Gina Miller
Homosexual radical Dan Savage bullies high schoolers
By Gina Miller
The Word of God has warned us, so we are not surprised when people inspired by the forces of darkness screech and wail against God's Truth. Some of the most vicious, anti-Christian, anti-truth people in the world are the radical, homosexual activists, and among them, not many are as vile as Dan Savage.
Savage is a twisted, sex columnist who started the "It Gets Better Project," a propaganda tool targeting kids, which pushes the homosexual lifestyle on them under the guise of an "anti-bullying" campaign.
From their website is this description,
"The It Gets Better Project was created to show young LGBT people the levels of happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will reach — if they can just get through their teen years. The It Gets Better Project wants to remind teenagers in the LGBT community that they are not alone — and it WILL get better."
That is a damnable lie. Numerous studies have shown that depression, drug abuse and suicide rates for homosexuals are much higher than among the normal population — yes, I said "normal"! It is detestable to lie to young people, encouraging them to embrace homosexuality, claiming it will make them happy in the long run.
At the About.com website is a report from 2008 which states, in part,
"According to a new study, which analyzed 25 earlier studies regarding sexual orientation and mental health, homosexuals and bisexuals are about 50% more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to suffer from depression and abuse drugs.
The researchers also found that the risk of suicide jumped over 200% for those who had engaged in a homosexual lifestyle."
The column goes on to quote the lead researcher on the study who blames bullying and lack of social acceptance for those increased problems among the homosexual population.
That is not the real reason. When a person violates God's natural order for human behavior, whether it is through sexual deviancy or any other sinful behavior which runs counter to God's natural law, that person will invariably be miserable. All manner of sinful behavior leaves the person who engages in it unhappy and unfulfilled — at the very least. This is especially true of homosexuality, which God has described as abominable and detestable to Him.
Dan Savage, the vicious homosexual radical who has said the most despicable things about those who disagree with him, was giving a speech last Friday in Seattle.
As reported by Focus on the Family's CitizenLink,
"A group of high school journalism students attending a conference called 'Journalism on the Edge' in Seattle over the weekend felt they were pushed over the edge by syndicated sex advice columnist Dan Savage.
Savage, the creator of the two-year-old It Gets Better Project, which encourages teens struggling with same-sex attractions to embrace homosexuality, was invited to give a keynote address last Friday at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention.
Students were expecting him to talk about bullying. But they also got an earful about birth control, sex, and Savage's opinions on the Bible.
A 17-year-old from California who was attending with half a dozen other students from her high school yearbook staff, was one of several students to walk out in the middle of Savage's speech.
'The first thing he told the audience was, 'I hope you're all using birth control!'' she recalled. Then 'he said there are people using the Bible as an excuse for gay bullying, because it says in Leviticus and Romans that being gay is wrong. Right after that, he said we can ignore all the 'B.S.' in the Bible.'
'I was thinking, 'This is not going a good direction at all,' Then he started going off about the Bible. He said somehow the Bible was pro-slavery. I'm really shy. I'm not really someone to, like, stir up anything. But all of a sudden I just blurted out, 'That's bull!'
As she and several other students walked out of the auditorium, Savage noticed them leaving and called them 'pansies.'"
This freak is speaking to high school kids! This man who is supposedly an anti-bullying crusader is perhaps the biggest bully out there. For him to go before these kids and say these kinds of things, to call Bible-believing high school students "pansies" is sickening, but I suppose that is his goal — to sicken those who oppose his hellish message.
Savage certainly has a record of saying things that would make the ancient, smoking-grease-spot-residents of Sodom and Gomorrah proud. Savage has invited former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain to perform oral sex on him. He has wished all Republicans were "f-ing dead." He has said things about Rick Santorum that I cannot easily describe, because they are so heinous, and through all of it, Savage is lauded and uplifted by Hollywood celebrities and media minions of Hell. Even Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) has lent his support for Savage's "It Gets Better Project."
Of all the reprehensible things Dan Savage says and does, the most sinister part of his sodomite crusade is his targeting of children. Jesus has very strong words for those who would hurt children and cause them to stumble.
As Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, points out,
"Savage is probably the leading activist today working to normalize homosexuality to children and young people — one of the most evil things any person can do (because sexual sin is destructive and our Creator calls homosexual behavior 'detestable'). Jesus hates the corruption of youth: 'Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him [if] a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.' (Mark 9:42). Now Savage has his own show on MTV ('Savage U,' beginning April 3), which could become another huge platform to degrade kids' morals."
People who peddle perversion to our kids will one day pay a terrible, unimaginable price if they do not turn from their wicked ways and embrace the free gift of salvation offered by Jesus.
