Court of the United States defiantly spat in the eyes of God Almighty, . . .

Depravity, delusion, and destruction--Signs of post-Christian America
Madeline Crabb
May 30, 2015

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people." (Prov. 14:34 NIV) America is no longer a righteous people seeking God. We are instead a nation . . .

Open letter to Democratic congressmen and Congressional Black Caucus
Madeline Crabb
February 28, 2015

Next week, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is coming to America to address the U.S. Congress. This message is a warning message to you: Be careful in . . .

Who is this Christ of Christmas?
Madeline Crabb
December 19, 2014

During this holiday season, we've probably all heard the once-popular saying: "Jesus is the reason for the season." And He is the reason for the season! But who . . .

America: The horrible consequences of rejecting God
Madeline Crabb
November 24, 2014

There's an old Toyota commercial that says, "You asked for it, you got it, Toyota." We Americans have been increasingly asking God to leave us alone so we can . . .

What America needs most--Jesus Christ and salvation
Madeline Crabb
October 28, 2014

The United States of America is under God's judgment! The gates of H-E-L-L are gradually being opened to unleash all of the devil's fury upon us. And how do we . . .

What America needs most--repentance
Madeline Crabb
October 3, 2014

The Righteous Brothers once sang a great song, "You've Lost that Lovin' Feeling." As one might guess, it's about a love that's gone cold, and the singer's . . .

What America needs most--self-control
Madeline Crabb
September 22, 2014

There's a run-a-way train barreling down its tracks and heading towards a heavily populated city center. Whether the engineer is "asleep at the wheel" or simply . . .

What America needs most--humility
Madeline Crabb
August 20, 2014

If much of the world considers America prideful, arrogant, boastful, and evil, doesn't that really mean that individual Americans are prideful, arrogant, . . .

What America needs most: personal responsibility
Madeline Crabb
July 7, 2014

America has become a nation of whining, sniveling, belly-aching, finger-pointing, excuse-making, and justifying, grumblers and complainers. Absurd, you say? Not . . .

What America needs most: gratitude
Madeline Crabb
May 8, 2014

One of my favorite songs of the late Michael Jackson, the Man in the Mirror, speaks of introspection and self-examination. The chorus says, "If you wanna make . . .

America: Turn back to and trust in God
Madeline Crabb
March 27, 2014

We are living in perilous times. America faces an economic collapse due to our enormous debt. Wars and rumors of wars abound worldwide, and threaten even our . . .

America's turned her back on God--now He's turned His back on us (Part four)
Madeline Crabb
February 25, 2014

There are none so blind as those who will not see. America has become blind to her sin and iniquity. We've bowed down to the PC powers who insist we call . . .

America's turned her back on God--now God's turned His back on us (Part Three)
Madeline Crabb
February 17, 2014

Founding Father Thomas Jefferson once said, "And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the . . .

America's turned her back on God--now God's turning His back on us (Part Two)
Madeline Crabb
February 7, 2014

The Bible says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD." (Ps 33:12) For centuries since her founding, America has been immensely blessed, and Americans . . .

America's turned her back on God--Now God's turning His back on us
Madeline Crabb
January 29, 2014

Most of us have probably heard our parents tell us we should be careful about what we ask for. As American citizens, we should probably have heeded this advice . . .

America--land of entitlement, home of the enslaved, Part One
Madeline Crabb
December 10, 2013

Does this title make you mad? Good. There must be something that can be said or done to wake Americans up from our slumber and sleep; otherwise, we are going to . . .

Thanksgiving--A time for gratefulness to God
Madeline Crabb
November 27, 2013

In a couple of days we celebrate Thanksgiving, a day that's become synonymous with lots of food, family, and football – not necessarily in that order. It . . .

American citizens: Government is NOT your friend!
Madeline Crabb
November 1, 2013

We the People, citizens of the United States of America, are relinquishing increasing amounts of control over our lives to the Federal Government, and doing so . . .

America's debt debate--if not now, when? Part two
Madeline Crabb
October 19, 2013

Hooray! The Federal Government is officially open again to inflict mass destruction upon American citizens. And the debt ceiling increase that Dictator Obama . . .

America's debt debate--if not now, when? Part One
Madeline Crabb
October 11, 2013

The Federal Government is officially shutdown, or rather, slowed-down. Drudge reports 83 percent of the government is still at work. As discussed in my last . . .

Shut the government down!
Madeline Crabb
September 30, 2013

Tomorrow is October 1, and the day our government may shut down because the issue of raising the debt ceiling has not been settled. This is a serious issue that . . .

The Destruction of America, part four
Madeline Crabb
September 23, 2013

What does the future hold for the United States of America? Will we continue to be the land of the free, and home of the brave? Will we become a second or third . . .

