Dr. Stephen C. L'Hommedieu
Joan Veon: in memory of a mighty servant of the Lord
By Dr. Stephen C. L'Hommedieu
It is with profound sorrow, yet with an everlasting joy in Christ Jesus, that we mourn the recent passing of Joan Marie Veon — a mighty servant of the Lord. Joan passed peacefully with her husband Rod at her side on Monday, October 18th, putting to rest her three year battle with cancer that she boldly fought on her own terms. She was 61.
Joan was an individual of uncompromising integrity with an unwavering faith in God and to His leading in her life. To those who knew her, she will be remembered as a most gracious lady and an incredibly devout patriot and servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. For sixteen years, Joan relentlessly carried the message of truth to preserve and defend our God-given freedom and the Constitution of our Nation against the immoral and tyrannical rule of an all-consuming world government, even so while defending her own body against the ravages of cancer.
Joan especially had a heart for the Christian community, but held great concerns over the ignorance and complacency among many Christians to the assimilation of the global agenda into this country as a result of worldly compromised Christian leadership. According to Joan, "My grave concern is that the Christian Community — at the time in history when it should "stand in the gap" — will be unwittingly processed through the Hegelian dialectic into world government without even realizing it." True enough, yet she maintained a steadfast hope that from the Christian community a remnant will hear their call to remain faithful and "stand in the gap."
There are those who would let their professional achievements overshadow the true source of their strength and abilities, but not Joan. She knew her spiritual walk with God was the most important part of her life and her source of strength and guidance for her life's work. It was at the age of thirteen when she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior, which was followed with her remarkable calling to dedicate her life to the will of God. As a testimony to the Lord's faithfulness in her life, He opened extraordinary doors for this ordinary woman of short stature to carry her to top levels of international government among the world's elite leaders; interviewing and asking key questions of presidents, kings, princes, prime ministers and heads of state. So it was that God used Joan in an incredible way, because she was willing to do it God's way.
As a credentialed international journalist, Joan was all about asking "bottom-line" questions in effort to extract the truth from those whose primary objective was to contain public disclosure of sensitive information. So much so that other journalists at these international conferences began to take notice that often when it came time for Joan's questions, interviews would abruptly end. Many journalists often commented that they were curiously aware of how she was being by-passed for questions. This was the Joan Veon strategy behind her "bottom-line" questioning: to elicit revealing statements from world leaders confirming the global agenda and to draw the attention of other international journalists to make them aware that something is very wrong.
In spite of the global agenda, Joan had an agenda of her own: it was to bring the word of God to these spiritually depraved United Nations conferences. Once she strategically placed Arabic versions of the bible throughout a conference for the attending members. She noticed some would pick them up, some would move to another seat. During breaks if they were untouched she would reposition them in hope that someone would receive the truth of the word of God. She once approached a Saudi prince with one of the bibles and asked if he would accept her gift. He accepted her gift with deep appreciation explaining that he had read the bible in English when he went to school in the United States, but he had always wanted to read it in his own language. He graciously thanked her. That was the incredible boldness of Joan Veon as she walked with God.
Joan had an incredible mind and was a powerhouse of determination. In addition to her first career as a Certified Financial Planner and the opening of Veon Financial Services, Inc. in 1986, she is also accredited with a long list of other professional accomplishments. She began her second career as a credentialed, international journalist covering over 103 United Nations and United Nations-related conferences, she was a brilliant author and lecturer, a guest speaker on hundreds of radio talk shows, the founder of The Women's International Media Group, columnist with NewsWithViews.com (see articles), and a renowned expert on environmental, social, and economic issues relating to the United Nations' global agenda and Sustainable Development.
As an astute financial expert who had studied and analyzed financial trends that eventually led to her recognizing indications of a world currency, she prayed for God to show her the truth. He answered her prayer with her first attendance to a United Nations' conference in Cairo, Egypt, in 1994, on population control. Although highly respected professionally and considered well informed on local government issues, it was at the Cairo conference where she was struck with the realization that she knew nothing about the government at the international level. Soon she discovered how Americans were being intentionally "dumbed down" so average citizens would not be in a position to understand or question international policies being imposed upon them until it was too late.