By preying on children, people like Dan Savage become the most despicable among us. He offers children and young adults lies from Hell when he encourages them to embark on a homosexual lifestyle that he assures will make them happy. He lies when he says that people who speak out against homosexuality are "bullies" and "bigots." As I have pointed out before, the "anti-bullying" campaign is nothing more than the latest platform of the radical homosexual Left to indoctrinate our school kids with their perverse agenda and to gain more young recruits into their dead-end, homosexual club.
People like Dan Savage are only offering Hell on a silver platter to vulnerable, impressionable kids, and one day he will be sorry for doing so. But, thankfully there are many Jewish and Christian warriors who offer real help and real hope to people of all ages who may be dealing with unwanted same-sex attraction. Groups like Jonah International, Positive Alternatives to Homosexuality (P.A.T.H), Exodus International and others provide truthful answers and support for those desiring to fight and overcome same-sex attraction.
Other ministries work to shed light on the radical homosexual movement's activities and agenda in our nation. Two tireless groups are Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and Mass Resistance. To be able to operate and provide valuable resources and information, all of these groups rely on the generous financial support of concerned members in our communities. We should keep them in mind when we donate to worthy causes.
Regardless of how venomous the radical, homosexual Left becomes, we will not stop telling the truth about the immoral, unhealthy, unnatural and self-destructive homosexual lifestyle. We will not stop countering the lies of homosexual activists with the Truth of God's healing redemption for those afflicted with unwanted homosexual desires.
God sent his only Son, Jesus, who willingly paid the complete price for all the sins of man. Jesus now offers us the free gift of salvation, through His own payment, if we will only turn and accept it. With that gift comes all manner of healing, real freedom, true wisdom and knowledge. God's Great Gift Offer is extended to everyone, and the forces of Hell will never prevail against it.
Very dark days are ahead, and it may seem like the Dan Savages of the world are victorious in their wickedness, but one terrible, awesome Day, all the lies of Hell and the enemies of God will be burned to a crisp at the coming of the Lord by the Word of His mouth.
Dan Savage, you have time — while you're still alive — to avoid the fire, if you so choose. Turn and accept forgiveness, freedom and salvation from God the Father through Jesus, Who loves you so much that he paid for your sins long before you were ever born.
© Gina Miller
April 25, 2012
The Word of God has warned us, so we are not surprised when people inspired by the forces of darkness screech and wail against God's Truth. Some of the most vicious, anti-Christian, anti-truth people in the world are the radical, homosexual activists, and among them, not many are as vile as Dan Savage.
Savage is a twisted, sex columnist who started the "It Gets Better Project," a propaganda tool targeting kids, which pushes the homosexual lifestyle on them under the guise of an "anti-bullying" campaign.
From their website is this description,
"The It Gets Better Project was created to show young LGBT people the levels of happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will reach — if they can just get through their teen years. The It Gets Better Project wants to remind teenagers in the LGBT community that they are not alone — and it WILL get better."
That is a damnable lie. Numerous studies have shown that depression, drug abuse and suicide rates for homosexuals are much higher than among the normal population — yes, I said "normal"! It is detestable to lie to young people, encouraging them to embrace homosexuality, claiming it will make them happy in the long run.
At the About.com website is a report from 2008 which states, in part,
"According to a new study, which analyzed 25 earlier studies regarding sexual orientation and mental health, homosexuals and bisexuals are about 50% more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to suffer from depression and abuse drugs.
The researchers also found that the risk of suicide jumped over 200% for those who had engaged in a homosexual lifestyle."
The column goes on to quote the lead researcher on the study who blames bullying and lack of social acceptance for those increased problems among the homosexual population.
That is not the real reason. When a person violates God's natural order for human behavior, whether it is through sexual deviancy or any other sinful behavior which runs counter to God's natural law, that person will invariably be miserable. All manner of sinful behavior leaves the person who engages in it unhappy and unfulfilled — at the very least. This is especially true of homosexuality, which God has described as abominable and detestable to Him.
Dan Savage, the vicious homosexual radical who has said the most despicable things about those who disagree with him, was giving a speech last Friday in Seattle.
As reported by Focus on the Family's CitizenLink,
"A group of high school journalism students attending a conference called 'Journalism on the Edge' in Seattle over the weekend felt they were pushed over the edge by syndicated sex advice columnist Dan Savage.
Savage, the creator of the two-year-old It Gets Better Project, which encourages teens struggling with same-sex attractions to embrace homosexuality, was invited to give a keynote address last Friday at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention.