The destruction of America, part three
Madeline Crabb
September 16, 2013

The American Representative Republic which our Founding Fathers so carefully planned for is literally coming apart at the seams. The documents our Founding . . .

The destruction of America, Part Two
Madeline Crabb
September 9, 2013

America, the land of liberty, is disintegrating before our very eyes. We are being destroyed from without and within. So what can we do about it? Moreover, do . . .

The destruction of America
Madeline Crabb
August 31, 2013

Believe it or not, the United States of America as we have known it, no longer exists. It is being destroyed from within and without. While we have been "tip . . .

Madeline Crabb
August 21, 2013

News from the past week or so has been so absurd and maddening that, like Glenn Beck, I have almost seen the proverbial blood shoot out of my eyes. Probably one . . .

America: One nation under God? Part 3
Madeline Crabb
August 5, 2013

What is America's standing with God? We have been discussing whether America is still the "one nation under God" referenced in the words from the Pledge of . . .

America: One nation under God? Part 2
Madeline Crabb
July 24, 2013

Are we, or are we not, still one nation under God? The term, one nation under God, is used a lot by Americans, particularly Christians. As discussed in my last . . .

America: One nation under God?
Madeline Crabb
July 14, 2013

America, are we, or are we not still one nation under God? What does this mean? And finally, why does it matter? Since 1954, millions of students have . . .

Amnesty, why?
Madeline Crabb
June 24, 2013

Hello again Renew America family! Yes, I have been away for a while, but not of my own choosing. I unfortunately caught one of the "super bugs" in January, and . . .

Election 2012: What path will we choose?
Madeline Crabb
November 6, 2012

Election 2012 is finally here. The only question remaining is: What path will Americans choose for our future? Since this is a presidential election year, we . . .

The Christian voting dilemma: Muslim or Mormon?
Madeline Crabb
September 25, 2012

Christians have been wringing their hands for months, wondering whether they should or could vote for a Mormon for President of the United States. We can . . .

Restoring one nation under God -- Christians' role, Part Three
Madeline Crabb
September 19, 2012

We are still One Nation Under God...We declare it on our money, right? But one important question must be asked: What God? The Preamble to the U.S. . . .

Restoring one nation under God -- Christians' role, Part Two
Madeline Crabb
September 9, 2012

God is not welcome in the Democratic Party. Well, that isn't exactly breaking news, and we didn't have to watch the Democratic National Convention last week to . . .

Restoring one nation under God--Christians' role, Part One
Madeline Crabb
September 6, 2012

How much longer will God continue to bless America? Our government stopped letting God into its decision making decades ago. Even American citizens stopped . . .

America: A nation of laws?
Madeline Crabb
August 27, 2012

John Adams once wrote, "There is no good government but what is republican. The very definition of a republic is an empire of laws, and not of men."If our laws . . .

Taking America back -- Have we finally reached the tipping point?
Madeline Crabb
August 20, 2012

Recently, Americans across this nation finally stood in defiance against radical leftists and homosexual baiters to support Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy, . . .

America, land of unreality
Madeline Crabb
July 26, 2012

Up is down and down is up. Wrong is right and right is wrong. Three plus one equals five. Truth depends on the definition of is — ask Bill Clinton. . . .

Just say no to socialism
Madeline Crabb
June 19, 2012

In March of 2010, Al Sharpton said, Americans overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama. Obviously, if Sharpton says something, it . . .

What America needs most? Righteousness, repentence, and revival, Part 3
Madeline Crabb
June 7, 2012

While We the People have been busy living our lives, and having our fun, America has been decaying from within and without. We may have taken time from our busy . . .

What America needs most? Righteousness, repentance, and revival, Part 2
Madeline Crabb
May 29, 2012

The U.S. Federal Government is out of control, and Americans have allowed it to happen. More laws and spending, government's answer to everything, is NOT the . . .

What America needs most? Righteousness, repentence, and revival
Madeline Crabb
May 23, 2012

America is an overwhelmingly Christian nation. Despite all the work of the Progressive Movement over the past century, we still believe in the God of the Bible. . . .

Obama: America's first composite president
Madeline Crabb
May 17, 2012

Congratulations America! You have your first composite president, Barack Hussein Obama! We have finally discovered his true identities. He is: for war/against . . .

Hoosiers speak and Lugar loses
Madeline Crabb
May 11, 2012

The halls of Congress are buzzing...Lugar lost. Yes, after 36 years in office, Senator Richard Lugar finally loses a senatorial campaign. It's about time. As . . .

Has America finally sealed her fate? (Part Three)
Madeline Crabb
April 27, 2012

Have we sealed our fate? Yes and no. We are already at the edge of the proverbial cliff. One more "crisis" might push us over. Of this we should be mindful . . .