Meticulously compiling numerous details from her exhaustive research over the years, Joan masterfully laid out the global agenda behind Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 and the United Nations in two major publications.
Joan's first book, Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince, published in 1997, exposes those who have been the major powers behind the world scenes and Prince Charles' worldly philosophies and global projects. She reveals how the "signing of the United Nations' Charter is the forum that will bring America back under the control of the British Empire and into world government," and exposes Sustainable Development, the core philosophy behind the United Nations' Agenda 21 program, for what it really is: a global agenda to control the world's resources, much like communism, under the pretense of "protecting" the world's resources.
The second book, The United Nations' Global Straight Jacket, published in 1999, is a comprehensive handbook on world government. Here she helps the reader connect the dots to understand how international treaties and planned crisis events are created for the covert dismantling of international economic, social, political and electronic boundaries while at the same time constructing a new global infrastructure. It is an extensive resource of accurate, factual information and provides the foundation for understanding the machinations of United Nations' global governance and its pervasive global authority that is regulating every aspect of our lives at the local level without our knowledge.
Also to her credit, she was one of the first to recognize that there would be a transition of power from the national government level to the international governance level through the United Nations. Another recent effort of this transition was associated with the 2008 financial crisis, which was intentionally created as a plan to dismantle the final global financial barriers. Joan covers the details in her DVDs, When Central Banks Rule the World, and 2008 Credit Crisis: The Final Transfer of America's Financial Sovereignty.
It was a privilege and a blessing to know Joan, if only for a short time. Joan had so much more she wanted to accomplish in her life on earth, but on Monday October 18th her most important work was completed when the Lord called Joan home. Now she will receive her glorious servant's crown with His words of commendation: "Well done, good and faithful Servant!"
© Dr. Stephen C. L'Hommedieu
October 23, 2010
It is with profound sorrow, yet with an everlasting joy in Christ Jesus, that we mourn the recent passing of Joan Marie Veon — a mighty servant of the Lord. Joan passed peacefully with her husband Rod at her side on Monday, October 18th, putting to rest her three year battle with cancer that she boldly fought on her own terms. She was 61.
Joan was an individual of uncompromising integrity with an unwavering faith in God and to His leading in her life. To those who knew her, she will be remembered as a most gracious lady and an incredibly devout patriot and servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. For sixteen years, Joan relentlessly carried the message of truth to preserve and defend our God-given freedom and the Constitution of our Nation against the immoral and tyrannical rule of an all-consuming world government, even so while defending her own body against the ravages of cancer.
Joan especially had a heart for the Christian community, but held great concerns over the ignorance and complacency among many Christians to the assimilation of the global agenda into this country as a result of worldly compromised Christian leadership. According to Joan, "My grave concern is that the Christian Community — at the time in history when it should "stand in the gap" — will be unwittingly processed through the Hegelian dialectic into world government without even realizing it." True enough, yet she maintained a steadfast hope that from the Christian community a remnant will hear their call to remain faithful and "stand in the gap."
There are those who would let their professional achievements overshadow the true source of their strength and abilities, but not Joan. She knew her spiritual walk with God was the most important part of her life and her source of strength and guidance for her life's work. It was at the age of thirteen when she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior, which was followed with her remarkable calling to dedicate her life to the will of God. As a testimony to the Lord's faithfulness in her life, He opened extraordinary doors for this ordinary woman of short stature to carry her to top levels of international government among the world's elite leaders; interviewing and asking key questions of presidents, kings, princes, prime ministers and heads of state. So it was that God used Joan in an incredible way, because she was willing to do it God's way.
