Gina Miller
Sodomite "marriage" ruling means dark days ahead for USA
By Gina Miller
Since the last round of twisted, egregious Supreme Court dictates, it has been easy to sit by in numb grief for our nation, because many of us have been warning, like a broken record, that these lawless things were on the way. Even so, strongly expecting the Court to do the wrong thing and finally seeing it happen are two different things. The reality of it is a body blow. We have seen plenty of bad Supreme Court decisions, and it's hard to top Roe v. Wade for badness, but the outrageous ruling on sodomy-based "marriage" is pretty much the final nail in the coffin of the formerly-free Republic of the United States of America, because it will result in the destruction of our God-given, First Amendment-protected freedoms, if there is not massive push-back by the American people. Do you see that push-back happening? Me, neither.
There have been many excellent commentaries roundly refuting the legitimacy of the Court's hellish decision to destroy the meaning of marriage, something the justices of the Court do not have the power nor the authority to do. In their profound arrogance and utter disregard for the Constitution, they made the ruling anyway, and although they handed down this evil edict, they did not change what marriage is, because they can't. Marriage is one thing only, the union of a man and a woman. It will never be anything else, no matter how many rulings and laws born in the pit of Hell say otherwise.
The persecution of Christians in the United States will now begin in earnest, as we have not seen thus far in our nation. While many associate murder with persecution, we're not quite there – yet (but, give it time). Persecution does not necessarily involve outright killing. In addition to slander, defamation, intimidation and other personal attacks, it can mean "legal" assaults on people that cause them to lose their jobs, their money, their private property, their businesses and their freedom. These things have already been happening in cases across the nation, from bakers and photographers to bed and breakfast owners to company CEOs.
With the Supreme Court imposing the abomination of sodomite "marriage" on the United States, we will now see Christian groups and organizations, schools and churches come under lawfare waged by homosexualist foot soldiers, who are the tools of the Marxist cultural revolution that ramped up in the 1960s and has been thrown into warp speed under Barack Obama (or whatever his name is). The goal of this demonic campaign, of which the militant homosexual movement is a central part, has always been the destruction of Christian freedom and expression and the moral and societal foundations of our once-great nation.
The endgame is tyranny over the people, because that is the devil's desire, and the people of this movement do his dark will. Whether it's the homofascist movement, the illegal alien invasion, the war on our energy sector, the heavy-handed federal commandeering of natural resources, even the bolstering of our Muslim enemies abroad and more, we face tyrannical evil on a number of fronts emanating from the communists in the malicious Obama regime and their fellow travelers who now run our nation and its major institutions.
It took them about a hundred years, but the communists, led by the forces of Hell, have finally just about sealed the deal in taking down the United States of America. Don't bother telling me it isn't so, or that I'm a "quitter" for observing the obvious, or that after we elect some more "Republicans" (again) all will be well. It will not be well, because what's wrong with America is something no election can fix. What's wrong with America is a deep corruption of the soul, and the devilish success of the radical homosexual/"transgender" movement is a testament to that deep corruption.
This movement is evil. The Supreme Court ruling destroying marriage is evil. The highest court in the United States has, by the largest, lawless edict yet, given "legitimacy" to abominable sexual behavior and imposed a grotesquery of "marriage" on the nation. Dark days of tyranny are ahead. Our freedoms are hanging by a thread, because God is not mocked. No nation can spit in His holy face, as this nation is doing, and imagine it will come away unscathed. No king in his White House castle can, in haughty pride, illuminate the castle with the hijacked colors of God's rainbow and not pay a dear price for his belligerent affront to the God of all creation. The rainbow belongs to God, and one day every person will admit he knew it all along. Satan has been in heaven, and that means he has seen God's rainbow around His throne (Revelation 4), and as the dirtiest stroke of insolence he can conjure against the Lord, he has inspired the reprobate minds of his homosexualist pawns to hijack that rainbow as a symbol of their degenerate wickedness. This does not end well for our nation.