Students were expecting him to talk about bullying. But they also got an earful about birth control, sex, and Savage's opinions on the Bible.
A 17-year-old from California who was attending with half a dozen other students from her high school yearbook staff, was one of several students to walk out in the middle of Savage's speech.
'The first thing he told the audience was, 'I hope you're all using birth control!'' she recalled. Then 'he said there are people using the Bible as an excuse for gay bullying, because it says in Leviticus and Romans that being gay is wrong. Right after that, he said we can ignore all the 'B.S.' in the Bible.'
'I was thinking, 'This is not going a good direction at all,' Then he started going off about the Bible. He said somehow the Bible was pro-slavery. I'm really shy. I'm not really someone to, like, stir up anything. But all of a sudden I just blurted out, 'That's bull!'
As she and several other students walked out of the auditorium, Savage noticed them leaving and called them 'pansies.'"
This freak is speaking to high school kids! This man who is supposedly an anti-bullying crusader is perhaps the biggest bully out there. For him to go before these kids and say these kinds of things, to call Bible-believing high school students "pansies" is sickening, but I suppose that is his goal — to sicken those who oppose his hellish message.
Savage certainly has a record of saying things that would make the ancient, smoking-grease-spot-residents of Sodom and Gomorrah proud. Savage has invited former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain to perform oral sex on him. He has wished all Republicans were "f-ing dead." He has said things about Rick Santorum that I cannot easily describe, because they are so heinous, and through all of it, Savage is lauded and uplifted by Hollywood celebrities and media minions of Hell. Even Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) has lent his support for Savage's "It Gets Better Project."
Of all the reprehensible things Dan Savage says and does, the most sinister part of his sodomite crusade is his targeting of children. Jesus has very strong words for those who would hurt children and cause them to stumble.
As Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, points out,
"Savage is probably the leading activist today working to normalize homosexuality to children and young people — one of the most evil things any person can do (because sexual sin is destructive and our Creator calls homosexual behavior 'detestable'). Jesus hates the corruption of youth: 'Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him [if] a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea.' (Mark 9:42). Now Savage has his own show on MTV ('Savage U,' beginning April 3), which could become another huge platform to degrade kids' morals."
People who peddle perversion to our kids will one day pay a terrible, unimaginable price if they do not turn from their wicked ways and embrace the free gift of salvation offered by Jesus.
By preying on children, people like Dan Savage become the most despicable among us. He offers children and young adults lies from Hell when he encourages them to embark on a homosexual lifestyle that he assures will make them happy. He lies when he says that people who speak out against homosexuality are "bullies" and "bigots." As I have pointed out before, the "anti-bullying" campaign is nothing more than the latest platform of the radical homosexual Left to indoctrinate our school kids with their perverse agenda and to gain more young recruits into their dead-end, homosexual club.
People like Dan Savage are only offering Hell on a silver platter to vulnerable, impressionable kids, and one day he will be sorry for doing so. But, thankfully there are many Jewish and Christian warriors who offer real help and real hope to people of all ages who may be dealing with unwanted same-sex attraction. Groups like Jonah International, Positive Alternatives to Homosexuality (P.A.T.H), Exodus International and others provide truthful answers and support for those desiring to fight and overcome same-sex attraction.
Other ministries work to shed light on the radical homosexual movement's activities and agenda in our nation. Two tireless groups are Americans for Truth About Homosexuality and Mass Resistance. To be able to operate and provide valuable resources and information, all of these groups rely on the generous financial support of concerned members in our communities. We should keep them in mind when we donate to worthy causes.
Regardless of how venomous the radical, homosexual Left becomes, we will not stop telling the truth about the immoral, unhealthy, unnatural and self-destructive homosexual lifestyle. We will not stop countering the lies of homosexual activists with the Truth of God's healing redemption for those afflicted with unwanted homosexual desires.
God sent his only Son, Jesus, who willingly paid the complete price for all the sins of man. Jesus now offers us the free gift of salvation, through His own payment, if we will only turn and accept it. With that gift comes all manner of healing, real freedom, true wisdom and knowledge. God's Great Gift Offer is extended to everyone, and the forces of Hell will never prevail against it.
Very dark days are ahead, and it may seem like the Dan Savages of the world are victorious in their wickedness, but one terrible, awesome Day, all the lies of Hell and the enemies of God will be burned to a crisp at the coming of the Lord by the Word of His mouth.
Dan Savage, you have time — while you're still alive — to avoid the fire, if you so choose. Turn and accept forgiveness, freedom and salvation from God the Father through Jesus, Who loves you so much that he paid for your sins long before you were ever born.
© Gina Miller
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