As a credentialed international journalist, Joan was all about asking "bottom-line" questions in effort to extract the truth from those whose primary objective was to contain public disclosure of sensitive information. So much so that other journalists at these international conferences began to take notice that often when it came time for Joan's questions, interviews would abruptly end. Many journalists often commented that they were curiously aware of how she was being by-passed for questions. This was the Joan Veon strategy behind her "bottom-line" questioning: to elicit revealing statements from world leaders confirming the global agenda and to draw the attention of other international journalists to make them aware that something is very wrong.
In spite of the global agenda, Joan had an agenda of her own: it was to bring the word of God to these spiritually depraved United Nations conferences. Once she strategically placed Arabic versions of the bible throughout a conference for the attending members. She noticed some would pick them up, some would move to another seat. During breaks if they were untouched she would reposition them in hope that someone would receive the truth of the word of God. She once approached a Saudi prince with one of the bibles and asked if he would accept her gift. He accepted her gift with deep appreciation explaining that he had read the bible in English when he went to school in the United States, but he had always wanted to read it in his own language. He graciously thanked her. That was the incredible boldness of Joan Veon as she walked with God.
Joan had an incredible mind and was a powerhouse of determination. In addition to her first career as a Certified Financial Planner and the opening of Veon Financial Services, Inc. in 1986, she is also accredited with a long list of other professional accomplishments. She began her second career as a credentialed, international journalist covering over 103 United Nations and United Nations-related conferences, she was a brilliant author and lecturer, a guest speaker on hundreds of radio talk shows, the founder of The Women's International Media Group, columnist with NewsWithViews.com (see articles), and a renowned expert on environmental, social, and economic issues relating to the United Nations' global agenda and Sustainable Development.
As an astute financial expert who had studied and analyzed financial trends that eventually led to her recognizing indications of a world currency, she prayed for God to show her the truth. He answered her prayer with her first attendance to a United Nations' conference in Cairo, Egypt, in 1994, on population control. Although highly respected professionally and considered well informed on local government issues, it was at the Cairo conference where she was struck with the realization that she knew nothing about the government at the international level. Soon she discovered how Americans were being intentionally "dumbed down" so average citizens would not be in a position to understand or question international policies being imposed upon them until it was too late.
Meticulously compiling numerous details from her exhaustive research over the years, Joan masterfully laid out the global agenda behind Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 and the United Nations in two major publications.
Joan's first book, Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince, published in 1997, exposes those who have been the major powers behind the world scenes and Prince Charles' worldly philosophies and global projects. She reveals how the "signing of the United Nations' Charter is the forum that will bring America back under the control of the British Empire and into world government," and exposes Sustainable Development, the core philosophy behind the United Nations' Agenda 21 program, for what it really is: a global agenda to control the world's resources, much like communism, under the pretense of "protecting" the world's resources.
The second book, The United Nations' Global Straight Jacket, published in 1999, is a comprehensive handbook on world government. Here she helps the reader connect the dots to understand how international treaties and planned crisis events are created for the covert dismantling of international economic, social, political and electronic boundaries while at the same time constructing a new global infrastructure. It is an extensive resource of accurate, factual information and provides the foundation for understanding the machinations of United Nations' global governance and its pervasive global authority that is regulating every aspect of our lives at the local level without our knowledge.
Also to her credit, she was one of the first to recognize that there would be a transition of power from the national government level to the international governance level through the United Nations. Another recent effort of this transition was associated with the 2008 financial crisis, which was intentionally created as a plan to dismantle the final global financial barriers. Joan covers the details in her DVDs, When Central Banks Rule the World, and 2008 Credit Crisis: The Final Transfer of America's Financial Sovereignty.
It was a privilege and a blessing to know Joan, if only for a short time. Joan had so much more she wanted to accomplish in her life on earth, but on Monday October 18th her most important work was completed when the Lord called Joan home. Now she will receive her glorious servant's crown with His words of commendation: "Well done, good and faithful Servant!"
© Dr. Stephen C. L'Hommedieu
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