Has America finally sealed her fate? (Part Two)
Madeline Crabb
April 26, 2012

Congratulations, America! The US national debt has now surpassed our Gross Domestic Product. Why should this bother us? The amount of debt we collectively . . .

Has America finally sealed her fate?
Madeline Crabb
April 22, 2012

It is clear that our federal government is hell-bent on equalizing the playing field between what they call the rich and poor. But as I explained in my last . . .

Getting real about fairness
Madeline Crabb
April 19, 2012

For weeks, Arbiter of Fairness Obama has been lecturing Congress and the American people about how the rich simply aren't paying their fair share of taxes. . . .

More wisdom from the White House
Madeline Crabb
April 14, 2012

After three years of the Obamas and their smug, know-it-all attitudes, it is difficult believing the American public hasn't revolted. The Obamas simply believe . . .

Judicial activism and homosexuality--
Madeline Crabb
August 8, 2010

This past week in California, the will of 7 million voters was once again thwarted by an activist judge who violated his oath to uphold the United States . . .

Please don't take my health care away
Madeline Crabb
March 19, 2010

This weekend, 435 politicians will decide the future of our health insurance system. More importantly, the future of our liberties, freedom, and our . . .

America: represented, led, or ruled?
Madeline Crabb
January 25, 2010

In America, we've gone from being represented to led to ruled. For citizens this means we have been gradually relinquishing our individual control over . . .

The Senate rejoices--the people suffer
Madeline Crabb
December 22, 2009

It was a joyous sight. Seasoned senators were slapping one another's backs, shaking hands, and stopping just short of high-fiving one another. (It is the Senate . . .

Obamacare--the fix is in
Madeline Crabb
December 20, 2009

Godfather in chief Obama met again this week with Senate Democratic leaders, and undoubtedly made them "deals they couldn't refuse." Last week both he and his . . .

Has Congress lost touch with reality? Part Two
Madeline Crabb
December 11, 2009

Is the proposed health care reform bill about American citizens, or about covering the proverbial backsides of congressmen? While discussing how congress is . . .

Has Congress lost touch with reality?
Madeline Crabb
December 5, 2009

It has been rumored that working for the federal government in Washington, D.C., changes people. Ya think? Perhaps there is something in D.C. air and water that . . .

Senator Harry Reid's strategy of pork, payoffs, pandering, and politics
Madeline Crabb
November 24, 2009

Saturday night we heard Senator Harry Reid and his gang of past prime time players sing the same old song of compassion, and how they feel our pain. This was . . .

Senator Byrd and pork
Madeline Crabb
November 22, 2009

This week, politicians lauded Senator Robert Byrd's 56+ years of service. Woo hooh. While he may be a nice man, it is way past time for him to leave the . . .

Health care is a CHOICE, Part Three
Madeline Crabb
October 22, 2009

Choices, smoices. What's all the health care hoopla about? Government says we're all going to have a choice in our personal health care needs. Either we keep . . .

Health care is a CHOICE, Part Two
Madeline Crabb
October 15, 2009

"Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the result of the right choice." This anonymous quote summarizes the stakes of the health care battle we're facing . . .

Health care is a choice
Madeline Crabb
October 12, 2009

"Is health care in America a privilege, a right, or a responsibility?" That was a question asked by Tom Brokaw during a presidential debate between John McCain . . .

Reaping what we sow -- Part Two
Madeline Crabb
October 1, 2009

For at least the past 50 years our government has been grabbing increasing control over our lives, and therefore, our liberty. But then, aren't we getting just . . .

Reaping what we sow--Part One
Madeline Crabb
September 24, 2009

In November 2008, by a margin of ten million votes, Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States. There was plenty of evidence to . . .

Tell us again: Why do we need Obamacare? (Part Three)
Madeline Crabb
September 9, 2009

Why are Americans allowing themselves to be strong armed into accepting a federally-designed, federally-run health care program? Do we really believe government . . .

Tell us again: Why do we need Obamacare? (Part Two)
Madeline Crabb
September 8, 2009

Despite the fact the federal government has no constitutional standing to be taking-over America's health care, the President is making another Obamacare sales . . .

Tell us again: Why do we need Obamacare? (Part One)
Madeline Crabb
September 6, 2009

Warning! Warning! Lawmakers are back in DC this week, and Spender-in-Chief Obama will be addressing them in a joint session on Tuesday. Probably, like the . . .

Is this really the America we want?
Madeline Crabb
September 3, 2009

Change we can believe in...that's what we were promised by our current president. Well America, how's that working out for ya? This writer has been silent . . .

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HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

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Wildfire mapping has everything to do with property rights

Curtis Dahlgren
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