© Gina Miller
July 10, 2015
Since the last round of twisted, egregious Supreme Court dictates, it has been easy to sit by in numb grief for our nation, because many of us have been warning, like a broken record, that these lawless things were on the way. Even so, strongly expecting the Court to do the wrong thing and finally seeing it happen are two different things. The reality of it is a body blow. We have seen plenty of bad Supreme Court decisions, and it's hard to top Roe v. Wade for badness, but the outrageous ruling on sodomy-based "marriage" is pretty much the final nail in the coffin of the formerly-free Republic of the United States of America, because it will result in the destruction of our God-given, First Amendment-protected freedoms, if there is not massive push-back by the American people. Do you see that push-back happening? Me, neither.
There have been many excellent commentaries roundly refuting the legitimacy of the Court's hellish decision to destroy the meaning of marriage, something the justices of the Court do not have the power nor the authority to do. In their profound arrogance and utter disregard for the Constitution, they made the ruling anyway, and although they handed down this evil edict, they did not change what marriage is, because they can't. Marriage is one thing only, the union of a man and a woman. It will never be anything else, no matter how many rulings and laws born in the pit of Hell say otherwise.
The persecution of Christians in the United States will now begin in earnest, as we have not seen thus far in our nation. While many associate murder with persecution, we're not quite there – yet (but, give it time). Persecution does not necessarily involve outright killing. In addition to slander, defamation, intimidation and other personal attacks, it can mean "legal" assaults on people that cause them to lose their jobs, their money, their private property, their businesses and their freedom. These things have already been happening in cases across the nation, from bakers and photographers to bed and breakfast owners to company CEOs.
With the Supreme Court imposing the abomination of sodomite "marriage" on the United States, we will now see Christian groups and organizations, schools and churches come under lawfare waged by homosexualist foot soldiers, who are the tools of the Marxist cultural revolution that ramped up in the 1960s and has been thrown into warp speed under Barack Obama (or whatever his name is). The goal of this demonic campaign, of which the militant homosexual movement is a central part, has always been the destruction of Christian freedom and expression and the moral and societal foundations of our once-great nation.
The endgame is tyranny over the people, because that is the devil's desire, and the people of this movement do his dark will. Whether it's the homofascist movement, the illegal alien invasion, the war on our energy sector, the heavy-handed federal commandeering of natural resources, even the bolstering of our Muslim enemies abroad and more, we face tyrannical evil on a number of fronts emanating from the communists in the malicious Obama regime and their fellow travelers who now run our nation and its major institutions.
It took them about a hundred years, but the communists, led by the forces of Hell, have finally just about sealed the deal in taking down the United States of America. Don't bother telling me it isn't so, or that I'm a "quitter" for observing the obvious, or that after we elect some more "Republicans" (again) all will be well. It will not be well, because what's wrong with America is something no election can fix. What's wrong with America is a deep corruption of the soul, and the devilish success of the radical homosexual/"transgender" movement is a testament to that deep corruption.
This movement is evil. The Supreme Court ruling destroying marriage is evil. The highest court in the United States has, by the largest, lawless edict yet, given "legitimacy" to abominable sexual behavior and imposed a grotesquery of "marriage" on the nation. Dark days of tyranny are ahead. Our freedoms are hanging by a thread, because God is not mocked. No nation can spit in His holy face, as this nation is doing, and imagine it will come away unscathed. No king in his White House castle can, in haughty pride, illuminate the castle with the hijacked colors of God's rainbow and not pay a dear price for his belligerent affront to the God of all creation. The rainbow belongs to God, and one day every person will admit he knew it all along. Satan has been in heaven, and that means he has seen God's rainbow around His throne (Revelation 4), and as the dirtiest stroke of insolence he can conjure against the Lord, he has inspired the reprobate minds of his homosexualist pawns to hijack that rainbow as a symbol of their degenerate wickedness. This does not end well for our nation.
© Gina Miller
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